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Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1-2-3, 47 - 56, 28.05.2014


Penicillium expansum is an important pathogen causing
considerable postharvest losses in apples. Due to some restrictions applied for
chemicals, there is a need for new approaches and combined treatments for inhibition
of fungi. In present study, O2 isolate of P. expansum, isolated from apples in cold storages of
Kayseri, was used. Inoculated apples were irradiated with 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 kGy and stored at 3-4ºC
for 40 days. While the lesion diameter of untreated apples at 40th
day was 20.28 mm, the apples treated with 3.5 kGy had a diameter of 7.85 mm. Differences
in lession diamaters were found to be significant (
p<0.05).In second part of study, inoculated
apples were treated with sodium carbonate (SC,%3)+2.5 kGy, SC+3.0 kGy and
SC+3.5 kGy combinations and stored at 3-4ºC for 40 days. At the 40th
day, lesion diameters were measured as 49.00 mm and 19.18 mm for control
samples and SC+3.0 kGy treatment, respectively. The area under the disease
progress curve (AUDPC) was evaluated to calculate individual and total AUDPC.Long-term impacts of treatments on P.expansum were also evaluated by
performing re-isolation
from untreated and SC+3.0 kGy treatments. There
were no significant diffrerences between control and treated ones with regard
tocultural characteristics and pathogenicity of


