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Yıl 2022, , 849 - 860, 31.12.2022


Dikey bütünleşme, örgütün yapısına dair verilen önemli stratejik kararlardan biridir. Örgüt teorisi alanında, kritik karar vericilerin dikey bütünleşme ya da bütünleşmeme kararına etki eden en önemli çevresel değişkenlerden biri belirsizlik olagelmiştir. İşlem Maliyeti Teorisi’nde; yüksek düzeyde belirsizlik, yüksek işlem maliyeti getireceği için, bu faaliyetin örgüt içine taşınması önerilmektedir. Reel Opsiyonlar Teorisi ise dikey bütünleşmeye bir opsiyon mantığı ile yaklaşmaktadır. Yüksek düzeyde çevresel belirsizlik durumlarında yatırımın sonuçlarını görerek ilerlemeyi, dolayısıyla beklemenin ya da kademeli bütünleşmenin daha uygun olacağını belirtmektedir.
Dikey bütünleşmenin öncülü olarak belirsizliği ele alan en önemli örgüt teorilerinden bir diğeri de Kaynak Bağımlılığı Teorisi (KBT)’dir. Ancak teoride, belirsizliğin ne şekilde ele alındığı ve bağımlılık ve dikey bütünleşme ile ilişkisi net şekilde ortaya konmadığı için, belirsizlik yapısı es geçilmiş ve bağımlılık-dikey bütünleşme ilişkisi daha fazla araştırmaya konu olmuştur. Bu makalenin amacı; belirsizlik yapısının öğelerini tespit etmek ve bu öğeler bağlamında Kaynak Bağımlılığı Teorisi’nin belirsizliği nasıl ele aldığını ortaya koyarak, bu alanda çalışma yapacak araştırmacıların teoriyi önceliklendirmelerine yardımcı olmaktır.


