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The Impact of Earthquake Disasters on Work Life Sustainability: Reflections from Antakya

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek, 1235 - 1256, 15.12.2024


This study examines the impact of earthquakes on the sustainability of working life,
focusing on the economic survival strategies of earthquake survivors. Conducted
through qualitative research in 2024 in the Antakya district of Hatay province in
Türkiye, the study aims to understand the working conditions, daily life challenges,
and the methods employed by survivors to overcome these difficulties. Disasters
can exert adverse effects on social, economic, cultural, and political structures.
Earthquakes, in particular, cause extensive devastation resulting in substantial
losses, such as loss of life, property damage, displacement, and infrastructure
destruction. Within this context, the primary objective of this research is to
explore sustainability in work life under the conditions of earthquakes. The
research examines the financial survival strategies of earthquake survivors, their
experiences of continuity and discontinuity in their work life, their vulnerabilities
and the implications of these conditions on household relationships and future
prospects. Furthermore, the study aims to comprehend the overall experiences and
emotions associated with individuals’ work and daily life conditions. The study
reveals that social and economic security are crucial for sustaining daily life,
enhancing cultural resilience after an earthquake, and addressing the material and
emotional devastation experienced by survivors.


  • Aguirre, B. E., Dynes, R. R., Kendra, J. & Connel, R. (2005). Institutional resilience and disaster planning for new hazards: insights from hospitals. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2(2), Article 1.
  • Aldrich, D. P. (2010). The power of people: Social capital’s role in recovery from the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Natural Hazards, 56(3), 595–611.
  • Aldrich, D. P. (2012). Building resilience: Social capital in post-disaster recovery. University of Chicago Press.
  • Bacon, P. & Hobson, C. (Eds.). (2014). Human security comes home: Responding to Japan’s triple disaster. Routledge, pp. 1–22.
  • Bourdieu, P. & Wacquant, L. J. D. (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. University of Chicago Press.
  • Xu, B. & Lo, M. M. (2022). Toward a cultural sociology of disaster: Introduction. Poetics, 93, 101682.
  • Cooke, B., & Kothari, U. (Eds.). (2001). Participation: The new tyranny?. Zed Books.
  • Cosson, C. (2020). “Build back better”: Between public policy and local implementation, the challenges in Tohoku’s reconstruction. Architecture and Urban Planning, 16(1), 1–4. https://
  • Cresswell, T. (2013). Geographic thought: a critical introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Doğruel, F. (2005). Hatay’da çoketnili ortak yaşam kültürü: “İnsaniyetleri benzer...”. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Duignan, R. (2013). Has 11 March 2011 ushered in a new sense of fiscal responsibility? In D. Al-Badri and G. Berends (Eds.), After the Great East Japan Earthquake: Political and policy change in postFukushima Japan (pp. 67-88). NIAS Press. Erkan, B. B., Karancı, A. N., Kalaycıoğlu, S., Özden, A. T., Çalışkan, I., & Özakşehir, G. (2015).
  • From emergency response to recovery: Multiple impacts and lessons learned from the 2011 Van earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, 31(1), 527-540.
  • Griggs, D., Stafford-Smith, M., Gaffney, O., Rockström, J., Öhman, M. C., Shyamsundar, P. & Noble, I. (2013). Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 495(7441), 305–307. https://
  • Guo, Y. & Matsuda, T. (2023). Study on the multi-criteria location decision of wide-area distribution centers in pre-disaster: Case of an earthquake in the Kanto district of Japan. Asian Transport Studies.
  • Hewitt, K. (2016). Foreword. In E. Enarson and B. Pease (Eds.) Men, masculinities and disaster Routledge, pp. xvii-xxi.
  • Ishiwatari, M. (2020). Evolving concept of resilience: Soft measures of flood risk management in Japan. Connections QJ, 19(3), 99–107.
  • Kasapoğlu, A. (2024). Analysis of the 6 February 2023 Turkey earthquake as a challenge in disaster sociology under the guidance of Bruno Latour and Terrestrial. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(8), 6382.
  • Kendra, J. M., Clay, L. A. & Gill, K. B. (2018). Resilience and disasters: Social capital in disaster research. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner & J. E. Trainor (Eds.) Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp: 87-108.
