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A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Analysis of Architectural Concept of Phenomenology and Space: What does Heidegger Tell Architects?

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 63, 116 - 154, 15.07.2016


Heidegger, in his text entitled Building-Dwelling-Thinking, starts a
discussion on the nature of building and inhabiting, the relations of these
actions with dasein, and the concepts of space and place in phenomenological-
hermeneutic and existentialist perspective and in architecture and
dasein in specific. In his analysis, Heidegger mentions specifically the
nature and origins of the activity of building, the connections of inhabiting
with building, and the phenomenological associations of thinking and architectural
structure with “place-space and dasein”.
Heidegger’s approach towards architecture is on the plane of phenomenology
and ontology. Heidegger, who approaches architectural and
spatial concepts differently from many theorists of his time, recommends
a return to the forgotten roots of architecture, to the praxis principles of
Greek tradition of architecture. His approach involves return to the forgotten
“vital and artistic essence” of architecture as the unity of theory and
action. This approach forms the basis of a novel approach of architecture
with additions made by Heidegger. Such concepts and theories as “existentialist
architecture, the architecture of life experiences, architectural
phenomenology, the relationality of space experience with dasein, and
phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis of this” were discussed first by
Heidegger. When Heidegger begins to consider and analyse the activities
of “building and inhabiting” in connection with the concepts of “architecture
and space”, he gets a new grasp of space and architecture in relation to
things in terms of how people gain insight into things around them. When
Heidegger begins to think about the essence of space and placing activities
depending on dasien’s being “within the world”, he encounters the basic
determiners of man’s settlement-inhabiting or lack of sense of belonging
to a place in addition to the phenomenological and existentialist elements
of place formations. Besides, traditional, rationalist and technocratic architecture
displays a nihilistic situation which shakes the faoundation of
dasien- a process created by tradition- and which also roots it out. Modern
architecture turned into a metaphysical application hindering individuals
to settle in a place and to set up vital-phenomenological ties with that
place, and even covers and hides others apart from the ones it places. Heidegger
contributes significantly to modern architecture’s getting away
from the attitudes of covering others apart from the ones it places. Besides,
man’s homelessness in ontological sense and a new possibility of comprehending
nihility of “dasein” which is an “entity leading to death” underly
Heidegger’s efforts to reach the essence of the concepts of “architecturespace-
housing and accommodation”


