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Reading Mordecai M. Kaplan Through Emile Durkheim: Religion Concept and Collective Consciousness

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 269 - 286, 31.07.2018


study investigates the ways in which Mordecai M. Kaplan (1881-1983), a Jewish
thinker, sociologist and philosopher, who was the founder of Reconstructionist
Judaism Movement having emerged in USA in the XXth century and who considered
Judaism as the religious civilization of the Jewish society, was influenced by
French sociologist Emeile Durkheim (1858-1917). Like many other scientists and
thinkers, Kaplan also particularly benefited from Durkheim’s religious studies
who contributed to the process in which sociology became a scientific branch.

especially inspired from Durkheim’s opinions such as religion concepti,
God-idea, sacred and
onsciousness. For Kaplan, religion is primarily a social phenomenon. To grasp
its reality, to observe its workings and to further its growth we must study
its functioning in some social group.
to him, religion is product of community. Kaplan points out two concepts as the
social manifestation of religion. One of
is The God-idea, the other is sacred. He places God in the center of
religious experience. For him, faith is based on God-idea. Kaplan, like
Durkheim, argues that the essence of every religion depends on the sacred
emotion. The sacred means to supreme value. People and all community may tend
to give the supreme value to particular objects, assets, persons and opinions
in the time. One of the most important aspects of Kaplan's inspiration from
Durkheim is collective counsciousness which is considered as social power in
Durkheim’s thought system. According to Kaplan, religion is living energy style
which exists in all community. For him, this social energy called collective
consciousness is the way of life of Jewish society.


  • AYDIN, Fuat, “Çevirmenin Önsözü” Emile Durkheim Dini Hayatın İlkel Biçimleri, Ataç Yayınları, İstanbul 2005.
  • DINER, Hasia R., The Jews of The United States (1654 To 2000), Unıvesıty of Calıfornıa Press, Berkeley 2004.
  • DURKHEIM, Emile, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, translated and with an Introductinon by Karen E. Fields, The Free Pess, New York 1995.
  • ------------, The Rules of Sociolocal Method, trans. W. D. Halls, The Free Press, New York, 1982.
  • FIEALS, Karen E., “Religion As Eminently Social Thing,”, Translator’s Introduction, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, New York 1995.
  • GOLDSMITH, Emanuel S., “Mordecai M. Kaplan: His Interpretatio of Judaism”, Dynamıc Judaısm The Essential Writings of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Edit by Emanuel S. Goldsmith and Mel Scult, The Reconstructıonist Press, New York 1991.
  • GREENBERG, Gershon, Modern Jewish Thinkers, Academic Studies Press, Brighton 2011.
  • HARMAN, Ömer Faruk “Dağ” Mad., DİA, 1993, c. 8.
  • KAPLAN, Mordecai Menahem, Judaism As A Civilization Toward A Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life, Thomas Yoseloff Press, New York1934.
  • -----------, Judaism in Transition, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, 1936.
  • -----------, Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Vol. I 1913-1934, edited by Mel Scult, the Reconstructionist Press, Detroit 2001.
  • -----------, Quetions Jews Ask, Reconstructionist Press, New York 1956.
  • -----------, The Future of The American Jew, Reconstructionist Press, New York 1981.
  • -----------, The Meaning of God In Modern Jewısh Relıgıon, Wayne State University Press, Detroit 1994.
  • -----------, Judaism Without Supernaturalism, The Reconstructıonıst Press, New York 1967
  • -----------, “ What Is Judaism?”, The Menorah Journal, Volume I Number 5, December New York1915.
  • -----------,“The Evolution of the Idea of God in Jewish Religion”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Vol. 57, The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review, 1967.
  • KUTSAL KİTAP, Yeni Yaşam Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • LIBOWİTZ, Richard, Mordecai M. Kaplan and The Development of Reconstructionism, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York 1983.
  • MILLER, W.Watts, “Durkheım, Kant, The Immortal Soul And God”, On Durkheım’s Elementary Forms Of Relıgıous Lıfe, Edited by N.J.Allen, W.S.F.Pickering and W.Watts Millers., Routledge, New York1998.
  • MIRABLE English Dictionary, Mira Publishing Universty College London, İstanbul 2008.
  • PICKERING, W.S.F., Durkheim’s Sociology of Religion: Themes and Theories, Cambridge 2009.
  • RAPHAEL, Marc Lee, Judaism in America, Columbia University Press, New York 2003.
  • SCULT, Mel, Judaism Faces The Twentieth Century: A Biography of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Wayne University Press, Detroit 1994.
  • ------------, “Kaplan and Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Theology of the Individual”, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 12 No. 2, Mordecai Kaplan’s “Judaism as a Civilization”: Legacy of an American İdea Winter, 2006.
  • ------------, “Kaplan and His God: An Ambıvalent Relatıonshop”, The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Indıana Unıversıty Press, 2013
  • SELTZER, Rober M., “Kaplan and Jewish Modernity”, The American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Edited by Emanuel S. Goldsmith, Mel Scult, and Robert Seltzer,(New York 1990.
  • STEDMAN, Jones Sue, “The Concept Of Belıef In The Elementary Forms”, On Durkheım’s Elementary Forms Of Relıgıous Lıfe, Edited by N.J.Allen, W.S.F.Pickering and W.Watts Millers., Routledge, New York1998.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 269 - 286, 31.07.2018


