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Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 61 - 68, 17.09.2014


Yorgunluk, kanserli hastalar taraf›ndan en s›k deneyimlenen, kifliyi güçsüz düflüren bir semptomdur. Kanser ve tedavisine ba¤l›
olarak görülen yorgunluk, hastalar›n fiziksel, ruhsal ve sosyal ifllevini bozan, yaflam kalitesini düflüren, yayg›n görülen bir
belirtidir. Hemflireler için, kansere ba¤l› yorgunlu¤un patofizyolojisini, etiyolojisini, de¤erlendirmesini ve tedavisinde kullan›lan
farmakolojik-nonfarmakolojik yöntemleri bilmek yorgunluk yönetiminde önemlidir.
Anahtar Kelimler: Kanser, yorgunluk, de¤erlendirme, tedavi.


  • Akdemir, N. (2003). Kanser ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. İç Has- talıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Birol, L., Akdemir, N. (Eds.). 1. Baskı, İstanbul, 245-304.
  • Anderson, K. O. ve ark (2003). Fatigue and sleep disturban- ce in patients with cancer, patients with clinical depression, and community- dwelling adaults. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 25(4): 307-318.
  • Aydın, G. (2005). Akciğer kanserinde sık görülen semptom- lar ve tedavi yaklaşımları. Solunum, 7(2): 85-94.
  • Azak, A., Çınar, S. (2005). Lenfomalı (Hodking ve Nonhod- king) hastalarda yorgunluk sendromu ve etkileyen faktörler. Türk Hematoloji- Onkoloji Dergisi, 2(15): 78-85.
  • Berglund, G. ve ark (2007). Between men: A psychosocial rehabilitation programme for men with prostate cancer. Acta Oncol., 46(1): 83-9.
  • Bower, J. E., Woolery, M. A., Sternlieb, B., Garet, D. (2005). Yoga for cancer patients and survivors. Cancer Con- trol, 12(3): 165-171.
  • Carroll, J. K., Kohli, S, Mustian, K. M., Roscoe, J. A., Mor- row, G. R. (2007). Pharmacologic treatment of cancer-related fatigue. Oncologist, 12;43-51.
  • Carlson, L. E., Speca, M., Patel, K. C., Goodeya, E. (2004). Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress and levels of cortisol, dehy- droepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and melatonin in breast and prostate cancer outpatients. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(4): 448-474.
  • Cella, D., Davis, K., Breitbart, W., Curt, G. (2001). For the fatigue coalition cancer-related fatigue: prevalence of propo- sed diagnostic criteria in a united states sample of cancer survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(14): 3385-3391. Cleare, A. J. (2003). The neuroendocrinology of chronic fa- tigue syndrome. Endocrine Reviews, 24(2): 236–252.
  • Cohen, L., Warneke, C., Fouladi, R. T. M., Rodriguez, A., Reich, A. C. ( 2004). Psychological adjustment and sleep quality in a randomized trial of the effects of a tibetan yo- ga intervention in patients with lymphoma. Cancer, 100(10): 2253-2260.
  • Culos-Reed , S. N., Carlson , L. E., Daroux, L. M., Aldo- us, S. H. (2005). A pilot study of yoga for breast cancer survivors: Physical and psychological benefits. Psyho- Onko- logy, 15(10): 891- 897.
  • Dale, E., Theobald, M. D. (2004). Cancer pain, fatique, dis- tress, and insomnia in cancer patients. Clinical Cornerstone, 6(1A): 16-28.
  • Dicato, M. (2003). Anemia in cancer: Some pathophysiologi- cal aspects. Oncologist, 8: 19-21.
  • Goldstein, D. ve ark (2006). Fatigue states after cancer treat- ment occur both in association with, and ındependent of, mo- od Disorder: A longitudinal study. BMC Cancer, 6: 240-241. Hofman, M. ve ark (2007). Cancer-related fatigue: The sca- le of the problem. The Oncologist, 12(1): 4-10.
