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Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 69 - 79, 17.05.2012


Pelvik taban bozuklukları dünyada milyonlarca kadını etkiler. Yaşla birlikte pelvik taban bozukluklarının prevalansı artış
gösterir. Pelvik taban bozuklukları (üriner inkontinans, fekal inkontinans, pelvik organ sarkması, kronik pelvik ağrı)
kadınları, ailelerini, yaşlı ise bakıcıları ve toplumu etkiler. Pelvik taban bozuklukları maliyetlidir ve kadınların yaşam
kalitelerini dramatik olarak etkiler. İdrar / barsak kontrolünün kaybı tüm yaş grubu kadınların psikolojisini, fi ziksel
durumlarını, sosyal yaşamlarını, aile yaşantılarını, mesleki ve cinsel yaşamlarını bozar. İnkontinansı hastalık olarak
algılayan kadınların yaşam kaliteleri daha fazla etkilenmekle birlikte tıbbi yardım arama davranışı daha fazladır. Pelvik
taban bozuklukları semptomlarının ya da tedavisinin yaşam kalitesine ve cinsel sağlık üzerine etkisini değerlendirmek
için birçok soru formu geliştirilmiştir. Bu alanda uzmanlaşmış hemşireler pelvik taban bozukluğu olan kadınların bakı-
mında önemli rollere sahiptirler.


  • Addis I. B. (2008). Social impact of urinary incontinence and pel- vic fl oor dysfunction. Raz, S., Rodriguez, L. (Eds.). Female Uro- logy. ed., edition, Saunders Elsevier Philadelphia., 69- 73.
  • Akhan S. E. (2009). Pelvis tabanı ve cinsel yaşam. Yalçın, Ö.
  • (Ed.).Temel Ürojinekoloji. 1. basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 525 – 541. Aslan, G. ve ark. (2005). Sexual function in women with urinary incontinence. Int J Impot Res., 17: 248–251.
  • Bailey, N., Pare´s, D. (2010). Faecal incontinence and depression:
  • Cause or effect? Colorectal Dis., May;12(5): 397–398. Barber, M. D. (2007). Questionnaires for women with pelvic fl or disorders. Int Urogynecol J. Pelvic Flor Dysfunct., Apr;18(4): 461
  • Bayrak, Ş. G. (2008). Kronik pelvik ağrı şikayeti olan hastalarda tibial sinir uyarısı tedavisinin (nöromodülasyon) yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi
  • Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 53-55. Beji, N. K., Yalcin, O., Erkan, H. A. (2003). The effect of pelvic fl o- or training on sexual function of treated patients. Int. Urogynecol J
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Oct.;14(4): 234-8. Biri ve ark. (2006). Incidence of stress urinary incontinence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J., Nov;17(6): 604–610.
  • Bonetti, T. R., Erpelding, A., Pathak L. R. (2004). Listening to “Felt
  • Needs”: Investigating genital prolapse in Western Nepal. Repro- ductive Health Matters., May;12(23): 166–175. Brown, W. J., Miller, Y. D. (2001). Too wet to exercise? Leaking urine as a barrier to physical activity in women. J Sci Med Sport. Dec., 4(4): 373– 378.
  • Bush, T. A., Castellucci, D. T., Phillips, C. (2001). Exploring women’s beliefs regarding urinary incontinence. Urol Nurs., 21: 218.
  • Chancellor, M. B., Anderson, R. U., Boone, T. B. (2006). Phar- macotherapy for neurogenic detrusor overactivity. Am J Phys Med Rehabil., 85: 536 - 545.
  • Chatoor, D. R., Taylor, S. J., Cohen C. R., Emmanuel, A. V. (2007).
  • Faecal incontinence. Br J Surg., 94: 134–44. Cooper, Z. R., Rose, S. (2000). Fecal incontinence: A clinical app- roach. Mt Sinai J Med., Mar; 67(2): 96–105.