  • Marmot, M. & Wilkinson, R. (Eds.). (2005). Social determinants of health. Oxford University Press.
  • McManus, S., Seville, E., Vargo, J. & Brunsdon, D. (2008). Facilitated process for improving organizational resilience. Natural Hazards Review, 9(2), 81–90. (ASCE)1527-6988(2008)9: 2(81)
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: a guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons. Meyer, M. A. (2018). Social capital in disaster research. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner and J. E. Trainor (Eds.), Handbook of disaster research Springer. pp: 263-288.
  • Milliyet. (7 November 2023). Konteyner kentte korkunç olay: Kayınbiraderini öldürüp eşini ağır yaraladı.
  • Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye. (2023). Deprem bölgelerinde sanayi yeniden canlanacak.
  • Murakami, M., Takebayashi, Y., Ono, K., Kubota, A. & Tsubokura, M. (2020). The decision to return home and well-being after the Fukushima disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101538.
  • Nagai, M., Hikichi, H., Shiba, K., Kondo, K., Kawachi, I. and Aida, J. (2022). Long-term trend in the association between disaster damage and happiness before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. International Journal of Public Health, 67, 1604901.
  • Narayan, D. (1999). Bonds and bridges: social capital and poverty (Policy Research Working Paper 2167). The World Bank.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2014). Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson.
  • Novikova, N., Gerster, J and Hartwig, M. G. (Eds.). (2023). Japan’s triple disaster: pursuing justice after the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accident. Routledge.
  • Official Gazette. (2023). 32364.
  • Özden, A. T. (2007). Constituting a sustainable community after disasters: The role of architect(ure). Alam Bina, 3(9), 1-17.
  • Perry, R. W., Lindell, M. K. & Tierney, K. J. (Eds.). (2001). Facing the unexpected: Disaster preparedness and response in the United States. Joseph Henry Press.
  • Pelling, M. (2003). The vulnerability of cities: natural disasters and social resilience. Earthscan Publications Ltd.
  • Pisano, U. (2012). Resilience and sustainable development: Theory of resilience, systems thinking, and adaptive governance. ESDN Quarterly Report, 26, 1-20.
  • Putnam, R. D. (1995). Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy, 6(1), 65–78.
  • Sharif, M. B. A. (2021). The impact of natural disasters on small and medium enterprises (SME) in Bangladesh. Open Access Library Journal, 8(6), 1-15.
  • Şengün, H. (2007). Afet yönetimi sistemi ve Marmara depremi sonrasında yaşanan sorunlar [Unpublished Doctoral Thesis] Ankara University.
  • Tachiya, H. (2015). Dealing with disasters of unprecedented magnitude: The local government’s tribulations and the road to reconstruction. In Agricultural and forestry reconstruction after the Great East Japan earthquake: Tsunami, radioactive, and reputational damages (pp. 3-18). The Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University.
  • Taib, Z. M. & Jaharuddin, N. S. (2019). Disaster preparedness and community resilience: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, 10(1), 171- 182.
  • Theis, T. & Tomkin, J. (2015). Sustainability: A comprehensive foundation. OpenStax CNX
  • Tierney, K. J., Lindell, M. K. & Perry, R. W. (2001). Facing the unexpected: Disaster preparedness and response in the United States. Joseph Henry Press.
  • Tierney, K. (2007). Businesses and disasters: Vulnerability, impacts, and recovery. In H. Rodriguez, E. L. Quarantelli, R. Russell and R. Dynes (Eds.) Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp. 275–296.
  • UNDRR. (2023). GAR special report 2023: Mapping resilience for the sustainable development goal. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Varol, N., & Kırıkkaya, E. B. (2017). Afetler karşısında toplum dirençliliği [Community resilience in the face of disasters]. Dirençlilik Dergisi, 1(1), 1–9.
  • Webb, G. R. (2018). The cultural turn in disaster research: Understanding resilience and vulnerability through the lens of culture. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner and J. E. Trainor (Eds.), Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp. 109–122.
  • Woolcock, M. (2001). The place of social capital in understanding social and economic outcomes. Canadian Journal of Policy Research, 2(1), 11-17.
  • Woolcock, M. & Narayan, D. (2000). Social capital: Implications for development theory, research, and policy. The World Bank Research Observer, 15(2), 225-249.
  • Yeni Şafak (6 November 2023). Fabrikalar ayakta ama göç yıkabilir: Antakya OSB’deki işletmeler düşük kapasiteyle üretime başladı.

