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Kesişen Kimlikler Ekseninde Bir Konum Tartışması: Bir Kadın Araştırmacının Türkiye’de Yaşayan Rus Göçmen Kadınlarla Karşılaş masından Notlar

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 11 - 26, 01.01.2017


Araştırmacıların çalışma grubu seçimi, grupla bağlantı kurma, veri toplama, veri analizi, yorumlanması ve yazımı sürecinde yaşadıkları yazıya geçmeye başladı son zamanlarda. Bu alandaki yazın, sıklıkla konumsallık tartışmaları ekseninde gelişiyor. Ben de bu tartışmalara, 2012 yılında tamamladığım “Rusya’dan Antalya’ya Ulusaşırı Göç ve Bu Göçün Sosyo-Mekânsal Sonuçları” isimli yüksek lisans tezimin ve “Rusya-Türkiye Göç Sistemi: İstanbul’da Karma Evlilikler ve Ulusaşırı Pratikler” isimli devam eden doktora tezimin saha notları üzerinden katkı sağlamayı hedefliyorum. Bu çalışmada, araştırmacı ve araştırılan arasındaki ilişkide etnisite, toplumsal cinsiyet ve sosyo-ekonomik statü kategorilerin nasıl kesiştiğini ve sürekli müzakere gerektiren bağlam bağımlı konumun, araştırma sürecine etkisini tartışıyorum


  • Angrosino, Michael. V. “Recontextualizing Observation: Ethnography, Pedagogy, and The Prospects For a Progressive Political Agenda”. Norman K. Denzin ve Yvonna S. Lincoln (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Thousand Oaks, Kaliforniya: Sage, 2005: 729-745).
  • Anthias, Floya. “Transnational Mobilities, Migration Research and Intersectionality: Towards a Translocational Frame”. Nordic Journal Of Migration Research 2,2 (2012), 102-110.
  • Appadurai, Arjun. “Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology”, Richard Fox (Ed.). Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present. (Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press, 1991: 191–210).
  • Arthur, Lore. “Insider-Outsider Perspectives in Comparative Education”. Seminar Presentation at the Research Centre for International and Comparative Studies, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, Bristol (2010)
  • Asselin, Marilyn E. “Insider Research: Issues To Consider When Doing Qualitative Research in Your Own Setting”. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 19(2), (2003). 99-103.
  • Bastia, Tanja. “Intersectionality, Migration and Development”. Progress in Development Studies, 14, (2014). 237- 248.
  • Bryman, Alan. Social Research Methods (Oxford University Press, 2001)
  • Botterill, Katherine. “’We Don’t See Things As They are, We See Things as We are’: Questioning The “Outsider” in Polish Migration Research”. FQS Forum Qualitative Social Research 16, 2 (2015).
  • Bürkner, Hans-Joachim. “Intersectionality: How Gender Studies Might Inspire The Analysis of Social Inequality among Migrants”. Population Space and Place. Özel Sayı, 18, 2 (2012), 181-195.
  • Carling, Jorgen, Bivand Erdal, Marta ve Ezzati, Rojan. “Beyond the Insider-Outsider Divide in Migration Research”. Migrat Stud, 2, 1 (2013), 36-54
  • Corbin Dwyer, Sonya ve Buckle Jennifer L. “The Space Between: On Being an Insider-Outsider in Qualitative Research”. International Journal of Quantitative Research, 8, 1 (2009).
  • Cukut Krilić, Sanja. “The Role of Ethnicity in Qualitative Migration Research”, Migracijske i Etničke Teme 27, 2 (2011), 161–175
  • De Andrade, Lelia Lomba “Negotiating from the Inside: Constructing Racial and Ethnic Identity in Qualitative Research”, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 29, 3 (2000), 268–290
  • Deniz, Ayla. Rusya’dan Antalya’ya Ulusaşırı Göç ve Bu Göçün Sosyo-Mekânsal Sonuçları. (Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2012).
  • Deppermann, Arnulf. “Interview als Text vs. Interview als Interaktion”.Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research,14, 3 (2013).