  • Anonymous, 1987. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Food Irradiation.Newsletter11(2):6. Anonymous, 1999. Gıda Işınlama Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete 06.11.1999, 23868. Anonymous, 2013. Hasat sonrası kayıplar. (accessed28.03.13). Beraha, L., Ramsey,G.B., Smith M.A.,Wright,W.R.,1960. Gamma radiation dose response some decay pathogens. Phytopathology 50:474-476. Beraha, L.,1964. Influence of gamma radiation dose rate on decay of citrus, pears, peaches on Penicillium italicum and Botrytis cinerea in vitro. Phytopathology54(7): 755-759. Brennand, C.P., 1995. Food Irradiation. Radiation Information Network’s. Idaho State University, 28.03.13). Cia, P., Pascholati, S.F., Benato, E.A., Camili,E.C., Santos, C.A., 2007. Effects of gamma and UV-C irradiation on the postharvest control of papaya anthracnose. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 43:366–373. Conway, W.S., Leverentz, B., Janisiewicz, W.F., Blodgett, A.B, Saftner,R.A., Camp, M.J., 2004. Integrating heat treatment, biocontrol and sodium bicarbonate to reduce postharvest decay of apple caused by Colletotrichum acutatumand P. expansum. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology.34: 11–20. Darras, A.I., Joyceb,D.C.,Terrya, L.A., 2010. Postharvest UV-C irradiation on cut Freesia hybrida L. inflorescences suppresses petal specking caused by Botrytis cinerea, Postharvest BiologyandTechnology.55: 186–188. de Capdeville, G., Wilson, C.L., Beer,S.V., Aist, J.R., 2002. Alternative diseasecontrol agents induce resistance to blue mold in harvested ‘Red Delicious’apple fruit. Phytopathology 92: 900–908. Diehl, J.F., Josephson, E.S., 1994. Assessment of wholesomeness of irradiated food: A Review. Acta Aliment.2(23): 195–214. Duvenhage, A.J., Jooste, M.,Johnson, S.A., 2012. Irradiation as a postharvest quarantine treatment for a new pluot cultivar. Scientia Horticulturae 147:64–70. Farkas, J., 2006.Irradiation for better foods.Trends in Food Science andTechnology17:148-152. Geweely, N.S.I., Nawar,L.S., 2006. Sensitivity to gamma irradiation of post-harvest pathogens of pear. Int. J. Agric. Biol.8(6):710-716. Harris, B., 1998. The battle to minimise losses due to mycotoxins. World Poultry Magazine on Production Prosessing and Marketing. 14(4): 52-54. Jarrett, R.D., 1982. Isotope Radiation Sources. In: Josephson, E.S., Peterson, M.S.(Eds) Preservation of Food by Ionizing Radiation. CRC Press, Boca rato´n pp. 137–163. Kabak, B., Var, I., 2005.Effect of irradiation on mould growth and mycotoxin control.Gıda30(1): 197-201. Karabulut, O.A., Baykal, N., 2004. Integrated control of postharvest diseases of peaches with a yeast antagonist, hot water and modified atmosphere packaging. Crop Protection.23: 431–435. Klein, J.D.,Conway,W.S., Whitaker, B.D., Sams, C.E., 1997. Botrytiscinereadecay in apples is inhibitedbypostharvestheatandcalciumtreatments. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 122, 91–94. Kuhn, G.D, Merkley, M.S., Dennison,R.A., 1968.Irradiation inactivation of brown rot infections on peaches.Food Technology.22(7): 91-92. Lurie, S., Droby, S., Chalupowicz, L., Chalutz, E., 1995.Efficacy of Candida oleophilastrain182 in preventing Penicilliumexpansuminfection of nectarine fruits.Phytoparasitica.23: 231–234. Margosan, D.A., Smilanick,J.L., Henson, D.J., 1997. Combination of hot water andethanol to control postharvest decay of peaches and nectarines. Plant Disease. 81: 1405–1409. Mostafavi, H.A., Mirmajlessi, S.M., Fathollahi, H., Vaheh Minassyan, V., Mirjalili, S.M., 2011. Evaluation of gamma irradiation effect and Pseudomonas flourescens against Penicillium expansum. African Journal of Biotechnology.10(54): 11290-11293. Palou, L., Smilanick, J.L, Usall, .J., Vinas, I., 2001. Control of postharvest blue and green molds of orange by hot water, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate. Plant Disease. 85(4): 371-376. Palou, L., Usall, J., Munoz, J., Smilanick, J.L., Vinas, I., 2002. Hot water, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate for the control of postharvest green and blue molds of clementine mandarins. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 24: 93–96. Palou, L., Marcilla, A., Rojas-Argudo, C., Alonso, M., Jacas,J.A., Angel del Rio, M., 2007. Effects of X-ray irradiation and sodium carbonate treatments on postharvest Penicilliumdecay and quality attributes of clementine mandarins.Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 46: 252–261. Prakash, A., Inthajak, P., Huibregtse, H., Caporaso, F.,Foley, D.M., 2000. Effect of low dose gamma irradiation and conventional treatments on shelf life and quality characteristics of diced celery. J. Food Sci. 65: 1070-1075. Ragsdale, N.N., Sisler, H.D.,1994. Social and political implications of managing plant diseases with decreased availability of fungicides in the United States. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology.32: 545–557. Shea, K.M., M.D., M.P.H., the Committee on Environmental Health, 2000. Technical Report: Irradiation of Food. American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics106(6): 1505-1510. Smilanick, J.L., Margosan, D.A., Mlikota, F., Usall, J., Michael,I.F., 1999.Control of citrus green mold by carbonate and bicarbonate salts and the influence of commercial postharvest practices on their efficacy.Plant Disease.83: 139–145. Temur, C.,Tiryaki, O., 2013a. Irradiation alone or comined with other alternative treatments to control postharvest diseases. African Journal of Agricultural Research8(5): 421-434. Temur, C., Tiryaki, O., 2013b). Effect of gamma irradiation on Penicillium expansum isolated from “Golden Delicious” apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathol. 40(1-3):1-11. Tiryaki, O., Maden, S., 1991. Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea ve Rhizopus nigricans ile enfekteli Ankara armutlarında gamma radyasyonunu ile standart depolama koşullarında çürümenin engellenmesi. VI. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 7-11 Ekim, İzmir. Tiryaki, O., Aydın,G., Gürer, M., 1994. Post-harvest disease control of apple, quince, onion and peach, with radiation treatment, The Journal of Turkish Phytopathol.23 (3): 143-152. Urbain, W. M., 1986. Food Irradiation. Academic Press Inc., Orlando, pp.1-351. Usall, J., Smilanic, J., Palou, L., Denis-Arrue, N., Teixidó, N., Torres,R., Viñas,I., 2008. Preventive and curative activity of combined treatmentsof sodium carbonates and Pantoea agglomerans CPA-2 tocontrol postharvest green mold of citrus fruit.Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 50: 1–7. WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. High-dose irradiation: wholesomeness of food irradiated with doses above 10 kGy. Report of a Joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Study Group, Technical Report Series N_890. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. Zamani, M., Sharifi Tehrani, A., Ahmadzadeh, M., Hosseininaveh,V., Mostofy, Y., 2009. Control of Penicillium digitatum on orange fruit combining Pantoea agglomerans with hot sodium bicarbonate dipping.Journal of Plant Pathology91(2): 437-442.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1-2-3, 47 - 56, 28.05.2014