  • ALDRICH, H.E ve PFEFFER, J. (1976). Environments of Organizations. Annual Review of Sociology. 2. 79-105.
  • BARNARD, C.I. (1938). The Functions of Executive. Harvard University Press. Boston:USA.
  • BECKMAN, C.M., HAUNSCHILD, P.R. ve PHILIPS, D.J. (2004). Friends and Strangers? Firm Specific Uncertainty, Market Uncertainty and Network Partner Selection. Organization Science. 15.3. 259-275
  • BERNHARDT, I. ve MCKENZIE, K.D. (1968). Measuring Seller Unconcentration, Segmentation and Product Differentiation. Western Economic Journal. 6.5. 395-403.
  • BLAU, P.M. (1964). Exchange and Social Power in Life. John-Walley Press. NewYork: USA
  • BOYD, B.K. ve DESS, G.G. ve RASHEED, A.M.A. (1993). Divergence Between Archival and Perceptual Measures of The Environment: Cause and Consequences. Academy of Management Review. 18.2. 204-226.
  • BUCHANAN, L. ve O’CONNEL, A. (2006). A Brief History of Decision Making. Harvard Business Review. 2006 Ocak. 33-41.
  • CYERT, R.M. ve MARCH, J.G. (1992). The Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Blackwell Publishers. USA. 2. Basım.
  • CLEGG, S.R. ve Rura-Polley, T. (1998). Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1946-) and Gerald R. Salancik (1943-96). Warner, M. (Ed.). The IEBM Handbook of Management Thinking içinde. London. pp:537-543.
  • DAFT, R.L. (2000). Management. Dryden Press: USA. 5. Basım
  • DAVIS, G.F. ve COBB, J.A. (2015) Chapter 2 Resource Dependence Theory: Past and Future. C.B. Schoonhoven ve F. Dobbin (Ed). Sandford’s Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000 içinde. Online Basım: 09 Mar 2015. pp. 21-42.
  • DESS, G.G. ve BEARD, D.W. (1984). Dimensions of Organizational Task Environment. Administrative Science Quarterly. 29.1. 52-73.
  • DREES, J.M. ve HEUGENS, P.M.A.R. (2013). Synthesizing and Extending Resource Dependence Theory: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Management. 39.6. 1666-1698.
  • DUNCAN, R. (1972). Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. Administrative Science Quarterly. 17.3. 313-327.
  • EMERSON, R.M. (1962). Power-Dependence Relations. American Sociological Review. 27.1. 31-41.
  • HILLMAN, A.J., WITHERS, M.C. ve COLLINS, B.J. (2009). Resource Dependence Theory: A Review. Journal of Management. 35.6. 1404-1427.
  • KLEIN, B., CRAWFORD, R.G. ve ALCHIAN, A.A. (1978). Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process. Journal of Law and Economics. 21.2. 297-326
  • KRICKX, G.A. (2000). The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Vertical Integration. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 8.3. 309-330.
  • LAWRANCE, P.R. ve LORSCH, J.W. (1967). Organization and Environment. Harvard University Press. Boston:USA.
  • LUEG, R. ve BORISOV, B.G. (2014). Archival of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty? Conceptualization and New Empirical Evidence. European Management Journal. 32.4. 658-671.
  • MARCH, J.G. ve SIMON, H. (1958). Organizations. John Wiley and Sons. New York.
  • MILLER, K.D. (1992). A Framework for Integrated Risk Management In International Business. Journal of International Business Studies. 23.2. 311-331.
  • MILLIKEN, F.J. (1987). Three Types of Perceived Uncertainty About Environment: State, Effect and Response Uncertainty. Academy of Management Review. 12.1. 133-143.
  • MORINO, L.P.K. (2002). Analyzing the Historical Development of The Environmental Uncertainty Construct. Management Decision. 40.9. 895-905.
  • NIENHÜSER, W. (2008). Resource Dependence Theory: How Well Does it Explain Behavior of Organization. Management Revue. 19.1+2. 9-32.
  • OLIVER, C. (1997). The Influence of Instutional and Task Environment Relationships on Organizational Performance: The Canadian Construction Industry. Journal of Management Studies. 34.1. 99-123.
  • ÖZER, M.A. (2016). Herbert Simon’un Yönetim Bilimine Katkıları Üzerine Değerlendirmeler. Emek ve Toplum. 5.5. 161-185.
  • PFEFFER, J. ve LEBLEBICI, H. (1977). Information Technology and Organization Structure. Sociological Perspectives. 20.2. 241-253.
  • PFEFFER, J. ve SALANCIK, G. (2003). The External Control of Organizations: Resource Dependence Perspective. Standford University Press. California. 10.Basım.
  • ROSSIGNOLI, C. ve RICCIARDI, F. (2015). Inter-Organizational Relationship. Springer International Publishing. Switzerland.
  • SAWYERR, O.O (1993). Environmental Uncertainty and Environmental Scanning Activities of Nigerian Manufacturing Executives: A Comparative Analysis. Strategic Management Journal. 14.4. 287-299.
  • SIMON, H.A. (1976). Administrative Behavior. The Free Press. New York
  • STARBUCK, W. H. (1976). Organizations and Environments. Dunnette, M.H. (Ed) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology içinde. Rund McNally:Chicago. 1069-1123.
  • SUTCLIFFE, K.M. ve ZAHEER, A. (1998). Uncertainty in Transaction Cost Environment: an Empirical Test. Strategic Management Journal. 19.1. 1-23.
  • SUTTON, T., DEVINE, R.A., LAMONT, B.T., HOLMES, R.M. (2021). Resource Dependence, Uncertainty, And The Allocation Of Corporate Political Activity Across Multiple Jurisdictions. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 64-1. 38-62.
  • TOZLU, A. (2016). Karar Verme Yaklaşımları Üzerinde Herbert Simon Hegemonyası. Sayıştay Dergisi. 102 Temmuz-Eylül. 27-45.
  • THOMPSON, J.D. (1967). Organization in Action. McGraw Hill Press. NewYork:USA
  • TRIGEORGIS, L. ve REURER, J.J. (2016). Real Options Theory in Strategic Management. strategic Management Journal. 38.1. 42-63
  • ÜSDIKEN, B. (2010). Çevresel Baskı ve Talepler Karşısında Örgütler: Kaynak Bağımlılığı Yaklaşımı. A.S. Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Ed.). Örgüt Kuramları içinde. İmge Kitapevi. s. 77-132
  • WEICK, K.E. (1969). The Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley. 1. Basım.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1981). The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach. American Journal of Sociology. 87.3. 548-577
  • WRY, T., COBB, J.A. ve ALDRICH, H.E. (2013). More Than a Metaphor: Assessing the Historical Legacy of Resource Dependence and its Contemporary Promise as a Theory of Environmental Complexity. The Academy of Management Annals. 7.1. 439-486.
  • YASAI-ARDEKANI, M. (1989). Effects of Environmental Scarcity and Munificence on the Relationship of Context to Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Journal. 32.1. 132-156.


