Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 28 - 34, 30.09.2020



  • Akman, Y. (1990). İklim ve biyoiklim (climate and bioclimate). Palme Yayın-Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Yarci, C. (2010a). Urban flora and ecological characteristics of the Kartal District (Istanbul): A contribution to ur-ban ecology in Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(2), 183-200.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Yarci, C. (2010b), Urban ecological character-istics and vascular wall flora on the Anatolian side of Istan-bul, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(3), 483-495.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., Osma, E., Bakir, Y., Demir, G., Severoglu, Z., & Yarci, C. (2015). Environmental relationships of the vascular flora alongside the railway tracks between Haydarpaşa and Gebze (Istan-bul-Kocaeli/Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(1 (Spe-cial Issue)), 153-162.
  • Angeles, P. A. (1981). “Antropocentrism” definition. Dictionary of philosophy. Maper & Row, London.
  • Basaran, B., Soylu, G. N., & Civan, M. Y. (2020). Concentration of phthalate esters in indoor and outdoor dust in Kocaeli, Turkey: im-plications for human exposure and risk. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(2), 1808-1824.
  • Beyhan, E. (2007). İzmit'in kent planlamasında ekolojik verilerin değer-lendirilmesi, Doktora Tezi, (pp. 1-235). Marmara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Türkiye.
  • Borda-de-Água, L., Barrientos, R., Beja, P., & Miguel Pereira, H. (2017). Railway ecology. (pp. 1-320). Springer Nature.
  • Brandes, D. (1984). Flora und Vegetation von Bahnhöfen im nördlichen Deutschland. Acta Botanica Slovaca Academiae Scientiarum Slova-cae, Ser. A, Suppl, 1, 9-16.
  • Brandes, D. (2003a). Vascular flora of the Trento railway station (Italy)-some preliminary notes. Working Group for Vegetation Ecology, In-stitute of Plant Biology, Technical University Braunschweig, Germa-ny. 1-8.
  • Brandes, D. (2003b). Contributions to the urban flora and vegetation of Strasbourg (France). Working Group for Vegetation Ecology, Insti-tute of Plant Biology, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany. 1-14.
  • Davis, P. H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1-9. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edinburg. UK.
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Supplement). Vol. 10. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edin-burg. UK.
  • Erken, I. (2015). Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Kocaeli sancağının idari yapısı. Türkiyat Mecmuasi, 25(2). 193-236
  • Eskin, B., Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Serin, M. (2012). Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of the Pendik District, (Istanbul-Turkey), African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(4), 629-646.
  • Governorship, (2020). Official Website of Kocaeli Governorship,, Last Accessed on Septem-ber, 2020.
  • Guner, A., Ozhatay, N., Ekim, T., Baser, K. H. C. (2000). Flora of Tur-key and the East Aegean Islands (Supplement 2). Vol. 11. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edinburg. UK.
  • Jalas, J. (1995). Hemeroby and hemerochore of plant species. A terminol- ogyical reform effort Actasoc. Faunaflora Fenn, 72, 1-15.
  • Kose, M., & Ozen, F. Fazıl, (2017). Flora of Hereke (Kocaeli). Sakarya Ü-niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(6), 1165-1175.
  • Kowarik, I. (1988). Zum menschlichen Einfluβ auf Flora und Vegeta-tion. Theoretische Konzepte und ein Quantifizierungsansatz am Beispiel von Berlin (West). Landschaftsentwicklung und Umwelt-forschung, 56, 1-280.
  • Kowarik, I. (1990). Urban ecology: plants and plant communities in urban environments. SPB Academica, 99-103.
  • Köppen, W., & Geiger, R. (1954). Klima der erde (Climate of the earth). Wall Map 1:16 Mill. Klett-Perthes, Gotha. D. Brandes, “Flora und Vegetation von Stadtmauern”, Tuexenia, 1992, 12, 315-319.
  • Kunick, W. (1987). Woody vegetation in settlements. Landscape and Urban Planning, 14, 57-78.
  • Mapsworld, (2020). Official Website of Maps of World,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Marshall, B. R. (2018). “Railside habitat- Oxford ragwort flowering (Senecio squalidus), and ash saplings (Fraxinus excelsior) alongside a railway track. Mainline from Paddington to the west of England, Railways and roadsides (habitat); nr. Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, UK.
  • Meteorology, (2020). Official Website of State Meteorology Service,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Municipality, (2020), Official Website of Kocaeli Municipality,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Nufusu, (2020). Official Website of Turkey’s Population Statistics,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Osma, E., Ozyigit, I. I., Altay, V., & Serin, M. (2010). Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of Kadıköy district, Istanbul, Turkey. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1), 64-87.
  • Ozen F., & Acemi A. (2011). Kocaeli’de yayılış gösteren bitkilerin ende- mikler ve tehlike sınıfları yönünden değerlendirilmesi, OT Sistematik Botanik, 18, 147-189.
  • Pavlova, D., & Tonkov, S. (2005). The wall flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Acta Botani-ca Croatica, 64(2), 357-368.
  • Pietrzyk, M. D., Denisow, B., & Pietrzyk, L. (2019). Asteraceae species as potential environmental factors of allergy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(1), 1-11
  • Sayar, A. (1998). Kent planlamasında ekolojik verilerin değer-lendirilmesiMuğla örneği, (Doktora Tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Semerci, A. (2003). Kocaeli ekonomisinde tarım sektörünün yeri, genel yapısı, sorunları ve çözüm önerileri. Türk-Koop Ekin Dergisi, Anka-ra, 25, 63-68.
  • Severoglu, Z., Altay, V., Keskin, M., Serin, M., & Yarci, C. (2011). Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Glck District and its environs (Kocaeli-Turkey). Scientific Research and Essays, 6(4), 847-875.
  • Shi, H., Shi, T., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., Han, F., & Wang, C. (2018). Effect of roads on ecological corridors used for wildlife movement in a natural heritage site. Sustainability, 10(8), 2725.
  • Sukopp, H. (1976). Dynamik und Konstanz in der Flora der Bundesre-publik Deutschland. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde, 9-27.
  • TCDD, (2020). Official Website of Turkish State Railways,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Tubives, (2020). Turkish Plants Data Service,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Yarci, C., & Ozcelik, H. (2002). Wall flora of Edirne (Thrace Region), Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 9, 57-66.
  • Yarci, C., Serin, M., & Altay, V., (2007). The segetal vegetation of Kocaeli Province (Turkey), Ekoloji, 16, 23-33.

