Türkiye'deki Dijital Gıda Pazarlarının Sosyo-Teknik Birleşiminde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve Adaleti
Yıl 2023,
, 72 - 95, 27.06.2023
Eda Acara
Geran Özdeş Çelik
Bu çalışma, Covid-19 pandemisi sırasında dijital pazarlardaki kadın emeğinin artan rolüne özellikle odaklanarak Türkiye'de gıda pazarındaki kadın üreticilerin dijitalleşmenin etkisini incelemektedir. Çalışma, kadın emeğinin değeri ile ürün fiyatları arasındaki ilişkiyi ve kadınların maruz kalabileceği çevrimiçi şiddet araştırmaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkiye'nin çeşitli bölgelerinden 10 kadın üreticiyle derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmış ve veriler MaxQDA yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Makale, kadın üreticiler için dijital pazarın zorluklarına ve potansiyel faydalarına ışık tutmakta ve cinsiyet eşitliğini teşvik eden dijital araçların tasarımının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Dijital gıda pazarlarının cinsiyetli doğasını ortaya koyan çalışma, topluluk ekonomilerini teşvik eden feminist-sosyo-teknik bir gelecek savunmaktadır. Makale, cinsiyeti bir analitik kategori olarak yerleştirir ve dijital alanın üretimini keşfetmek için Lefebvre'in mekansal üçlüsünü teorik bir lens olarak kullanır. Çalışma, kadınların dijital pazardaki görünmez ve ücretli emeğini değerlendirmek için adalet ölçeklerinin ve feminist-sosyo-teknik araçların geliştirilmesini savunmaktadır.
Bu araştırma, 2021 yılında kazanılan Sabancı Üniversitesi Şirin Tekeli ödülü tarafından desteklenmiştir. Projenin başından itibaren katkı veren Prof Dr. Ayça Kurtoğlu'na teşekkür ederiz.
- "About the Gender Pay Gap Bot." Gender Pay Gap App. Accessed April 2, 2023. https://genderpaygap.app/.
Amnesty International. N.d. "Troll Patrol Findings." Accessed April 4, 2023. https://decoders.amnesty.org/projects/troll-patrol/findings
- Anderson, James, and Patrik Sandin. "How Digital Technology Can Accelerate Food Sustainability?," World Economic Forum (2022). https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/how-digital-technology-can-accelerate-food-sustainability/
- Berndt, Christian, Norma M. Rantisi, and Jamie Peck. "M/market Frontiers," Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52, no.1 (2020):14-26.
- Broussard, Meredith. Artificial Unintelligence, How computers misunderstand the world. (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2018).
- Cahill, Damien. "Market Analysis Beyond Market Fetishism," Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52, no.1 (2019):27-45.
- Callon, Michel. Markets in the Making: Rethinking Competition, Goods and Innovation. New York: Zone Books, 2021.
- Chandrasekhar, Aruna and Daisy Dunne. "COP 27: Key Outcomes For Food, Forests, Land and Nature at The UN Climate Talks in Egypt," Carbon Brief: Clear on Climate (2022). https://www.carbonbrief.org/cop27-key-outcomes-for-food-forests-land-and-nature-at-the-un-climate-talks-in-egypt/
- Clapp, Jennifer. "Financialization, Distance and Global Food Politics," The Journal of Peasant Studies 41, no.5 (2014):797-814.
- Clapp, Jennifer, and William G. Moseley. "This Food Crisis is Different: COVID-19 and the Fragility of the Neoliberal Food Security Order," The Journal of Peasant Studies 47, no.7 (2020):1393-1417.
- Dedeoğlu, Saniye and Aslı Adar Sahankaya. "Voicing the Invisible: Women’s Home-Based Work and Labor in Istanbul’s Garment Industry," In Female Voices from the Worksite, The Impact of Hidden Bias against Working Women across the Globe, edited by M. R. Walker, 65-83. Lanham, Boulder, New York and London: Lexington Books, 2020.
