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Siber Medya Sonrası Kamusal Alan ve Gazetecilik Pratikleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 72, 35 - 50, 01.12.2012


Bu makalede Yeni Medya’nın bazı temel özelliklerinden bahsediliyor. Bir tanımlama denemesinden
çok yeni medyaya nasıl yaklaşılması gerektiğine dair bir dizi öneriyle birlikte
bu medya türünün diğer medya türlerinden ayrıldığı ana noktalar ve başlıca eleştiriler dile
getiriliyor. Bu önerilerin içinde yeni medyanın hâlâ gelişimini tamamlamamış bir medya
türü oluşunun vurgulanması, medya tüketicileriyle üreticilerin aynılaştığının belirtilmesi ve
yeni medya kullanımının da birtakım öğrenilme süreçlerinden geçmesi gerektiği iddiası da
var. Bu sınır belirleme denemesinden sonra medyanın ana kurucu öğelerinden biri olduğu
kamusal alan fikriyle yeni medyanın yükselişi arasında ilişkiler kuruluyor. Yurttaşların özel
alanları dışındaki konuları kamusal bir ölçekte müzakere edebildikleri bir alan olarak tahayyül
edilen kamusal alanın geç modernlik döneminde çeşitli nedenlerle işlerliğini zayıflamıştı.
Müzakere sürenin ana unsurlarından kitle medyasındaki sahiplik yapıları da bu zayıflamanın
önemli nedenlerinden biri sayılıyordu. Yeni Medya’nın bir tür teorik ve pratik kriz yaşanan
kamusal alan fikrine açılım getirebileceği bu makalenin sonraki bölümlerinde vurgulanıyor.
Öncelikle genel olarak yeni medya teknolojilerinin yurttaşların kamusal iletişime katkıda
bulunabileceği bir yapıya sahip olduğuna işaret eden literatüre bakılıyor. Daha sonra kamusal
alanın oluşumunu sağlayan ama sonraki dönemlerde etkisini kaybeden kitle medyasının ana
parçalarından olan gazetecilik üzerinde yoğunlaşılıyor. Yeni medya teknolojilerinin gazetecilik
üzerinde getireceği dönüşümler iki somut gelişme üzerinden, blog’lar ve yurttaş gazeteciliği,
işleniyor. Bu dönüşümlerin yurttaşların bizzat haber üretimine katılımıyla gazeteciliği
de zenginleştiren ve dolayısıyla kamusal iletişimi artıran bir boyutu olduğu iddiasıyla makale
sona eriyor.