Investigation of Hemeroby Degree of Vegetation in Urban Transport Areas: The Case of İzmit (Kocaeli)

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 28 - 34, 30.09.2020


One of today’s main problems is the destruction of the ecosystems by human influence. In conjunction with the industriali-zation, increasing population and the number of factories has a negative impact on the natural vegetation of biotopes. To meas-ure the intensity of this destruction, universally recognised hemeroby scale is used. İzmit, which is also an industrialized town and was reborn from its ashes after a major earthquake in 1999 has similar ecosystem problems. This study’s primary aims are; (1) Identifying the biotope in İzmit’s terrestrial (=railway and highway) transportation areas, (2) Comparing with the transportation areas of Anatolian side of İstanbul in A2 region, (3) Examining the causes of differences, (4) Additionally, revealing the floral structure of the city in transportation areas. According to the results of the study, the biotope type distributed in the terrestrial transportation areas of the city of İzmit is compared to the biotope type of the terrestrial transportation areas in the Anatolian side of Istanbul in A2 region. The causes of the differences observed are examined and the flora of the transportation areas of the city was revealed. According to our results, it’s understood that these biotope types have different hemeroby degrees. Ob-tained results were compared with the results of similar studies from cities in Turkey as well as some European cities and the ob-served differences were evaluated. Additionally, flora of transportation areas of the city has been broadly revealed. Also, sugges-tions were made on the ecological basis of the city in the future, about the measures to be taken to protect the existing flora and the sustainability of the developing biotopes.