  • • Bryson N., (1983) Vision and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze, London, Macmillan
  • • Bachelard G.,(2014) Mekânın Poetikası, (Çev.Alp Tümertekin) İthaki, İstanbul
  • • Borradori G.,(1998) Against the Technological Interpretation of Virtulaity” AD Hypersurface Architecture, Vol. 69
  • • Borgmann A., (1992) Cosmopolitanism and Provincialism : On Heidegger Errors and Insights, Philosophy Today, Sayı 36
  • • Curbusier L.,(2003) Bir Mimarlığa Doğru, (çev. Serpil Merzi) YKY, İstanbul
  • • Conrads U.(1962) Modern Architecture in Germany, Architecturel Press, London
  • • Derrida J.,(1985) Point de Folie-Maintenant L’architecture”, AA Files 12
  • • Frampton K.(1996), On Reading Heidegger, Theorising a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of Architectural Theory (Edited by C. Nesbitt) Princeton Architecturel Press, New York
  • • Gadamer H.G.,(1998) Truth and Method, Continuum, USA
  • • Gooding, M.& j. Putnam ve T. Smith; (1997) Site Unseen:An Artist’s Book EMH, Arts,Eagle, Graphics, London
  • • Harries K., (1997) The Ethical Function of Architecture, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
  • • Harvey D.,(2003) Post Modernliğin Durumu (çev. Sungur Savran) Metis, İstanbul
  • • Heidegger M.,(1971) Building, Dwelling, Thinking & Poetry Language, Thought, içinde (Translated by A. Hofstadter) Harper, Row, New York
  • • ___________,1962) Being and Time, (Translated by J.Macquarrie- E.Robinson) Harper San Francisco
  • • __________, (1977) The Question Concerning Technology, The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, (Transleted by, W.Lovitt ) New York: Harper and Row, s.3-35
  • • ___________, (1977) Age of the World Picture, in The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays (çev.W. Lovitt) New York, Harper and Row, s.115-154,
  • • ___________,(1981) Nietzsche Vol 1, The Will to Power as Art, London, Routladge and Kegan Paul,
  • • __________, (2003) Sanat Eserinin Kökeni (Çev. Fatih Tepebaşılı) Babil Yay. İstanbul
  • • Jencks C.,(1989) “P.Eisenman: an Architectural Design İnterview, by C. Jencks,
  • • Deconstruction: Omnibus Volume (ed:a. Papadalis, New York: Academy Editions
  • • John Wilson st. C. (1995) The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture, The Uncompleted Profect Academy London
  • • Kant I.,(1965) Critique of Pure Reason (Transleted by N.K.Smith) Macmillan
  • • Karatini K.,(2006) Metafor Olarak Mimari, (çev. Barış Yıldırım) Metis İstanbul
  • • Keleş R.,(2014) Türkiye’de Kentleşme Konut ve Gecekondu, Cem yay. İstanbul
  • • Levinas E., (1996) Martin Heidegger and Ontology”, Diacritics, C. 26 – No: 1
  • • Lefebre H.(1987) The Production of Space, Blackwell Publıshers, UKUSA
  • • Lefebre H.,(2004) Rhythmanalysis, Space, Time and Everday Life, Continuum, London,
  • • Leach N.,(1997) Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory, Routladge London
  • • Lynch K.,(1960) The Image of the City, MIT Press, New York
  • • Leach N.,(1998) “The Dark Side of the Domus”, Journal of Architecture Cilt 3, Sayı 1, s.31-42
  • • Norris C.,(1996) “Jaques Derrida: İn Discussion on with Chiristopher Norris, AD, Vol. 58, ½, 1989, s.7-11; Şentürer A., “j. Derrida, Dekonstrüksiyon, ve Peter Eisenman”, Yapı, Kasım, s. 92-106
  • • Norberg Schulz, C.(1971), Existence Space and Architecture, Studio Vista, London
  • • Norberg Schulz, (1980) Genius Loci, Towards A Phenomenology of Architecture, Academy, London
  • • Ponty M.M.,(2004) The World of Perception, (transleted by O.Davis) Routledge, London.
  • • Rapoport A.(2004) , Kültür-Mimarlık-Tasarım, (çev. Selçuk Batur) Yapı yay. İstanbul
  • • Sharr A., (2004) Heidegger for Architechts, Routledge, London
  • • Schulz N., (1980) Genius Loci, Towards A Phenomenology of Architecture, Academy, London
  • • Wigler M.(1992) “J. Derrida: Invitation to a Discussion” Comombia Documents of Architecture and Theory, Vol One, s. 7-27
  • • Wilson J. C. St. (1995) The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture, The Uncompleted Profec Academy London
  • • Zumthor P.(1998), Thinking Architecture, Hardcover, Princeton Architectural Press, Usa