  • Coyne ve ark. (2004). The impact of urinary urgency and frequ- ency on health-related quality of life in overactive bladder: Results from a national community survey. Value Health., Jul-Aug;7(4): 463.
  • Debeau, C. E. (2006). The aging lower urinary tract. J Urol., (3Pt2): 11-15.
  • Di Gangi Herms, A. M., Pinggera, G. M., De Jonge, P., Strasser, H., Söllner, W. (2003). Assessing health care needs and clinical outco- me with urological case complexity: A study using INTERMED.
  • Psychosomatics., May;44(3): 196-203. Digesu, G. A., Chaliha, C., Salvatore, S., Hutchings, A., Khul- lar, V. M. (2005). The relationship of vaginal prolapse severity to symptoms and quality of life. BJOG., Jull;112(7): 971–976.
  • Do Moulin, M. F., Hamers, J. P., Paulus, A., Berendsen, C., Hal- fens, R. (2005). The role of nurse in community continence care: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42(4): 492.
  • DuBeau, C. E., Levy, B., Mangione, C. M., Resnick, N. M. (1998).
  • The impact of urge urinary incontinence on quality of life: Impor- tance of patients’ perspective and explanatory style. J Am Geriatr Soc. Jun., 46(6): 683–692. Farage, M. A., Miller, K. W., Berardesca, E., Maibach, H. I. (2008).
  • Psychosocial and societal burden of incontinence in the aged popu- lation: A review. Arch Gynecol Obstet., 277(4): 285–290. Fialkow M. F. ve ark. (2003). The functional and psychosocial im- pact of fecal incontinence on women with urinary incontinence.
  • Am J Obstet Gynecol., Jul;189(1): 127-129. FitzGerald, M. P., Butler, N., Shott, S., Brubaker, L. (2002). Bot- her arising from urinary frequency in women. Neurourol Urodyn., (1): 36-41.
  • Fultz N. H. ve ark. (2003). Burden of stress urinary incontinen- ce for community-dwelling women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Nov; (5): 1275-1282.
  • Fultz, N. H. ve ark. (2005). The impact of own and spouse’s urinary incontinence on depressive symptoms. Soc Sci Med., Jun; 60(11): 2548.
  • Grace, V. M., Zondervan, K. T. (2006). Choronic pelvic pain in New
  • Zealand: Comparative well-being, comorbidy, and impact on work and other activities. Health Care Women İnt., Aug; 27(7): 585-559. Hunskaar, S., Lose, G., Sykes, D., Voss, S. (2004). The prevalence of urinary incontinence in women in four European countries. BJU Int., 93(3): 324-330.
  • Jelovsek, J. E., Maher, C., Barber, M. D. (2007). Pelvic organ pro- lapse. Lancet., Mar 24; 369(9566): 1027–38.
  • Karan, A., ve ark. (2000). Üriner İnkontinanslı hastalarda yaşam kalitesi ve objektif değerlendirme paremetreleri ile ilişkisi. Geriat- ri, 3(3): 102-106.
  • Kaya, B. ve ark. (2006). Anxiety, depression and sexual dysfunc- tion in women with chronic pelvic pain. Sexual and Relationship therapy, 21(2): 187-196.
  • Kenton, K., Mueller, E. R. (2006). The global burden of female pelvic fl oor disorders. BJU Int., Sep; 98, (1):1–7.
  • Ko, Y., Lin, S. J., Salmon, J. W., Bron, M. S. (2005). The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life of the elderly. Am J Manag Care., Jul;11(4): 103-111
  • Kocak, I., Okyay, P., Dundar, M., Erol, H., Beser, E. (2005). Female urinary ıncontinence in the west of Turkey: Prevalence, risk factors and impact on quality of life. European Urology., 48(4): 634–641.
  • Koyuncu, M. K. (2009). Pelvik ağrı. Yalçın, Ö. (Ed.). Temel Ürojine- koloji. 1. basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 563-572.
  • Kulseng-Hanssen, S., Berild, G. H. (2002). Subjective and objecti- ve incontinence 5 to 10 years after Burch colposuspension. Neuro- urol Urodyn., 21(2): 100-105.
