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Türkiye’de ormanlardaki karbon birikiminin hesaplamasında kullanılabilecek bitkisel kütle katsayıları

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 69 Sayı: 2, 145 - 155, 01.07.2019


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2019.110719

Kyoto Protokolüne taraf olan ülkeler her
yıl düzenli olarak sera gazı ulusal envanterlerini hazırlayarak Birleşmiş
Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi (BMİDÇS) sekretaryasına
sunmaktadırlar. Bu raporlar değişik sektörlerdeki (enerji, endüstriyel süreçler
ve ürün kullanımı, tarım, arazi kullanımı, arazi kullanım değişikliği ve
ormancılık (LULUCF), atıklar) sera gazları salım ve bağlanma miktarlarını
içermektedirler. Raporların hazırlanmasında Hükümetler Arası İklim Değişikliği
Paneli (IPCC) tarafından hazırlanan rehberlerde belirtilen yöntemler
kullanılmaktadır. Bu rehberlerden ormancılıkla ilgili olanları 2003 yılında
yayınlanan arazi kullanımı, arazi kullanım değişikliği ve ormancılık (LULUCF)
ile 2006 yılında yayınlanan tarım, ormancılık ve diğer arazi kullanımı (AFOLU)
olarak adlandırılan rehberlerdir. Bu rehberlere göre ormanlar tarafından
bağlanan karbon miktarının hesaplanmasında ormanlardaki ağaç serveti ya da
artım değerlerinden çeşitli katsayılar kullanılarak bitkisel kütlede stok
halinde depolanan ya da yıllık olarak biriktirilen karbon miktarları
hesaplanabilmektedir. Benzer şekilde yangın, üretim, kaçak kesimler ile
ormandan uzaklaştırılan karbon miktarları da yine katsayılar yardımı ile tahmin
edilebilmektedir. Çalışmada AFOLU rehberine göre kullanılması gereken bitkisel
kütle genişletme faktörlerinden (BEFs) BEF1 katsayıları ibreliler için 1,212 ve
yapraklılar için 1,310 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada ek olarak
kullanılabilir odun hacmini topraküstü bitkisel kütleye dönüştürmede kullanılabilecek
BEF2 katsayıları güncellenerek yapraklılar için 1,326 ve ibreliler için 1,262
olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca AFOLU rehberinde verilen yöntemlerde kullanılan
bitkisel kütle dönüştürme ve genişletme faktörleri (BCEFs) de hesaplanmıştır.

Cite this paper as: Tolunay, D., 2019. Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. Forestist 69(2): 145-155.


  • As, N., Koç, H., Doğu, D., Atik, C., Aksu, B., Erdinler, S., 2001. Anatomical, physical, mechanical and chemical properties of industrial trees grown in Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 51(1): 71-88. Atmaca, S., 2008. Construction of Biomass Tables of Scots Pine in Erzurum Forest Regional Headquarter, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Aydın, Ç., 2010. Construction of Biomass Tables of Pinus sylvestris in Artvin Forest Regional Headquarter (A Case Study of Borçka Planning Unit), unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Karadeniz Technical University. Çakıl, E., 2008. Constructing Biomass Tables of Crimean Pine in Zonguldak Forest Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Çömez, A., 2011. Determination of Carbon Sequestration in Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) Stands on Sündiken Mountain, unpublished PhD thesis, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Istanbul University. Doğan, N., 2010. Diameter-Based Biomass Prediction and Assesment of Leaf Area:Sapwood Ratio for Turkish-Fir (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. ssp. bormulleriana (Mattf.) Code et Cullen) in Duzce Province, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Duzce University. Durkaya, B., 1998. Construction of Biomass Tables of Quercus in Zonguldak Forest Region Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Durkaya, B., Durkaya, A., Makineci, E., Ülküdür, M., 2013a. Estimation of above-ground biomass and sequestered carbon of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani L.) in Antalya, Turkey. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 278-284. DOI: 10.3832/ifor0899-006. Durkaya, B., Durkaya, A., Makineci, E., Karabürk, T., 2013b. Estimating above-ground biomass and carbon stock of ındividual trees ın uneven-aged Uludag fir stands. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22(2): 428-434. Durkaya, A., Durkaya, B., Makineci, E., Orhan, İ., 2015. Aboveground biomass and carbon storage relationship of Turkish pines. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24: 3573-3583. Erten, P., Sözen, R., 1997a. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of Haleppo Pine Wood (Pinus halepensis Mill.. Central Anatolia Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 268, 40 p. Ankara. Erten, P., Sözen R., 1997b. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of Pinus pinea, Pinus nigra and Acer platanoides Wood. Central Anatolia Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 266, 37 p. Ankara. FAO, 2011. State of the World’s Forests, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 164 p., Rome. Gürsu, İ., 1971. Physical and mechanical properties of Fraxinus oxycarpa Willd. in Süleymaniye Forest and assessment opportunities. Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin, 47 p. İkinci, O., 2000. Construction of Biomass Tables of Chestnut in Zonguldak Forest Region Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. IPCC, 2003. Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry. (Eds.: J. Penman, M. Gytarsky, T. Hiraishi, T. Krug, D. Kruger, R. Pipatti, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara, K. Tanabe and F. Wagner.). IPCC/OECD/IEA/IGES, Hayama, Japan. Available at: .html. (Access date: 5 March 2016). IPCC, 2006. IPCC Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme. In: IGES, Japan (Eds.: H.S. Eggleston, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara and K. Tanabe). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). Jalkanen, A., Mäkipää, R., Ståhl, G., Lehtonen, A., Petersson, H., 2005. Estimation of the biomass stock of trees in Sweden: comparison of biomass equations and age-dependent biomass expansion factors. Annals of Forest Science 62: 845-851. Kantarcı, M.D., 1983. Effects of land preparations and tillage on soil properties and growth of maritime pine in the plantation area in Kerpe Tur-71/521. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 33(2): 104-140. Karabıyık, S.B., 2014. Biomass Carbon Stock of Turkish Forests: Comparison of Different Calculation Methods, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, Istanbul University. Karabürk, T., 2011. Estimation of Biomass Tables of Fir Stands in Bartın, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Bartın. Koca, H., Yaman, B., Aydın, Y.M., Altıok, H., Kara, M., Dumanoğlu, Y., Bayram, A., Tolunay, D., Odabaşı, M., Elbir, T., 2013. Preparation of a national inventory of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in Turkey. International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) 1(4): 600-604. Lehtonen, A., Mäkipää, R., Heikkinen, J., Sievänen R., Liski, J., 2004. Biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch according to stand age for boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 188: 211-224. Makineci, E., Yılmaz, E., Kumbaşlı, M., Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, H., Çalışkan, S., Özdemir, E., Beşkardeş, V., Keten, A., Zengin, H., 2011. Determination of Health Condition, Biomass, Carbon Sequestration and Faunistic Characteristics on Conversion of Coppice Oak Ecosystems in Northern Thrace, supported Project by TÜBİTAK-TOVAG Project Number: 107O750. Makineci, E., Özdemir, E., Çalışkan, S., Yılmaz, E., Kumbaşlı, M., Keten, A., Beşkardeş, V., Zengin, H., Yılmaz, H., 2015. Ecosystem carbon pools of coppice-originated oak forests at different development stages. European Journal of Forest Research 134(2): 319-333. MEF (Ministry of Environment and Forest) 2006. Report of Working Group on Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry, Ankara. Available from: (Access date: 10 january 2012). NIR Austria, 2015. Austria’s National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Belgium, 2015. Belgium’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2013). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Bulgaria, 2015. National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Bulgaria 1988-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Croatia, 2015. National Inventory Report 2015 Croatian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Czech Repuplic, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Czech Republic Reported Inventories 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Finland, 2015. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Finland 1990-2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: submission. (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Germany, 2015. Submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2015, National Inventory Report for the German Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Greece, 2015. Annual Inventory Submission of Greece under the Convention For Greenhouse and other Gases for the Years 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016) NIR Holland, 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990–2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Hungary, 2015. National Inventory Report for 1985-2013 Hungary. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Italy, 2015. Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Japan, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of Japan. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Latvia, 2015. Latvia’s National Inventory Report 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Lithuania, 2015. Lithuania’s National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Poland, 2015. Poland’s National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Portugal, 2015. Portuguese National Inventory Report On Greenhouse Gases, 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Romania, 2015. Romania’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1989-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Slovak Republic, 2015. Slovak Republic National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Spain, 2015. España Emisiones De Gases De Efecto Invernadero 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Switzerland (2015). Switzerland’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2013). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Turkey, 2014. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Turkey 1990-2012. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Turkey, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Turkey 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). Özkaya, S., 2004. Determination of Above-Ground Biomass of Eastern Spruce (Picea orientalis L.) Link.) Stands in Artvin-Genya Mountain Region, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Kafkas University. Saraçoğlu, N., 1998. Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) biomass tables. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 93-100. Saraçoğlu, N., 2000. Biomass Tables of Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn. subsp. barbata (C.A. Mey.) Yalt.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 24: 147-156. Sargıncı, M., 2014. Litter Dynamics in Western Blacksea Forest Ecosytems, unpublished PhD thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Duzce University. Sun, O., Eren, M.E., Orpak, M. 1978. Determination of wood kinds in solitary trees and unit area among main tree species of Turkey, TÜBİTAK, TOAG/288, Ankara. Sun, O., Uğurlu, S., Özer, E., 1980. Determination of biomass of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) stands. Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 104, 32 p, Ankara. Teobaldelli, M., Somogyi, Z., Migliavacca, M., Usoltsev, V.A., 2009. Generalized functions of biomass expansion factors for conifers and broadleaved by stand age, growing stock and site index. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1004–1013. Tolunay, D., Çömez, A., 2008. Amounts of organic carbon stored in forest floor and soil in Turkey. National Symposium on Air pollution and Control, 22-25 October 2008 Hatay, Turkey p: 750- 765. Tolunay, D., 2009. Carbon concentrations of tree components, forest floor and understorey in young Pinus sylvestris stands in north-western Turkey. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24(5): 394-402. Tolunay, D., 2011. Total carbon stock and carbon accumulation in living tree biomass in forest ecosystems of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 35, 265-279. Tolunay, D., 2012. Biomass Factors and Equations for Young Scots Pine Stands in Bolu-Aladağ. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 62(2): 97-111. Topaloğlu, E., 2005. The physical and mechanical properties of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) wood which is grown in Trabzon-Yeşilbük region, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Karadeniz Technical University. Tüfekçioğlu, A., Güner, S., 2008. Determination of Wood Production, biomass, carbon storage soil rehabilition and Erosion Prevention of Artvin-Murgul Black Locust afforestation. Supported Project by TÜBİTAK-TOVAG Project Number: 106O418. Uğurlu, S., Araslı, B., Sun, O., 1976. Determination of biomass of Scots pine stands in step transition region. Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 80, 48 p. Ankara. Ülker, C., 2010. Costruction of Biomass Tables of Scotchpine in Amasya Forest Regional Headquarter (A Case Study of Kunduz Planing Unit), unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Karadeniz Technical University. Ülküdür, M., 2010. Construction Biomass Tables of Cedar in Antalya Regional Forest Directorate, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Bartın University. Ünsal, A., 2007. Construction of Biomass Tables of Redpine in Karaisali Forest Administration in Adana Forest Regional Headquarter, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Yıldız, O., 2000. Ecosystem effects of vegetation removal in coastal Oregon Douglas-fir experimental plantations: impacts on ecosystem production, tree growth, nutrients, and soils. PhD. thesis. Forest Science, Oregon State University, USA. Yıldız, O., Esen, D., 2002. Impact of Different Harvesting and Site Preparation Methods on Soil Compaction and Nitrogen Mineralization in Loblolly pine (P. teada L.) plantation. Proceedings of ameeting of IUFRO Unit 4.04.06, 11-13. September 2002, İzmit, Turkey. p.139-149. Yıldız, O., 2004. Nutrient Loss of Forest Area after harvest. 5th National Congress on Ecology and Environment, 5-8 October 2004, Bolu, Turkey, p:673-680.

Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 69 Sayı: 2, 145 - 155, 01.07.2019


DOI: 10.26650/forestist.2019.110719

The countries that are parties to the Kyoto
Protocol submit annual inventories of greenhouse gases to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat. The reports comprise values
of emission and removal of greenhouse gases from different sectors (energy,
industrial processes and product use, agriculture, land use, land use change,
and forestry, and waste). These reports are prepared by using the methodologies
indicated in guides that are prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change. Among the guides, those that are forestry related include: guidelines
for the land use, land use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sector reported in
2003 and for the agriculture forestry and other land uses (AFOLU) sector
reported in 2006. According to these guidelines, carbon, which is stored in the
biomass as stock or annually sequestered amounts, can be calculated by using
various factors derived from growing stock or annual increment in forests.
Similarly, the amount of carbon removed from the forest by fire, production, or
illegal cuttings can also be estimated using such factors. In this study, the
biomass expansion factor (BEF1) is determined as 1.212 for the conifers and
1.310 for the broadleaved species. Also the BEF2 was updated and determined as
1.326 for the conifers, and 1.262 for the broadleaved species. In this study,
the biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEF’s) that are used in the
AFOLU guide were also calculated.  

Cite this paper as: Tolunay, D., 2019.
Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. Forestist
69(2): 145-155.


  • As, N., Koç, H., Doğu, D., Atik, C., Aksu, B., Erdinler, S., 2001. Anatomical, physical, mechanical and chemical properties of industrial trees grown in Turkey. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 51(1): 71-88. Atmaca, S., 2008. Construction of Biomass Tables of Scots Pine in Erzurum Forest Regional Headquarter, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Aydın, Ç., 2010. Construction of Biomass Tables of Pinus sylvestris in Artvin Forest Regional Headquarter (A Case Study of Borçka Planning Unit), unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Karadeniz Technical University. Çakıl, E., 2008. Constructing Biomass Tables of Crimean Pine in Zonguldak Forest Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Çömez, A., 2011. Determination of Carbon Sequestration in Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) Stands on Sündiken Mountain, unpublished PhD thesis, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Istanbul University. Doğan, N., 2010. Diameter-Based Biomass Prediction and Assesment of Leaf Area:Sapwood Ratio for Turkish-Fir (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. ssp. bormulleriana (Mattf.) Code et Cullen) in Duzce Province, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Duzce University. Durkaya, B., 1998. Construction of Biomass Tables of Quercus in Zonguldak Forest Region Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. Durkaya, B., Durkaya, A., Makineci, E., Ülküdür, M., 2013a. Estimation of above-ground biomass and sequestered carbon of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani L.) in Antalya, Turkey. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 278-284. DOI: 10.3832/ifor0899-006. Durkaya, B., Durkaya, A., Makineci, E., Karabürk, T., 2013b. Estimating above-ground biomass and carbon stock of ındividual trees ın uneven-aged Uludag fir stands. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22(2): 428-434. Durkaya, A., Durkaya, B., Makineci, E., Orhan, İ., 2015. Aboveground biomass and carbon storage relationship of Turkish pines. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24: 3573-3583. Erten, P., Sözen, R., 1997a. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of Haleppo Pine Wood (Pinus halepensis Mill.. Central Anatolia Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 268, 40 p. Ankara. Erten, P., Sözen R., 1997b. Determination of physical and mechanical properties of Pinus pinea, Pinus nigra and Acer platanoides Wood. Central Anatolia Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 266, 37 p. Ankara. FAO, 2011. State of the World’s Forests, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 164 p., Rome. Gürsu, İ., 1971. Physical and mechanical properties of Fraxinus oxycarpa Willd. in Süleymaniye Forest and assessment opportunities. Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin, 47 p. İkinci, O., 2000. Construction of Biomass Tables of Chestnut in Zonguldak Forest Region Administration, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Zonguldak Karaelmas. IPCC, 2003. Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry. (Eds.: J. Penman, M. Gytarsky, T. Hiraishi, T. Krug, D. Kruger, R. Pipatti, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara, K. Tanabe and F. Wagner.). IPCC/OECD/IEA/IGES, Hayama, Japan. Available at: .html. (Access date: 5 March 2016). IPCC, 2006. IPCC Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, prepared by the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme. In: IGES, Japan (Eds.: H.S. Eggleston, L. Buendia, K. Miwa, T. Ngara and K. Tanabe). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). Jalkanen, A., Mäkipää, R., Ståhl, G., Lehtonen, A., Petersson, H., 2005. Estimation of the biomass stock of trees in Sweden: comparison of biomass equations and age-dependent biomass expansion factors. Annals of Forest Science 62: 845-851. Kantarcı, M.D., 1983. Effects of land preparations and tillage on soil properties and growth of maritime pine in the plantation area in Kerpe Tur-71/521. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 33(2): 104-140. Karabıyık, S.B., 2014. Biomass Carbon Stock of Turkish Forests: Comparison of Different Calculation Methods, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Institute of Graduate Studies in Science, Istanbul University. Karabürk, T., 2011. Estimation of Biomass Tables of Fir Stands in Bartın, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, University of Bartın. Koca, H., Yaman, B., Aydın, Y.M., Altıok, H., Kara, M., Dumanoğlu, Y., Bayram, A., Tolunay, D., Odabaşı, M., Elbir, T., 2013. Preparation of a national inventory of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in Turkey. International Journal of Chemical, Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) 1(4): 600-604. Lehtonen, A., Mäkipää, R., Heikkinen, J., Sievänen R., Liski, J., 2004. Biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch according to stand age for boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management 188: 211-224. Makineci, E., Yılmaz, E., Kumbaşlı, M., Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, H., Çalışkan, S., Özdemir, E., Beşkardeş, V., Keten, A., Zengin, H., 2011. Determination of Health Condition, Biomass, Carbon Sequestration and Faunistic Characteristics on Conversion of Coppice Oak Ecosystems in Northern Thrace, supported Project by TÜBİTAK-TOVAG Project Number: 107O750. Makineci, E., Özdemir, E., Çalışkan, S., Yılmaz, E., Kumbaşlı, M., Keten, A., Beşkardeş, V., Zengin, H., Yılmaz, H., 2015. Ecosystem carbon pools of coppice-originated oak forests at different development stages. European Journal of Forest Research 134(2): 319-333. MEF (Ministry of Environment and Forest) 2006. Report of Working Group on Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry, Ankara. Available from: (Access date: 10 january 2012). NIR Austria, 2015. Austria’s National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Belgium, 2015. Belgium’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2013). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Bulgaria, 2015. National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Bulgaria 1988-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Croatia, 2015. National Inventory Report 2015 Croatian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Czech Repuplic, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Czech Republic Reported Inventories 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Finland, 2015. Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Finland 1990-2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: submission. (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Germany, 2015. Submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2015, National Inventory Report for the German Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Greece, 2015. Annual Inventory Submission of Greece under the Convention For Greenhouse and other Gases for the Years 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016) NIR Holland, 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands 1990–2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Hungary, 2015. National Inventory Report for 1985-2013 Hungary. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Italy, 2015. Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013 National Inventory Report 2015. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Japan, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of Japan. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Latvia, 2015. Latvia’s National Inventory Report 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Lithuania, 2015. Lithuania’s National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Poland, 2015. Poland’s National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Portugal, 2015. Portuguese National Inventory Report On Greenhouse Gases, 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Romania, 2015. Romania’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1989-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Slovak Republic, 2015. Slovak Republic National Inventory Report 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory 1990 – 2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Spain, 2015. España Emisiones De Gases De Efecto Invernadero 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Switzerland (2015). Switzerland’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2013). Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Turkey, 2014. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Turkey 1990-2012. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). NIR Turkey, 2015. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report of the Turkey 1990-2013. Available from: (Access date: 5 March 2016). Özkaya, S., 2004. Determination of Above-Ground Biomass of Eastern Spruce (Picea orientalis L.) Link.) Stands in Artvin-Genya Mountain Region, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Kafkas University. Saraçoğlu, N., 1998. Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) biomass tables. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 22: 93-100. Saraçoğlu, N., 2000. Biomass Tables of Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn. subsp. barbata (C.A. Mey.) Yalt.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 24: 147-156. Sargıncı, M., 2014. Litter Dynamics in Western Blacksea Forest Ecosytems, unpublished PhD thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Duzce University. Sun, O., Eren, M.E., Orpak, M. 1978. Determination of wood kinds in solitary trees and unit area among main tree species of Turkey, TÜBİTAK, TOAG/288, Ankara. Sun, O., Uğurlu, S., Özer, E., 1980. Determination of biomass of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) stands. Forestry Research Institute Publications, Technical Bulletin No: 104, 32 p, Ankara. Teobaldelli, M., Somogyi, Z., Migliavacca, M., Usoltsev, V.A., 2009. Generalized functions of biomass expansion factors for conifers and broadleaved by stand age, growing stock and site index. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1004–1013. Tolunay, D., Çömez, A., 2008. Amounts of organic carbon stored in forest floor and soil in Turkey. National Symposium on Air pollution and Control, 22-25 October 2008 Hatay, Turkey p: 750- 765. Tolunay, D., 2009. Carbon concentrations of tree components, forest floor and understorey in young Pinus sylvestris stands in north-western Turkey. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24(5): 394-402. Tolunay, D., 2011. Total carbon stock and carbon accumulation in living tree biomass in forest ecosystems of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 35, 265-279. Tolunay, D., 2012. Biomass Factors and Equations for Young Scots Pine Stands in Bolu-Aladağ. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 62(2): 97-111. Topaloğlu, E., 2005. The physical and mechanical properties of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) wood which is grown in Trabzon-Yeşilbük region, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Karadeniz Technical University. Tüfekçioğlu, A., Güner, S., 2008. Determination of Wood Production, biomass, carbon storage soil rehabilition and Erosion Prevention of Artvin-Murgul Black Locust afforestation. Supported Project by TÜBİTAK-TOVAG Project Number: 106O418. Uğurlu, S., Araslı, B., Sun, O., 1976. Determination of biomass of Scots pine stands in step transition region. 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Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Doğanay Tolunay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 69 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tolunay, D. (2019). Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. Forestist, 69(2), 145-155.
AMA Tolunay D. Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. FORESTIST. Temmuz 2019;69(2):145-155.
Chicago Tolunay, Doğanay. “Biomass Factors Used to Calculate Carbon Storage of Turkish Forests”. Forestist 69, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2019): 145-55.
EndNote Tolunay D (01 Temmuz 2019) Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. Forestist 69 2 145–155.
IEEE D. Tolunay, “Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests”, FORESTIST, c. 69, sy. 2, ss. 145–155, 2019.
ISNAD Tolunay, Doğanay. “Biomass Factors Used to Calculate Carbon Storage of Turkish Forests”. Forestist 69/2 (Temmuz 2019), 145-155.
JAMA Tolunay D. Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. FORESTIST. 2019;69:145–155.
MLA Tolunay, Doğanay. “Biomass Factors Used to Calculate Carbon Storage of Turkish Forests”. Forestist, c. 69, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 145-5.
Vancouver Tolunay D. Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests. FORESTIST. 2019;69(2):145-5.