- Demi̇rdöğmez, Mehmet, Nihat Gülteki̇n, and H. Yunus Taş. "Türkiye’de E-Ticaret Sektörünün Yıllara Göre Gelişimi." OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi 8, no.15 (2018):2216-2236
- Demirkol, Nuray. "Evde Üretim ve İnformel E-ticaret: Denizli Örneği." Master's Thesis, Aydın Adnan Mendered Üniversitesi, 2020.
- "Digital Development," The World Bank (N.d). Accessed October 1, 2022. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/digitaldevelopment.
- ESCAP. Social Media Based Online Businesses. Thailand: UN ESCAP, 2021.
- Fraser, Nancy. Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
- Gabriel, Iason. "Toward a Theory of Justice for Artificial Intelligence." Daedalus 151, no.2 (2022):218-232.
- Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, Jenny and Healy, Stephen. Take Back the Economy, An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2013)
- Gibson-Graham, J. K. "Being the Revolution, or, How to Live in a 'More-Than-Capitalist' World Threatened with Extinction." Rethinking Marxism 26, no.1 (2014):76-94.
- “Gig Economy Project,” Brave New Europe. April 18, 2018.
- Guthman, Julie. "Doing Justice to Bodies? Reflections on Food Justice, Race, and Biology." Antipode 46, no.5 (2014):1153-1171.
- Guyer, Jane I. "Composites, Fictions, and Risk: Toward an Ethnography of Price." In Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today, edited by Chris Hann and Keith Hart, 203-220. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Hann, Chris and Keith Hart. Economic Anthropology: History, Ethnography, Critique. Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press, 2011.
- International Labor Organization. "Küresel salgının Türkiye’de İstihdama Etkisi: COVID-19 Olmasaydı İstihdam Ne Durumda Olurdu?" Ankara: ILO Türkiye Ofisi, 2020.
- Jarosz, Lucy. "Comparing Food Security and Food Sovereignty Discourses." Dialogues in Human Geography 4, no.2 (2014):168-181.
- Lampietti, Julian, Ghada El Abed, and Kateryna Schroeder. "Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course." Dünya Bankası Haberleri, August 6th, 2020.
- Lefebvre, Henry. The Production of Space. Malden, USA: Blackwell, 1984.
- Massey, Doreen. "In What Sense a Regional Problem?" Regional Studies, 13, no.2 (1979): 233-243.
- McMichael, Phillip. "Does China's ‘Going Out’ Strategy Prefigure A New Food Regime?" The Journal of Peasant Studies 47, no.1 (2020):116-154.
- Mezzadri, Alessandra "A Value Theory of Inclusion: Informal Labour, the Homeworker, and the Social Reproduction of Value." Antipode 53, no.4 (2021):1186-1205.
- Mies, Maria and Vandana Shiva. Ecofeminism. London and New York: Zed Books, 2014.
- Moghadam, Valentine M. 2021. Covid-19 and Female Labor in the MENA Region: Middle East Institute.
- Moore, Jason. "The Rise of Cheap Nature." In Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism, edited by Jason Moore, 78-116. Oakland, CA.: Kairos PM Press, 2016.
- Noble, Safiya Umoja. The Algorithms of Oppression, How search engines reinforce racism. New York: New York University Press, 2018.
- O’Neil, Cathy. Weapons of Math Destruction. New York: Crown Publishers, 2016.
- Pavlovskaya, Marianna. “Other Transitions: Multiple Economies of Moscow Households in the 1990s.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94, no. 2 (2004): 329–51.
- Polanyi, Karl. "The Economy as Instituted Process." In Economic Anthropology: Readings in Theory and Analysis, edited by Edward E. LeClair Jr. and Harold K. Schneider, 122-143. New York and Chicago: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1968.
- Rani, Uma, Nora Gobel, and Rishabh Kumar Dhir. "Experiences of Women on Online Labour Platforms: Insights from Global Surveys." In Global Perspectives on Women, Work, and Digital Labour Platforms, edited by Oliva Blanchard, Carina Lopes and Patrick Devaney. Digital Future Society, 2022.