  • Allan, Stuart. (1999). News culture. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Anderson, J. W. (2003). “New media, new publics: Reconfiguring the public sphere of Islam”. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 70(3):887-906.
  • Appadurai, A. (1990). “Difference and disjuncture in the global cultural economy”. Theory, Cul- ture and Society, 7(2):295-310.
  • Atton, C., and Mabweazara, H. (2011). “New media and journalism practice in Africa: An agenda for research”. Journalism, 12(6):667-673.
  • Bakardjieva, M. (2012). “Reconfiguring the mediapolis: New media and civic agency” New Me- dia and Society, 14(1):63-79.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The dialogic imagination, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist Austin: University of Texas Press
  • Barnhurst, K. G. (2011). “The new “media affect” and the crisis of representation for political communication”. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(4):573-593.
  • Benkler, Y. (2006). “Part One. The Networked Information Economy.” The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, London:Yale University Press, p. 35-133.
  • Bertelsen, D. A. (1992). “Media form and government: Democracy as an archetypal image in the electronic age” Communication Quarterly, 40(4):325-337.
  • Brunner, C., and Tally, W. (1999). The new media literacy handbook: An educator’s guide to bringing new media into the classroom. New York:Doubleday,
  • Burroughs, B. and Burroughs, W. J. (2012). The Masal Bugduv hoax: Football blogging and jour- nalistic authority. New Media & Society, 14(3):1-16
  • Calhoun, C. (1992). Habermas and the public sphere. Cambridge:The MIT Press
  • Citizen journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2005). zen_journalism. Erişim Tarihi 29.06.2012
  • Clarke, R. A., and Knake, R. K. (2010). Cyber war: The next threat to national security and what to do about it. New York:HarperCollins
  • Crosbie, V. (2002). What is new media. Online:, Eri- şim Tarihi 29.06.2012
  • Croteau, D., and Hoynes, W. (2003). Media society: Industries, images, and audiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Pr
  • Cybermedia - Wiktionary. (2009). Erişim Tarihi 12.06.2012
  • Dahlberg, L. (2001a). Extending the public sphere through cyberspace. Information, Communica- tion & Society. Taylor & Francis Ltd: London
  • Dahlberg, L. (2001b).”The Internet and Democratic Discourse: Exploring The Prospects of On- line Deliberative Forums Extending The Public Sphere”. Information, Communication & Society, 4(4):615-633.
  • Dahlberg, L., and Siapera, E. (2007). Radical democracy and the internet: Interrogating theory and Practice. Basingstone: Palgraand Macmillan
  • Dahlgren, P. (2005). “The Internet, Public Spheres, and Political Communication: Dispersion and Deliberation”. Political Communication, 22(2):147-162.
  • Downey, J., and Fenton, N. (2003). “New Media, Counter Publicity and The Public Sphere”. New Media & Society, 5(2):185-202.
  • Ecrans - La mort de JFK dans le viseur de Zapruder. (2007). JFK-dans-le-viseur-de,1957.html. Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Eickelman, D. F., and Anderson, J. W. (2003). New media in the Muslim world: The Emerging Public Sphere. Indiana:Indiana University Press
  • Erkan’s Field Diary, 2004,
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Media discourse. London:Bloomsbury Academic
  • Flew, Terry (2002). “Educational media in transition: Broadcasting, Digital Media and Lifelong Learning in The Knowledge Economy”. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(1):47-60.
  • Flew, Terry (2005). “Creative economy”. Creative industries. John Hartley (ed.) Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 344-360.
  • Flew, Terry (2005). New media: An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1987). “The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom: An Interview with Michel Foucault on January 20, 1984 in The Final Foucault: Studies on Michel Foucault’s Last Works”. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 12(2-3):112-131.
  • Foucault, M. and Hurley, R. (1990). The care of the self. London:Penguin Books
  • Giles, J. (2005). “internet encyclopaedias go head to head”. Nature, 438(7070):900-901.
  • Goldberg, G. (2011). “Rethinking The Public/Virtual Sphere: The Problem with Participation”. New Media & Society, 13(5):739-754.
  • Grossman, L. (2009). “Iran protests: Twitter, the medium of the movement”. Time Magazine, p.17.
  • Grubisich, T. (2005). “Grassroots journalism: Actual content vs. shining ideal”. Online Journa- lism Review, 6(2005):148.
  • Gupta, A. and Ferguson, J. (1997). Anthropological locations: Boundaries and grounds of a field science. California:Univ of California Pr.
  • Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a cate- gory of bourgeois society. Cambridge:The MIT Press
  • Henriksson, Teemu (2011) Citizen journalism: Al Jazeera’s key to successful reporting of Arab successful-reporting-of-arab-uprisings. Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012.
  • How Social Media is Replacing Traditional Journalism as a News ... (2012). http://socialmedia- source. Erişim Tarihi 2.06.2012
  • Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York:NYU Press
  • Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Jenkins, H., and Thorburn, D. (2004). Democracy and new media. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Dube, Jonathan (2010). “New report: internet more important than newspapers, but still not ...” but-still-not-trustworth/, Erişim Tarihi 22.06.2012
  • Kahn, R., and Kellner, D. (2004). “New media and internet activism: from the ‘Battle of Seattle’to blogging”. New Media & Society, 6(1):87-95.
  • Kellner, D. (2000) “Habermas, the Public Sphere and Democracy: A Critical Intervention” Pers- pectives on Habermas. L. E. Hahn (ed.) Chicago: Open Court. s.259-288
  • Kelty, C. M. (2008). Two bits: The cultural significance of free software. North Carolina: Duke University Press Books
  • Kidd, D. (2003). “ A new communications commons”. Cyberactivism: Online Ac- tivism in Theory and Practice. Martha MacCaughey and Michael D. Ayers (ed.) London: Routledge. pp.47-69.
  • Kim, E., and Hamilton, J. W. (2006). “Capitulation to capital? OhmyNews as alternative media”. Media, Culture & Society, 28(4): 541-560.
  • Kurban, D., and Sözeri, C. (2011). Case study report: Does media policy promote media freedom and independence? The case of Turkey. TESEV: İstanbul
  • Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., and Moon, S. (2010). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media? Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web. New York:ACM.
  • Landow, G. P. (1997). HyperText 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society Series). Maryland: Johns Hop- kins University Press.
  • Lasica, J.D. (2003) “What is Participatory Journalism?” Online Journalism Review. http://www., Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Lawson-Borders, G., and Kirk, R. (2005). “Blogs in campaign communication”. American Beha- vioral Scientist, 49(4):548-559.
  • Lévy, P. (1997) Collective Intelligence: Mankind’s Emerging World in Cyberspace. New York: Plenum Trade.
  • Lovink, G. (2002). Dark fiber: Tracking critical internet culture. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Manovich, L. (2002). “New media from Borges to HTML”. The New Media Reader, Cambridge The MIT Press, pp.13-28.
  • Marcus, G. E. (1995). “Ethnography in/of the world system: the emergence of multi-sited ethnog- raphy”. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24:95-117.
  • Matheson, D. (2004). “Weblogs and the epistemology of the news: some trends in online journa- lism”. New Media & Society, 6(4):443-468.
  • McCarthy, E. and Valerie Olson (2007) “After Writing Culture. An Interview With George Mar- cus” George-Marcus, Erişim Tarihi 24.06.2012
  • MediaShift. Your Guide to Citizen Journalism | PBS. (2008). hift/2006/09/your-guide-to-citizen-journalism270.html, Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Morozov, E. (2012). The net delusion: the dark side of internet freedom. New York: Public Affairs
  • Murthy, D. (2011). “Twitter: Microphone for the masses?”. Media, Culture & Society, 33(5): 779-789
  • Old media must embrace the amateur - (2008). ae0a-11da-8ffb-0000779e2340.html, Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005). “What is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Gene- ration of Software”., Erişim Tarihi 17.06.2012
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2002). “The virtual sphere: The internet as a public sphere”. New Media & So- ciety, 4(1):9-27.
  • Pedelty, M. (199). War stories: The culture of foreign correspondents (Vol. 35). New York: Ro- utledge.
  • Portes, A. ( 1998) “Social capital: its origins and applications in modern sociology”. Annual Re- view of Sociology, 24:1-24.
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Public Sphere and Journalism Practices After Cyber-Media