Yıl 2022, , 849 - 860, 31.12.2022


Vertical integration is one of the most important decisions on organization structure. In the field of organization theory, the concept of uncertainty has been one of the most-used variable which effects the vertical integration or non-integration decisions of critical decision-makers. In Transaction Cost Theory, it is suggested that, because the high level of environmental uncertainty will increase transaction costs, that activity should be implemented in-house. However, Reel Options Theory sees the vertical integration strategy as an option. It suggests that in the high level of environmental uncertainty conditions, it is better to see the results of action first and then based on these results, that activity can be included partially.
Of the most important organization theories, Resource Dependency Theory (RDT), discusses uncertainty as an antecedent of vertical integration decisions. Because the definition and context of uncertainty and its relationship with dependency and vertical integration is not clearly defined in the theory, in most research, uncertainty construct has been skipped and the relationship between dependency and vertical integration has been discussed. The aims of this article are to identify the components of uncertainty construct and help the scholars in prioritizing the theory by putting forward how and in which context the RDT theory has considered the uncertainty.


  • ALDRICH, H.E ve PFEFFER, J. (1976). Environments of Organizations. Annual Review of Sociology. 2. 79-105.
  • BARNARD, C.I. (1938). The Functions of Executive. Harvard University Press. Boston:USA.
  • BECKMAN, C.M., HAUNSCHILD, P.R. ve PHILIPS, D.J. (2004). Friends and Strangers? Firm Specific Uncertainty, Market Uncertainty and Network Partner Selection. Organization Science. 15.3. 259-275
  • BERNHARDT, I. ve MCKENZIE, K.D. (1968). Measuring Seller Unconcentration, Segmentation and Product Differentiation. Western Economic Journal. 6.5. 395-403.
  • BLAU, P.M. (1964). Exchange and Social Power in Life. John-Walley Press. NewYork: USA
  • BOYD, B.K. ve DESS, G.G. ve RASHEED, A.M.A. (1993). Divergence Between Archival and Perceptual Measures of The Environment: Cause and Consequences. Academy of Management Review. 18.2. 204-226.
  • BUCHANAN, L. ve O’CONNEL, A. (2006). A Brief History of Decision Making. Harvard Business Review. 2006 Ocak. 33-41.
  • CYERT, R.M. ve MARCH, J.G. (1992). The Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Blackwell Publishers. USA. 2. Basım.
  • CLEGG, S.R. ve Rura-Polley, T. (1998). Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1946-) and Gerald R. Salancik (1943-96). Warner, M. (Ed.). The IEBM Handbook of Management Thinking içinde. London. pp:537-543.
  • DAFT, R.L. (2000). Management. Dryden Press: USA. 5. Basım
  • DAVIS, G.F. ve COBB, J.A. (2015) Chapter 2 Resource Dependence Theory: Past and Future. C.B. Schoonhoven ve F. Dobbin (Ed). Sandford’s Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000 içinde. Online Basım: 09 Mar 2015. pp. 21-42.
  • DESS, G.G. ve BEARD, D.W. (1984). Dimensions of Organizational Task Environment. Administrative Science Quarterly. 29.1. 52-73.
  • DREES, J.M. ve HEUGENS, P.M.A.R. (2013). Synthesizing and Extending Resource Dependence Theory: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Management. 39.6. 1666-1698.
  • DUNCAN, R. (1972). Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. Administrative Science Quarterly. 17.3. 313-327.
  • EMERSON, R.M. (1962). Power-Dependence Relations. American Sociological Review. 27.1. 31-41.
  • HILLMAN, A.J., WITHERS, M.C. ve COLLINS, B.J. (2009). Resource Dependence Theory: A Review. Journal of Management. 35.6. 1404-1427.
  • KLEIN, B., CRAWFORD, R.G. ve ALCHIAN, A.A. (1978). Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process. Journal of Law and Economics. 21.2. 297-326
  • KRICKX, G.A. (2000). The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Vertical Integration. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 8.3. 309-330.