  • Jacobsen, P. B., Donovan, K. A., Weitzner, M. A. (2003). Distinguishing fatigue and depression in patients with cancer. Semin Clin Neuropsychiatry, 8(4): 229-40.
  • Jullienne, E. ve ark (2005). Diurnal cortisol rhythm and fa- tigue in breast cancer survivors. Psychoneuroendecrinlogy, 30(1): 92-100.
  • Michael, J., Tisdale, J. (1999). Clinical trials for the treat- ment of secondary wasting and cachexia. Nutrition, 129: 243–246.
  • Mock, V. ve ark (2000). NCCN practice guidelines for can- cer-related fatigue. Oncology, 14(11): 151-61.
  • Morrow, G. R. ve ark (2003). Differential effects of paroxe- tine on fatigue and depression: A randomized, double-blind trial from the university of Rochester cancer center commu- nity clinical oncology program. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 21(24): 46-35.
  • Mustian, K. M. ve ark (2007). Integrative nonpharmacologic behavioral interventions for the management of cancer-related fatigue. The Oncologist, 12(1): 52-67.
  • Pierre, P. J. ve ark (2007). Assessment of cancer-related fa- tigue: Implications for clinical diagnosis and treatment. The Oncologist, 12(1): 11-21.
  • Pusztai, L. ve ark (2004). Changes in plasma levels of inf- lammatory cytokines in response to paclitaxel chemotherapy Cytokin, 25(3): 5-10.
  • Russell, K. P., Loretta, M. (1999). Cancer-Related Fatigue: Gu- idelines for evaluation and management. Oncologist, 4: 1-10.
  • Roscoe, J. A. (2005). Treatment of radiotherapy-induced fa- tigue through a nonpharmacological approach. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 4(1): 8- 13.
  • Ryan, J. L. ve ark (2007a). Cancer-related fatigue and sleep disorders. Oncologist, 12: 35-42.
  • Ryan, J. L. ve ark (2007b). Mechanisms of cancer-related fa- tigue. The Oncologist, 12, Supplament 1: 22-34.
  • Savard, J., Simard, S., Ivers, H., Morin, C. M. (2005). Ran- domized study on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia secondary to breast cancer, part I: Sleep and psychological effect. Journal Of Clınıcal Oncology, 23(25): 6009–6018.
  • Sayın, A., Candansayar, S. (2007). Yorgunluk kavramı ve yor- gun hastalara klinik yaklaşım. Gazi Tıp Dergisi, 18(1): 1-8. Schmiegelow, M., Feldt - Rasmussen, K., Lange, R., Poul- sen - Muller, A. (2003). Assessment of the hypothalamo-pi- tuitary-adrenal axis in patients treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy for childhood brain tumor. The Journal of Cli- nical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88(7): 3149–3154.
  • Segal, R. ve ark (2001). Structured exercise improves physi- cal functioning in women with stages I and II breast can- cer: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(3): 657-665.
  • Tishelman, C., Petersson, L. M., Degner, L. F., Sprangers, M. A. (2007). Symptom prevalence, intensity, and distress in patients with inoperable lung cancer in relation to time of death. J Clin Oncol., 25(34): 5381-5389.
  • Ünsal, D., Aksu, A., Bağrıaçık, Ü., Akmansu, M. (2007). Postmastektomi radyoterapi uygulanan meme kanserli olgular- da gelişen yorgunluğun derecesi, serum sitokin ve leptin dü- zeyleri ile ilişkisi: Prospektif değerlendirme. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 22(1): 1-12.
  • Yates, P. ve ark (2005). Randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention for managing fatigue in women re- ceiving adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23(25): 6027-6036
  • Yurtsever, S. (2000). Kronik hastalıklarda yorgunluk ve hemşirelik bakımı. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 4(1): 16-20.