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 72, 35 - 50, 01.12.2012


This article begins with underlining essential characteristics of new media. The article
does not intend to describe what new media is. Instead it offers a series of propositions to
understand new media. Differences from the traditional media types and some of the major
critiques of new media are also outlined along with the propositions offered. A few perspectives
can be listed as such: New media is still in a process of development, not a complete
media type in itself. Consumers and producers converge in this type of media. Usage of New
media does not happen automatically but it demands some sort of learning processes. After
this attempt of boundary making for the new media, the article begins to discuss the relations
between the rising new media and public sphere whose one of the essential and founding
principles is mass media. Public sphere is imagined to be a field in which citizens can negotiate non-private issues at a public level and in the late modernity because of several reasons
the working of the idea of public sphere has radically weakened. Particularly the ownership
patterns in mass media was one of the major reasons of this weakness. In the later parts of
the article it is emphasized that new media can provide an opening to this theoretical and
practical crisis of the idea of public sphere. In order to argue this point, there is initially a
focus on a new media literature. This literature demonstrates possible support new media can
create for citizens to intervene public communications. Later, the focus shifts to journalism
which is an essential component of mass media whose weakening was one of the factors of
public sphere crisis. Transformations on journalism triggered by new media technologies are
suggested by focusing on two journalism related issues, blogging and citizen journalism. The
article concludes with the argument that journalism in enriched by integrating citizens into
the news making process through new media which in turn improves public communications.


