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Yıl 2019, Sayı: 28, 345 - 368, 29.12.2019




Özel isimler kısaltılmış belirli betimlemelerdir. Literatürde bu Betimlemeci Kuram’ın önemli bir özelliği olarak bilinir. Bu tez her ne kadar ilk bakışta sağduyusal-sezgilerimize hitap etse de Kripke’nin modal argümanından çıkan eleştiriden fazlasıyla payını almıştır. Bu makalenin ilk bölümünde, Betimlemeci Kuram’ı ana hatları ile, özellikle makalenin merkeze aldığı sorun bağlamında sunacağım. İkinci bölümde, Kripke’nin Betimlemeci Kuram hakkındaki tespit ve eleştirilerini ve meseleye dair kendi alternatif yaklaşımını sunacağım. Son bölümde ise, Kripke’nin önerisinin aslında bir açıdan bakıldığında onun daha öncesinde Betimlemeci Kuram’da eleştirdiği bir noktanın hedefi olması nedeniyle sorunlu olduğunu iddia edeceğim. 

Anahtar Kelimeler: Özel İsim, Betimlemeci Kuram, Nedenselci-Tarihselci Kuram, Yönelimsellik, Niyet Hali


  • BEANEY, Michael (Ed.), The Frege Reader, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997.
  • BRENTANO, Franz, Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, transl. by A.C. Rancurello, D.B. Terrell, and L. McAlister, Routledge: London, 1973/1995
  • CARROLL, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Collier Books: New York, 1962.
  • DEVITT, Michael & STERELNY, Kim, Language and Reality: An introduction to the philosophy of language, Basil Blackwell: Oxford, 1999.
  • DONNELLAN, Keith, “Reference and Definite Descriptions,” Philosophical Review 77 (1966): s. 281-304.
  • DUMMETT, Michael, Frege: Philosophy of Language, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, (1981).
  • FREGE, Gottlob, (1892) “On Sinn and Bedeutung”, Beaney (Ed) The Frege Reader kitabının içinde, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, s. 151-171.
  • FREGE, Gottlob, (1918) “Thought”, Beaney (Ed) The Frege Reader kitabının içinde, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, s. 325-345.
  • HAMPSHIRE, Stuart, Thought and Action, University of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame, Indiana, 1982.
  • İNAN, İlhan, "The Referential’ and ‘the Attributive’: Two Distinctions for the Price of One”, Organon F, Vol.XIII (2) (2006): s. 137-160.
  • KRIPKE, Saul, Naming and Necessity, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1980/2001.
  • LYCAN, William G., Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction, Routledge: London, 2008.
  • RUSSELL, Bertrand, “On Denoting,” Mind 14/56 (1905): s. 479-493.
  • RUSSELL, Bertrand, The Problems of Philosophy, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1912/2001.
  • SARAMAGO, Jose, Körlük, çev: Aykut Derman. Can Yayınları: İstanbul, 1994/2014.
  • WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig, Philosophical investigations, transl. by G.E.M. Anscombe. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.


Yıl 2019, Sayı: 28, 345 - 368, 29.12.2019


What is the function of proper names? According to the Descriptivist Theory
(DT), proper names are in fact abbreviated definite descriptions. They provide a
linguistic shortcut for speaking about the object, a shortcut that replaces a long
definite description depicting the distinguishing feature or features of the object
from other objects. Is this intuitive view correct or does it actually involve a
fundamental mistake? In the beginning of this article, I will present the outlines of
the DT, particularly within the context of the central issue evaluated in this essay.
In the second section, I will explain some of Kripke’s remarks and criticisms about
the DT and his alternative approach for the matter. In the last section, I will argue
for the claim that Kripke’s proposal, when approached from a certain perspective,
becomes a target for his own criticism, which actually aimed to reveal the failures
in the DT. Hence it is quite problematic. 


  • BEANEY, Michael (Ed.), The Frege Reader, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997.
  • BRENTANO, Franz, Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, transl. by A.C. Rancurello, D.B. Terrell, and L. McAlister, Routledge: London, 1973/1995
  • CARROLL, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, Collier Books: New York, 1962.
  • DEVITT, Michael & STERELNY, Kim, Language and Reality: An introduction to the philosophy of language, Basil Blackwell: Oxford, 1999.
  • DONNELLAN, Keith, “Reference and Definite Descriptions,” Philosophical Review 77 (1966): s. 281-304.
  • DUMMETT, Michael, Frege: Philosophy of Language, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, (1981).
  • FREGE, Gottlob, (1892) “On Sinn and Bedeutung”, Beaney (Ed) The Frege Reader kitabının içinde, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, s. 151-171.
  • FREGE, Gottlob, (1918) “Thought”, Beaney (Ed) The Frege Reader kitabının içinde, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1997, s. 325-345.
  • HAMPSHIRE, Stuart, Thought and Action, University of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame, Indiana, 1982.
  • İNAN, İlhan, "The Referential’ and ‘the Attributive’: Two Distinctions for the Price of One”, Organon F, Vol.XIII (2) (2006): s. 137-160.
  • KRIPKE, Saul, Naming and Necessity, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1980/2001.
  • LYCAN, William G., Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction, Routledge: London, 2008.
  • RUSSELL, Bertrand, “On Denoting,” Mind 14/56 (1905): s. 479-493.
  • RUSSELL, Bertrand, The Problems of Philosophy, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1912/2001.
  • SARAMAGO, Jose, Körlük, çev: Aykut Derman. Can Yayınları: İstanbul, 1994/2014.
  • WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig, Philosophical investigations, transl. by G.E.M. Anscombe. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Felsefe
Bölüm Makaleler

Nazım Gökel 0000-0003-4356-8563

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2019
Kabul Tarihi 26 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Gökel, Nazım. “BETİMLEMECİ VE NEDENSEL KURAM ARASINDA: DÜŞÜNCELERİN DİLE-GETİRİLMESİ”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 28 (Aralık 2019): 345-68.

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