  • Macaulay, A. J., Stern, R. S., Stanton, S. L. (1991). Psychologi- cal aspects of 211 female patients attending a urodynamic unit. J Psychosom Res., 35(1): 1-10.
  • MacLennah, A. H., Taylor, A. W., Wilson, D. H., Wilson, D. (2000).
  • The prevalence of pelvic fl oor disorders and their relationship to gender, age, parity and mode of delivery. BJOG., Dec;107(12): 1470.
  • MacKerty, K. (2008). Urinary incontinence-procedural and surgical treatments for women. Aust Fam Physician., Mar;37(3): 122-31.
  • Melville, J. L., Delaney, K., Newton, K., Katon, W. (2005). Inconti- nence severity and major depression in incontinent women. Obstet Gynecol., 106(3): 585–592.
  • Moller, L. A., Lose, G. (2006). Sexual activity and lower urinary tract symptoms. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct., Jan;17(1): 18-21.
  • Moller, L. A., Lose, G., Jorgensen, T. (2000). The prevalence and bothersomeness of lower urinary tract symptoms in women 40-60 years of age. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand., Apr; 79(4): 298- 305.
  • Nobre, P. J., Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2006). Emotions during sexual ac- tivity: Differences between sexually functional and dysfunctional men and women. Arch Sex Behav., 35(4): 491-499.
  • Norton, P., Brubaker, L. (2006). Urinary incontinence in women. Lancet, 367(9504): 56 - 57.
  • Novi, J. M., Jeronis, S., Morgan, M. A., Arya, L. A. (2005). Sexual function in women with pelvic organ prolapse compared to women without pelvic organ prolapse. J Urol., May; 173(5): 1669-72.
  • Nygaard, I. ve ark. (2005). Is urinary incontinence a barrier to exer- cise in women? Obstet Gynecol., Aug;106(2): 307–314.
  • Nygaard, I., Turvey, C., Burns, T. L., Crischilles, E., Wallace, R. (2003). Urinary incontinence and depression in middle-aged Uni- ted States women. Obstet Gynecol., Jan; 101(1): 149-156.
  • Oh, S. J. ve ark. (2005). Factors infl uencing self-perceived disease severity in women with stress urinary incontinence combined with or without urge incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn., 24(4): 341- 347.
  • Omotosho, T. B., Rogers, R. G. (2009). Shortcomings /strengths of specifi c sexual function questionnaire currently used in urogyne- cology: A literature review. Int Urogynecol J., May; 20(1): 51-56.
  • Oskay, U., Beji, N., Yalcın, O. (2005). A study on urogenital comp- laints of postmenopausal women aged 50 and over. Acta Obstet
  • Gynecol Scand., Jan; 84(1): 72–78. Özel, B., White, T., Urwitz-Lane, R., Minaglia, S. (2006). The impact of pelvic organ prolapse on sexual function in women with urinary in- continence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct., Jan; 17(1): 14-7.
  • Özerdoğan, N., Beji, K. N., Yalçin, O. (2004). Urinary incontinen- ce: Its prevalence, risk factors and effects on the quality of life of women living in a region of Turkey. Gynecol Obstet Invest., 58(3): –50.
  • Pang, M. W., Leung, H. Y., Chan, L. W., Yip, S. K. (2005). The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life among women in
  • Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J., Jun; 11(3): 158-163. Pauls, R. N. ve ark. (2007). Sexual function after vaginal surgery for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Am J Obstet Gynecol., Dec; 197(6): 622-624.
  • Perry, S, McGrother, C. W., Turner, K. (2006). An investigation of the relationship between anxiety and depression and urge incon- tinence in women: Development of a psychological model. Br J
  • Health Psychol., 11(Pt3): 463–482. Perry, S., ve ark. (2000). An epidemiological study to establish the pevalence of urinary symptoms and felt need in the community:
  • The Leicestershire MRC Incontinence Study. Leicestershire MRC Incontinence Study Team. J Public Health Med., 22(3): 427–34. Robinson, D, Cardozo, L. (2003). Risk factors for urinary inconti- nence in women. Journal of the British Menopause Society., Jun; (2): 75–79.
