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A Research on Brand Preferences and Brand Personality Development of Consumers' Demographic Characteristics: A Case Study of the Real Estate Industry

Yıl 2022, , 499 - 527, 28.05.2022


Since the concept of brand personality began to be the subject of research in the marketing literature, the personality traits attributed to the brand in many categories have been the subject of various comparisons. It is a result obtained from the research that a consumer will prefer the one that has identified with his/her personality while choosing the product or service he/she wants to purchase. This fact increases the importance of the concept of "brand personality" in the marketing process. In this study, it was investigated which of the brand personality traits of five corporate real estate consultancy companies are prioritized by consumers. A survey was conducted within the scope of the research and according to the findings obtained as a result of the survey, there was no significant relationship with the corporate companies preferred by the participants, depending on gender and age factors; on the other hand, it has been understood that there is a significant relationship with the occupation, educational status, and income levels. In addition, according to the subjects, it was also revealed which of the brand personality dimensions of the relevant companies matched.


  • Aaker, D. (1991). “Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name”. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Aaker, D. (1996). “Building strong brands”. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Aaker, J. L., & Fournier, S. (1995). “A Brand as a Character, A Partner and a Person: Three Perspectives on the Question of Brand Personality.” Advances in Consumer Research, 22(1), 391–395.
  • Aaker, J., (1997). “Dimensions of Brand Personality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 34:342-352.
  • Aaker, J. (1999). “The malleable self: The role of self-expression in persuasion.” Journal of Marketing Research, 36(1), 45-57.
  • Aaker, J., Benet-Martinez, V., & Garolera, J. (2001). Consumption symbols as carriers of culture: A study of Japanese and Spanish brand personality constructs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(3), 492-508.
  • Aksoy, L. ve Özsomer, A., (2007). “Türkiye’de Marka Kişiliği Oluşturan Boyutlar” 12.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-14.
  • Allen, D. E., ve Olson, J. (1995). “Conceptualizing and creating brand personality: A narrative theory approach.” Advances in Consumer Research, 22(1), 392–393.
  • Austin J. R., Siguaw J. A. ve Mattila A. S., (2003). "A Re-examination of the Generalizability of the Aaker Brand Personality Measurement Framework," Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11: 77-92.
  • Azoulay A. ve Kapferer J. N., (2003). "Do Brand Personality Scales Really Measure Brand Personality?", Journal of Brand Ma¬nagement, 11 (2): 143-155.
  • Batra, R., Lehmann, D.R., & Sinh, D. (1993). The brand personality component of brand goodwill: Some antecedents and consequences. In D.A. Aaker & A.L. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity & advertising: Advertising’s role in building strong brands (83-96). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Biel, A. (1993), Converting Image into Equity. In D. Aaker & A. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity and Advertising: Advertising’s Role in Building Strong Brands (pp. 67–82). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence-Erlbaum.
  • Boudreaux C. A. ve Palmer S. E., (2007). "A Charming Little Ca¬bernet: Effects of Wine Label Design on Purchase Intent and Brand Personality," International Journal of Wine Busi¬ness Research, 19(3): 170-186.
  • Brewer, J. (2010). Consumers want to run your campaign. Will you let them? İnternet sitesi:
  • Caprara, G. Vittorio, Claudio Barbaranellia ve Gianluigi Guido, (2001). “Brand Personality: How To Make The Metaphor Fit?,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 22: 377-395.
  • Davis, S. (2000). The power of the brand. Strategy & leadership, 28(4), 4-9.
  • Delbaere, M., McQuarrie, E.F., & Phillips, B.J. (2011). “Personification in advertising: Using a visual metaphor to trigger anthropomorphism.” Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 121-130.
  • Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Gereth Smith ve Ian Grime; (2005). “The Impact of Brand Extensions on Brand Personality: Experimental Evidence,” European Journal of Marketing, 39(1/2): 129-149.
  • Digman, John M., (1990). “Personality Structure: Emergence of the Five-Factor Model,” Annual Review Psychology, 41: 417-40.
  • Dölarslan, E.Ş., (2012). "Bir Marka Kişiliği Ölçeği Değerlendirmesi," Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 67 (2): 1-28.
  • Escalas, J. E. ve Bettman, J. R., (2005)."Self-Construal, Reference Groups and Brand Meaning," Journal of Consumer Research, 32:378-389.
  • Ferrandi J. M., Florence P. V. ve Falcy S. F., (2000). "Aaker’s Brand Personality Scale in a French Context: A Replication and a Preliminary Test of Its Validity,"Developments in Marketing Science, 23: 7-13.