  • England, Kim. “Getting Personal: Reflexivity, Positionality and Feminist Research”. The Professional Geographer 46, 1 (1994), 80-9
  • Fay, Brian. Çağdaş Sosyal Bilimler Felsefesi: Çokkültürlü Bir Yaklaşım. (Ayrıntı Yayınları: İstanbul, 2012).
  • Glesne, Corrine. Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction ( New York: Longman, 1999).
  • Halfacree, Keith and Boyle, Paul. “The Challenge Facing Migration Research: The Case For a Biographical Approach”. Progress in Human Geography 17 (1993), 333–348.
  • Haraway, Donna. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism And The Privilege of Partial Perspective”.Feminist Studies,14, 3 (1988), 575-599.
  • Henry, Marsha Giselle. “‘Where are you Really from?’: Representation, Identity and Power in the Fieldwork Experiences of a South Asian Diasporic”, Qualitative Research, 3, 2 (2003), 229–242.
  • Holstein, James A. ve Gubrium, Jaber F. Postmodern Sensibilities. James Holstein ve Jaber F. Gubrium (Ed.),Postmodern Interviewing (Thousand Oaks, Kaliforniya: Sage, 2003: 3-19).
  • Kanuha, Valli Kalei. “Being” Native Versus “Going Native”: Conducting Social Work Research as an Insider. Social Work, 45, 5 (2000), 439-447.
  • Kofman, Eleonore, Sales, Rosemary, Phizacklea, Annie ve Raghuram, Parvati (Ed.) Gender and International Migration in Europe.(London: Routledge, 2000)
  • Körükmez, Lülüfer. “Kadın Araştırmacıların Erkek-Dominant Sahada Çalışması Mümkün mü?” Fe Dergi 8, 2 (2016), 62-72.
  • Lloyd, Betty-Ann., Ennis, Frances., ve Atkinson, Tannis. The Power of Women-Positive Literacy Work: ProgramBased Action Research. (Halifax, NS: Fernwood, 1994)
  • McHugh, Kevin “Inside, Outside, Upside Down, Backward, Forward, Round and Round: A Case for Ethnographic Studies in Migration”. Progress in Human Geography 24, 1 (2000), 71-89.
  • McNess Elizabeth, Lore Arthur ve Michael Crossley, “’Ethnographic Dazzle’ and the Construction of the ‘Other’: Revisiting Dimensions of Insider and Outsider Research for International and Comparative Education” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. (2013)
  • Merton, Robert “Insiders and Outsiders: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge”. American Journal of Sociology 78,1 (1972), 9–47.
  • Milligan, Lizzi “Insider - Outsider - Inbetweener? Researcher Positioning, Participative Methods and CrossCultural Educational Research”. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 46, 2 (2016), 235-250
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana. “Birds Of Passage Are Also Women…”, International Migration Review, 18, 4 (1984), 886– 907.
  • Nahya Nilüfer ve Rabia Harmanşah, Kendini ve Ötekini Yazmak: Alan Araştırması ve Deneyim. Etnografik Hikâyeler: Türkiye’de Alan Araştırması Deneyimleri, Ed. Rabia Harmanşah ve Z. Nilüfer Nahya (Metis Yayınları, 2016).
  • Narayan, Kim. How Native Is a “Native” Anthropologist?, American Anthropologist 95, 3, (1993), 671–686
  • ODTÜ Göç Araştırmaları Grubu: Yasemin Akis, Esra Demirkol, Meltem Hamit, Zeynep Karakılıç, Görkem Dağdelen, Nevin Şahin-Malkoç, Figen Uzar-Özdemir, Besim Can Zırh. Türkiye Göç Araştırmalarında Araştırmacı Deneyimleri: Göç Araştırmalarında Araştırmacının Konumu Üzerine Öz-Düşünümsel Bir Bakı.ş Göçler Ülkesi, Ed. Lülüfer Körükmez ve İlkay Südaş (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2015: 197-227).
  • Onaran-İncirlioğlu, Emine. Alanda Takım Çalışması: Yorumlama, Müzakere, Uzlaşma. Etnografik Hikâyeler: Türkiye’de Alan Araştırması Deneyimleri, Ed. Rabia Harmanşah ve Z. Nilüfer Nahya (Metis Yayınları, 2016).