- Rocheleau, Dianne. "A Situated View of Feminist Political Ecology From My Networks, Roots, and Territories." In Practising Feminist Political Ecologies, Moving Beyond The ‘ Green Economy’, edited by Wendy Harcourt and Ingrid L. Nelson, 29-67. London: Zed Books, 2015.
- Rubiano Rivadeneira, N., and W. Carton. "(In)justice in Modelled Climate Futures: A Review of Integrated Assessment Modelling Critiques Through A Justice Lens." Energy Research & Social Science 92, no. 102781 (2022).
- Sadoff, Claudia and Maria Helena Semedo, "Opinion: If COP 27 Ignores Farmers, Global Food Security Will Suffer," CGIAR (2022). https://www.cgiar.org/news-events/news/opinion-if-cop-27-ignores-farmers-global-food-security-will-suffer/
- "Saudi Arabia’s Absher App: Controlling Women’s Travel While Offering Government Services: Questions and Answers." Human Rights Watch. May 6, 2019. https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/05/06/saudi-arabias-absher-app-controlling-womens-travel-while-offering-government
- Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA). A Sustainable Food System for the EU. Berlin: SAPEA., 2020. Accessed April 2, 2023.
- Scott, John Wallach. "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis." The American Historical Review 91, no.5 (1986):1053-1075.
- "The EBRD’s Digital Approach," EBRD N.d. Accessed October 1, 2022. https://www.ebrd.com/ebrd-digital-approach.html.
- Ticktin, Miriam. "Building a Feminist Commons in the Time of COVID-19." In Signs (2020). Accessed April 2, 2023. http://signsjournal.org/covid/ticktin/
- TUBİSAD, and Deloitte. Türkiye’de E-Ticaret 2019 Pazar Büyüklüğü. Istanbul: Deloitte TUSIAD, 2020.
- TUİK. "Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması." Ankara: TUİK, 2020.
- UNCTAD. Digital Economy Report. New York: UNCTAD, 2019.
- "Kadın girişimciler, Trendyol’un destek programlarıyla işini dijitalleştirerek büyütüyor," Webrazzi. June 14, 2022. https://webrazzi.com/2022/06/14/kadin-girisimciler-trendyolun-destek-programlariyla-isini-dijitallestirerek-buyutuyor/.
Gender Equity and Fairness in Socio-Technical Assemblages of Digital Food Markets in Turkey
Yıl 2023,
, 72 - 95, 27.06.2023
Eda Acara
Geran Özdeş Çelik
This study examines the impact of digitalization on women producers in the food market in Turkey, in relation to the increasing role of women's labor in digital markets during the Covid-19 pandemic. It explores the relationship between women's labor value and product prices, as well as the cyber-violence. The study used in-depth interviews with 10 female producers from various regions in Turkey and analyzed the data using MaxQDA software. The article highlights the challenges and potential benefits of the digital market for female producers and emphasizes the importance of designing digital tools that promote gender equality. The study reveals the gendered nature of digital food markets and advocates for a feminist-socio-technical future that promotes community economies. The paper situates gender as an analytical category and uses Lefebvre's spatial triad as a theoretical lens to explore the production of digital space in food markets. The study advocates for the development of justice scales and feminist-socio-technical tools to value the invisible and unpaid labor of women in the digital market.
- "About the Gender Pay Gap Bot." Gender Pay Gap App. Accessed April 2, 2023. https://genderpaygap.app/.
Amnesty International. N.d. "Troll Patrol Findings." Accessed April 4, 2023. https://decoders.amnesty.org/projects/troll-patrol/findings
- Anderson, James, and Patrik Sandin. "How Digital Technology Can Accelerate Food Sustainability?," World Economic Forum (2022). https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/how-digital-technology-can-accelerate-food-sustainability/
- Berndt, Christian, Norma M. Rantisi, and Jamie Peck. "M/market Frontiers," Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52, no.1 (2020):14-26.