Yıl 2016, Sayı: 63, 116 - 154, 15.07.2016


Heidegger, “İnşa etmek, İskan etmek, Düşünmek” adlı metninde
genel olarak inşa ve iskân etmenin doğasını, bu eylemlerin dasein ile
olan ilişkisini, mekân ve yer kavramlarının fenomenolojik-hermeneutik ve
varoluşçu bir düzlemde “mimarlık ve dasein” özelinde tartışmaya açar.
Heidegger bu incelemesinde özel olarak inşa eyleminin doğası ve kökenine;
iskânın, inşa ile olan bağlantısına; düşünme ve mimari yapının, “yermekân
ve dasein” ile olan fenomenolojik ilişkisini değinir.
Heidegger’in mimarlığa yaklaşımı fenomenoloji ve ontoloji düzleminde
gerçekleşir. Çağdaşı pek çok kuramcıdan farklı bir şekilde mimarlık
ve mekân kavramlarına yaklaşan Heidegger, mimarlığın, unutulmuş olan
köklerine, Grek mimari geleneğinin “yaşamsal ve sanatsal özüne” kuram
ve eylem birliği olarak geri dönüşü içerir. Bu yaklaşım, Heidegger’in eklemeleriyle
yeni bir mimari kuramsal yaklaşımın temellerini de oluşturur.
“Varoluşçu mimari, yaşanmışlığın mimarisi, mimari fenomenoloji, mekân
deneyiminin dasein ile olan ilişkiselliği ve bunun fenomenolojik-hermeneutik
analizi” gibi kavram ve kuramsal yaklaşımlar ilk kez Heidegger’in
tartışmalarıyla başlar. Heidegger “inşa ve iskân” eylemlerini, “mimarlık
ve mekân” kavramlarıyla bağlantılı olarak ele alıp incelemeye başladığında,
insanların, çevrelerindeki şeyleri nasıl kavradıkları noktasında, şeylerle
ilişkili olarak yeni bir mekân ve mimarlık kavrayışına ulaşır. Heidegger,
dasien’ın, “dünya içinde olma” durumuna bağlı olarak mekân ve yerleştirme
eylemlerinin özünü düşünmeye başladığında karşısına “yer oluşumlarının
fenomenolojik ve varoluşçu öğeleriyle” birlikte modern insanın
yerleşme-iskân ya da kendisini bir yere ait hissedememe duygusunun temel
belirleyicileri de çıkmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra geleneksel, akılcı ve teknokratik
mimari geleneğin yarattığı süreç dasien’ın bütün “yerleşme-yerleştirme”
deneyimlerini sarsan, hatta kökenden kopartan, nihilist bir durumu
da gözler önüne sermektedir. Modern mimarlık, bireyin geleneksel olarak
bir yere yerleşmesini ve o yerle yaşamsal-fenomenolojik bağ kurmasını
engelleyen, hatta kendi yerleştirdiğinin dışındakini örten ve gizleyen metafizik
bir uygulamaya dönüşmüştür. Modern mimarlığın baskıcı ve kendi
yerleştirdiğinin dışındakini örten tavrından uzaklaşmasında Heidegger’in
önemli bir etkisi olmuştur. Ayrıca Heidegger’in “mimarlık-mekân-konut
ve barınma” kavramların özüne ulaşma çabasının altında ontolojik olarak
insanın yersiz yurtsuzluğu ve “ölüme doğru varlık” olan “dasein’ın” hiçliği
kavrayışının yeni bir imkanıyla daha karşılaşılmaktadır.


