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Yıl 2018, Sayı: 67, 171 - 202, 15.07.2018


Yorum ve eleştiri ilişkisi, hermeneutiğin temel bir problemidir. Bu problem, hermeneutik
ile psikanalizin birbirlerine yaklaştığı yerdir. Burada amaçlanan, hermeneutik ile psikanaliz
arasındaki ilginin nasıl kurulduğu ve ne gibi bir öneme sahip olduğunu incelemektir.
Bu inceleme, Gadamer, Habermas, Ricoeur, Freud ve Lacan’a referanslarla yapılmaktadır.
Çünkü hermeneutik yorum sorunun eleştirel işlevi ve sınırı, Gadamer ve Habermas
tartışmasının odağıdır. Gadamer için, dilsel sınırlar içinde iş gören hermeneutiğin eleştirel
işlevi, önyargıları aydınlatmaktır. Habermas için eleştirisinin asıl işlevi, ideolojik anlam
bağlamlarından özgürleşmektir. Bu da ancak dil dışı bir alanı gerektirmektedir ve bu alan
psikanalizdir. Yorum ve eleştiriyi, anlatı kuramında yeniden ilişkilendiren Ricoeur ise anlatıyı,
öznenin dile gelmeyeni, dile getirmesi olarak belirlemektedir. Böylece hermeneutik
ile psikanalizi doğrudan ilişkilendirmektedir. Psikanalizin, hermeneutik alanın dışında
değil, bizzat içinde iç gördüğünü iddia eden Ricoeur, hermeneutik iletişimin de psikanalitik
benlik soruna dayandığını göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın son aşamasında, Ricoeur’un
iddialarından hareketle, Freud ve Lacan hermeneutik bir açıdan değerlendirilmektedir.
Böylece benlik sorunun, fenomenolojik bir keşif değil, iletişim sürecinde yerine getirilen
hermeneutik bir görev olduğu iddiasının haklılığı gösterilmektedir.