  • Akman, Y. (1990). İklim ve biyoiklim (climate and bioclimate). Palme Yayın-Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Yarci, C. (2010a). Urban flora and ecological characteristics of the Kartal District (Istanbul): A contribution to ur-ban ecology in Turkey. Scientific Research and Essays, 5(2), 183-200.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Yarci, C. (2010b), Urban ecological character-istics and vascular wall flora on the Anatolian side of Istan-bul, Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(3), 483-495.
  • Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., Osma, E., Bakir, Y., Demir, G., Severoglu, Z., & Yarci, C. (2015). Environmental relationships of the vascular flora alongside the railway tracks between Haydarpaşa and Gebze (Istan-bul-Kocaeli/Turkey). Journal of Environmental Biology, 36(1 (Spe-cial Issue)), 153-162.
  • Angeles, P. A. (1981). “Antropocentrism” definition. Dictionary of philosophy. Maper & Row, London.
  • Basaran, B., Soylu, G. N., & Civan, M. Y. (2020). Concentration of phthalate esters in indoor and outdoor dust in Kocaeli, Turkey: im-plications for human exposure and risk. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(2), 1808-1824.
  • Beyhan, E. (2007). İzmit'in kent planlamasında ekolojik verilerin değer-lendirilmesi, Doktora Tezi, (pp. 1-235). Marmara Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Türkiye.
  • Borda-de-Água, L., Barrientos, R., Beja, P., & Miguel Pereira, H. (2017). Railway ecology. (pp. 1-320). Springer Nature.
  • Brandes, D. (1984). Flora und Vegetation von Bahnhöfen im nördlichen Deutschland. Acta Botanica Slovaca Academiae Scientiarum Slova-cae, Ser. A, Suppl, 1, 9-16.
  • Brandes, D. (2003a). Vascular flora of the Trento railway station (Italy)-some preliminary notes. Working Group for Vegetation Ecology, In-stitute of Plant Biology, Technical University Braunschweig, Germa-ny. 1-8.
  • Brandes, D. (2003b). Contributions to the urban flora and vegetation of Strasbourg (France). Working Group for Vegetation Ecology, Insti-tute of Plant Biology, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany. 1-14.
  • Davis, P. H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1-9. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edinburg. UK.
  • Davis, P. H., Mill, R. R., Tan, K. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands (Supplement). Vol. 10. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edin-burg. UK.
  • Erken, I. (2015). Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Kocaeli sancağının idari yapısı. Türkiyat Mecmuasi, 25(2). 193-236
  • Eskin, B., Altay, V., Ozyigit, I. I., & Serin, M. (2012). Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of the Pendik District, (Istanbul-Turkey), African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(4), 629-646.
  • Governorship, (2020). Official Website of Kocaeli Governorship,, Last Accessed on Septem-ber, 2020.
  • Guner, A., Ozhatay, N., Ekim, T., Baser, K. H. C. (2000). Flora of Tur-key and the East Aegean Islands (Supplement 2). Vol. 11. Edinburg Univ. Press, Edinburg. UK.
  • Jalas, J. (1995). Hemeroby and hemerochore of plant species. A terminol- ogyical reform effort Actasoc. Faunaflora Fenn, 72, 1-15.
  • Kose, M., & Ozen, F. Fazıl, (2017). Flora of Hereke (Kocaeli). Sakarya Ü-niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(6), 1165-1175.
  • Kowarik, I. (1988). Zum menschlichen Einfluβ auf Flora und Vegeta-tion. Theoretische Konzepte und ein Quantifizierungsansatz am Beispiel von Berlin (West). Landschaftsentwicklung und Umwelt-forschung, 56, 1-280.
  • Kowarik, I. (1990). Urban ecology: plants and plant communities in urban environments. SPB Academica, 99-103.
  • Köppen, W., & Geiger, R. (1954). Klima der erde (Climate of the earth). Wall Map 1:16 Mill. Klett-Perthes, Gotha. D. Brandes, “Flora und Vegetation von Stadtmauern”, Tuexenia, 1992, 12, 315-319.
  • Kunick, W. (1987). Woody vegetation in settlements. Landscape and Urban Planning, 14, 57-78.
  • Mapsworld, (2020). Official Website of Maps of World,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Marshall, B. R. (2018). “Railside habitat- Oxford ragwort flowering (Senecio squalidus), and ash saplings (Fraxinus excelsior) alongside a railway track. Mainline from Paddington to the west of England, Railways and roadsides (habitat); nr. Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, UK.
  • Meteorology, (2020). Official Website of State Meteorology Service,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Municipality, (2020), Official Website of Kocaeli Municipality,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Nufusu, (2020). Official Website of Turkey’s Population Statistics,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Osma, E., Ozyigit, I. I., Altay, V., & Serin, M. (2010). Urban vascular flora and ecological characteristics of Kadıköy district, Istanbul, Turkey. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1), 64-87.
  • Ozen F., & Acemi A. (2011). Kocaeli’de yayılış gösteren bitkilerin ende- mikler ve tehlike sınıfları yönünden değerlendirilmesi, OT Sistematik Botanik, 18, 147-189.
  • Pavlova, D., & Tonkov, S. (2005). The wall flora of the Nebet Tepe Architectural Reserve in the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Acta Botani-ca Croatica, 64(2), 357-368.
  • Pietrzyk, M. D., Denisow, B., & Pietrzyk, L. (2019). Asteraceae species as potential environmental factors of allergy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(1), 1-11
  • Sayar, A. (1998). Kent planlamasında ekolojik verilerin değer-lendirilmesiMuğla örneği, (Doktora Tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir, Türkiye.
  • Semerci, A. (2003). Kocaeli ekonomisinde tarım sektörünün yeri, genel yapısı, sorunları ve çözüm önerileri. Türk-Koop Ekin Dergisi, Anka-ra, 25, 63-68.
  • Severoglu, Z., Altay, V., Keskin, M., Serin, M., & Yarci, C. (2011). Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Glck District and its environs (Kocaeli-Turkey). Scientific Research and Essays, 6(4), 847-875.
  • Shi, H., Shi, T., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., Han, F., & Wang, C. (2018). Effect of roads on ecological corridors used for wildlife movement in a natural heritage site. Sustainability, 10(8), 2725.
  • Sukopp, H. (1976). Dynamik und Konstanz in der Flora der Bundesre-publik Deutschland. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde, 9-27.
  • TCDD, (2020). Official Website of Turkish State Railways,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Tubives, (2020). Turkish Plants Data Service,, Last Accessed on September, 2020.
  • Yarci, C., & Ozcelik, H. (2002). Wall flora of Edirne (Thrace Region), Ot Sistematik Botanik Dergisi, 9, 57-66.
  • Yarci, C., Serin, M., & Altay, V., (2007). The segetal vegetation of Kocaeli Province (Turkey), Ekoloji, 16, 23-33.
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekoloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Elvan Beyhan 0000-0003-3169-6736

Celal Yarcı 0000-0001-7634-2443

Ahmet Yılmaz 0000-0002-3202-458X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Beyhan, E., Yarcı, C., & Yılmaz, A. (2020). Investigation of Hemeroby Degree of Vegetation in Urban Transport Areas: The Case of İzmit (Kocaeli). Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies, 1(1), 28-34.

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Frontiers in Life Sciences and Related Technologies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.