- Broussard, Meredith. Artificial Unintelligence, How computers misunderstand the world. (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2018).
- Cahill, Damien. "Market Analysis Beyond Market Fetishism," Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52, no.1 (2019):27-45.
- Callon, Michel. Markets in the Making: Rethinking Competition, Goods and Innovation. New York: Zone Books, 2021.
- Chandrasekhar, Aruna and Daisy Dunne. "COP 27: Key Outcomes For Food, Forests, Land and Nature at The UN Climate Talks in Egypt," Carbon Brief: Clear on Climate (2022). https://www.carbonbrief.org/cop27-key-outcomes-for-food-forests-land-and-nature-at-the-un-climate-talks-in-egypt/
- Clapp, Jennifer. "Financialization, Distance and Global Food Politics," The Journal of Peasant Studies 41, no.5 (2014):797-814.
- Clapp, Jennifer, and William G. Moseley. "This Food Crisis is Different: COVID-19 and the Fragility of the Neoliberal Food Security Order," The Journal of Peasant Studies 47, no.7 (2020):1393-1417.
- Dedeoğlu, Saniye and Aslı Adar Sahankaya. "Voicing the Invisible: Women’s Home-Based Work and Labor in Istanbul’s Garment Industry," In Female Voices from the Worksite, The Impact of Hidden Bias against Working Women across the Globe, edited by M. R. Walker, 65-83. Lanham, Boulder, New York and London: Lexington Books, 2020.
- Demi̇rdöğmez, Mehmet, Nihat Gülteki̇n, and H. Yunus Taş. "Türkiye’de E-Ticaret Sektörünün Yıllara Göre Gelişimi." OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi 8, no.15 (2018):2216-2236
- Demirkol, Nuray. "Evde Üretim ve İnformel E-ticaret: Denizli Örneği." Master's Thesis, Aydın Adnan Mendered Üniversitesi, 2020.
- "Digital Development," The World Bank (N.d). Accessed October 1, 2022. https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/digitaldevelopment.
- ESCAP. Social Media Based Online Businesses. Thailand: UN ESCAP, 2021.
- Fraser, Nancy. Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
- Gabriel, Iason. "Toward a Theory of Justice for Artificial Intelligence." Daedalus 151, no.2 (2022):218-232.
- Gibson-Graham, J.K., Cameron, Jenny and Healy, Stephen. Take Back the Economy, An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities (Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2013)
- Gibson-Graham, J. K. "Being the Revolution, or, How to Live in a 'More-Than-Capitalist' World Threatened with Extinction." Rethinking Marxism 26, no.1 (2014):76-94.
- “Gig Economy Project,” Brave New Europe. April 18, 2018.
- Guthman, Julie. "Doing Justice to Bodies? Reflections on Food Justice, Race, and Biology." Antipode 46, no.5 (2014):1153-1171.
- Guyer, Jane I. "Composites, Fictions, and Risk: Toward an Ethnography of Price." In Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today, edited by Chris Hann and Keith Hart, 203-220. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Hann, Chris and Keith Hart. Economic Anthropology: History, Ethnography, Critique. Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press, 2011.
- International Labor Organization. "Küresel salgının Türkiye’de İstihdama Etkisi: COVID-19 Olmasaydı İstihdam Ne Durumda Olurdu?" Ankara: ILO Türkiye Ofisi, 2020.
- Jarosz, Lucy. "Comparing Food Security and Food Sovereignty Discourses." Dialogues in Human Geography 4, no.2 (2014):168-181.
- Lampietti, Julian, Ghada El Abed, and Kateryna Schroeder. "Beyond the Pandemic: Harnessing the Digital Revolution to Set Food Systems on a Better Course." Dünya Bankası Haberleri, August 6th, 2020.
- Lefebvre, Henry. The Production of Space. Malden, USA: Blackwell, 1984.
- Massey, Doreen. "In What Sense a Regional Problem?" Regional Studies, 13, no.2 (1979): 233-243.
