Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 517 - 534, 24.05.2022


COVID-19 pandemi süreci birçok belirsizliği ortaya çıkarmakla birlikte sağlık, gıda, hava, barınma, ekonomik gelir, güvenlik ihtiyacı ve özgürce hareket edebilme gibi insanların temel yaşam gereksinimlerini etkilemiştir. Bu araştırma pandemi sürecinin ergenlerin ihtiyaçlarını ne şekilde etkilediğini Maslow’un ihtiyaçlar hiyerarşisi bağlamında inceleyebilmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırma olup yöntem olarak nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması modeli kullanılmıştır. Çalışma verileri yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmış ve bu veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma katılımcıları belirlenirken amaçlı örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma örneklemini Ankara Çayyolu semtinde bulunan bir özel ders merkezine devam eden lise düzeyinde kırk sekiz ergen oluşturmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları Maslow’un ihtiyaçlar hiyerarşisinin bileşenleri kapsamında açıklanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre ergenlerin fizyolojik ihtiyaçların karşılanması konusunda genel olarak olumsuz bir durum bulunmazken güvenlik ihtiyaçlarının olumsuz yönde etkilendiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca pandeminin ergenlerin kendini gerçekleştirme ile sevgi ve aidiyet ihtiyaçlarını hem olumlu hem de olumsuz yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Saygı ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması konusunda da genel olarak olumsuz bir durumun olmadığı görülmüştür. Yaşanan belirsiz süreç ergenlerin gelecek hedeflerini belirleme konusunda kararsızlık yaşamalarına da sebep olmuştur.


  • Benson, S. G., & Dundis, S. P. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees: Integrating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, training and technology. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(5), 315-320.
  • Brandtstädter, J. (1998). Action perspectives on human development. In Handbook of Child Psychology: Theoretical Models of Human Development; Damon, W., Lerner, R.M., Eds.; Wiley: New York, NY, USA.
  • Desmet, P., & Fokkinga, S. (2020). Beyond Maslow’s pyramid: introducing a typology of thirteen fundamental needs for human-centered design. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(3), 38-60.
  • Hale, A. J., Ricotta, D. N., Freed, J., Smith, C. C., & Huang, G. C. (2019). Adapting Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a framework for resident wellness. Teaching and learning in medicine, 31(1), 109-118.
  • Gambin, M., Woźniak-Prus, M., Sekowski, M., Cudo, A., Pisula, E., Kiepura, E., & Kmita, G. (2020). Factors related to positive experiences in parent-child relationship during the COVID-19 lockdown. The role of empathy, emotion regulation, parenting self-efficacy and social support.
  • Gurley, L. E. (2018). Educators' preparation to teach, perceived teaching presence, and perceived teaching presence behaviors in blended and online learning environments, Online Learning Journal, 22(2), 197-220.
  • Hatta, I. H., & Rini, S. (2018). Developing job satisfaction which support ımprovement of organizational performance private high schools located in Indonesia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3), 529-534.
  • Hussong, A., Midgette, A., Richards, A., Petrie, R., Coffman, J., & Thomas, T. (2020). COVID-19 life events spill-over on family functioning and adolescent adjustment.