makale, XX. Yüzyılda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde ortaya çıkan Yahudilikte
Yeniden Yapılanma Hareketi’nin kurucusu olan ve Yahudiliği, Yahudi toplumunun
dini medeniyeti olarak gören Yahudi düşünür, sosyolog, filozof Mordecai M.
Kaplan’ın (1881-1983) Fransız sosyolog Emile Durkhem’den (1858-1917)
etkilendiği yönleri inceler. Kaplan da birçok bilim ve fikir adamı gibi, sosyolojinin
bir bilim haline gelmesinde önemli katkılar sağlayan Durkheim’ın özellikle din
alanında yaptığı çalışmalardan yararlanmıştır.

Durkhem’in özellikle din kavramı, Tanrı, kutsal ve kolektif bilinç
fikirlerinden etkilenmiştir. Kaplan’a göre, din esasen sosyal bir fenomendir.
Dinin hakikatini kavramak, çalışma tarzını gözlemlemek ve gelişimini takip
etmek için bazı sosyal gruplar içinde işleyişini incelemek gerekir. Dini
toplumun bir ürünü olarak kabul eden Kaplan, dininin toplumsal tezahürü olarak
iki kavrama işaret etmektedir. Bu kavramlardan birincisi Tanrı, diğeri de
kutsaldır.O, Tanrı’yı dini
tecrübenin merkezine yerleştirmektedir. İnancın temeli onun “God-idea” dediği
“Tanrı-fikri”ne dayanır. Kaplan, Durkheim gibi her dinin özünde kutsal
duygusunun yer aldığını savunur. Kutsalın karşılığı “yüce değerdir.” Kaplan’a
göre, zaman içinde insanlar ve tüm toplumlar belli nesnelere, varlıklara,
kişilere ve fikirlere bir dokunmazlık statüsü  verme eğiliminde olabilir. Kaplan’ın
Durkheim’den ilham aldığı en önemli hususlardan biri de Durkheim düşünce
sisteminde yer alan  ve bir toplumsal güç
olarak kabul edilen kolektif bilinç kavramıdır. Kaplan’a göre din bütün sosyal
gruplarda var olan canlı bir enerji biçimidir. Kaplan için, kolektif bilinç
denilen bu toplumsal enerji Yahudi toplumunun yaşam şeklidir.


