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Afetlerde Toplum Sağlığının Korunmasında Önemli Bir Kavram: Afet Hemşireliği

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 57 - 65, 22.05.2015


Hemşireler Florance Nightingale’den bu yana, değerlendirme yapma becerileri, öncelik belirleme, iletişim, işbirliği ve eleştirel düşünme becerileri ile afet yönetiminde çeşitli roller üstlenmişlerdir. Bu nedenle günümüzde hemşireler; olu- şabilecek afetlere karşı hazırlıklı olmak ve afet durumları için gerekli olan bilgi ve becerileri kazanmakla sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Kendi uzmanlık alanları ne olursa olsun hemşirelerin afet yönetimini bilmesi ve afetlerin tüm evrelerinde görev almaları sağlanmalıdır. Afet hemşiresinin kendisinden beklenen nitelikler doğrultusunda hizmet verebilmesi için rol ve sorumlulukları, eğitimi, hizmet kapsamı ve afet hemşireliği alanındaki araştırmalar gibi birçok konunun ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu gereksinim ülkemizde de afet hemşireliğinin görünür kılınmasının, afet hemşiresinin çağdaş rol ve fonksiyonlarına uygun olarak görev tanımlarının yapılması, çalışma alanı bulması ve eğitim alt yapısının oluşturulması için önemli bir gereklilik olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu çalışmada bu gereksinimden yola çıkarak afetlerde toplum sağlığının korunmasında önemli bir kavram olan afet hemşireliği konusu ele alınmış, mevcut durum değerlendirilerek, öneriler geliştirilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Afet hemşireliği, afet, hemşire, toplum sağlığı, sağlığın korunması.


  • Aile Hekimliği Uygulama Yönetmeliği (2010). Aile sağlığı ele- manının görev yetki ve sorumlulukları, tr/TR/belge/1-10376/aile-hekimligi-uygulama-yonetmeligi.html (2013).
  • Alim, S., Kawabata, M., Nakazawa, M. (2014). Evaluation of di- saster preparedness training and disaster drill for nursing students.
  • Nurse Education Today, 35(1): 25-31. Bayraktar, N. (2013). Afetlerde hemşirelik hizmetlerinin organizas- yonu. Altıntaş, H. (Ed.). Acil ve Afet Durumlarında Sağlık Yöneti- mi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayını, Ankara, 195-218.
  • Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) (2014). Türkiye deprem veri merkezi, Portal/welcome.jsf (27.11.2014).
  • Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) (2014). Van depremi faaliyet raporu, (2014).
  • Broussard, B., Myers, R., Meaux, J. (2008). The impact of hurri- canes katrina and rita on louisiana school nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 24(2): 78-80.
  • Cusack, L., Arbon, P., Ranse, J. (2010). What is the role of nursing students and schools of nursing during disaster? A discussion paper. Collegian, 17(4): 193-197.
  • Davies, K., Higginson, R. (2005). The human factors in a disaster.
  • Nursing Clinics of North America, 40(3): 579-586. Deeny, P., McFetridge, B. (2005). The impact of disaster on cultu- re, self and identity: Increased awareness by healthcare professio- nals is needed. Nursing Clinics of North America, 40(3): 431-440.
  • Ersoy, Ş. (2013). Afet Raporu “Dünya ve Türkiye”, http://www. (2014).
  • Fothergill, A., Palumbo, V. M., Rumbur, B., Reinier, K., McIntosb, B. (2005). The volunter potential of inactive nurses for disaster pre- paredness. Public Health Nursing, 22(5): 414-421.
  • Fountain, R. ve ark. (2014). Preparing for disasters: Education and management strategies explored. Nurse Education in Practi- ce, 8(1): 1-8.
  • Fung, O. W., Loke, A. Y., Lai, C. K. (2008). Disaster preparedness among Hongkong nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62(6): 698-70
  • Hemşirelik Yönetmeliği (2010). Hemşirelerin görev, yetki ve sorum- lulukları, htm (001.2014).
  • International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2006). Position statement:
  • Nurses and disaster preparedness, NursesDisaster-Prep.pdf (10.11.2013).
  • International Nursing Coalition for Mass Casualty Education (INC- MCE) (2003). Educational competencies for registered nurses res- ponding to mass casualty incidents, http://www.nursing.vanderbilt. edu/incmce/competencies.html (24.11.2013).
  • Japanese Nursing Association (JNA) (2011). Nursing in Japan, (12.09.2013).
  • Jose, M., Dufrene, C. (2014). Educational competencies and tech- nologies for disaster preparedness in undergraduate nursing educa- tion: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 34(4): 543-551.
  • Kahn, C. A., Schultz, C. H., Miller, K. T., Anderson, C. L. (2009).
  • Does START triage work? An outcomes assessment after a disaster. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 54(3): 424-430. Kuntz, S., Frable, P., Qureshi, K., Strong, L. (2008). Dis aster pre- paredness white paper for community/ public health nursing educa- tors. Health Affairs, 25(4): 362-369.
  • Magnaye, B., Lindsay, S., Ann, M., Gilbert, R., Heather, J. (2011).
  • The role, preparedness and management of nurses during disasters. International Scientifi c Research Journal, 3(4): 270-294. O’Connor, R. E. ve ark. (2004). Linkages of acute care and emer- gency medical services to state and local public health programs: The role of interactive information systems for responding to events re- sulting in mass injury. Prehospital Emergency Care, 8(3): 237-253.
  • O’Boyle, C., Robertson, C., Secor-Turner, M. (2006). Public health emergencies: Nurses’ recommendations for effective actions. AA- OHN Journal, 54(8): 347-353.
  • Ohara, M. ve ark. (2009). The present situation of disaster nursing education at nursing colleges and universities in Asian region. Ja- pan Society of Disaster Nursing, 1-13, http//
  • The%20Present%20Situatio (13.05.2013).
  • Olchin, L., Krutz, A. (2012). Nurses as fi rst responders in a mass casualty. Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Offi cial Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses, 19(2): 122-129.
  • Ökdem, Ş., Abbasoğlu, A., Doğan, N. (2000). Hemşirelik tarihi, ge- lişimi ve eğitimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Dikimevi Sağlık Hizmetleri
  • Meslek Yüksekokulu Yıllığı, 1(1): 5-11. Polivka, B. J. ve ark. (2008). Public health nursing competenci- es for public health surge events. Public Health Nursing, 25(2): 159-1
  • Reilly, M. J., Markenson, D., DiMaggio, C. (2007). Comfort level of emergency medical service providers in responding to weapons of mass destruction events: Impact of training and equipment. Pre- hosp Disaster Med, 22(4): 297-303.
  • Robinson, J. (2010). Nursing and health policy perspectives. Inter- national Nursing Review, 59(4): 438.
  • Rogers, B., Lawhorn, E. (2007). Disaster preparedness: Occupatio- nal and environmental health professionals’ response to Hurricanes
  • Katrina and Rita. AAOHN Journal, 55(5): 197-207. Sanders, J., A., Frisch, N., Wing, S. (2005). Nursing students’ per- ceptions about disaster nursing. Disaster Management Response, 3(3): 80-85.
  • Sato, M., Atogami, F., Nakamura, Y., Kusaka, Y.,Yoshizawa, T. (2014). Remote community-based public health nursing during a disaster: An ethnographic case study in Japan. Australasian Emer- gency Nursing Journal, 17(3): 106-111.
  • Savage, C., Kub, J. (2009). Public health and nursing: A natural partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(11): 2843-2848.
  • Scannell, E. A. (2005). Lessons learned and advice from Vietnam
  • War nurses: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(6): 600-607. Stanley, S. A. ve ark. (2008). The explore surge trail guide and hi- king workshop: Discipline-specifi c education for public health nur- ses. Public Health Nursing, 25(2): 166-175.
  • The International Disaster Database (EM-DAT) (2014). Turkey country profi le disaster list, disaster-list (15.11.2014).
  • Türk Hemşireler Derneği (THD) (2011). Van depremi ve hemşi- reler, depremi-ve-hemsireler.aspx (15.11.2014).
  • Ulusoy, F. (1998). Türkiye’de hemşirelik eğitiminin tarihsel süre- ci. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 2(1): 1
  • Vatan, F., Salur, D. (2010).Yönetici hemşirelerin hastanelerdeki deprem afet planları konusundaki görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Mal- tepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 3(1): 32-44.
  • Veenema, T. (2007). Disaster Nursing and Emergency Prepared- ness for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Terrorism and Ot- her Hazards. 1. basım, Springer Publishing Company, New York.
  • Vogt, V., Kulbok, P. A. (2008). Care of client in disaster settings community health nursing. Advocacy for Population Health, 5(2): 759-800.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2006). The contribution of nursing and midwifery in emergencies, sing_consultation_report (28.10.2013).
  • World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2009). ICN framework of disaster nursing compe- tencies, Geneva.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2009). Global standards for the initial education of professional nurses and midwives, Geneva.
  • Yamamoto, A. (2006). Mid-term report on the project “Disaster nursing in a ubiquitous society” in the academic years 2003 and 200 Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 3(1): 65-69.
  • Zarea, K., Beiranvand, S., Sheini-Jaberi, P., Nikbakht-Nasrabadi, A. (2014). Disaster nursing in Iran: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 17(4): 190-196.

An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 57 - 65, 22.05.2015


Since Florence Nightingale, nurses have undertaken a variety of roles in disaster management with their evaluation making skills, prioritization, communication, cooperation and critical thinking skills. Therefore, nurses are held responsible for gaining necessary knowledge and skills in disaster management and to be prepared for possible disasters. Nurses whatever their area of expertise should know disaster management and should be entitled to take charge in all phases of disaster. In order that a disaster nurse can serve skillfully as expected, many issues are needed to be addressed such as his/her responsibilities, training, and scope of services, performing researches in the fi eld of disaster nursing, etc. This requirement can be assessed as a key necessity in Turkey as well for the creation of the training infrastructure, terms of references defi nition and fi nding workspace in compliance with modern roles and function of nurses. In this study, the issue of disaster nursing which is important for public health is assessed, current situation is evaluated and recommendations are developed in line with the requirements mentioned above.

Key Words: Disaster nursing, disaster, nursing, public health, health promotion.


  • Aile Hekimliği Uygulama Yönetmeliği (2010). Aile sağlığı ele- manının görev yetki ve sorumlulukları, tr/TR/belge/1-10376/aile-hekimligi-uygulama-yonetmeligi.html (2013).
  • Alim, S., Kawabata, M., Nakazawa, M. (2014). Evaluation of di- saster preparedness training and disaster drill for nursing students.
  • Nurse Education Today, 35(1): 25-31. Bayraktar, N. (2013). Afetlerde hemşirelik hizmetlerinin organizas- yonu. Altıntaş, H. (Ed.). Acil ve Afet Durumlarında Sağlık Yöneti- mi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayını, Ankara, 195-218.
  • Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) (2014). Türkiye deprem veri merkezi, Portal/welcome.jsf (27.11.2014).
  • Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı (AFAD) (2014). Van depremi faaliyet raporu, (2014).
  • Broussard, B., Myers, R., Meaux, J. (2008). The impact of hurri- canes katrina and rita on louisiana school nurses. The Journal of School Nursing, 24(2): 78-80.
  • Cusack, L., Arbon, P., Ranse, J. (2010). What is the role of nursing students and schools of nursing during disaster? A discussion paper. Collegian, 17(4): 193-197.
  • Davies, K., Higginson, R. (2005). The human factors in a disaster.
  • Nursing Clinics of North America, 40(3): 579-586. Deeny, P., McFetridge, B. (2005). The impact of disaster on cultu- re, self and identity: Increased awareness by healthcare professio- nals is needed. Nursing Clinics of North America, 40(3): 431-440.
  • Ersoy, Ş. (2013). Afet Raporu “Dünya ve Türkiye”, http://www. (2014).
  • Fothergill, A., Palumbo, V. M., Rumbur, B., Reinier, K., McIntosb, B. (2005). The volunter potential of inactive nurses for disaster pre- paredness. Public Health Nursing, 22(5): 414-421.
  • Fountain, R. ve ark. (2014). Preparing for disasters: Education and management strategies explored. Nurse Education in Practi- ce, 8(1): 1-8.
  • Fung, O. W., Loke, A. Y., Lai, C. K. (2008). Disaster preparedness among Hongkong nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62(6): 698-70
  • Hemşirelik Yönetmeliği (2010). Hemşirelerin görev, yetki ve sorum- lulukları, htm (001.2014).
  • International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2006). Position statement:
  • Nurses and disaster preparedness, NursesDisaster-Prep.pdf (10.11.2013).
  • International Nursing Coalition for Mass Casualty Education (INC- MCE) (2003). Educational competencies for registered nurses res- ponding to mass casualty incidents, http://www.nursing.vanderbilt. edu/incmce/competencies.html (24.11.2013).
  • Japanese Nursing Association (JNA) (2011). Nursing in Japan, (12.09.2013).
  • Jose, M., Dufrene, C. (2014). Educational competencies and tech- nologies for disaster preparedness in undergraduate nursing educa- tion: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 34(4): 543-551.
  • Kahn, C. A., Schultz, C. H., Miller, K. T., Anderson, C. L. (2009).
  • Does START triage work? An outcomes assessment after a disaster. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 54(3): 424-430. Kuntz, S., Frable, P., Qureshi, K., Strong, L. (2008). Dis aster pre- paredness white paper for community/ public health nursing educa- tors. Health Affairs, 25(4): 362-369.
  • Magnaye, B., Lindsay, S., Ann, M., Gilbert, R., Heather, J. (2011).
  • The role, preparedness and management of nurses during disasters. International Scientifi c Research Journal, 3(4): 270-294. O’Connor, R. E. ve ark. (2004). Linkages of acute care and emer- gency medical services to state and local public health programs: The role of interactive information systems for responding to events re- sulting in mass injury. Prehospital Emergency Care, 8(3): 237-253.
  • O’Boyle, C., Robertson, C., Secor-Turner, M. (2006). Public health emergencies: Nurses’ recommendations for effective actions. AA- OHN Journal, 54(8): 347-353.
  • Ohara, M. ve ark. (2009). The present situation of disaster nursing education at nursing colleges and universities in Asian region. Ja- pan Society of Disaster Nursing, 1-13, http//
  • The%20Present%20Situatio (13.05.2013).
  • Olchin, L., Krutz, A. (2012). Nurses as fi rst responders in a mass casualty. Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Offi cial Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses, 19(2): 122-129.
  • Ökdem, Ş., Abbasoğlu, A., Doğan, N. (2000). Hemşirelik tarihi, ge- lişimi ve eğitimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Dikimevi Sağlık Hizmetleri
  • Meslek Yüksekokulu Yıllığı, 1(1): 5-11. Polivka, B. J. ve ark. (2008). Public health nursing competenci- es for public health surge events. Public Health Nursing, 25(2): 159-1
  • Reilly, M. J., Markenson, D., DiMaggio, C. (2007). Comfort level of emergency medical service providers in responding to weapons of mass destruction events: Impact of training and equipment. Pre- hosp Disaster Med, 22(4): 297-303.
  • Robinson, J. (2010). Nursing and health policy perspectives. Inter- national Nursing Review, 59(4): 438.
  • Rogers, B., Lawhorn, E. (2007). Disaster preparedness: Occupatio- nal and environmental health professionals’ response to Hurricanes
  • Katrina and Rita. AAOHN Journal, 55(5): 197-207. Sanders, J., A., Frisch, N., Wing, S. (2005). Nursing students’ per- ceptions about disaster nursing. Disaster Management Response, 3(3): 80-85.
  • Sato, M., Atogami, F., Nakamura, Y., Kusaka, Y.,Yoshizawa, T. (2014). Remote community-based public health nursing during a disaster: An ethnographic case study in Japan. Australasian Emer- gency Nursing Journal, 17(3): 106-111.
  • Savage, C., Kub, J. (2009). Public health and nursing: A natural partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(11): 2843-2848.
  • Scannell, E. A. (2005). Lessons learned and advice from Vietnam
  • War nurses: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(6): 600-607. Stanley, S. A. ve ark. (2008). The explore surge trail guide and hi- king workshop: Discipline-specifi c education for public health nur- ses. Public Health Nursing, 25(2): 166-175.
  • The International Disaster Database (EM-DAT) (2014). Turkey country profi le disaster list, disaster-list (15.11.2014).
  • Türk Hemşireler Derneği (THD) (2011). Van depremi ve hemşi- reler, depremi-ve-hemsireler.aspx (15.11.2014).
  • Ulusoy, F. (1998). Türkiye’de hemşirelik eğitiminin tarihsel süre- ci. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 2(1): 1
  • Vatan, F., Salur, D. (2010).Yönetici hemşirelerin hastanelerdeki deprem afet planları konusundaki görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Mal- tepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 3(1): 32-44.
  • Veenema, T. (2007). Disaster Nursing and Emergency Prepared- ness for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Terrorism and Ot- her Hazards. 1. basım, Springer Publishing Company, New York.
  • Vogt, V., Kulbok, P. A. (2008). Care of client in disaster settings community health nursing. Advocacy for Population Health, 5(2): 759-800.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2006). The contribution of nursing and midwifery in emergencies, sing_consultation_report (28.10.2013).
  • World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) (2009). ICN framework of disaster nursing compe- tencies, Geneva.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2009). Global standards for the initial education of professional nurses and midwives, Geneva.
  • Yamamoto, A. (2006). Mid-term report on the project “Disaster nursing in a ubiquitous society” in the academic years 2003 and 200 Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 3(1): 65-69.
  • Zarea, K., Beiranvand, S., Sheini-Jaberi, P., Nikbakht-Nasrabadi, A. (2014). Disaster nursing in Iran: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 17(4): 190-196.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.



Bilge Kalanlar

Gülümser Kubilay Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kalanlar, B., & Kubilay, G. (2015). An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 23(1), 57-65.
AMA Kalanlar B, Kubilay G. An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. Mayıs 2015;23(1):57-65. doi:10.17672/fnhd.34589
Chicago Kalanlar, Bilge, ve Gülümser Kubilay. “An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 23, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2015): 57-65.
EndNote Kalanlar B, Kubilay G (01 Mayıs 2015) An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 23 1 57–65.
IEEE B. Kalanlar ve G. Kubilay, “An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 57–65, 2015, doi: 10.17672/fnhd.34589.
ISNAD Kalanlar, Bilge - Kubilay, Gülümser. “An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 23/1 (Mayıs 2015), 57-65.
JAMA Kalanlar B, Kubilay G. An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2015;23:57–65.
MLA Kalanlar, Bilge ve Gülümser Kubilay. “An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 23, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 57-65, doi:10.17672/fnhd.34589.
Vancouver Kalanlar B, Kubilay G. An Important Concept of Protecting Public Health in Disaster Situations: Disaster Nursing. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2015;23(1):57-65.