  • Robinson, D. ve ark. (1998). Relationship between patient reports of urinary incontinence symptoms and quality of life measures.
  • Obstet Gynecol., Feb; 91(2): 224-228. Rockwood, T. H. ve ark. (1999). Patient and surgeon ranking of the severity of symptoms associated with fecal incontinence: The Fecal İn- continence Severity İndex. Dis Colon Rectum., Dec; 42(12): 1525-32.
  • Rogers, R. G. ve ark. (2006). Does sexual function change after surgery for stres urinary incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse?
  • A multicenter prospective study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nov; 195(5): e1–e4. Rothbarth, J., ve ark. (2001).What is the impact of fecal inconti- nence on quality of life? Dis Colon Rectum., 44(1): 67-71.
  • Salonia, A. ve ark. (2004). Sexual dysfunction is common in wo- men with lower urinary tract symptoms and urinary incontinence:
  • Results of a cross-sectional study. Eur Urol., 45(5): 642–648. Schimpf, M. O., O’Sullivan, D. M., LaSala, C. A., Tulikangas, P. K. (2007). Anterior vaginal wall prolapse and voiding dysfunction in urogynecology patients. Int Urogynecol J., Jul; 18(7): 721–725.
  • Shaw, C., Tansey, R., Jackson, C., Hyde, C., Allan, R. (2001).
  • Barriers to help seeking in people with urinary symptoms. Family Practice., 18(1): 48-52. Stach-Lempinen, B. ve ark. (2003). Severe depression determines quality of life in urinary ıncontinent women. Neurourol Urodyn., (6): 563–568.
  • Stern, J. M. (2007). Phycological aspects of fecal incontinence. Ratto,
  • C., Doglietto G. B. (Eds.). Fecal Incontinence. Springer-Verlag., Milan, 67–71. Stoutjesdijk, J. A., Vierhout, M. E., Spruijt, J. W., Massolt, E. T. (2006). Does vaginal reconstructive surgery with or without vagi- nal hysterectomy or trachelectomy improve sexual well being? A prospective follow-up study. Int Urogynecol J., Feb; 17(2): 131
  • Temml, C., Haidinger, G., Schmidbauer, J., Schatzl, G., Madersbacher, S. (2000). Urinary incontinence in both sexes: Prevalence rates and impact on quality of life and sexual life. Neurourol Urodyn., 19(3): –271.
  • Ter Kuile, M. M., Weijenborg, P. T., Spinhoven, P. (2010). Sexual functioning in women with chronic pelvic pain: The role of ankxiety and depression. J Sex Med., May; 7(5): 1901-1910.
  • Ushiroyama, T., Ikeda, A., Ueki, M. (1999). Prevalence, incidence, and awareness in the treatment of menopausal urinary incontinence. Maturitas., 33(2): 127-132.
  • Valerius, A. J. (1997). The psychosocial impact of urinary incon- tinence on women aged 25 to 45 years. Urol Nurs., Sep; 17(3): 103.
  • Van der Vaart, C. H., Lamers, B. H., Heintz, A. P. (2007a). Feasibi- lity and patient satisfaction with pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence day surgery. Int Urogynecol J., May; 18(5): 531–536.
  • Van der Vaart, C. H., Roovers, J. P., de Leeuw, J. R., Heintz, A. P. (2007b). Association between urogenital symptoms and depression in community-dwelling women aged 20 to 70 years. Urology., Apr; (4): 691– 696.
  • Verit, F. F., Verit, A., Yeni, E. (2006). The prevalence of sexual dysfunction and associated risk factors in women with chronic pelvic pain: A cross-sectional study. Arch Gynecol Obstet., 274(5): 302.
  • Vıgod, S. N., Stewart, D. E. (2006). Major depression in female urinary ıncontinence. Psychosomatics., Mar-Apr; 47(2): 147–151.
  • Weber, A. M. (2007). Epidemiology and psychosocial impact of pelvic fl oor disorders. Walters, M. D., Karam, M. M. (Eds.). Urogy- necology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery. 3nd ed., Mosby Else- vier, Philadelphia, 44–54.
  • Wong, T. ve ark. (2006). Changing prevalence and knowledge of urinary incontinence among Hong Kong Chinese women. Int
  • Urogynecol J., Nov; 17(6): 593- 597. Yip, S. K., Cardozo, L. (2007). Psychological morbidity and female urinary incontinence. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol., Apr; (2): 321-329.
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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 69 - 79, 17.05.2012



  • Addis I. B. (2008). Social impact of urinary incontinence and pel- vic fl oor dysfunction. Raz, S., Rodriguez, L. (Eds.). Female Uro- logy. ed., edition, Saunders Elsevier Philadelphia., 69- 73.
  • Akhan S. E. (2009). Pelvis tabanı ve cinsel yaşam. Yalçın, Ö.
  • (Ed.).Temel Ürojinekoloji. 1. basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 525 – 541. Aslan, G. ve ark. (2005). Sexual function in women with urinary incontinence. Int J Impot Res., 17: 248–251.
  • Bailey, N., Pare´s, D. (2010). Faecal incontinence and depression:
  • Cause or effect? Colorectal Dis., May;12(5): 397–398. Barber, M. D. (2007). Questionnaires for women with pelvic fl or disorders. Int Urogynecol J. Pelvic Flor Dysfunct., Apr;18(4): 461
  • Bayrak, Ş. G. (2008). Kronik pelvik ağrı şikayeti olan hastalarda tibial sinir uyarısı tedavisinin (nöromodülasyon) yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi
  • Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 53-55. Beji, N. K., Yalcin, O., Erkan, H. A. (2003). The effect of pelvic fl o- or training on sexual function of treated patients. Int. Urogynecol J
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. Oct.;14(4): 234-8. Biri ve ark. (2006). Incidence of stress urinary incontinence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J., Nov;17(6): 604–610.
  • Bonetti, T. R., Erpelding, A., Pathak L. R. (2004). Listening to “Felt
  • Needs”: Investigating genital prolapse in Western Nepal. Repro- ductive Health Matters., May;12(23): 166–175. Brown, W. J., Miller, Y. D. (2001). Too wet to exercise? Leaking urine as a barrier to physical activity in women. J Sci Med Sport. Dec., 4(4): 373– 378.
  • Bush, T. A., Castellucci, D. T., Phillips, C. (2001). Exploring women’s beliefs regarding urinary incontinence. Urol Nurs., 21: 218.
  • Chancellor, M. B., Anderson, R. U., Boone, T. B. (2006). Phar- macotherapy for neurogenic detrusor overactivity. Am J Phys Med Rehabil., 85: 536 - 545.
  • Chatoor, D. R., Taylor, S. J., Cohen C. R., Emmanuel, A. V. (2007).
  • Faecal incontinence. Br J Surg., 94: 134–44. Cooper, Z. R., Rose, S. (2000). Fecal incontinence: A clinical app- roach. Mt Sinai J Med., Mar; 67(2): 96–105.
  • Coyne ve ark. (2004). The impact of urinary urgency and frequ- ency on health-related quality of life in overactive bladder: Results from a national community survey. Value Health., Jul-Aug;7(4): 463.
  • Debeau, C. E. (2006). The aging lower urinary tract. J Urol., (3Pt2): 11-15.
  • Di Gangi Herms, A. M., Pinggera, G. M., De Jonge, P., Strasser, H., Söllner, W. (2003). Assessing health care needs and clinical outco- me with urological case complexity: A study using INTERMED.