  • Allan, Stuart. (1999). News culture. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Anderson, J. W. (2003). “New media, new publics: Reconfiguring the public sphere of Islam”. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 70(3):887-906.
  • Appadurai, A. (1990). “Difference and disjuncture in the global cultural economy”. Theory, Cul- ture and Society, 7(2):295-310.
  • Atton, C., and Mabweazara, H. (2011). “New media and journalism practice in Africa: An agenda for research”. Journalism, 12(6):667-673.
  • Bakardjieva, M. (2012). “Reconfiguring the mediapolis: New media and civic agency” New Me- dia and Society, 14(1):63-79.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The dialogic imagination, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist Austin: University of Texas Press
  • Barnhurst, K. G. (2011). “The new “media affect” and the crisis of representation for political communication”. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(4):573-593.
  • Benkler, Y. (2006). “Part One. The Networked Information Economy.” The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, London:Yale University Press, p. 35-133.
  • Bertelsen, D. A. (1992). “Media form and government: Democracy as an archetypal image in the electronic age” Communication Quarterly, 40(4):325-337.
  • Brunner, C., and Tally, W. (1999). The new media literacy handbook: An educator’s guide to bringing new media into the classroom. New York:Doubleday,
  • Burroughs, B. and Burroughs, W. J. (2012). The Masal Bugduv hoax: Football blogging and jour- nalistic authority. New Media & Society, 14(3):1-16
  • Calhoun, C. (1992). Habermas and the public sphere. Cambridge:The MIT Press
  • Citizen journalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2005). zen_journalism. Erişim Tarihi 29.06.2012
  • Clarke, R. A., and Knake, R. K. (2010). Cyber war: The next threat to national security and what to do about it. New York:HarperCollins
  • Crosbie, V. (2002). What is new media. Online:, Eri- şim Tarihi 29.06.2012
  • Croteau, D., and Hoynes, W. (2003). Media society: Industries, images, and audiences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Pr
  • Cybermedia - Wiktionary. (2009). Erişim Tarihi 12.06.2012
  • Dahlberg, L. (2001a). Extending the public sphere through cyberspace. Information, Communica- tion & Society. Taylor & Francis Ltd: London
  • Dahlberg, L. (2001b).”The Internet and Democratic Discourse: Exploring The Prospects of On- line Deliberative Forums Extending The Public Sphere”. Information, Communication & Society, 4(4):615-633.
  • Dahlberg, L., and Siapera, E. (2007). Radical democracy and the internet: Interrogating theory and Practice. Basingstone: Palgraand Macmillan
  • Dahlgren, P. (2005). “The Internet, Public Spheres, and Political Communication: Dispersion and Deliberation”. Political Communication, 22(2):147-162.
  • Downey, J., and Fenton, N. (2003). “New Media, Counter Publicity and The Public Sphere”. New Media & Society, 5(2):185-202.
  • Ecrans - La mort de JFK dans le viseur de Zapruder. (2007). JFK-dans-le-viseur-de,1957.html. Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Eickelman, D. F., and Anderson, J. W. (2003). New media in the Muslim world: The Emerging Public Sphere. Indiana:Indiana University Press
  • Erkan’s Field Diary, 2004,
  • Fairclough, N. (1995). Media discourse. London:Bloomsbury Academic
  • Flew, Terry (2002). “Educational media in transition: Broadcasting, Digital Media and Lifelong Learning in The Knowledge Economy”. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(1):47-60.
  • Flew, Terry (2005). “Creative economy”. Creative industries. John Hartley (ed.) Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 344-360.
  • Flew, Terry (2005). New media: An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1987). “The Ethic of Care for the Self as a Practice of Freedom: An Interview with Michel Foucault on January 20, 1984 in The Final Foucault: Studies on Michel Foucault’s Last Works”. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 12(2-3):112-131.
  • Foucault, M. and Hurley, R. (1990). The care of the self. London:Penguin Books
  • Giles, J. (2005). “internet encyclopaedias go head to head”. Nature, 438(7070):900-901.
  • Goldberg, G. (2011). “Rethinking The Public/Virtual Sphere: The Problem with Participation”. New Media & Society, 13(5):739-754.
  • Grossman, L. (2009). “Iran protests: Twitter, the medium of the movement”. Time Magazine, p.17.
  • Grubisich, T. (2005). “Grassroots journalism: Actual content vs. shining ideal”. Online Journa- lism Review, 6(2005):148.
  • Gupta, A. and Ferguson, J. (1997). Anthropological locations: Boundaries and grounds of a field science. California:Univ of California Pr.
  • Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a cate- gory of bourgeois society. Cambridge:The MIT Press
  • Henriksson, Teemu (2011) Citizen journalism: Al Jazeera’s key to successful reporting of Arab successful-reporting-of-arab-uprisings. Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012.
  • How Social Media is Replacing Traditional Journalism as a News ... (2012). http://socialmedia- source. Erişim Tarihi 2.06.2012
  • Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York:NYU Press
  • Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Jenkins, H., and Thorburn, D. (2004). Democracy and new media. Cambridge: The MIT Press
  • Dube, Jonathan (2010). “New report: internet more important than newspapers, but still not ...” but-still-not-trustworth/, Erişim Tarihi 22.06.2012
  • Kahn, R., and Kellner, D. (2004). “New media and internet activism: from the ‘Battle of Seattle’to blogging”. New Media & Society, 6(1):87-95.
  • Kellner, D. (2000) “Habermas, the Public Sphere and Democracy: A Critical Intervention” Pers- pectives on Habermas. L. E. Hahn (ed.) Chicago: Open Court. s.259-288
  • Kelty, C. M. (2008). Two bits: The cultural significance of free software. North Carolina: Duke University Press Books
  • Kidd, D. (2003). “ A new communications commons”. Cyberactivism: Online Ac- tivism in Theory and Practice. Martha MacCaughey and Michael D. Ayers (ed.) London: Routledge. pp.47-69.
  • Kim, E., and Hamilton, J. W. (2006). “Capitulation to capital? OhmyNews as alternative media”. Media, Culture & Society, 28(4): 541-560.
  • Kurban, D., and Sözeri, C. (2011). Case study report: Does media policy promote media freedom and independence? The case of Turkey. TESEV: İstanbul
  • Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., and Moon, S. (2010). What is Twitter, a social network or a news media? Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web. New York:ACM.
  • Landow, G. P. (1997). HyperText 2.0: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society Series). Maryland: Johns Hop- kins University Press.
  • Lasica, J.D. (2003) “What is Participatory Journalism?” Online Journalism Review. http://www., Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Lawson-Borders, G., and Kirk, R. (2005). “Blogs in campaign communication”. American Beha- vioral Scientist, 49(4):548-559.
  • Lévy, P. (1997) Collective Intelligence: Mankind’s Emerging World in Cyberspace. New York: Plenum Trade.
  • Lovink, G. (2002). Dark fiber: Tracking critical internet culture. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Manovich, L. (2002). “New media from Borges to HTML”. The New Media Reader, Cambridge The MIT Press, pp.13-28.
  • Marcus, G. E. (1995). “Ethnography in/of the world system: the emergence of multi-sited ethnog- raphy”. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24:95-117.
  • Matheson, D. (2004). “Weblogs and the epistemology of the news: some trends in online journa- lism”. New Media & Society, 6(4):443-468.
  • McCarthy, E. and Valerie Olson (2007) “After Writing Culture. An Interview With George Mar- cus” George-Marcus, Erişim Tarihi 24.06.2012
  • MediaShift. Your Guide to Citizen Journalism | PBS. (2008). hift/2006/09/your-guide-to-citizen-journalism270.html, Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012
  • Morozov, E. (2012). The net delusion: the dark side of internet freedom. New York: Public Affairs
  • Murthy, D. (2011). “Twitter: Microphone for the masses?”. Media, Culture & Society, 33(5): 779-789
  • Old media must embrace the amateur - (2008). ae0a-11da-8ffb-0000779e2340.html, Erişim Tarihi 27.06.2012.
  • O’Reilly, T. (2005). “What is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Gene- ration of Software”., Erişim Tarihi 17.06.2012
  • Papacharissi, Z. (2002). “The virtual sphere: The internet as a public sphere”. New Media & So- ciety, 4(1):9-27.
  • Pedelty, M. (199). War stories: The culture of foreign correspondents (Vol. 35). New York: Ro- utledge.
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Toplam 91 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA67AV24HE
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri - Research Articles