  • Freling T. H. ve Forbes L. P., (2005). "An Empirical Analysis of the Brand Personality Effect," The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14(7): 404-413.
  • Geuens, M., Bert, W. ve De Wulf, K., (2009). “A New Measure of Brand Personality,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26: 97-107.
  • Govers, P., ve Schoormans, J. (2005). “Product personality and its influence on consumer preference.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 189-197.
  • Guthrie M., Kim H. ve Jung J., (2008). "The Effects of Facial Image and Cosmetic Usage on Perceptions of Brand Personality," Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(2): 164-181.
  • Haigood, T., (1999). "The brand personality effect: An empirical investigation," American MarketingAssociation Winter Educators ’Conference Proceedings, 10, 149–150.
  • Iglesias, O., Ind, N., & Alfaro, M. (2013). “The organic view of the brand: A brand value co-creation model.” Journal of Brand Management, 20(8), 670-688.
  • Keller, Lane, K. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1–22.
  • Kurtuluş, S. D. (2008). "Ülkelerin Marka Kişiliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma," İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22(2): 285-300.
  • Magin, S., Algesheimer, R., Huber, F. & Herrmann, A. (2003). “The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer’s Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers”, Electronic Markets, Volume 13(4):294–308.
  • Mcgracken, G., (1989). "Who is the celebrity endorser? Cultural foundations of the endorsement process" Journal of Consumer Research, 16(3): 310-321.
  • Milas, G. ve Mlacic, B., (2007). “Brand Personality and Human Personality: Findings from Ratings of Familiar Croatian Brands,” Journal of Business Research, 60: 620-626.
  • Mulyanegara R. C., Tsarenko Y. ve Anderson A., (2009sa). "The Big Five and Brand Personality: Investigating the Impact of Consumer Personality on Preferences towards Particular Brand Personality," Brand Management, 16(4): 234-247.
  • Maehle, N. ve Supphellen, M., (2011). "In the search of brand personality," International Journal of Market Research, 53(1): 95-114
  • Musante M. D., Bojanic D. C. ve Zhang J., (2008). "A Modified Brand Personality Scale for the Restaurant Industry," Jour¬nal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 16(4): 303-323.
  • Nakip, M. ve Yaraş, E. (2017). Pazarlama Araştırma Teknikleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Neumeier, M. (2006). The brand gap: How to bridge the distance between business strategy and design. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
  • Özçelik, D. G. ve Torlak, Ö., (2011). "Marka Kişiliği Algısı ile Etnosentrik Eğilimler Arasındaki İlişki: Levis ve Mavi Jeans Üzerine Bir Uygulama", Ege Akademik Review, 11(3), 361-377.
  • Özer, S. ve Ersoy, G. (2012). "Türkiye’de Faaliyet Gösteren Havayolu Şirketlerinin Marka Kişiliklerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma," Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi,23(2): 173-186.
  • Özgüven, N. ve Karataş, E., (2010). "Genç Tüketicilerin Marka Kişiliği Algılamalarının Cinsiyete Göre Değerlendirilmesi: Mcdonald’s ve Burger King," Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11.
  • Plummer, Joseph. T., (1985). “How Personality Makes a Difference,” Journal of Advertising Research, 24: 27-31.
  • Ramaseshan, B., & Tsao, H. (2007). “Moderating effects of the brand concept on the relationship between brand personality and perceived quality.” The Journal of Brand Management, 14(6), 458-466.
  • Rathnayake C. V., (2008). "Brand Personality and its Impact on Brand Feelings: A Study Among Young Television Vie¬wers," South Asian Journal of Management, 15(2): 7-24.
  • Rojas-Mendez, J., Erenchun-Podlech, I., ve Silva-Olave, E., (2004). "The Ford brand personality in Chile," Corporate Reputation" Review, 7(3), 232-251.
  • Sung, Y., & Kim, J. (2010). “Effects of brand personality on brand trust and brand affect.” Psychology and Marketing, 27(7), 639-661.
  • Sung, Y. ve Tinkham, S.F. (2005). “Brand Personality Structures in the United States and Korea: Common and Culture-Specific Factors,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (4): 334-350.
  • Supphellen, M. & Grenhaug, K., (2003). "Building foreign brand personalities in Russia: the moderating effect of consumer ethnocentrism," International Journal of Advertising,11(1), 203-226.
  • Wang, X. ve Yang, Z., (2008). “Does Country-of- Origin Matter in the Relationship Between Brand Perso¬nality and Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies?” International Marketing Review, 25(4):458-474.
  • Wu, X., Hu, X., Qi, W., Marinova, D., & Shi, X. (2018). Risk knowledge, product knowledge, and brand benefits for purchase intentions: Experiences with air purifiers against city smog in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 24(7), 1930–1951.
  • Yakın, V. ve Ay, C., (2012). "Markaların Kişilik Arketiplerinin Algılanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma," The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2(3): 27-36.
  • Zmuda, N. (2013). J.C. Penney scuttles logo introduced by former CEO. Advertising Age. İnternet sitesi:

Tüketicilerin Demografik Özelliklerinin Marka Tercihleri ve Marka Kişiliği Oluşumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Emlak Sektörü Örneği

Yıl 2022, , 499 - 527, 28.05.2022


Pazarlama literatüründe marka kişiliği kavramı araştırmalara konu olmaya başladığı dönemden bu yana pek çok kategoride yer alan markaya yüklenen kişilik özellikleri çeşitli karşılaştırmalara konu olmuştur. Bir tüketicinin almak istediği ürünü veya hizmeti seçerken, kendi kimliği ile özleştirmiş olanı tercih edeceği yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkan bir gerçektir. Bu gerçek, pazarlama sürecinde "marka kişiliği" kavramının önemini bir kat daha artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, hizmet sektöründe yer alan beş kurumsal gayrimenkul danışmanlık şirketinin sahip oldukları marka kişilik özelliklerinden hangilerinin tüketiciler tarafından ön planda tutulduğu araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın uygulama kısmında bir anket çalışması düzenlenmiş ve anket sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, katılımcıların tercih ettikleri kurumsal firmalarla cinsiyete ve yaşa bağlı olarak anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanmazken; meslek, eğitim durumu ve gelir düzeyleri ile anlamlı bir ilişkiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca araştırma kapsamında ilgili firmaların marka kişiliği boyutlarından hangileriyle eşleştiği de ortaya konmuştur.


