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İşsizlik, Kamu Harcamaları ve İç Göçler Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 205 - 219, 01.07.2017


Bu çalışmada işsizlik, kamu harcamaları ve iç göçler arasındaki kısa ve uzun dönem nedensellik ilişkileri Türkiye özelinde incelenmektedir. Bu doğrultuda 2008 ile 2015 yıllarını kapsayan dönem esas alınarak 81 İl'e ilişkin veri seti oluşturulmuştur. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler panel vektör hata düzeltme modelleri aracılığıyla sınanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar, üç değişkenin de gerek kısa gerekse uzun dönemde birbirleriyle etkileşim içerisinde olduğunu göstermiştir. İllerin aldığı göç ve işsizlik oranı değişkenlerinden kamu harcamalarına doğru hem kısa hem de uzun dönemde tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi vardır. Yine kısa dönemde alınan göç ve kamu harcamaları arasında çift yönlü, kamu harcamalarından verilen göçe doğru ise tek yönlü bir ilişki söz konusudur. Bu bulgular, bölgesel dengesizliklerin hem nedeni hem de sonucu olan işsizlik ve göç sarmalı ile maliye politikasının en önemli araçlarından biri niteliğindeki kamu harcamaları arasında çok yönlü ve girift bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Abrams, Burton A. (1999), “The Effect of Government Size on the Unemployment”, Public Choice, Volume: 99, p.395-401.
  • Alesina, Alberto ve Roberto Perotti (1997), “The Welfare State and Competiveness”, American Economic Review, Volume: 87, Issue: 5, p. 921-939.
  • Alesina, Alberto, Reza Baqir ve William Easterly (1999), “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, p.1243-1284.
  • Alesina, Alesina ve Edward Glaeser, (2004), Fighting Poverty in the U.S. and in Europe: A World of Difference, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Algan, Yann, Pierre Cahuc ve Andr Zylberberg (2002), “Public Employment and Labour Market Performance”, Economic Policy, Volume: 17, Issue: 34, p.7-66.
  • Aslan, Alper ve Kula, Ferit (2010), “Kamu Sektör Büyüklüğü-İşsizlik İlişkisi: Abrams Eğrisi’nin Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Testi”, Maliye Dergisi, 159, 155-166.
  • Ay, Sema (2012), “Türkiye’de İşsizliğin Nedenleri: İstihdam Politikaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, Cilt: 19, Sayı: 2, s. 321-341.
  • Aydemir, Cahit. (2013), “Türkiye’de İşgücü Yapısı, İşsizlik ve Kırsal Alan”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 27, Sayı: 1, p.115-138.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third edition, Chichester: Wiley.
  • Barbanchon, Thomas Le (2016), “The Effect of The Potential Duration of unemployment benefits on unemployment exits to work and Match Quality in France”, Labor Economics, Volume: 42, p.16-29.
  • Biçerli, Mustafa Kemal (2004), İşsizlikle Mücadelede Aktif İstihdam Politikaları, T.C.Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
  • Blau, Francine D. ve Lawrence M. Kahn (1996), “International Differences in Male Wage İnequality: Institutions versus Market Forces”. Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 104, p.791-837.
  • Boldrin, Michele ve Ana Montes (2015), “Modeling an Immigration Shock”, European Economic Review, Volume: 74, p.190-206.
  • Borjas, George J. (2001). “Does Immigration Grease The Wheels of The Labor Market?” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Issue: 1, p.69-134.
  • Borjas, George J. (2009), The Analytics of The Wage Effect of Immigration, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 14796.
  • Böheim, René ve Karin Mary (2005). Immigration and Public Spending, IZA Discussion Paper No, 1834.
  • Caponi, Vincenzo (2016), “Public Employment Policies and Regional Unemployment Differences”, Economics, Regional Science & Urban
  • Card, David (2005), “Is The New Immigration Really So Bad?”, Economic Journal, Volume: 115, p.300-323.
  • Card, David (2009), “Immigration and Inequality”, American Economic Review, Volume: 99, p.1-21.
  • Chassamboulli, Andri ve Theodore Palivos (2013), “The Impact of Immigration on The Employment and Wages of Native Workers”, Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 38, p.19-34.
  • Christopoulos, Dimitris ve Efthymios Tsionas (2002), “Unemployment and Government Size: Is There Any Credible Causality”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 9, p.797-800.