Erkan Saka Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 72

Kaynak Göster

APA Saka, E. (2012). Siber Medya Sonrası Kamusal Alan ve Gazetecilik Pratikleri. Folklor/Edebiyat, 18(72), 35-50.

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Alan Editörleri/ Field Editörs

Prof.Dr. Hande Birkalan-Gedik (JohannWolfgang-Goethe İ
Prof.Dr. Ali Yakıcı (Gazi Ü
Prof.Dr. Aynur Koçak (Yıldız Teknik Ü
Prof.Dr. Işıl Altun (Regensburg Üniversitesi/Kocaeli Üniversitesi-İ

Doç.Dr. Ahmet Keskin (Samsun Ü

Prof.Dr. Abdullah Uçman (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi -emekli-29 MayısÜ
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Korkmaz (Ardahan Üniversitesi-emekli-Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği -KÜNİ
Prof.Dr. Emel Kefeli (Marmara Üniversitesi-emekli-İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi-ayseemelkefeli

Prof.Dr. Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu ( İstanbul Aydın Ü
Prof.Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu (Doğu Akdeniz Ü
Prof. Dr. Şebnem Pala Güzel (Başkent Ü
Prof.Dr. Derya Atamtürk Duyar (İstanbul Ü
Prof.Dr. Meryem Bulut (Ankara Ü
Prof.Dr. Nurettin Demir (Hacettepe Ü
Prof. Dr. Aysu Erden (Maltepe Ü
Prof.Dr. Sema Aslan Demir (Hacettepe Ü