  • • Bryson N., (1983) Vision and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze, London, Macmillan
  • • Bachelard G.,(2014) Mekânın Poetikası, (Çev.Alp Tümertekin) İthaki, İstanbul
  • • Borradori G.,(1998) Against the Technological Interpretation of Virtulaity” AD Hypersurface Architecture, Vol. 69
  • • Borgmann A., (1992) Cosmopolitanism and Provincialism : On Heidegger Errors and Insights, Philosophy Today, Sayı 36
  • • Curbusier L.,(2003) Bir Mimarlığa Doğru, (çev. Serpil Merzi) YKY, İstanbul
  • • Conrads U.(1962) Modern Architecture in Germany, Architecturel Press, London
  • • Derrida J.,(1985) Point de Folie-Maintenant L’architecture”, AA Files 12
  • • Frampton K.(1996), On Reading Heidegger, Theorising a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of Architectural Theory (Edited by C. Nesbitt) Princeton Architecturel Press, New York
  • • Gadamer H.G.,(1998) Truth and Method, Continuum, USA
  • • Gooding, M.& j. Putnam ve T. Smith; (1997) Site Unseen:An Artist’s Book EMH, Arts,Eagle, Graphics, London
  • • Harries K., (1997) The Ethical Function of Architecture, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
  • • Harvey D.,(2003) Post Modernliğin Durumu (çev. Sungur Savran) Metis, İstanbul
  • • Heidegger M.,(1971) Building, Dwelling, Thinking & Poetry Language, Thought, içinde (Translated by A. Hofstadter) Harper, Row, New York
  • • ___________,1962) Being and Time, (Translated by J.Macquarrie- E.Robinson) Harper San Francisco
  • • __________, (1977) The Question Concerning Technology, The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays, (Transleted by, W.Lovitt ) New York: Harper and Row, s.3-35
  • • ___________, (1977) Age of the World Picture, in The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays (çev.W. Lovitt) New York, Harper and Row, s.115-154,
  • • ___________,(1981) Nietzsche Vol 1, The Will to Power as Art, London, Routladge and Kegan Paul,
  • • __________, (2003) Sanat Eserinin Kökeni (Çev. Fatih Tepebaşılı) Babil Yay. İstanbul
  • • Jencks C.,(1989) “P.Eisenman: an Architectural Design İnterview, by C. Jencks,
  • • Deconstruction: Omnibus Volume (ed:a. Papadalis, New York: Academy Editions
  • • John Wilson st. C. (1995) The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture, The Uncompleted Profect Academy London
  • • Kant I.,(1965) Critique of Pure Reason (Transleted by N.K.Smith) Macmillan
  • • Karatini K.,(2006) Metafor Olarak Mimari, (çev. Barış Yıldırım) Metis İstanbul
  • • Keleş R.,(2014) Türkiye’de Kentleşme Konut ve Gecekondu, Cem yay. İstanbul
  • • Levinas E., (1996) Martin Heidegger and Ontology”, Diacritics, C. 26 – No: 1
  • • Lefebre H.(1987) The Production of Space, Blackwell Publıshers, UKUSA
  • • Lefebre H.,(2004) Rhythmanalysis, Space, Time and Everday Life, Continuum, London,
  • • Leach N.,(1997) Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory, Routladge London
  • • Lynch K.,(1960) The Image of the City, MIT Press, New York
  • • Leach N.,(1998) “The Dark Side of the Domus”, Journal of Architecture Cilt 3, Sayı 1, s.31-42
  • • Norris C.,(1996) “Jaques Derrida: İn Discussion on with Chiristopher Norris, AD, Vol. 58, ½, 1989, s.7-11; Şentürer A., “j. Derrida, Dekonstrüksiyon, ve Peter Eisenman”, Yapı, Kasım, s. 92-106
  • • Norberg Schulz, C.(1971), Existence Space and Architecture, Studio Vista, London
  • • Norberg Schulz, (1980) Genius Loci, Towards A Phenomenology of Architecture, Academy, London
  • • Ponty M.M.,(2004) The World of Perception, (transleted by O.Davis) Routledge, London.
  • • Rapoport A.(2004) , Kültür-Mimarlık-Tasarım, (çev. Selçuk Batur) Yapı yay. İstanbul
  • • Sharr A., (2004) Heidegger for Architechts, Routledge, London
  • • Schulz N., (1980) Genius Loci, Towards A Phenomenology of Architecture, Academy, London
  • • Wigler M.(1992) “J. Derrida: Invitation to a Discussion” Comombia Documents of Architecture and Theory, Vol One, s. 7-27
  • • Wilson J. C. St. (1995) The Other Tradition of Modern Architecture, The Uncompleted Profec Academy London
  • • Zumthor P.(1998), Thinking Architecture, Hardcover, Princeton Architectural Press, Usa
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Emir Ülger Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 63

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