Deprem Felaketlerinin İş Yaşamı Sürdürülebilirliği Üzerindeki Etkisi: Antakya’dan Yansımalar

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek, 1235 - 1256, 15.12.2024


Bu çalışma, depremzedelerin ekonomik hayatta kalma stratejilerine odaklanarak
depremlerin çalışma hayatının sürdürülebilirliği üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektedir.
2024 yılında Türkiye’nin Hatay ilinin Antakya ilçesinde nitel araştırma yöntemiyle
gerçekleştirilen çalışma bu kapsamda depremzedelerin çalışma koşullarını, günlük
yaşam zorluklarını ve bu zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için kullandıkları yöntemleri
anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Afetler, sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve politik yapılar
üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratabilirler. Özellikle depremler, can kaybı, mal kaybı,
yerinden edilme ve altyapı yıkımı gibi büyük kayıplara yol açarak geniş çaplı yıkımlara
neden olurlar. Bu bağlamda, araştırmanın temel amacı, deprem koşullarındaki
çalışma hayatının sürdürülebilirliğini araştırmaktır. Çalışma, depremzedelerin finansal
hayatta kalma stratejilerini, çalışma hayatlarındaki süreklilik ve kopuş deneyimlerini,
kırılganlıklarını ve bu koşulların hane içi ilişkiler ve geleceğe dair beklentiler
üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektedir. Ayrıca, çalışma, bireylerin iş ve günlük yaşam
koşullarıyla ilgili genel deneyimlerini ve duygularını anlamayı hedeflemektedir.
Çalışma, sosyal ve ekonomik güvenliğin, deprem sonrasında günlük yaşamın
sürdürülmesi, kültürel direncin güçlendirilmesi ve hayatta kalanların maddi ve
duygusal yıkımla başa çıkmasında önemli olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Research and publication ethics statement: This article constitutes an original research paper based on original data. It has neither been published previously nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The author has adhered to ethical principles and guidelines throughout the research process. Author(s) contribution rate: The contribution of first author to the article is 100%. Ethics committee approval: The study is titled “Earthquake Phenomenon and Sustainability in Business Life: Antakya Case” was evaluated by Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee and approved on 30/04/2024. Support statement (optional): No financial support was received for the study. Statement of interest: There is no conflict of interest of this article.


  • Aguirre, B. E., Dynes, R. R., Kendra, J. & Connel, R. (2005). Institutional resilience and disaster planning for new hazards: insights from hospitals. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 2(2), Article 1.
  • Aldrich, D. P. (2010). The power of people: Social capital’s role in recovery from the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Natural Hazards, 56(3), 595–611.
  • Aldrich, D. P. (2012). Building resilience: Social capital in post-disaster recovery. University of Chicago Press.
  • Bacon, P. & Hobson, C. (Eds.). (2014). Human security comes home: Responding to Japan’s triple disaster. Routledge, pp. 1–22.
  • Bourdieu, P. & Wacquant, L. J. D. (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. University of Chicago Press.
  • Xu, B. & Lo, M. M. (2022). Toward a cultural sociology of disaster: Introduction. Poetics, 93, 101682.
  • Cooke, B., & Kothari, U. (Eds.). (2001). Participation: The new tyranny?. Zed Books.
  • Cosson, C. (2020). “Build back better”: Between public policy and local implementation, the challenges in Tohoku’s reconstruction. Architecture and Urban Planning, 16(1), 1–4. https://
  • Cresswell, T. (2013). Geographic thought: a critical introduction. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Doğruel, F. (2005). Hatay’da çoketnili ortak yaşam kültürü: “İnsaniyetleri benzer...”. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Duignan, R. (2013). Has 11 March 2011 ushered in a new sense of fiscal responsibility? In D. Al-Badri and G. Berends (Eds.), After the Great East Japan Earthquake: Political and policy change in postFukushima Japan (pp. 67-88). NIAS Press. Erkan, B. B., Karancı, A. N., Kalaycıoğlu, S., Özden, A. T., Çalışkan, I., & Özakşehir, G. (2015).
  • From emergency response to recovery: Multiple impacts and lessons learned from the 2011 Van earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, 31(1), 527-540.
  • Griggs, D., Stafford-Smith, M., Gaffney, O., Rockström, J., Öhman, M. C., Shyamsundar, P. & Noble, I. (2013). Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 495(7441), 305–307. https://
  • Guo, Y. & Matsuda, T. (2023). Study on the multi-criteria location decision of wide-area distribution centers in pre-disaster: Case of an earthquake in the Kanto district of Japan. Asian Transport Studies.
  • Hewitt, K. (2016). Foreword. In E. Enarson and B. Pease (Eds.) Men, masculinities and disaster Routledge, pp. xvii-xxi.
  • Ishiwatari, M. (2020). Evolving concept of resilience: Soft measures of flood risk management in Japan. Connections QJ, 19(3), 99–107.
  • Kasapoğlu, A. (2024). Analysis of the 6 February 2023 Turkey earthquake as a challenge in disaster sociology under the guidance of Bruno Latour and Terrestrial. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(8), 6382.
  • Kendra, J. M., Clay, L. A. & Gill, K. B. (2018). Resilience and disasters: Social capital in disaster research. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner & J. E. Trainor (Eds.) Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp: 87-108.
  • Marmot, M. & Wilkinson, R. (Eds.). (2005). Social determinants of health. Oxford University Press.
  • McManus, S., Seville, E., Vargo, J. & Brunsdon, D. (2008). Facilitated process for improving organizational resilience. Natural Hazards Review, 9(2), 81–90. (ASCE)1527-6988(2008)9: 2(81)
  • Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: a guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons. Meyer, M. A. (2018). Social capital in disaster research. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner and J. E. Trainor (Eds.), Handbook of disaster research Springer. pp: 263-288.
  • Milliyet. (7 November 2023). Konteyner kentte korkunç olay: Kayınbiraderini öldürüp eşini ağır yaraladı.
  • Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye. (2023). Deprem bölgelerinde sanayi yeniden canlanacak.
  • Murakami, M., Takebayashi, Y., Ono, K., Kubota, A. & Tsubokura, M. (2020). The decision to return home and well-being after the Fukushima disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101538.
  • Nagai, M., Hikichi, H., Shiba, K., Kondo, K., Kawachi, I. and Aida, J. (2022). Long-term trend in the association between disaster damage and happiness before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake. International Journal of Public Health, 67, 1604901.
  • Narayan, D. (1999). Bonds and bridges: social capital and poverty (Policy Research Working Paper 2167). The World Bank.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2014). Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson.
  • Novikova, N., Gerster, J and Hartwig, M. G. (Eds.). (2023). Japan’s triple disaster: pursuing justice after the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accident. Routledge.
  • Official Gazette. (2023). 32364.
  • Özden, A. T. (2007). Constituting a sustainable community after disasters: The role of architect(ure). Alam Bina, 3(9), 1-17.
  • Perry, R. W., Lindell, M. K. & Tierney, K. J. (Eds.). (2001). Facing the unexpected: Disaster preparedness and response in the United States. Joseph Henry Press.
  • Pelling, M. (2003). The vulnerability of cities: natural disasters and social resilience. Earthscan Publications Ltd.
  • Pisano, U. (2012). Resilience and sustainable development: Theory of resilience, systems thinking, and adaptive governance. ESDN Quarterly Report, 26, 1-20.
  • Putnam, R. D. (1995). Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy, 6(1), 65–78.
  • Sharif, M. B. A. (2021). The impact of natural disasters on small and medium enterprises (SME) in Bangladesh. Open Access Library Journal, 8(6), 1-15.
  • Şengün, H. (2007). Afet yönetimi sistemi ve Marmara depremi sonrasında yaşanan sorunlar [Unpublished Doctoral Thesis] Ankara University.
  • Tachiya, H. (2015). Dealing with disasters of unprecedented magnitude: The local government’s tribulations and the road to reconstruction. In Agricultural and forestry reconstruction after the Great East Japan earthquake: Tsunami, radioactive, and reputational damages (pp. 3-18). The Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University.
  • Taib, Z. M. & Jaharuddin, N. S. (2019). Disaster preparedness and community resilience: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, 10(1), 171- 182.
  • Theis, T. & Tomkin, J. (2015). Sustainability: A comprehensive foundation. OpenStax CNX
  • Tierney, K. J., Lindell, M. K. & Perry, R. W. (2001). Facing the unexpected: Disaster preparedness and response in the United States. Joseph Henry Press.
  • Tierney, K. (2007). Businesses and disasters: Vulnerability, impacts, and recovery. In H. Rodriguez, E. L. Quarantelli, R. Russell and R. Dynes (Eds.) Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp. 275–296.
  • UNDRR. (2023). GAR special report 2023: Mapping resilience for the sustainable development goal. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Varol, N., & Kırıkkaya, E. B. (2017). Afetler karşısında toplum dirençliliği [Community resilience in the face of disasters]. Dirençlilik Dergisi, 1(1), 1–9.
  • Webb, G. R. (2018). The cultural turn in disaster research: Understanding resilience and vulnerability through the lens of culture. In H. Rodriguez, W. Donner and J. E. Trainor (Eds.), Handbook of disaster research. Springer, pp. 109–122.
  • Woolcock, M. (2001). The place of social capital in understanding social and economic outcomes. Canadian Journal of Policy Research, 2(1), 11-17.
  • Woolcock, M. & Narayan, D. (2000). Social capital: Implications for development theory, research, and policy. The World Bank Research Observer, 15(2), 225-249.
  • Yeni Şafak (6 November 2023). Fabrikalar ayakta ama göç yıkabilir: Antakya OSB’deki işletmeler düşük kapasiteyle üretime başladı.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sosyal Antropoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri - Research Articles