  • Aaker, D. (1991). “Managing brand equity: Capitalizing on the value of a brand name”. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Aaker, D. (1996). “Building strong brands”. New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Aaker, J. L., & Fournier, S. (1995). “A Brand as a Character, A Partner and a Person: Three Perspectives on the Question of Brand Personality.” Advances in Consumer Research, 22(1), 391–395.
  • Aaker, J., (1997). “Dimensions of Brand Personality,” Journal of Marketing Research, 34:342-352.
  • Aaker, J. (1999). “The malleable self: The role of self-expression in persuasion.” Journal of Marketing Research, 36(1), 45-57.
  • Aaker, J., Benet-Martinez, V., & Garolera, J. (2001). Consumption symbols as carriers of culture: A study of Japanese and Spanish brand personality constructs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(3), 492-508.
  • Aksoy, L. ve Özsomer, A., (2007). “Türkiye’de Marka Kişiliği Oluşturan Boyutlar” 12.Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 1-14.
  • Allen, D. E., ve Olson, J. (1995). “Conceptualizing and creating brand personality: A narrative theory approach.” Advances in Consumer Research, 22(1), 392–393.
  • Austin J. R., Siguaw J. A. ve Mattila A. S., (2003). "A Re-examination of the Generalizability of the Aaker Brand Personality Measurement Framework," Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11: 77-92.
  • Azoulay A. ve Kapferer J. N., (2003). "Do Brand Personality Scales Really Measure Brand Personality?", Journal of Brand Ma¬nagement, 11 (2): 143-155.
  • Batra, R., Lehmann, D.R., & Sinh, D. (1993). The brand personality component of brand goodwill: Some antecedents and consequences. In D.A. Aaker & A.L. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity & advertising: Advertising’s role in building strong brands (83-96). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Biel, A. (1993), Converting Image into Equity. In D. Aaker & A. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity and Advertising: Advertising’s Role in Building Strong Brands (pp. 67–82). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence-Erlbaum.
  • Boudreaux C. A. ve Palmer S. E., (2007). "A Charming Little Ca¬bernet: Effects of Wine Label Design on Purchase Intent and Brand Personality," International Journal of Wine Busi¬ness Research, 19(3): 170-186.
  • Brewer, J. (2010). Consumers want to run your campaign. Will you let them? İnternet sitesi:
  • Caprara, G. Vittorio, Claudio Barbaranellia ve Gianluigi Guido, (2001). “Brand Personality: How To Make The Metaphor Fit?,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 22: 377-395.
  • Davis, S. (2000). The power of the brand. Strategy & leadership, 28(4), 4-9.
  • Delbaere, M., McQuarrie, E.F., & Phillips, B.J. (2011). “Personification in advertising: Using a visual metaphor to trigger anthropomorphism.” Journal of Advertising, 40(1), 121-130.
  • Diamantopoulos, Adamantios, Gereth Smith ve Ian Grime; (2005). “The Impact of Brand Extensions on Brand Personality: Experimental Evidence,” European Journal of Marketing, 39(1/2): 129-149.
  • Digman, John M., (1990). “Personality Structure: Emergence of the Five-Factor Model,” Annual Review Psychology, 41: 417-40.
  • Dölarslan, E.Ş., (2012). "Bir Marka Kişiliği Ölçeği Değerlendirmesi," Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 67 (2): 1-28.
  • Escalas, J. E. ve Bettman, J. R., (2005)."Self-Construal, Reference Groups and Brand Meaning," Journal of Consumer Research, 32:378-389.
  • Ferrandi J. M., Florence P. V. ve Falcy S. F., (2000). "Aaker’s Brand Personality Scale in a French Context: A Replication and a Preliminary Test of Its Validity,"Developments in Marketing Science, 23: 7-13.
  • Freling T. H. ve Forbes L. P., (2005). "An Empirical Analysis of the Brand Personality Effect," The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14(7): 404-413.
  • Geuens, M., Bert, W. ve De Wulf, K., (2009). “A New Measure of Brand Personality,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26: 97-107.
  • Govers, P., ve Schoormans, J. (2005). “Product personality and its influence on consumer preference.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 189-197.
  • Guthrie M., Kim H. ve Jung J., (2008). "The Effects of Facial Image and Cosmetic Usage on Perceptions of Brand Personality," Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 12(2): 164-181.
  • Haigood, T., (1999). "The brand personality effect: An empirical investigation," American MarketingAssociation Winter Educators ’Conference Proceedings, 10, 149–150.
  • Iglesias, O., Ind, N., & Alfaro, M. (2013). “The organic view of the brand: A brand value co-creation model.” Journal of Brand Management, 20(8), 670-688.