  • Cohen-Goldner, Sarit ve M. Daniele Paserman (2011), “The Dynamic Impact of Immigration on Natives’ Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Israel”, European Review, Volume: 55, Issue: 8, p.1027-1045.
  • Choi, In (2001), “Unit Root Tests for Panel Data”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume: 20, p. 249-272.
  • Çelikay, Ferdi (2016). Türkiye’de İç Göçler ile İşsizlik Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON APPLIED SCIENCES: “Migration, Poverty and Employment”, Konya.
  • Damette, Olivier ve Vincent Fromentin (2013), “Migration and Labour Markets in OECD Countries: A Panel Cointegration Approach”, Applied Economics, Volume: 45, Issue:16, p.2295-2304.
  • Dustmann, Christian, Francesca Fabbri ve Ian Preson (2005), “The Impact of Immigration on The British Labour Market”, Economic Journal, Volume: 115, p.324-341.
  • Erdayı, Utku (2009), “Dünyada Genç İşsizliği Sorununun Çözümüne Yönelik Ulusal Politikalar ve Türkiye”, Çalışma ve Toplum, Sayı: 2009/3, p.133-162.
  • Facchini, Giovanni, Assaf Razin ve Gerald Willmann (2004), “Welfare Leakage and Immigration Policy”, CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 50, p.627-645.
  • Facchini, Giovanni, ve Anna Maria Mayda (2009), “Does the Welfare State Affect Individual Attitudes Toward Immigrants? Evidence across Countries”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 91, Issue: 2, p.295-314.
  • Feldmann, Horst (2006a), “Government Size and Unemployment in Developing Countries”, Applied Economic Letters, Volume: 1-4, p.451-467.
  • Feldmann, Horst (2006b), “Government Size and Unemployment: Evidence from Industrial Countries”, Public Choice, Volume: 127, p.443-459.
  • Festa, Andrea (2016), “Employment and Productivity: The Role of The Tax Wedge”, EuroEconomica, Volume: 34, Issue: 2, p.139-150.
  • Friedman, Milton; (1968), “The Role of Monetary Policy”, American Economic Review, Volume: 58, Issue: 1, p. 1-17.
  • Fromentin, Vincent (2013), “The Relationship Between Immigration and Unemployment: The Case of France,” Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume: 43, Issue: 1, p. 51-66.
  • Gang, Ira N., Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz ve Myeng-Su Yun (2013), “Economic Strain, Education and Attitudes towards Foreigners in the European Union”, Review of International Economics, Volume: 21, p.177–190.
  • Ghatak, Subrata ve Tomoe Moore (2007), Migration and the EU Labour Market: Granger Causality Tests on A Panel VAR, Discussion Paper, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK.
  • Greenwood, Michael J. ve John M.McDowell (1986), “The Factor Market Consequenses of U.S. Immigration”, Journal of Economic Literature, Volume: 24, p.1738-1772.
  • Gross, Dominique M. (2002), “Three Million Foreigners, Three Million Unemployed? Immigration Flows and The Labour Market in France, Applied Economics, Volume: 34, Issue: 16, p.1969-1983.
  • Gross, Dominique M. (2004), “Impact of Immigrant Workers on A Regional Labour Market”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 11, Issue: 7, p.405-408.
  • Harris, John R. ve Michael P. Todaro (1970), “Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two Sector Analysis”, American Economic Review, Volume: 60, Issue: 1, p.26-42.
  • Huber, Peter ve Doris A. Oberdabernig (2016), “The Impact of Welfare Benefits on Natives' and Immigrants' Attitudes toward Immigration”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 44, p.53-78.
  • Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inigo ve J. Gabriel Romero, (2016, “Financing Public Goods and Attitudes toward Immigration”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 44, p.159-178.
  • Jean, Sébastien ve Miguel Jiménez (2011), “The Unemployment Impact of Immigration in OECD Countries”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 27, Issue: 2, p.241- 256.
  • Kemmerling, Achim (2002), The Employment Effects of Different Regimes of Welfare State Taxation: An Empirical Analysis of Core OECD Countries, MPIfG Discussion Paper No. 02/8.
  • Kemmerling, Achim (2005), “Tax Mixes, Welfare States and Employment: Tracking Diverging Vulnerabilities”, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, p.1-22.