- McMichael, Phillip. "Does China's ‘Going Out’ Strategy Prefigure A New Food Regime?" The Journal of Peasant Studies 47, no.1 (2020):116-154.
- Mezzadri, Alessandra "A Value Theory of Inclusion: Informal Labour, the Homeworker, and the Social Reproduction of Value." Antipode 53, no.4 (2021):1186-1205.
- Mies, Maria and Vandana Shiva. Ecofeminism. London and New York: Zed Books, 2014.
- Moghadam, Valentine M. 2021. Covid-19 and Female Labor in the MENA Region: Middle East Institute.
- Moore, Jason. "The Rise of Cheap Nature." In Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism, edited by Jason Moore, 78-116. Oakland, CA.: Kairos PM Press, 2016.
- Noble, Safiya Umoja. The Algorithms of Oppression, How search engines reinforce racism. New York: New York University Press, 2018.
- O’Neil, Cathy. Weapons of Math Destruction. New York: Crown Publishers, 2016.
- Pavlovskaya, Marianna. “Other Transitions: Multiple Economies of Moscow Households in the 1990s.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94, no. 2 (2004): 329–51.
- Polanyi, Karl. "The Economy as Instituted Process." In Economic Anthropology: Readings in Theory and Analysis, edited by Edward E. LeClair Jr. and Harold K. Schneider, 122-143. New York and Chicago: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc., 1968.
- Rani, Uma, Nora Gobel, and Rishabh Kumar Dhir. "Experiences of Women on Online Labour Platforms: Insights from Global Surveys." In Global Perspectives on Women, Work, and Digital Labour Platforms, edited by Oliva Blanchard, Carina Lopes and Patrick Devaney. Digital Future Society, 2022.
- Rocheleau, Dianne. "A Situated View of Feminist Political Ecology From My Networks, Roots, and Territories." In Practising Feminist Political Ecologies, Moving Beyond The ‘ Green Economy’, edited by Wendy Harcourt and Ingrid L. Nelson, 29-67. London: Zed Books, 2015.
- Rubiano Rivadeneira, N., and W. Carton. "(In)justice in Modelled Climate Futures: A Review of Integrated Assessment Modelling Critiques Through A Justice Lens." Energy Research & Social Science 92, no. 102781 (2022).
- Sadoff, Claudia and Maria Helena Semedo, "Opinion: If COP 27 Ignores Farmers, Global Food Security Will Suffer," CGIAR (2022). https://www.cgiar.org/news-events/news/opinion-if-cop-27-ignores-farmers-global-food-security-will-suffer/
- "Saudi Arabia’s Absher App: Controlling Women’s Travel While Offering Government Services: Questions and Answers." Human Rights Watch. May 6, 2019. https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/05/06/saudi-arabias-absher-app-controlling-womens-travel-while-offering-government
- Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA). A Sustainable Food System for the EU. Berlin: SAPEA., 2020. Accessed April 2, 2023.
- Scott, John Wallach. "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis." The American Historical Review 91, no.5 (1986):1053-1075.
- "The EBRD’s Digital Approach," EBRD N.d. Accessed October 1, 2022. https://www.ebrd.com/ebrd-digital-approach.html.
- Ticktin, Miriam. "Building a Feminist Commons in the Time of COVID-19." In Signs (2020). Accessed April 2, 2023. http://signsjournal.org/covid/ticktin/
- TUBİSAD, and Deloitte. Türkiye’de E-Ticaret 2019 Pazar Büyüklüğü. Istanbul: Deloitte TUSIAD, 2020.
- TUİK. "Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) Kullanım Araştırması." Ankara: TUİK, 2020.
- UNCTAD. Digital Economy Report. New York: UNCTAD, 2019.
- "Kadın girişimciler, Trendyol’un destek programlarıyla işini dijitalleştirerek büyütüyor," Webrazzi. June 14, 2022. https://webrazzi.com/2022/06/14/kadin-girisimciler-trendyolun-destek-programlariyla-isini-dijitallestirerek-buyutuyor/.