Fulya Doğruel 0000-0001-9593-740X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120 Ek

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğruel, F. (2024). The Impact of Earthquake Disasters on Work Life Sustainability: Reflections from Antakya. Folklor/Edebiyat, 30(120 Ek), 1235-1256.

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Alan Editörleri/ Field Editörs

Prof.Dr. Hande Birkalan-Gedik (JohannWolfgang-Goethe İ
Prof.Dr. Ali Yakıcı (Gazi Ü
Prof.Dr. Aynur Koçak (Yıldız Teknik Ü
Prof.Dr. Işıl Altun ( (Regensburg Üniversitesi/Kocaeli Üniversitesi-İ
Prof.Dr. Abdullah Uçman (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi -emekli-29 MayısÜ
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Korkmaz (Ardahan Üniversitesi-emekli-Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği -KÜNİ
Prof.Dr. Emel Kefeli (Marmara Üniversitesi-emekli-İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi-ayseemelkefeli

Prof.Dr. Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu ( İstanbul Aydın Ü
Prof.Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu (Doğu Akdeniz Ü
Prof. Dr. Şebnem Pala Güzel (Başkent Ü
Prof.Dr. Derya Atamtürk Duyar (İstanbul Ü
Prof.Dr. Meryem Bulut (Ankara Ü
Prof.Dr. Nurettin Demir (Hacettepe Ü
Prof. Dr. Aysu Erden (Maltepe Ü
Prof.Dr. Sema Aslan Demir (Hacettepe Ü