  • AYDIN, Fuat, “Çevirmenin Önsözü” Emile Durkheim Dini Hayatın İlkel Biçimleri, Ataç Yayınları, İstanbul 2005.
  • DINER, Hasia R., The Jews of The United States (1654 To 2000), Unıvesıty of Calıfornıa Press, Berkeley 2004.
  • DURKHEIM, Emile, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, translated and with an Introductinon by Karen E. Fields, The Free Pess, New York 1995.
  • ------------, The Rules of Sociolocal Method, trans. W. D. Halls, The Free Press, New York, 1982.
  • FIEALS, Karen E., “Religion As Eminently Social Thing,”, Translator’s Introduction, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, New York 1995.
  • GOLDSMITH, Emanuel S., “Mordecai M. Kaplan: His Interpretatio of Judaism”, Dynamıc Judaısm The Essential Writings of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Edit by Emanuel S. Goldsmith and Mel Scult, The Reconstructıonist Press, New York 1991.
  • GREENBERG, Gershon, Modern Jewish Thinkers, Academic Studies Press, Brighton 2011.
  • HARMAN, Ömer Faruk “Dağ” Mad., DİA, 1993, c. 8.
  • KAPLAN, Mordecai Menahem, Judaism As A Civilization Toward A Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life, Thomas Yoseloff Press, New York1934.
  • -----------, Judaism in Transition, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, 1936.
  • -----------, Communings of the Spirit: The Journals of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Vol. I 1913-1934, edited by Mel Scult, the Reconstructionist Press, Detroit 2001.
  • -----------, Quetions Jews Ask, Reconstructionist Press, New York 1956.
  • -----------, The Future of The American Jew, Reconstructionist Press, New York 1981.
  • -----------, The Meaning of God In Modern Jewısh Relıgıon, Wayne State University Press, Detroit 1994.
  • -----------, Judaism Without Supernaturalism, The Reconstructıonıst Press, New York 1967
  • -----------, “ What Is Judaism?”, The Menorah Journal, Volume I Number 5, December New York1915.
  • -----------,“The Evolution of the Idea of God in Jewish Religion”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Vol. 57, The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review, 1967.
  • KUTSAL KİTAP, Yeni Yaşam Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • LIBOWİTZ, Richard, Mordecai M. Kaplan and The Development of Reconstructionism, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York 1983.
  • MILLER, W.Watts, “Durkheım, Kant, The Immortal Soul And God”, On Durkheım’s Elementary Forms Of Relıgıous Lıfe, Edited by N.J.Allen, W.S.F.Pickering and W.Watts Millers., Routledge, New York1998.
  • MIRABLE English Dictionary, Mira Publishing Universty College London, İstanbul 2008.
  • PICKERING, W.S.F., Durkheim’s Sociology of Religion: Themes and Theories, Cambridge 2009.
  • RAPHAEL, Marc Lee, Judaism in America, Columbia University Press, New York 2003.
  • SCULT, Mel, Judaism Faces The Twentieth Century: A Biography of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Wayne University Press, Detroit 1994.
  • ------------, “Kaplan and Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Theology of the Individual”, Jewish Social Studies, Vol. 12 No. 2, Mordecai Kaplan’s “Judaism as a Civilization”: Legacy of an American İdea Winter, 2006.
  • ------------, “Kaplan and His God: An Ambıvalent Relatıonshop”, The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Indıana Unıversıty Press, 2013
  • SELTZER, Rober M., “Kaplan and Jewish Modernity”, The American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan, Edited by Emanuel S. Goldsmith, Mel Scult, and Robert Seltzer,(New York 1990.
  • STEDMAN, Jones Sue, “The Concept Of Belıef In The Elementary Forms”, On Durkheım’s Elementary Forms Of Relıgıous Lıfe, Edited by N.J.Allen, W.S.F.Pickering and W.Watts Millers., Routledge, New York1998.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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İbrahim Ethem Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, İ. E. (2018). EMILE DURKHEIM ÜZERİNDEN MORDECAI M. KAPLAN’I OKUMAK: DİN KAVRAMI VE KOLEKTİF BİLİNÇ. Firat University Journal of Social Sciences, 28(2), 269-286.