Yıl 2009, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 61 - 68, 17.09.2014



  • Akdemir, N. (2003). Kanser ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. İç Has- talıkları ve Hemşirelik Bakımı. Birol, L., Akdemir, N. (Eds.). 1. Baskı, İstanbul, 245-304.
  • Anderson, K. O. ve ark (2003). Fatigue and sleep disturban- ce in patients with cancer, patients with clinical depression, and community- dwelling adaults. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 25(4): 307-318.
  • Aydın, G. (2005). Akciğer kanserinde sık görülen semptom- lar ve tedavi yaklaşımları. Solunum, 7(2): 85-94.
  • Azak, A., Çınar, S. (2005). Lenfomalı (Hodking ve Nonhod- king) hastalarda yorgunluk sendromu ve etkileyen faktörler. Türk Hematoloji- Onkoloji Dergisi, 2(15): 78-85.
  • Berglund, G. ve ark (2007). Between men: A psychosocial rehabilitation programme for men with prostate cancer. Acta Oncol., 46(1): 83-9.
  • Bower, J. E., Woolery, M. A., Sternlieb, B., Garet, D. (2005). Yoga for cancer patients and survivors. Cancer Con- trol, 12(3): 165-171.
  • Carroll, J. K., Kohli, S, Mustian, K. M., Roscoe, J. A., Mor- row, G. R. (2007). Pharmacologic treatment of cancer-related fatigue. Oncologist, 12;43-51.
  • Carlson, L. E., Speca, M., Patel, K. C., Goodeya, E. (2004). Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress and levels of cortisol, dehy- droepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and melatonin in breast and prostate cancer outpatients. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29(4): 448-474.
  • Cella, D., Davis, K., Breitbart, W., Curt, G. (2001). For the fatigue coalition cancer-related fatigue: prevalence of propo- sed diagnostic criteria in a united states sample of cancer survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(14): 3385-3391. Cleare, A. J. (2003). The neuroendocrinology of chronic fa- tigue syndrome. Endocrine Reviews, 24(2): 236–252.
  • Cohen, L., Warneke, C., Fouladi, R. T. M., Rodriguez, A., Reich, A. C. ( 2004). Psychological adjustment and sleep quality in a randomized trial of the effects of a tibetan yo- ga intervention in patients with lymphoma. Cancer, 100(10): 2253-2260.
  • Culos-Reed , S. N., Carlson , L. E., Daroux, L. M., Aldo- us, S. H. (2005). A pilot study of yoga for breast cancer survivors: Physical and psychological benefits. Psyho- Onko- logy, 15(10): 891- 897.
  • Dale, E., Theobald, M. D. (2004). Cancer pain, fatique, dis- tress, and insomnia in cancer patients. Clinical Cornerstone, 6(1A): 16-28.
  • Dicato, M. (2003). Anemia in cancer: Some pathophysiologi- cal aspects. Oncologist, 8: 19-21.
  • Goldstein, D. ve ark (2006). Fatigue states after cancer treat- ment occur both in association with, and ındependent of, mo- od Disorder: A longitudinal study. BMC Cancer, 6: 240-241. Hofman, M. ve ark (2007). Cancer-related fatigue: The sca- le of the problem. The Oncologist, 12(1): 4-10.
  • Jacobsen, P. B., Donovan, K. A., Weitzner, M. A. (2003). Distinguishing fatigue and depression in patients with cancer. Semin Clin Neuropsychiatry, 8(4): 229-40.
  • Jullienne, E. ve ark (2005). Diurnal cortisol rhythm and fa- tigue in breast cancer survivors. Psychoneuroendecrinlogy, 30(1): 92-100.
  • Michael, J., Tisdale, J. (1999). Clinical trials for the treat- ment of secondary wasting and cachexia. Nutrition, 129: 243–246.
  • Mock, V. ve ark (2000). NCCN practice guidelines for can- cer-related fatigue. Oncology, 14(11): 151-61.