  • Kerr, Sari Pekkala ve William R. Kerr (2011), “Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey”, Finnish Economic Papers, Finnish Economic Association, Volume: 24, Issue: 1, p.1-32.
  • Koskela, Erkki, ve Ronnie Schöb (2002). “Optimal Factor Income Taxation in The Presence of Unemployment”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, p.387-404.
  • Latif, Ehsan (2015), “The Relationship between Immigration and Unemployment: Panel Data Evidence from Canada” Economic Modelling, Volume: 50, p.162-167.
  • Longhi, Simonetta, Peter Nijkamp ve Jacques Poot (2006), The Impact of Immigration on the Employment of Natives in Regional Labour Markets: A Meta-Analysis, IZA Discussion Paper No. 2044, Bonn.
  • Luttmer, Erzo F. P (2001). “Group Loyalty and The Taste Fırst Redistribution”, Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 109, Issue: 3, p.500-528.
  • Maddala, G. S. veShaowen Wu (1999), “A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 61, p.631-652.
  • Mayda, Anna Maria (2006), “Who Is Against Immigration? A Cross-Country Investigation of Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 88, Issue: 3, p.510-530.
  • Mughan, Anthony ve Pamela Paxton (2006), “Anti-immigrant Sentiment, Policy Preferences and Populist Party Voting in Australia”, British Journal of Political Science, Volume: 36, p. 341-358.
  • Nicoletti, Giuseppe, Steve Golub, Dana Hajkova1, Daniel Mirza, Kwang-Yeol Yoo (2003), Policies and International Integration: Influences on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 359, OECD Publishing, Paris, DOI:
  • Papadimitriou, Dimitri B. (2008), Promoting Equality Through An Employment of Last Resort Policy, The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 545.
  • Pedroni, Peter, (1999), “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple Regressors”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, Volume: 61, Issue: Special, p.653-670.
  • Phelps, Edmund S. (1999), “Behind This Structural Boom: The Role of Asset Valuations”, American Economic Review, Volume: 89, Issue: 2, p.63-68.
  • Pholphirul, Piriya (2013), “Immigration, Job Vacancies, and Employment Dynamics: Evidence from Thai Manufacturers”, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume: 24, p.1-16.
  • Pholphirul, Piriya ve Pungpond Rukumnuaykit (2010), “Economic Contribution of Migrant Workers to Thailand”, International Migration, Volume: 18, Issue: 5, p.174-202.
  • Qiong, Li ve Hu Junhua (2015), “Military Expenditure and Unemployment in China”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume: 30, p.498-504.
  • Quillian, Lincoln (1995), “Prejudice as a Response to Perceived Group Threat: Population Composition and Anti-Immigrant and Racial Prejudice in Europe”, American Sociological Review, Volume: 60, Issue: 4, p.586-611.
  • Razin, Assaf, Effraim Sadka ve Phillip Swagel, (2002), “Tax Burden and Migration: A Political Economy Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 85, Issue: 2, p.167-190.
  • Rowthorn, Robert (2008). The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on The Advanced Economies, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume: 24, Issue: 3, p.560-580.
  • Ruist, Joakim (2016). “How The Macroeconomic Context Impacts on Attitudes to Immigration: Evidence from Within-Country Variation”, Social Science Research, Volume: 60, p.125-134.
  • Soroka, S., Banting, K. ve Johnston, R. (2006). “Immigration and Redistribution in A Global Era”, Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution, Editör/ler: P. Bardhan, S. Bowles ve Wallerstein, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Speciale, Biagio (2012), “Does Immigration Affect Public Education Expenditures? Quasi- experimental Evidence”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 96, p.773-783.
  • Sussangkarn, Chalongphob (1996). “Macroeconomic Impacts of Migrant Workers: Analyses with A CGE Model”, TDRI Quarterly Review, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, p.3-11.
  • Tcherneva, Pavlina P ve L. Randall Wray (2005), Can Basic Income and Job Guarantees Deliver on Their Promises, CFEPS Working Paper No.42.
  • Todaro, Michael P. (1969), “A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries”, American Economic Review, Volume: 69, p.486-499.
  • Yuan, Mingwei. ve Wenli Li (2000), “Dynamic Employment and Hours Effects of Government Spending Shocks”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24(8), 1233-1263.

The Causal Relationship between Unemployment, Public Spending and Internal Migration: A Review on Turkey

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 205 - 219, 01.07.2017


In this study, the short and long run causalities amongunemployment, public spending and internal migration are examined in Turkey. In this regard, a data set is created with using 81 cities panel data for 2008 – 2015 periods. Relations among variables are tested through panel error correction models. The results obtained in the study show that three variables have been interacting with each other for both the short and long run. Indeed, there is a one-way causality relationship from immigration and unemployment rates to public spending in the short and long run. However in the short term, there is a bidirectional causal relationship between in-immigration and public spending. Also there is a one-way causal relationship from public spending to outimmigration. These findings reveal that the versatile and intricate relationship between public spending, one of the most important instruments of fiscal policy with unemployment, and migration is both a cause and a consequence of regional imbalances


  • Abrams, Burton A. (1999), “The Effect of Government Size on the Unemployment”, Public Choice, Volume: 99, p.395-401.
  • Alesina, Alberto ve Roberto Perotti (1997), “The Welfare State and Competiveness”, American Economic Review, Volume: 87, Issue: 5, p. 921-939.
  • Alesina, Alberto, Reza Baqir ve William Easterly (1999), “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, p.1243-1284.
  • Alesina, Alesina ve Edward Glaeser, (2004), Fighting Poverty in the U.S. and in Europe: A World of Difference, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Algan, Yann, Pierre Cahuc ve Andr Zylberberg (2002), “Public Employment and Labour Market Performance”, Economic Policy, Volume: 17, Issue: 34, p.7-66.
  • Aslan, Alper ve Kula, Ferit (2010), “Kamu Sektör Büyüklüğü-İşsizlik İlişkisi: Abrams Eğrisi’nin Türkiye Ekonomisi İçin Testi”, Maliye Dergisi, 159, 155-166.
  • Ay, Sema (2012), “Türkiye’de İşsizliğin Nedenleri: İstihdam Politikaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, Cilt: 19, Sayı: 2, s. 321-341.
  • Aydemir, Cahit. (2013), “Türkiye’de İşgücü Yapısı, İşsizlik ve Kırsal Alan”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 27, Sayı: 1, p.115-138.
  • Baltagi, Badi H. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, Third edition, Chichester: Wiley.
  • Barbanchon, Thomas Le (2016), “The Effect of The Potential Duration of unemployment benefits on unemployment exits to work and Match Quality in France”, Labor Economics, Volume: 42, p.16-29.
  • Biçerli, Mustafa Kemal (2004), İşsizlikle Mücadelede Aktif İstihdam Politikaları, T.C.Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
  • Blau, Francine D. ve Lawrence M. Kahn (1996), “International Differences in Male Wage İnequality: Institutions versus Market Forces”. Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 104, p.791-837.
  • Boldrin, Michele ve Ana Montes (2015), “Modeling an Immigration Shock”, European Economic Review, Volume: 74, p.190-206.
  • Borjas, George J. (2001). “Does Immigration Grease The Wheels of The Labor Market?” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Issue: 1, p.69-134.
  • Borjas, George J. (2009), The Analytics of The Wage Effect of Immigration, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 14796.
  • Böheim, René ve Karin Mary (2005). Immigration and Public Spending, IZA Discussion Paper No, 1834.
  • Caponi, Vincenzo (2016), “Public Employment Policies and Regional Unemployment Differences”, Economics, Regional Science & Urban
  • Card, David (2005), “Is The New Immigration Really So Bad?”, Economic Journal, Volume: 115, p.300-323.
  • Card, David (2009), “Immigration and Inequality”, American Economic Review, Volume: 99, p.1-21.
  • Chassamboulli, Andri ve Theodore Palivos (2013), “The Impact of Immigration on The Employment and Wages of Native Workers”, Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 38, p.19-34.
  • Christopoulos, Dimitris ve Efthymios Tsionas (2002), “Unemployment and Government Size: Is There Any Credible Causality”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 9, p.797-800.
  • Cohen-Goldner, Sarit ve M. Daniele Paserman (2011), “The Dynamic Impact of Immigration on Natives’ Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Israel”, European Review, Volume: 55, Issue: 8, p.1027-1045.
  • Choi, In (2001), “Unit Root Tests for Panel Data”, Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume: 20, p. 249-272.