  • • Alexander, Franz,“Analysis of the Therapeutic Factors in Psychoanalytic Treatment”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.436-454, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Ast, G. A. Friedrich,Grundlinien der Grammatik, Hermeneutik und Kritik, Ed., Jos Thomman, Buchdrucker und Buchhändler, 1808.
  • • Balint, Michael,“The Final Goal of Psycho-Analytic Treatment”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.423- 435, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Bowie, Malcolm,Lacan. Çev., V. Pekel Şener, Dost Kitapevi, Ankara,2007.
  • • Dilthey, Wilhelm,Introduction to Human Sciences, Selected Works, Volume I, Çev., Michael Neville, Jeffrey Barnouw, Franz Schreiner, Rudolf A. Makkreel ve Ed., Rudolf A. Makkreel, Frithjof Rodi, Princeton, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1989.
  • • Freud, Sigmund, “Mental Qualities”, Çev., James Strachey, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.14-21, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955a.
  • • ──── “The Theory of the Instincts”, Çev., James Strachey, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.5-8, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1995b.
  • • ──── Civilization and Its Discontents, Çev., James Strachey, W.W. Norton&- Company Inc., New York, 1962.
  • • ────, Psikanalize Giriş Dersleri, Çev., Selçuk Budak. Öteki Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2006.
  • • ────,The Interpretation of Dreams. Çev., James Strachey, Basic Books, New York, 2010.
  • • Fromm, Erich, “Selfishness, Self-Love, and Self-interest”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.320-337, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Gadamer, Hans-Georg,Philosophical Hermeneutics, Çev., ve Ed., David E. Linge, University of California Press, Berkley, Los Angeles, London, 1977.
  • • ────, Truth and Method, Çev., Joel Weinsheimer ve Donald G. Marshall, The Continuum, New York, 1989.
  • • ────,Reason in the Age of Science, Çev., Frederick G. Lawrence, The MIT Press, 1998.
  • • Habermas, Jürgen,Knowledge and Human Interests, Çev., Jeremy J. Shapiro, Beacon Press, Boston, 1972.
  • • ────, Theory and Practice, Çev., Jhon Viertel, Beacon Press, Boston, 1973.
  • • ────, Communication and the Evolution of Society, Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1979.
  • • ────, The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1, Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1984.
  • • ────, The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 2. Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1987.
  • • ────,On the Logic of the Social Sciences, Çev., Shierry Weber Nicholsen ve Jerry A. Stark, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1988.
  • • ────. “A Review of Gadamer’s Truth and Method”. Çev. Fred R. Dallmayr ve Thomas McCarthy, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.213-244, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990a.
  • • ────, “Hermeneutic Claim to Universality”, Çev., Josef Bleicher, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.245-272, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990b.
  • • ────, Rasyonel Bir Topluma Doğru, Öğrenci Protestosu, Bilim ve Siyaset, Çev., Ahmet Çiğdem ve Mehmet Küçük, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara, 1992.
  • • ────, On the Pragmatics of Communication, Ed., Maeve Cooke, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998.
  • • Heidegger, Martin,Poetry, Language, Thought, Çev., Albert Hofstadter, Harper& Row Publishers, New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London, 1975.
  • • ────, On the Way to Languange, Çev., Peter D. Hertz, Harper&Row Publishers, Newy York, Cambridge, 1982.
  • • ────,Being and Time, Çev., Joan Stambaugh, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1996.
  • • Hekman, Susan, Bilgi Sosyolojisi ve Hermeneutik-Mannheim, Gadamer, Foucault ve Derrida, Çev., Hüsamettin Arslan ve Bekir Balkız, Paradigma Yayınları, İstanbul, 1999.
  • • Horney, Karen, Psikanalizde Yeni Yollar, Çev., Selçuk Budak, Öteki Yayınları, Ankara, 1999.
  • • Jung, Carl Gustav, “Dream Analysis in Its Practical Application”, An Outline ofPsychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.159- 182, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Kearney, Richard, “On the Hermeneutics of Evil”. Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, No. 2, Paul Ricoeur (AVRIL-JUIN 2006), ss. 197-215, Presses Universitaires de France, 2006.
  • • Kris, Ernst,“Ego Psychology and Interpretation In Psychoanalytic Therapy”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.77-93, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Lacan, Jacques,Psikanalizin Dört Temel Kavramı, Çev., Nilüfer Erdem, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul,2013.
  • • McCarthy, Joan,Dennett and Ricoeur on Narrative Self. Humanity Books, New York, 2007.
  • • Marshall, Donald G.,“On Dialogue, To Its Cultured Despisers”. Gadamer’s Repercussions, Reconsidering Philosophical Hermeneutics. Ed., Bruce Krajewski, ss., 123-144, University of California Press, Berkeley ve Los Angeles, 2004.
  • • Petocz. Agnes,Freud, Psychoanalysis and Symbolism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • • Rank, Otto, “The Basis of a Will Therapy”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.455-468, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Reich, Wilhelm, “On the Technique of Character-Analysis”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.25-38, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Ricoeur, Paul, The Conflict of Interpretations, Essays in Hermeneutics, Ed., Don Ihde, Çev., Kahleen McLaughlin, Robert Sweeney, Willis Domingo, Peter McCormick, Denis Savage, Charles Freilich, Northwestern Universtiy Press, Evanston, 1974.
  • • ────, Time and Narattive, Volume 1, Çev., Kathleen McLaughlin ve David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1984.
  • • ────, Time and Narattive, Volume 3, Çev., Kathleen Balamey, David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1988.
  • • ────, “Hermeneutics an the Critique of Ideology”, Çev., Jonh B. Thompson, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.298-334, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990.
  • • ────, Oneself as Another, Çev., Kathleen Blarney, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1992.
  • • ────, Conversations with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay, Çev., Kathleen Blarney, Columbia University Press, New York, 1998.
  • • ────, Memory, History, Forgetting, Çev., Kathleen Blarney ve David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 2004.
  • • ────, Yoruma Dair, Freud ve Felsefe, Çev., Necmiye Alpay, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007.
  • • Schleiermacher, Friedrich,Hermeneutic and Criticism and Other Writings. Çev., ve Ed., Andrew Bowie, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • • Simms, Karl,Paul Ricoeur, Routledge, London ve New York, 2003.
  • • Taylor, Charles, “Gadamer on the Human Sciences”, The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer, Ed., Robert J. Dostal, ss.126-142, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 2002.

Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 67, 171 - 202, 15.07.2018


The relation between interpretation and critique is a basic problem of the hermeneutics.
The hermeneutics relate to the psychoanalysis in context of this problem. This study
aims to investigate this relation and to show its importance. This purpose is realized with
references to Gadamer, Habermas, Ricoeur, Freud and Lacan. Because the focus of the
debate between Gadamer and Habermas is the critical function and limit of the hermeneutical
interpretation. According to Gadamer, the critical function of the hermeneutics
is illuminating our prejudices in linguistic limits. For Habermas, the main function of
critique is emancipating from the ideological meanings by getting out of this limits. This
can be achieved by only based on a non-linguistic field. This field is the psychoanalysis.
Ricoeur, who make a relation between interpretation and critique in his narrative theory,
determines that the narrative is the non-telling things start to talk. He makes directly
a relation between the hermeneutics and psychoanalysis in this way. Ricoeur, claiming
that the psychoanalysis is itself in hermeneutical field but not out of that, shows us that
the hermeneutical communication depends on the psychoanalytic ego problem.Freud and
Lacan have reviewed by a hermeneutical approach with references to Ricours’s claims
towards end of this study.In conclusion, this study tries to show the legitimacy of the
claims that the psychoanalytic ego problem is a hermeneutical self-one and therefore is
not a phenomenological exploration but a hermeneutical task which must be succeed in


  • • Alexander, Franz,“Analysis of the Therapeutic Factors in Psychoanalytic Treatment”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.436-454, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Ast, G. A. Friedrich,Grundlinien der Grammatik, Hermeneutik und Kritik, Ed., Jos Thomman, Buchdrucker und Buchhändler, 1808.
  • • Balint, Michael,“The Final Goal of Psycho-Analytic Treatment”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.423- 435, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Bowie, Malcolm,Lacan. Çev., V. Pekel Şener, Dost Kitapevi, Ankara,2007.
  • • Dilthey, Wilhelm,Introduction to Human Sciences, Selected Works, Volume I, Çev., Michael Neville, Jeffrey Barnouw, Franz Schreiner, Rudolf A. Makkreel ve Ed., Rudolf A. Makkreel, Frithjof Rodi, Princeton, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1989.
  • • Freud, Sigmund, “Mental Qualities”, Çev., James Strachey, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.14-21, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955a.
  • • ──── “The Theory of the Instincts”, Çev., James Strachey, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.5-8, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1995b.
  • • ──── Civilization and Its Discontents, Çev., James Strachey, W.W. Norton&- Company Inc., New York, 1962.
  • • ────, Psikanalize Giriş Dersleri, Çev., Selçuk Budak. Öteki Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2006.
  • • ────,The Interpretation of Dreams. Çev., James Strachey, Basic Books, New York, 2010.
  • • Fromm, Erich, “Selfishness, Self-Love, and Self-interest”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.320-337, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Gadamer, Hans-Georg,Philosophical Hermeneutics, Çev., ve Ed., David E. Linge, University of California Press, Berkley, Los Angeles, London, 1977.
  • • ────, Truth and Method, Çev., Joel Weinsheimer ve Donald G. Marshall, The Continuum, New York, 1989.
  • • ────,Reason in the Age of Science, Çev., Frederick G. Lawrence, The MIT Press, 1998.
  • • Habermas, Jürgen,Knowledge and Human Interests, Çev., Jeremy J. Shapiro, Beacon Press, Boston, 1972.
  • • ────, Theory and Practice, Çev., Jhon Viertel, Beacon Press, Boston, 1973.
  • • ────, Communication and the Evolution of Society, Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1979.
  • • ────, The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 1, Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1984.
  • • ────, The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 2. Çev., Thomas McCarthy, Beacon Press, Boston, 1987.
  • • ────,On the Logic of the Social Sciences, Çev., Shierry Weber Nicholsen ve Jerry A. Stark, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1988.
  • • ────. “A Review of Gadamer’s Truth and Method”. Çev. Fred R. Dallmayr ve Thomas McCarthy, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.213-244, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990a.
  • • ────, “Hermeneutic Claim to Universality”, Çev., Josef Bleicher, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.245-272, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990b.
  • • ────, Rasyonel Bir Topluma Doğru, Öğrenci Protestosu, Bilim ve Siyaset, Çev., Ahmet Çiğdem ve Mehmet Küçük, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara, 1992.
  • • ────, On the Pragmatics of Communication, Ed., Maeve Cooke, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1998.
  • • Heidegger, Martin,Poetry, Language, Thought, Çev., Albert Hofstadter, Harper& Row Publishers, New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London, 1975.
  • • ────, On the Way to Languange, Çev., Peter D. Hertz, Harper&Row Publishers, Newy York, Cambridge, 1982.
  • • ────,Being and Time, Çev., Joan Stambaugh, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1996.
  • • Hekman, Susan, Bilgi Sosyolojisi ve Hermeneutik-Mannheim, Gadamer, Foucault ve Derrida, Çev., Hüsamettin Arslan ve Bekir Balkız, Paradigma Yayınları, İstanbul, 1999.
  • • Horney, Karen, Psikanalizde Yeni Yollar, Çev., Selçuk Budak, Öteki Yayınları, Ankara, 1999.
  • • Jung, Carl Gustav, “Dream Analysis in Its Practical Application”, An Outline ofPsychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.159- 182, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Kearney, Richard, “On the Hermeneutics of Evil”. Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, No. 2, Paul Ricoeur (AVRIL-JUIN 2006), ss. 197-215, Presses Universitaires de France, 2006.
  • • Kris, Ernst,“Ego Psychology and Interpretation In Psychoanalytic Therapy”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.77-93, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Lacan, Jacques,Psikanalizin Dört Temel Kavramı, Çev., Nilüfer Erdem, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul,2013.
  • • McCarthy, Joan,Dennett and Ricoeur on Narrative Self. Humanity Books, New York, 2007.
  • • Marshall, Donald G.,“On Dialogue, To Its Cultured Despisers”. Gadamer’s Repercussions, Reconsidering Philosophical Hermeneutics. Ed., Bruce Krajewski, ss., 123-144, University of California Press, Berkeley ve Los Angeles, 2004.
  • • Petocz. Agnes,Freud, Psychoanalysis and Symbolism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • • Rank, Otto, “The Basis of a Will Therapy”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.455-468, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Reich, Wilhelm, “On the Technique of Character-Analysis”, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Ed., Clara Thompson, Milton Mazer, ve Earl Witenberg, ss.25-38, New York, The Modern Library by Random House Inc., 1955.
  • • Ricoeur, Paul, The Conflict of Interpretations, Essays in Hermeneutics, Ed., Don Ihde, Çev., Kahleen McLaughlin, Robert Sweeney, Willis Domingo, Peter McCormick, Denis Savage, Charles Freilich, Northwestern Universtiy Press, Evanston, 1974.
  • • ────, Time and Narattive, Volume 1, Çev., Kathleen McLaughlin ve David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1984.
  • • ────, Time and Narattive, Volume 3, Çev., Kathleen Balamey, David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1988.
  • • ────, “Hermeneutics an the Critique of Ideology”, Çev., Jonh B. Thompson, The Hermeneutic Tradition, From Ast to Ricoeur, Ed., Gayle L. Ormiston ve Alan D. Schrift, ss.298-334, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1990.
  • • ────, Oneself as Another, Çev., Kathleen Blarney, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 1992.
  • • ────, Conversations with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay, Çev., Kathleen Blarney, Columbia University Press, New York, 1998.
  • • ────, Memory, History, Forgetting, Çev., Kathleen Blarney ve David Pellauer, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago ve London, 2004.
  • • ────, Yoruma Dair, Freud ve Felsefe, Çev., Necmiye Alpay, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul, 2007.
  • • Schleiermacher, Friedrich,Hermeneutic and Criticism and Other Writings. Çev., ve Ed., Andrew Bowie, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  • • Simms, Karl,Paul Ricoeur, Routledge, London ve New York, 2003.
  • • Taylor, Charles, “Gadamer on the Human Sciences”, The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer, Ed., Robert J. Dostal, ss.126-142, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 2002.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Erdal İşbir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 67

Kaynak Göster

APA İşbir, E. (2018). HERMENEUTIK VE PSIKANALIZ. Felsefe Dünyası(67), 171-202.

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