  • Lester, D. (2013). Measuring Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Psychological Reports, 113(1), 15-17.
  • Liu, J. J., Bao, Y., Huang, X., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2020). Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19. Lancet, 4, 347–349.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1970). Motivation and personality (2nd ed.). New York: Harper and Row.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. New York: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Mittelman, W. (1991). Maslow's study of self-actualization: A reinterpretation. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31(1), 114–135.
  • Munro, A. P. S., & Faust, S. N. (2020). Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school. Arch Dis Child, 105(7), 618-619.
  • Nacu, D. C., Martin, C. K., Pinkard, N., & Gray, T. (2016). Analyzing educators' online ınteractions: a framework of online learning support roles, Learning, Media and Technology, 41(2), 283-305.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2012). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri: nicel ve nitel yaklaşımlar I‐II. Cilt (5. Basım). İstanbul: Yayın Odası.
  • Nicola, M., Alsafi, Z., Sohrabi, C., Kerwan, A., Al-Jabir, A., Iosifidis, C., & Agha, R. (2020). The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. International Journal of Surgery, 78, 185–193.
  • Phelps, C., & Sperry, L. L. (2020). Children and the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(S1), S73
  • Pietrobelli, A., Pecoraro, L., Ferruzzi, A., Heo, M., Faith, M., Zoller, T., & Heymsfield, S. B. (2020). Effects of COVID‐19 lockdown on lifestyle behaviors in children with obesity living in Verona, Italy: a longitudinal study. Obesity, 28(8), 1382-1385.
  • Rundle, A. G., Park, Y., Herbstman, J. B., Kinsey, E. W., & Wang, Y. C. (2020). COVID-19-related school closings and risk of weight gain among children. Obesity (Silver Spring);28(6), 1008-1009.
  • Ryan, B. J. (2018). Addressing the ımpact of disasters on public health ınfrastructure and noncommunicable diseases. Townsville, Australia: James Cook University.
  • Saurabh, K., & Ranjan, S. (2020). Compliance and psychological impact of quarantine in children and adolescents due to Covid-19 pandemic. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 87, 532-536.
  • Schmidt, A., Kramer, A., Brose, A., Schmiedek, F., & Neubauer, A. (2020). Homeschooling and affective well-being of parents and children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A daily diary study.
  • Sengupta, S. S. (2011). Growth in human motivation: Beyond Maslow. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(1), 102-116
  • Suyono, J., & Mudjanarko, S. W. (2017). Motivation engineering to employee by employee-Abraham Maslow theory. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 86-92.
  • Taormina, R., & Gao, J. (2013). Maslow and the motivation hierarchy: Measuring satisfaction of the needs. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(2), 155-157.
  • Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, J., & Jiang, F. (2020). Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet, 395, 945–947.
  • Xie, X., Xue, Q., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Mental Health Status Among Children in Home Connement During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak in Hubei Province, China. JAMA Pediatr, 174(9), 898-900.