  • Anonymous, 1987. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Food Irradiation.Newsletter11(2):6. Anonymous, 1999. Gıda Işınlama Yönetmeliği. Resmi Gazete 06.11.1999, 23868. Anonymous, 2013. Hasat sonrası kayıplar. (accessed28.03.13). Beraha, L., Ramsey,G.B., Smith M.A.,Wright,W.R.,1960. Gamma radiation dose response some decay pathogens. Phytopathology 50:474-476. Beraha, L.,1964. Influence of gamma radiation dose rate on decay of citrus, pears, peaches on Penicillium italicum and Botrytis cinerea in vitro. Phytopathology54(7): 755-759. Brennand, C.P., 1995. Food Irradiation. Radiation Information Network’s. Idaho State University, 28.03.13). Cia, P., Pascholati, S.F., Benato, E.A., Camili,E.C., Santos, C.A., 2007. Effects of gamma and UV-C irradiation on the postharvest control of papaya anthracnose. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 43:366–373. Conway, W.S., Leverentz, B., Janisiewicz, W.F., Blodgett, A.B, Saftner,R.A., Camp, M.J., 2004. Integrating heat treatment, biocontrol and sodium bicarbonate to reduce postharvest decay of apple caused by Colletotrichum acutatumand P. expansum. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology.34: 11–20. Darras, A.I., Joyceb,D.C.,Terrya, L.A., 2010. Postharvest UV-C irradiation on cut Freesia hybrida L. inflorescences suppresses petal specking caused by Botrytis cinerea, Postharvest BiologyandTechnology.55: 186–188. de Capdeville, G., Wilson, C.L., Beer,S.V., Aist, J.R., 2002. Alternative diseasecontrol agents induce resistance to blue mold in harvested ‘Red Delicious’apple fruit. Phytopathology 92: 900–908. Diehl, J.F., Josephson, E.S., 1994. Assessment of wholesomeness of irradiated food: A Review. Acta Aliment.2(23): 195–214. Duvenhage, A.J., Jooste, M.,Johnson, S.A., 2012. Irradiation as a postharvest quarantine treatment for a new pluot cultivar. Scientia Horticulturae 147:64–70. Farkas, J., 2006.Irradiation for better foods.Trends in Food Science andTechnology17:148-152. Geweely, N.S.I., Nawar,L.S., 2006. Sensitivity to gamma irradiation of post-harvest pathogens of pear. Int. J. Agric. Biol.8(6):710-716. Harris, B., 1998. The battle to minimise losses due to mycotoxins. World Poultry Magazine on Production Prosessing and Marketing. 14(4): 52-54. Jarrett, R.D., 1982. Isotope Radiation Sources. In: Josephson, E.S., Peterson, M.S.(Eds) Preservation of Food by Ionizing Radiation. CRC Press, Boca rato´n pp. 137–163. Kabak, B., Var, I., 2005.Effect of irradiation on mould growth and mycotoxin control.Gıda30(1): 197-201. Karabulut, O.A., Baykal, N., 2004. Integrated control of postharvest diseases of peaches with a yeast antagonist, hot water and modified atmosphere packaging. Crop Protection.23: 431–435. Klein, J.D.,Conway,W.S., Whitaker, B.D., Sams, C.E., 1997. Botrytiscinereadecay in apples is inhibitedbypostharvestheatandcalciumtreatments. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 122, 91–94. Kuhn, G.D, Merkley, M.S., Dennison,R.A., 1968.Irradiation inactivation of brown rot infections on peaches.Food Technology.22(7): 91-92. Lurie, S., Droby, S., Chalupowicz, L., Chalutz, E., 1995.Efficacy of Candida oleophilastrain182 in preventing Penicilliumexpansuminfection of nectarine fruits.Phytoparasitica.23: 231–234. Margosan, D.A., Smilanick,J.L., Henson, D.J., 1997. Combination of hot water andethanol to control postharvest decay of peaches and nectarines. Plant Disease. 81: 1405–1409. Mostafavi, H.A., Mirmajlessi, S.M., Fathollahi, H., Vaheh Minassyan, V., Mirjalili, S.M., 2011. Evaluation of gamma irradiation effect and Pseudomonas flourescens against Penicillium expansum. African Journal of Biotechnology.10(54): 11290-11293. Palou, L., Smilanick, J.L, Usall, .J., Vinas, I., 2001. Control of postharvest blue and green molds of orange by hot water, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate. Plant Disease. 85(4): 371-376. Palou, L., Usall, J., Munoz, J., Smilanick, J.L., Vinas, I., 2002. Hot water, sodium carbonate, and sodium bicarbonate for the control of postharvest green and blue molds of clementine mandarins. Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 24: 93–96. Palou, L., Marcilla, A., Rojas-Argudo, C., Alonso, M., Jacas,J.A., Angel del Rio, M., 2007. Effects of X-ray irradiation and sodium carbonate treatments on postharvest Penicilliumdecay and quality attributes of clementine mandarins.Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 46: 252–261. Prakash, A., Inthajak, P., Huibregtse, H., Caporaso, F.,Foley, D.M., 2000. Effect of low dose gamma irradiation and conventional treatments on shelf life and quality characteristics of diced celery. J. Food Sci. 65: 1070-1075. Ragsdale, N.N., Sisler, H.D.,1994. Social and political implications of managing plant diseases with decreased availability of fungicides in the United States. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology.32: 545–557. Shea, K.M., M.D., M.P.H., the Committee on Environmental Health, 2000. Technical Report: Irradiation of Food. American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics106(6): 1505-1510. Smilanick, J.L., Margosan, D.A., Mlikota, F., Usall, J., Michael,I.F., 1999.Control of citrus green mold by carbonate and bicarbonate salts and the influence of commercial postharvest practices on their efficacy.Plant Disease.83: 139–145. Temur, C.,Tiryaki, O., 2013a. Irradiation alone or comined with other alternative treatments to control postharvest diseases. African Journal of Agricultural Research8(5): 421-434. Temur, C., Tiryaki, O., 2013b). Effect of gamma irradiation on Penicillium expansum isolated from “Golden Delicious” apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathol. 40(1-3):1-11. Tiryaki, O., Maden, S., 1991. Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea ve Rhizopus nigricans ile enfekteli Ankara armutlarında gamma radyasyonunu ile standart depolama koşullarında çürümenin engellenmesi. VI. Türkiye Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 7-11 Ekim, İzmir. Tiryaki, O., Aydın,G., Gürer, M., 1994. Post-harvest disease control of apple, quince, onion and peach, with radiation treatment, The Journal of Turkish Phytopathol.23 (3): 143-152. Urbain, W. M., 1986. Food Irradiation. Academic Press Inc., Orlando, pp.1-351. Usall, J., Smilanic, J., Palou, L., Denis-Arrue, N., Teixidó, N., Torres,R., Viñas,I., 2008. Preventive and curative activity of combined treatmentsof sodium carbonates and Pantoea agglomerans CPA-2 tocontrol postharvest green mold of citrus fruit.Postharvest BiologyandTechnology. 50: 1–7. WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. High-dose irradiation: wholesomeness of food irradiated with doses above 10 kGy. Report of a Joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Study Group, Technical Report Series N_890. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO. Zamani, M., Sharifi Tehrani, A., Ahmadzadeh, M., Hosseininaveh,V., Mostofy, Y., 2009. Control of Penicillium digitatum on orange fruit combining Pantoea agglomerans with hot sodium bicarbonate dipping.Journal of Plant Pathology91(2): 437-442.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Cemile Temur

Osman Tiryaki

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1-2-3

Kaynak Göster

APA Temur, C., & Tiryaki, O. (2014). Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, 42(1-2-3), 47-56.
AMA Temur C, Tiryaki O. Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology. Mayıs 2014;42(1-2-3):47-56.
Chicago Temur, Cemile, ve Osman Tiryaki. “Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples”. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 42, sy. 1-2-3 (Mayıs 2014): 47-56.
EndNote Temur C, Tiryaki O (01 Mayıs 2014) Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 42 1-2-3 47–56.
IEEE C. Temur ve O. Tiryaki, “Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples”, The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, c. 42, sy. 1-2, ss. 47–56, 2014.
ISNAD Temur, Cemile - Tiryaki, Osman. “Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples”. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology 42/1-2 (Mayıs 2014), 47-56.
JAMA Temur C, Tiryaki O. Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology. 2014;42:47–56.
MLA Temur, Cemile ve Osman Tiryaki. “Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples”. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology, c. 42, sy. 1-2-3, 2014, ss. 47-56.
Vancouver Temur C, Tiryaki O. Combination of Irradiation and Sodium Carbonate to Control Postharvest Penicillium Decay of Apples. The Journal of Turkish Phytopathology. 2014;42(1-2-3):47-56.