  • Keller, Lane, K. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1–22.
  • Kurtuluş, S. D. (2008). "Ülkelerin Marka Kişiliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma," İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 22(2): 285-300.
  • Magin, S., Algesheimer, R., Huber, F. & Herrmann, A. (2003). “The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer’s Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers”, Electronic Markets, Volume 13(4):294–308.
  • Mcgracken, G., (1989). "Who is the celebrity endorser? Cultural foundations of the endorsement process" Journal of Consumer Research, 16(3): 310-321.
  • Milas, G. ve Mlacic, B., (2007). “Brand Personality and Human Personality: Findings from Ratings of Familiar Croatian Brands,” Journal of Business Research, 60: 620-626.
  • Mulyanegara R. C., Tsarenko Y. ve Anderson A., (2009sa). "The Big Five and Brand Personality: Investigating the Impact of Consumer Personality on Preferences towards Particular Brand Personality," Brand Management, 16(4): 234-247.
  • Maehle, N. ve Supphellen, M., (2011). "In the search of brand personality," International Journal of Market Research, 53(1): 95-114
  • Musante M. D., Bojanic D. C. ve Zhang J., (2008). "A Modified Brand Personality Scale for the Restaurant Industry," Jour¬nal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 16(4): 303-323.
  • Nakip, M. ve Yaraş, E. (2017). Pazarlama Araştırma Teknikleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Neumeier, M. (2006). The brand gap: How to bridge the distance between business strategy and design. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
  • Özçelik, D. G. ve Torlak, Ö., (2011). "Marka Kişiliği Algısı ile Etnosentrik Eğilimler Arasındaki İlişki: Levis ve Mavi Jeans Üzerine Bir Uygulama", Ege Akademik Review, 11(3), 361-377.
  • Özer, S. ve Ersoy, G. (2012). "Türkiye’de Faaliyet Gösteren Havayolu Şirketlerinin Marka Kişiliklerini Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma," Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi,23(2): 173-186.
  • Özgüven, N. ve Karataş, E., (2010). "Genç Tüketicilerin Marka Kişiliği Algılamalarının Cinsiyete Göre Değerlendirilmesi: Mcdonald’s ve Burger King," Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11.
  • Plummer, Joseph. T., (1985). “How Personality Makes a Difference,” Journal of Advertising Research, 24: 27-31.
  • Ramaseshan, B., & Tsao, H. (2007). “Moderating effects of the brand concept on the relationship between brand personality and perceived quality.” The Journal of Brand Management, 14(6), 458-466.
  • Rathnayake C. V., (2008). "Brand Personality and its Impact on Brand Feelings: A Study Among Young Television Vie¬wers," South Asian Journal of Management, 15(2): 7-24.
  • Rojas-Mendez, J., Erenchun-Podlech, I., ve Silva-Olave, E., (2004). "The Ford brand personality in Chile," Corporate Reputation" Review, 7(3), 232-251.
  • Sung, Y., & Kim, J. (2010). “Effects of brand personality on brand trust and brand affect.” Psychology and Marketing, 27(7), 639-661.
  • Sung, Y. ve Tinkham, S.F. (2005). “Brand Personality Structures in the United States and Korea: Common and Culture-Specific Factors,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (4): 334-350.
  • Supphellen, M. & Grenhaug, K., (2003). "Building foreign brand personalities in Russia: the moderating effect of consumer ethnocentrism," International Journal of Advertising,11(1), 203-226.
  • Wang, X. ve Yang, Z., (2008). “Does Country-of- Origin Matter in the Relationship Between Brand Perso¬nality and Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies?” International Marketing Review, 25(4):458-474.
  • Wu, X., Hu, X., Qi, W., Marinova, D., & Shi, X. (2018). Risk knowledge, product knowledge, and brand benefits for purchase intentions: Experiences with air purifiers against city smog in China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 24(7), 1930–1951.
  • Yakın, V. ve Ay, C., (2012). "Markaların Kişilik Arketiplerinin Algılanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma," The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 2(3): 27-36.
  • Zmuda, N. (2013). J.C. Penney scuttles logo introduced by former CEO. Advertising Age. İnternet sitesi:
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Bülent Özsaçmacı 0000-0001-9074-0149

Tolga Dursun 0000-0003-1235-1361

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Özsaçmacı, B., & Dursun, T. (2022). Tüketicilerin Demografik Özelliklerinin Marka Tercihleri ve Marka Kişiliği Oluşumu Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Emlak Sektörü Örneği. Fiscaoeconomia, 6(2), 499-527.

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