  • Çelikay, Ferdi (2016). Türkiye’de İç Göçler ile İşsizlik Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkisi, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON APPLIED SCIENCES: “Migration, Poverty and Employment”, Konya.
  • Damette, Olivier ve Vincent Fromentin (2013), “Migration and Labour Markets in OECD Countries: A Panel Cointegration Approach”, Applied Economics, Volume: 45, Issue:16, p.2295-2304.
  • Dustmann, Christian, Francesca Fabbri ve Ian Preson (2005), “The Impact of Immigration on The British Labour Market”, Economic Journal, Volume: 115, p.324-341.
  • Erdayı, Utku (2009), “Dünyada Genç İşsizliği Sorununun Çözümüne Yönelik Ulusal Politikalar ve Türkiye”, Çalışma ve Toplum, Sayı: 2009/3, p.133-162.
  • Facchini, Giovanni, Assaf Razin ve Gerald Willmann (2004), “Welfare Leakage and Immigration Policy”, CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 50, p.627-645.
  • Facchini, Giovanni, ve Anna Maria Mayda (2009), “Does the Welfare State Affect Individual Attitudes Toward Immigrants? Evidence across Countries”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 91, Issue: 2, p.295-314.
  • Feldmann, Horst (2006a), “Government Size and Unemployment in Developing Countries”, Applied Economic Letters, Volume: 1-4, p.451-467.
  • Feldmann, Horst (2006b), “Government Size and Unemployment: Evidence from Industrial Countries”, Public Choice, Volume: 127, p.443-459.
  • Festa, Andrea (2016), “Employment and Productivity: The Role of The Tax Wedge”, EuroEconomica, Volume: 34, Issue: 2, p.139-150.
  • Friedman, Milton; (1968), “The Role of Monetary Policy”, American Economic Review, Volume: 58, Issue: 1, p. 1-17.
  • Fromentin, Vincent (2013), “The Relationship Between Immigration and Unemployment: The Case of France,” Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume: 43, Issue: 1, p. 51-66.
  • Gang, Ira N., Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz ve Myeng-Su Yun (2013), “Economic Strain, Education and Attitudes towards Foreigners in the European Union”, Review of International Economics, Volume: 21, p.177–190.
  • Ghatak, Subrata ve Tomoe Moore (2007), Migration and the EU Labour Market: Granger Causality Tests on A Panel VAR, Discussion Paper, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK.
  • Greenwood, Michael J. ve John M.McDowell (1986), “The Factor Market Consequenses of U.S. Immigration”, Journal of Economic Literature, Volume: 24, p.1738-1772.
  • Gross, Dominique M. (2002), “Three Million Foreigners, Three Million Unemployed? Immigration Flows and The Labour Market in France, Applied Economics, Volume: 34, Issue: 16, p.1969-1983.
  • Gross, Dominique M. (2004), “Impact of Immigrant Workers on A Regional Labour Market”, Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 11, Issue: 7, p.405-408.
  • Harris, John R. ve Michael P. Todaro (1970), “Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two Sector Analysis”, American Economic Review, Volume: 60, Issue: 1, p.26-42.
  • Huber, Peter ve Doris A. Oberdabernig (2016), “The Impact of Welfare Benefits on Natives' and Immigrants' Attitudes toward Immigration”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 44, p.53-78.
  • Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Inigo ve J. Gabriel Romero, (2016, “Financing Public Goods and Attitudes toward Immigration”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 44, p.159-178.
  • Jean, Sébastien ve Miguel Jiménez (2011), “The Unemployment Impact of Immigration in OECD Countries”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 27, Issue: 2, p.241- 256.
  • Kemmerling, Achim (2002), The Employment Effects of Different Regimes of Welfare State Taxation: An Empirical Analysis of Core OECD Countries, MPIfG Discussion Paper No. 02/8.
  • Kemmerling, Achim (2005), “Tax Mixes, Welfare States and Employment: Tracking Diverging Vulnerabilities”, Journal of European Public Policy, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, p.1-22.
  • Kerr, Sari Pekkala ve William R. Kerr (2011), “Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Survey”, Finnish Economic Papers, Finnish Economic Association, Volume: 24, Issue: 1, p.1-32.
  • Koskela, Erkki, ve Ronnie Schöb (2002). “Optimal Factor Income Taxation in The Presence of Unemployment”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, p.387-404.
  • Latif, Ehsan (2015), “The Relationship between Immigration and Unemployment: Panel Data Evidence from Canada” Economic Modelling, Volume: 50, p.162-167.
  • Longhi, Simonetta, Peter Nijkamp ve Jacques Poot (2006), The Impact of Immigration on the Employment of Natives in Regional Labour Markets: A Meta-Analysis, IZA Discussion Paper No. 2044, Bonn.
  • Luttmer, Erzo F. P (2001). “Group Loyalty and The Taste Fırst Redistribution”, Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 109, Issue: 3, p.500-528.
  • Maddala, G. S. veShaowen Wu (1999), “A Comparative Study of Unit Root Tests with Panel Data and a New Simple Test”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 61, p.631-652.
  • Mayda, Anna Maria (2006), “Who Is Against Immigration? A Cross-Country Investigation of Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume: 88, Issue: 3, p.510-530.
  • Mughan, Anthony ve Pamela Paxton (2006), “Anti-immigrant Sentiment, Policy Preferences and Populist Party Voting in Australia”, British Journal of Political Science, Volume: 36, p. 341-358.
  • Nicoletti, Giuseppe, Steve Golub, Dana Hajkova1, Daniel Mirza, Kwang-Yeol Yoo (2003), Policies and International Integration: Influences on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 359, OECD Publishing, Paris, DOI:
  • Papadimitriou, Dimitri B. (2008), Promoting Equality Through An Employment of Last Resort Policy, The Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No. 545.
  • Pedroni, Peter, (1999), “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple Regressors”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, Volume: 61, Issue: Special, p.653-670.
  • Phelps, Edmund S. (1999), “Behind This Structural Boom: The Role of Asset Valuations”, American Economic Review, Volume: 89, Issue: 2, p.63-68.
  • Pholphirul, Piriya (2013), “Immigration, Job Vacancies, and Employment Dynamics: Evidence from Thai Manufacturers”, Journal of Asian Economics, Volume: 24, p.1-16.
  • Pholphirul, Piriya ve Pungpond Rukumnuaykit (2010), “Economic Contribution of Migrant Workers to Thailand”, International Migration, Volume: 18, Issue: 5, p.174-202.
  • Qiong, Li ve Hu Junhua (2015), “Military Expenditure and Unemployment in China”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume: 30, p.498-504.
  • Quillian, Lincoln (1995), “Prejudice as a Response to Perceived Group Threat: Population Composition and Anti-Immigrant and Racial Prejudice in Europe”, American Sociological Review, Volume: 60, Issue: 4, p.586-611.
  • Razin, Assaf, Effraim Sadka ve Phillip Swagel, (2002), “Tax Burden and Migration: A Political Economy Theory and Evidence”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 85, Issue: 2, p.167-190.
  • Rowthorn, Robert (2008). The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on The Advanced Economies, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume: 24, Issue: 3, p.560-580.
  • Ruist, Joakim (2016). “How The Macroeconomic Context Impacts on Attitudes to Immigration: Evidence from Within-Country Variation”, Social Science Research, Volume: 60, p.125-134.
  • Soroka, S., Banting, K. ve Johnston, R. (2006). “Immigration and Redistribution in A Global Era”, Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution, Editör/ler: P. Bardhan, S. Bowles ve Wallerstein, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Speciale, Biagio (2012), “Does Immigration Affect Public Education Expenditures? Quasi- experimental Evidence”, Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 96, p.773-783.
  • Sussangkarn, Chalongphob (1996). “Macroeconomic Impacts of Migrant Workers: Analyses with A CGE Model”, TDRI Quarterly Review, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, p.3-11.
  • Tcherneva, Pavlina P ve L. Randall Wray (2005), Can Basic Income and Job Guarantees Deliver on Their Promises, CFEPS Working Paper No.42.
  • Todaro, Michael P. (1969), “A Model of Labor Migration and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries”, American Economic Review, Volume: 69, p.486-499.
  • Yuan, Mingwei. ve Wenli Li (2000), “Dynamic Employment and Hours Effects of Government Spending Shocks”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24(8), 1233-1263.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Ferdi Çelikay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelikay, F. (2017). İşsizlik, Kamu Harcamaları ve İç Göçler Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri: Türkiye Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Maliye Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 205-219.


Maliye Araştırmaları Dergisi  Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.