  • Psychosomatics., May;44(3): 196-203. Digesu, G. A., Chaliha, C., Salvatore, S., Hutchings, A., Khul- lar, V. M. (2005). The relationship of vaginal prolapse severity to symptoms and quality of life. BJOG., Jull;112(7): 971–976.
  • Do Moulin, M. F., Hamers, J. P., Paulus, A., Berendsen, C., Hal- fens, R. (2005). The role of nurse in community continence care: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42(4): 492.
  • DuBeau, C. E., Levy, B., Mangione, C. M., Resnick, N. M. (1998).
  • The impact of urge urinary incontinence on quality of life: Impor- tance of patients’ perspective and explanatory style. J Am Geriatr Soc. Jun., 46(6): 683–692. Farage, M. A., Miller, K. W., Berardesca, E., Maibach, H. I. (2008).
  • Psychosocial and societal burden of incontinence in the aged popu- lation: A review. Arch Gynecol Obstet., 277(4): 285–290. Fialkow M. F. ve ark. (2003). The functional and psychosocial im- pact of fecal incontinence on women with urinary incontinence.
  • Am J Obstet Gynecol., Jul;189(1): 127-129. FitzGerald, M. P., Butler, N., Shott, S., Brubaker, L. (2002). Bot- her arising from urinary frequency in women. Neurourol Urodyn., (1): 36-41.
  • Fultz N. H. ve ark. (2003). Burden of stress urinary incontinen- ce for community-dwelling women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Nov; (5): 1275-1282.
  • Fultz, N. H. ve ark. (2005). The impact of own and spouse’s urinary incontinence on depressive symptoms. Soc Sci Med., Jun; 60(11): 2548.
  • Grace, V. M., Zondervan, K. T. (2006). Choronic pelvic pain in New
  • Zealand: Comparative well-being, comorbidy, and impact on work and other activities. Health Care Women İnt., Aug; 27(7): 585-559. Hunskaar, S., Lose, G., Sykes, D., Voss, S. (2004). The prevalence of urinary incontinence in women in four European countries. BJU Int., 93(3): 324-330.
  • Jelovsek, J. E., Maher, C., Barber, M. D. (2007). Pelvic organ pro- lapse. Lancet., Mar 24; 369(9566): 1027–38.
  • Karan, A., ve ark. (2000). Üriner İnkontinanslı hastalarda yaşam kalitesi ve objektif değerlendirme paremetreleri ile ilişkisi. Geriat- ri, 3(3): 102-106.
  • Kaya, B. ve ark. (2006). Anxiety, depression and sexual dysfunc- tion in women with chronic pelvic pain. Sexual and Relationship therapy, 21(2): 187-196.
  • Kenton, K., Mueller, E. R. (2006). The global burden of female pelvic fl oor disorders. BJU Int., Sep; 98, (1):1–7.
  • Ko, Y., Lin, S. J., Salmon, J. W., Bron, M. S. (2005). The impact of urinary incontinence on quality of life of the elderly. Am J Manag Care., Jul;11(4): 103-111
  • Kocak, I., Okyay, P., Dundar, M., Erol, H., Beser, E. (2005). Female urinary ıncontinence in the west of Turkey: Prevalence, risk factors and impact on quality of life. European Urology., 48(4): 634–641.
  • Koyuncu, M. K. (2009). Pelvik ağrı. Yalçın, Ö. (Ed.). Temel Ürojine- koloji. 1. basım, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd. Şti., İstanbul, 563-572.
  • Kulseng-Hanssen, S., Berild, G. H. (2002). Subjective and objecti- ve incontinence 5 to 10 years after Burch colposuspension. Neuro- urol Urodyn., 21(2): 100-105.
  • Macaulay, A. J., Stern, R. S., Stanton, S. L. (1991). Psychologi- cal aspects of 211 female patients attending a urodynamic unit. J Psychosom Res., 35(1): 1-10.
  • MacLennah, A. H., Taylor, A. W., Wilson, D. H., Wilson, D. (2000).
  • The prevalence of pelvic fl oor disorders and their relationship to gender, age, parity and mode of delivery. BJOG., Dec;107(12): 1470.