  • Pessar, Patricia R. ve Mahler, Sarah J. “Transnational Migration: Bringing Gender in”.International Migration Review,37, 3 (2003) 812-846.
  • Ramazanoğlu, Caroline. Feminism and the Contradictions of Oppression. (Routledge, 1989).
  • Rose, Phyllis. Writing on Women: Essays in a Renaissance. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. 1985).
  • Rowling, Louise Being. “In, Being Out, Being With: Affect and The Role of The Qualitative Researcher in Loss and Grief Research”.Morality,4, 2 (1999), 167-181.
  • Ryan, Louise ve Golden, Anne. “’Tick The Box Please’: A Reflexive Approach to Doing Quantitative Social Research”.Sociology,40, 6 (2006), 1191-1200.
  • Ryan, Louise, Kofman, Eleanore ve Aaron, Pauline. “Insiders and Outsiders: Working with Peer Researchers in Researching Muslim Communities”.International Journal Of Social Research Methodology 14, 1 (2011), 49- 60.
  • Sherif, Bahira. “The Ambiguity Of Boundaries in The Fieldwork Experience: Establishing Rapport and Negotiating Insider/Outsider Status”.Qualitative Inquiry7,4 (2001), 436-447.
  • Silvey, Rachel. “Power, Difference And Mobility: Feminist Advances in Migration Studies”. Progress in Human Geography,28, 4 (2004), 490-506.
  • Südaş, İlkay. Türkiye'ye Yönelik Göçler ve Türkiye'de Yaşayan Yabancılar: Alanya Örneği. (Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2005).
  • Warren, Carol. Gender Issues in Field Research (Newbury Park, Kaliforniya: Sage, 1988).
  • Zengin, Aslı. İktidarın Mahremiyeti: İstanbul’da Hayat Kadınları, Seks İşçiliği ve Şiddet (Metis Yayınları: İstanbul, 2016)

A Position Discussion on Intersecting Identities: Notes from a Woman Researcher Meeting with Russian Migrant Women Living in Turkey

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 11 - 26, 01.01.2017


A Position Discussion on Intersecting Identities: Notes from a Woman Researcher Meeting with Russian Migrant Women Living in Turkey The experiences of the researchers in fieldwork on selection of researching groups, communication with them, data gathering, analyzing, interpretation and writing process has recently begun to put down on paper. The literature in this area is often evolving around the discussion of positionality. I would like to make contribution on these academic disputes through fieldwork notes of my master's thesis "Transnational Migration from Russia to Antalya and Socio-Spatial Consequences of This Migration" I completed in 2012 and the ongoing doctorate thesis "Russia-Turkey Migration System: Mixed Marriages and Transnational Practices in Istanbul". In this study, I discuss how ethnicity, gender and socio- economic status categorizations intersect between researcher and participant, and the context-based position that requires continuous negotiation, the effects of the research process


  • Angrosino, Michael. V. “Recontextualizing Observation: Ethnography, Pedagogy, and The Prospects For a Progressive Political Agenda”. Norman K. Denzin ve Yvonna S. Lincoln (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Thousand Oaks, Kaliforniya: Sage, 2005: 729-745).
  • Anthias, Floya. “Transnational Mobilities, Migration Research and Intersectionality: Towards a Translocational Frame”. Nordic Journal Of Migration Research 2,2 (2012), 102-110.
  • Appadurai, Arjun. “Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology”, Richard Fox (Ed.). Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present. (Santa Fe, New Mexico: School of American Research Press, 1991: 191–210).
  • Arthur, Lore. “Insider-Outsider Perspectives in Comparative Education”. Seminar Presentation at the Research Centre for International and Comparative Studies, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, Bristol (2010)
  • Asselin, Marilyn E. “Insider Research: Issues To Consider When Doing Qualitative Research in Your Own Setting”. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 19(2), (2003). 99-103.
  • Bastia, Tanja. “Intersectionality, Migration and Development”. Progress in Development Studies, 14, (2014). 237- 248.