Examining Adolescents COVID-19 Pandemic Process in the Context of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 517 - 534, 24.05.2022


While the COVID-19 pandemic process has revealed many uncertainties, it has affected the basic life needs of people such as health, food, air, shelter, economic income, the need for security and freedom of movement. This research has been carried out in order to examine how the pandemic process affects adolescents needs in the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The research was a qualitative design, and the case study model was used as a method. In the study, data were collected through a structured interview form and the data were analyzed by content analysis method. Purposeful sampling method was used while determining the research participants. The research participants consisted of 48 high school adolescents attending a private tutoring center in the Ankara Çayyolu district. The research results are explained within the components of the hierarchy of needs. Accordingly, it was observed that while there was generally no negative situation in meeting the physiological needs of adolescents, their safety needs were negatively affected. In addition, it has been determined that the pandemic affects the love and belonging needs of adolescents both positively and negatively. It has been observed that there is generally no negative situation in meeting the needs of esteem. The uncertain process experienced has also caused adolescents to be indecisive in determining their future goals.


  • Benson, S. G., & Dundis, S. P. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees: Integrating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, training and technology. Journal of Nursing Management, 11(5), 315-320.
  • Brandtstädter, J. (1998). Action perspectives on human development. In Handbook of Child Psychology: Theoretical Models of Human Development; Damon, W., Lerner, R.M., Eds.; Wiley: New York, NY, USA.
  • Desmet, P., & Fokkinga, S. (2020). Beyond Maslow’s pyramid: introducing a typology of thirteen fundamental needs for human-centered design. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(3), 38-60.
  • Hale, A. J., Ricotta, D. N., Freed, J., Smith, C. C., & Huang, G. C. (2019). Adapting Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a framework for resident wellness. Teaching and learning in medicine, 31(1), 109-118.
  • Gambin, M., Woźniak-Prus, M., Sekowski, M., Cudo, A., Pisula, E., Kiepura, E., & Kmita, G. (2020). Factors related to positive experiences in parent-child relationship during the COVID-19 lockdown. The role of empathy, emotion regulation, parenting self-efficacy and social support.
  • Gurley, L. E. (2018). Educators' preparation to teach, perceived teaching presence, and perceived teaching presence behaviors in blended and online learning environments, Online Learning Journal, 22(2), 197-220.
  • Hatta, I. H., & Rini, S. (2018). Developing job satisfaction which support ımprovement of organizational performance private high schools located in Indonesia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3), 529-534.
  • Hussong, A., Midgette, A., Richards, A., Petrie, R., Coffman, J., & Thomas, T. (2020). COVID-19 life events spill-over on family functioning and adolescent adjustment.
  • Lester, D. (2013). Measuring Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Psychological Reports, 113(1), 15-17.
  • Liu, J. J., Bao, Y., Huang, X., Shi, J., & Lu, L. (2020). Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19. Lancet, 4, 347–349.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1970). Motivation and personality (2nd ed.). New York: Harper and Row.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. New York: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Mittelman, W. (1991). Maslow's study of self-actualization: A reinterpretation. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 31(1), 114–135.
  • Munro, A. P. S., & Faust, S. N. (2020). Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school. Arch Dis Child, 105(7), 618-619.
  • Nacu, D. C., Martin, C. K., Pinkard, N., & Gray, T. (2016). Analyzing educators' online ınteractions: a framework of online learning support roles, Learning, Media and Technology, 41(2), 283-305.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2012). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri: nicel ve nitel yaklaşımlar I‐II. Cilt (5. Basım). İstanbul: Yayın Odası.
  • Nicola, M., Alsafi, Z., Sohrabi, C., Kerwan, A., Al-Jabir, A., Iosifidis, C., & Agha, R. (2020). The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. International Journal of Surgery, 78, 185–193.
  • Phelps, C., & Sperry, L. L. (2020). Children and the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(S1), S73
  • Pietrobelli, A., Pecoraro, L., Ferruzzi, A., Heo, M., Faith, M., Zoller, T., & Heymsfield, S. B. (2020). Effects of COVID‐19 lockdown on lifestyle behaviors in children with obesity living in Verona, Italy: a longitudinal study. Obesity, 28(8), 1382-1385.
  • Rundle, A. G., Park, Y., Herbstman, J. B., Kinsey, E. W., & Wang, Y. C. (2020). COVID-19-related school closings and risk of weight gain among children. Obesity (Silver Spring);28(6), 1008-1009.
  • Ryan, B. J. (2018). Addressing the ımpact of disasters on public health ınfrastructure and noncommunicable diseases. Townsville, Australia: James Cook University.
  • Saurabh, K., & Ranjan, S. (2020). Compliance and psychological impact of quarantine in children and adolescents due to Covid-19 pandemic. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 87, 532-536.
  • Schmidt, A., Kramer, A., Brose, A., Schmiedek, F., & Neubauer, A. (2020). Homeschooling and affective well-being of parents and children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A daily diary study.
  • Sengupta, S. S. (2011). Growth in human motivation: Beyond Maslow. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(1), 102-116
  • Suyono, J., & Mudjanarko, S. W. (2017). Motivation engineering to employee by employee-Abraham Maslow theory. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 86-92.
  • Taormina, R., & Gao, J. (2013). Maslow and the motivation hierarchy: Measuring satisfaction of the needs. The American Journal of Psychology, 126(2), 155-157.
  • Wang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, J., & Jiang, F. (2020). Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet, 395, 945–947.
  • Xie, X., Xue, Q., & Zhou, Y. (2020). Mental Health Status Among Children in Home Connement During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak in Hubei Province, China. JAMA Pediatr, 174(9), 898-900.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Eğitim Bilimleri

Alev Üstündağ 0000-0001-5832-6810

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mayıs 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

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