  • MacKerty, K. (2008). Urinary incontinence-procedural and surgical treatments for women. Aust Fam Physician., Mar;37(3): 122-31.
  • Melville, J. L., Delaney, K., Newton, K., Katon, W. (2005). Inconti- nence severity and major depression in incontinent women. Obstet Gynecol., 106(3): 585–592.
  • Moller, L. A., Lose, G. (2006). Sexual activity and lower urinary tract symptoms. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct., Jan;17(1): 18-21.
  • Moller, L. A., Lose, G., Jorgensen, T. (2000). The prevalence and bothersomeness of lower urinary tract symptoms in women 40-60 years of age. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand., Apr; 79(4): 298- 305.
  • Nobre, P. J., Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2006). Emotions during sexual ac- tivity: Differences between sexually functional and dysfunctional men and women. Arch Sex Behav., 35(4): 491-499.
  • Norton, P., Brubaker, L. (2006). Urinary incontinence in women. Lancet, 367(9504): 56 - 57.
  • Novi, J. M., Jeronis, S., Morgan, M. A., Arya, L. A. (2005). Sexual function in women with pelvic organ prolapse compared to women without pelvic organ prolapse. J Urol., May; 173(5): 1669-72.
  • Nygaard, I. ve ark. (2005). Is urinary incontinence a barrier to exer- cise in women? Obstet Gynecol., Aug;106(2): 307–314.
  • Nygaard, I., Turvey, C., Burns, T. L., Crischilles, E., Wallace, R. (2003). Urinary incontinence and depression in middle-aged Uni- ted States women. Obstet Gynecol., Jan; 101(1): 149-156.
  • Oh, S. J. ve ark. (2005). Factors infl uencing self-perceived disease severity in women with stress urinary incontinence combined with or without urge incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn., 24(4): 341- 347.
  • Omotosho, T. B., Rogers, R. G. (2009). Shortcomings /strengths of specifi c sexual function questionnaire currently used in urogyne- cology: A literature review. Int Urogynecol J., May; 20(1): 51-56.
  • Oskay, U., Beji, N., Yalcın, O. (2005). A study on urogenital comp- laints of postmenopausal women aged 50 and over. Acta Obstet
  • Gynecol Scand., Jan; 84(1): 72–78. Özel, B., White, T., Urwitz-Lane, R., Minaglia, S. (2006). The impact of pelvic organ prolapse on sexual function in women with urinary in- continence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct., Jan; 17(1): 14-7.
  • Özerdoğan, N., Beji, K. N., Yalçin, O. (2004). Urinary incontinen- ce: Its prevalence, risk factors and effects on the quality of life of women living in a region of Turkey. Gynecol Obstet Invest., 58(3): –50.
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Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Dilek Bilgiç Çelik

Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bilgiç Çelik, D., & Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2012). Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 20(1), 69-79.
AMA Bilgiç Çelik D, Kızılkaya Beji N. Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. Mayıs 2012;20(1):69-79.
Chicago Bilgiç Çelik, Dilek, ve Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji. “Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 20, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2012): 69-79.
EndNote Bilgiç Çelik D, Kızılkaya Beji N (01 Mayıs 2012) Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 20 1 69–79.
IEEE D. Bilgiç Çelik ve N. Kızılkaya Beji, “Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 20, sy. 1, ss. 69–79, 2012.
ISNAD Bilgiç Çelik, Dilek - Kızılkaya Beji, Nezihe. “Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 20/1 (Mayıs 2012), 69-79.
JAMA Bilgiç Çelik D, Kızılkaya Beji N. Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2012;20:69–79.
MLA Bilgiç Çelik, Dilek ve Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji. “Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları Ve Hemşirelik Bakımı”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 20, sy. 1, 2012, ss. 69-79.
Vancouver Bilgiç Çelik D, Kızılkaya Beji N. Pelvik Taban Fonksiyon Bozuklukları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2012;20(1):69-7.