  • Bryman, Alan. Social Research Methods (Oxford University Press, 2001)
  • Botterill, Katherine. “’We Don’t See Things As They are, We See Things as We are’: Questioning The “Outsider” in Polish Migration Research”. FQS Forum Qualitative Social Research 16, 2 (2015).
  • Bürkner, Hans-Joachim. “Intersectionality: How Gender Studies Might Inspire The Analysis of Social Inequality among Migrants”. Population Space and Place. Özel Sayı, 18, 2 (2012), 181-195.
  • Carling, Jorgen, Bivand Erdal, Marta ve Ezzati, Rojan. “Beyond the Insider-Outsider Divide in Migration Research”. Migrat Stud, 2, 1 (2013), 36-54
  • Corbin Dwyer, Sonya ve Buckle Jennifer L. “The Space Between: On Being an Insider-Outsider in Qualitative Research”. International Journal of Quantitative Research, 8, 1 (2009).
  • Cukut Krilić, Sanja. “The Role of Ethnicity in Qualitative Migration Research”, Migracijske i Etničke Teme 27, 2 (2011), 161–175
  • De Andrade, Lelia Lomba “Negotiating from the Inside: Constructing Racial and Ethnic Identity in Qualitative Research”, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 29, 3 (2000), 268–290
  • Deniz, Ayla. Rusya’dan Antalya’ya Ulusaşırı Göç ve Bu Göçün Sosyo-Mekânsal Sonuçları. (Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2012).
  • Deppermann, Arnulf. “Interview als Text vs. Interview als Interaktion”.Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research,14, 3 (2013).
  • England, Kim. “Getting Personal: Reflexivity, Positionality and Feminist Research”. The Professional Geographer 46, 1 (1994), 80-9
  • Fay, Brian. Çağdaş Sosyal Bilimler Felsefesi: Çokkültürlü Bir Yaklaşım. (Ayrıntı Yayınları: İstanbul, 2012).
  • Glesne, Corrine. Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction ( New York: Longman, 1999).
  • Halfacree, Keith and Boyle, Paul. “The Challenge Facing Migration Research: The Case For a Biographical Approach”. Progress in Human Geography 17 (1993), 333–348.
  • Haraway, Donna. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism And The Privilege of Partial Perspective”.Feminist Studies,14, 3 (1988), 575-599.
  • Henry, Marsha Giselle. “‘Where are you Really from?’: Representation, Identity and Power in the Fieldwork Experiences of a South Asian Diasporic”, Qualitative Research, 3, 2 (2003), 229–242.
  • Holstein, James A. ve Gubrium, Jaber F. Postmodern Sensibilities. James Holstein ve Jaber F. Gubrium (Ed.),Postmodern Interviewing (Thousand Oaks, Kaliforniya: Sage, 2003: 3-19).
  • Kanuha, Valli Kalei. “Being” Native Versus “Going Native”: Conducting Social Work Research as an Insider. Social Work, 45, 5 (2000), 439-447.
  • Kofman, Eleonore, Sales, Rosemary, Phizacklea, Annie ve Raghuram, Parvati (Ed.) Gender and International Migration in Europe.(London: Routledge, 2000)
  • Körükmez, Lülüfer. “Kadın Araştırmacıların Erkek-Dominant Sahada Çalışması Mümkün mü?” Fe Dergi 8, 2 (2016), 62-72.
  • Lloyd, Betty-Ann., Ennis, Frances., ve Atkinson, Tannis. The Power of Women-Positive Literacy Work: ProgramBased Action Research. (Halifax, NS: Fernwood, 1994)
  • McHugh, Kevin “Inside, Outside, Upside Down, Backward, Forward, Round and Round: A Case for Ethnographic Studies in Migration”. Progress in Human Geography 24, 1 (2000), 71-89.
  • McNess Elizabeth, Lore Arthur ve Michael Crossley, “’Ethnographic Dazzle’ and the Construction of the ‘Other’: Revisiting Dimensions of Insider and Outsider Research for International and Comparative Education” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. (2013)
  • Merton, Robert “Insiders and Outsiders: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge”. American Journal of Sociology 78,1 (1972), 9–47.
  • Milligan, Lizzi “Insider - Outsider - Inbetweener? Researcher Positioning, Participative Methods and CrossCultural Educational Research”. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 46, 2 (2016), 235-250
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana. “Birds Of Passage Are Also Women…”, International Migration Review, 18, 4 (1984), 886– 907.
  • Nahya Nilüfer ve Rabia Harmanşah, Kendini ve Ötekini Yazmak: Alan Araştırması ve Deneyim. Etnografik Hikâyeler: Türkiye’de Alan Araştırması Deneyimleri, Ed. Rabia Harmanşah ve Z. Nilüfer Nahya (Metis Yayınları, 2016).
  • Narayan, Kim. How Native Is a “Native” Anthropologist?, American Anthropologist 95, 3, (1993), 671–686
  • ODTÜ Göç Araştırmaları Grubu: Yasemin Akis, Esra Demirkol, Meltem Hamit, Zeynep Karakılıç, Görkem Dağdelen, Nevin Şahin-Malkoç, Figen Uzar-Özdemir, Besim Can Zırh. Türkiye Göç Araştırmalarında Araştırmacı Deneyimleri: Göç Araştırmalarında Araştırmacının Konumu Üzerine Öz-Düşünümsel Bir Bakı.ş Göçler Ülkesi, Ed. Lülüfer Körükmez ve İlkay Südaş (İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2015: 197-227).
  • Onaran-İncirlioğlu, Emine. Alanda Takım Çalışması: Yorumlama, Müzakere, Uzlaşma. Etnografik Hikâyeler: Türkiye’de Alan Araştırması Deneyimleri, Ed. Rabia Harmanşah ve Z. Nilüfer Nahya (Metis Yayınları, 2016).
  • Pessar, Patricia R. ve Mahler, Sarah J. “Transnational Migration: Bringing Gender in”.International Migration Review,37, 3 (2003) 812-846.
  • Ramazanoğlu, Caroline. Feminism and the Contradictions of Oppression. (Routledge, 1989).
  • Rose, Phyllis. Writing on Women: Essays in a Renaissance. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. 1985).
  • Rowling, Louise Being. “In, Being Out, Being With: Affect and The Role of The Qualitative Researcher in Loss and Grief Research”.Morality,4, 2 (1999), 167-181.
  • Ryan, Louise ve Golden, Anne. “’Tick The Box Please’: A Reflexive Approach to Doing Quantitative Social Research”.Sociology,40, 6 (2006), 1191-1200.
  • Ryan, Louise, Kofman, Eleanore ve Aaron, Pauline. “Insiders and Outsiders: Working with Peer Researchers in Researching Muslim Communities”.International Journal Of Social Research Methodology 14, 1 (2011), 49- 60.
  • Sherif, Bahira. “The Ambiguity Of Boundaries in The Fieldwork Experience: Establishing Rapport and Negotiating Insider/Outsider Status”.Qualitative Inquiry7,4 (2001), 436-447.
  • Silvey, Rachel. “Power, Difference And Mobility: Feminist Advances in Migration Studies”. Progress in Human Geography,28, 4 (2004), 490-506.
  • Südaş, İlkay. Türkiye'ye Yönelik Göçler ve Türkiye'de Yaşayan Yabancılar: Alanya Örneği. (Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2005).
  • Warren, Carol. Gender Issues in Field Research (Newbury Park, Kaliforniya: Sage, 1988).
  • Zengin, Aslı. İktidarın Mahremiyeti: İstanbul’da Hayat Kadınları, Seks İşçiliği ve Şiddet (Metis Yayınları: İstanbul, 2016)
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Research Article

Ayla Deniz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Deniz, Ayla. “Kesişen Kimlikler Ekseninde Bir Konum Tartışması: Bir Kadın Araştırmacının Türkiye’de Yaşayan Rus Göçmen Kadınlarla Karşılaş masından Notlar”. Fe Dergi 9, sy. 1 (Ocak 2017): 11-26.