  • Morrow, G. R. ve ark (2003). Differential effects of paroxe- tine on fatigue and depression: A randomized, double-blind trial from the university of Rochester cancer center commu- nity clinical oncology program. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 21(24): 46-35.
  • Mustian, K. M. ve ark (2007). Integrative nonpharmacologic behavioral interventions for the management of cancer-related fatigue. The Oncologist, 12(1): 52-67.
  • Pierre, P. J. ve ark (2007). Assessment of cancer-related fa- tigue: Implications for clinical diagnosis and treatment. The Oncologist, 12(1): 11-21.
  • Pusztai, L. ve ark (2004). Changes in plasma levels of inf- lammatory cytokines in response to paclitaxel chemotherapy Cytokin, 25(3): 5-10.
  • Russell, K. P., Loretta, M. (1999). Cancer-Related Fatigue: Gu- idelines for evaluation and management. Oncologist, 4: 1-10.
  • Roscoe, J. A. (2005). Treatment of radiotherapy-induced fa- tigue through a nonpharmacological approach. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 4(1): 8- 13.
  • Ryan, J. L. ve ark (2007a). Cancer-related fatigue and sleep disorders. Oncologist, 12: 35-42.
  • Ryan, J. L. ve ark (2007b). Mechanisms of cancer-related fa- tigue. The Oncologist, 12, Supplament 1: 22-34.
  • Savard, J., Simard, S., Ivers, H., Morin, C. M. (2005). Ran- domized study on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia secondary to breast cancer, part I: Sleep and psychological effect. Journal Of Clınıcal Oncology, 23(25): 6009–6018.
  • Sayın, A., Candansayar, S. (2007). Yorgunluk kavramı ve yor- gun hastalara klinik yaklaşım. Gazi Tıp Dergisi, 18(1): 1-8. Schmiegelow, M., Feldt - Rasmussen, K., Lange, R., Poul- sen - Muller, A. (2003). Assessment of the hypothalamo-pi- tuitary-adrenal axis in patients treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy for childhood brain tumor. The Journal of Cli- nical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88(7): 3149–3154.
  • Segal, R. ve ark (2001). Structured exercise improves physi- cal functioning in women with stages I and II breast can- cer: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(3): 657-665.
  • Tishelman, C., Petersson, L. M., Degner, L. F., Sprangers, M. A. (2007). Symptom prevalence, intensity, and distress in patients with inoperable lung cancer in relation to time of death. J Clin Oncol., 25(34): 5381-5389.
  • Ünsal, D., Aksu, A., Bağrıaçık, Ü., Akmansu, M. (2007). Postmastektomi radyoterapi uygulanan meme kanserli olgular- da gelişen yorgunluğun derecesi, serum sitokin ve leptin dü- zeyleri ile ilişkisi: Prospektif değerlendirme. Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 22(1): 1-12.
  • Yates, P. ve ark (2005). Randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention for managing fatigue in women re- ceiving adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23(25): 6027-6036
  • Yurtsever, S. (2000). Kronik hastalıklarda yorgunluk ve hemşirelik bakımı. C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 4(1): 16-20.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Sezgi Çınar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çınar, S. (2014). Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 17(1), 61-68.
AMA Çınar S. Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. Eylül 2014;17(1):61-68.
Chicago Çınar, Sezgi. “Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17, sy. 1 (Eylül 2014): 61-68.
EndNote Çınar S (01 Eylül 2014) Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17 1 61–68.
IEEE S. Çınar, “Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 17, sy. 1, ss. 61–68, 2014.
ISNAD Çınar, Sezgi. “Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing 17/1 (Eylül 2014), 61-68.
JAMA Çınar S. Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;17:61–68.
MLA Çınar, Sezgi. “Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk”. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, c. 17, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 61-68.
Vancouver Çınar S. Kanserli Hastalarda Yorgunluk. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing. 2014;17(1):61-8.