  • LAWRANCE, P.R. ve LORSCH, J.W. (1967). Organization and Environment. Harvard University Press. Boston:USA.
  • LUEG, R. ve BORISOV, B.G. (2014). Archival of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty? Conceptualization and New Empirical Evidence. European Management Journal. 32.4. 658-671.
  • MARCH, J.G. ve SIMON, H. (1958). Organizations. John Wiley and Sons. New York.
  • MILLER, K.D. (1992). A Framework for Integrated Risk Management In International Business. Journal of International Business Studies. 23.2. 311-331.
  • MILLIKEN, F.J. (1987). Three Types of Perceived Uncertainty About Environment: State, Effect and Response Uncertainty. Academy of Management Review. 12.1. 133-143.
  • MORINO, L.P.K. (2002). Analyzing the Historical Development of The Environmental Uncertainty Construct. Management Decision. 40.9. 895-905.
  • NIENHÜSER, W. (2008). Resource Dependence Theory: How Well Does it Explain Behavior of Organization. Management Revue. 19.1+2. 9-32.
  • OLIVER, C. (1997). The Influence of Instutional and Task Environment Relationships on Organizational Performance: The Canadian Construction Industry. Journal of Management Studies. 34.1. 99-123.
  • ÖZER, M.A. (2016). Herbert Simon’un Yönetim Bilimine Katkıları Üzerine Değerlendirmeler. Emek ve Toplum. 5.5. 161-185.
  • PFEFFER, J. ve LEBLEBICI, H. (1977). Information Technology and Organization Structure. Sociological Perspectives. 20.2. 241-253.
  • PFEFFER, J. ve SALANCIK, G. (2003). The External Control of Organizations: Resource Dependence Perspective. Standford University Press. California. 10.Basım.
  • ROSSIGNOLI, C. ve RICCIARDI, F. (2015). Inter-Organizational Relationship. Springer International Publishing. Switzerland.
  • SAWYERR, O.O (1993). Environmental Uncertainty and Environmental Scanning Activities of Nigerian Manufacturing Executives: A Comparative Analysis. Strategic Management Journal. 14.4. 287-299.
  • SIMON, H.A. (1976). Administrative Behavior. The Free Press. New York
  • STARBUCK, W. H. (1976). Organizations and Environments. Dunnette, M.H. (Ed) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology içinde. Rund McNally:Chicago. 1069-1123.
  • SUTCLIFFE, K.M. ve ZAHEER, A. (1998). Uncertainty in Transaction Cost Environment: an Empirical Test. Strategic Management Journal. 19.1. 1-23.
  • SUTTON, T., DEVINE, R.A., LAMONT, B.T., HOLMES, R.M. (2021). Resource Dependence, Uncertainty, And The Allocation Of Corporate Political Activity Across Multiple Jurisdictions. Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 64-1. 38-62.
  • TOZLU, A. (2016). Karar Verme Yaklaşımları Üzerinde Herbert Simon Hegemonyası. Sayıştay Dergisi. 102 Temmuz-Eylül. 27-45.
  • THOMPSON, J.D. (1967). Organization in Action. McGraw Hill Press. NewYork:USA
  • TRIGEORGIS, L. ve REURER, J.J. (2016). Real Options Theory in Strategic Management. strategic Management Journal. 38.1. 42-63
  • ÜSDIKEN, B. (2010). Çevresel Baskı ve Talepler Karşısında Örgütler: Kaynak Bağımlılığı Yaklaşımı. A.S. Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Ed.). Örgüt Kuramları içinde. İmge Kitapevi. s. 77-132
  • WEICK, K.E. (1969). The Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, MA: Addison- Wesley. 1. Basım.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1981). The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach. American Journal of Sociology. 87.3. 548-577
  • WRY, T., COBB, J.A. ve ALDRICH, H.E. (2013). More Than a Metaphor: Assessing the Historical Legacy of Resource Dependence and its Contemporary Promise as a Theory of Environmental Complexity. The Academy of Management Annals. 7.1. 439-486.
  • YASAI-ARDEKANI, M. (1989). Effects of Environmental Scarcity and Munificence on the Relationship of Context to Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Journal. 32.1. 132-156.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Deniz Elber Börü 0000-0002-3916-9765

Kürşat Fatih Masatçı 0000-0003-2706-3979

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2022
Kabul Tarihi 21 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster