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Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 11, 18.02.2025


Monitoring blood oxygen levels is vital for tracking various respiratory diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD, and critical care patients, including those with COVID-19. SpO2 devices, calculating oxygen percentage via finger or earlobe tissue, play a crucial role. Field studies have revealed concerns regarding the accuracy of SpO2 measurements due to high deviations, particularly in patients with low oxygen saturation, prompting the initiation of this study to ensure accurate interpretation of the device's measurements. Using a linear regression algorithm, SpO2 values from different bands were classified for quality. Tolerance values and deviation thresholds for each band were recommended. Additionally, linear regression aimed to save time by making result estimations with less data, facilitating more device monitoring and frequent testing. Results closely matched actual values, suggesting contributions to more frequent application and rapid interpretation. Following the European standard 80601-2-61, measurements were taken from three pulse oximeter brands (Contec MS100 model simulator) in three bands: 70-79%, 80-89%, and 90-100% SpO2. For each measurement, an Arms curve graph was generated using linear regression, and the mean square error (MSE) and Arms values were calculated to evaluate devices. In conclusion, deviation rates increase at low oxygen saturation levels, and recommended % SpO2 deviation values were proposed for each band and device quality.

Etik Beyan

There is no need to obtain ethics committee permission for the article prepared. There is no conflict of interest with any person/institution in the prepared article.


  • T. Ş. Eyüboğlu, O. D. Güleryüz, E. Keleş, and I. Budakoğlu, “What do trainee physicians know about the use of pediatric pulse oximetry on patients?, Gazi Med. J., vol. 29, pp. 119–122, 2018.
  • R. C. N. McMorrow, and M. G. Mythen, “Pulse oximetry,” Curr. Opin. Crit. Care, vol. 12, pp. 269–271, 2006.
  • T. P. Walters, “Pulse oximetry knowledge and its effects on clinical practice,” Br. J. Nurs., vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 1332–1340, 2007.
  • M. Elliott, R. Tate, and K. Page, “Do clinicians know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications,” Aust. Crit. Care, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 139–144, Nov. 2006.
  • K. Jamieson, M. J. Davey, and G. M. Nixon, “Oximetry knowledge in neonatal units in Victoria, Australia: Can we do better?,” Acta Paediatr., vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 468–472, 2019. [6]
  • S. Bagha and L. Shaw, “A real-time analysis of PPG signal for measurement of SpO2 and pulse rate,” Int. J. Comput. Appl., vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 45–50, 2015.
  • P. A. Assalim, M. T. P. Titisari, D. Caesarendra, and B. A. Prakoso, “Analysis of the effect of red LED and infrared flip flop frequency on SpO2 measurement accuracy,” Indones. J. Electron. Electromed. Eng. Med. Inform., 2022.
  • S. Seifi, A. Khatony, G. Moradi, A. Abdi, and F. Najafi, “Accuracy of pulse oximetry in detection of oxygen saturation in patients admitted to the intensive care unit of heart surgery: Comparison of finger, toe, forehead and earlobe probes,” J. Clin. Monit. Comput., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1085–1090, 2018.
  • K. K. Giuliano, R. N. Bilkovski, J. Beard, and S. Lamminmäki, “Comparative analysis of signal accuracy of three SpO2 monitors during motion and low perfusion conditions,” J. Clin. Monit. Comput., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 95–101, 2019.
  • Z. Xiong, and B. S. Kodali, “Pulse oximetry and capnograph,” in *The Essential Clinical Anesthesia Book, pp. 186–190.
  • D. A. Freedman, *Statistical Models: Theory and Practice*, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.
  • Respiratory Failure, Akademisyen Kitabevi, pp. 233–247, 2021.
  • Contec MS100 SpO2 Pulse Rate Blood Oxygen Simulator User Manual, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Jan. 13, 2023].
  • G. Ateş, and K. Polat, “Bulanık mantığa dayalı nabız oksimetresi kullanılarak oksijen satürasyonunun ölçülmesi,” Tıbbi Ölçümler ve Başvurular Bildirileri, pp. 1–6, 2012.
  • FDA, “Pulse oximeters - premarket notification submissions 510(k)s,” Document issued on: March 4, 2013.
  • FDA, “November 1, 2022: Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Mar. 28, 2024].
  • M.A. Blanchet, G. Mercier, A. Delobel, E. Nayet, P.A. Bouchard, S. Simard, E. L'Her, R.D. Branson, F. Lellouche, “Accuracy of pulse oximetry (SpO2) with different oximeters - Oxygap study,” ARF/ARDS Thematic Poster Session, Moscone Center, Hall F, Area G, Québec, Canada.
  • International Standard, ISO 80601-2-61:2017.
  • S. Çelik, “Oxygen saturation monitoring with pulse oximeter and nursing approaches,” Health Soc., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 11–15, 2020.
  • U. Yetkin, N. Karahan, and A. Gürbüz, “Pulse oximetry in clinical application,” Van Med. J., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 126–133, Oct. 2002.
  • M. Elliott, R. Tate, and K. Page, “Do retired know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications,” Aust. Crit. Care, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 139–144, Nov. 2006.
  • S. De Meulenaere, “Pulse oximetry: Uses and limitations,” J. Nurse Pract., pp. 312–317, 2007.
  • P. Kiekkas et al., “Knowledge of pulse oximetry: Comparison among intensive care, anesthesiology and emergency nurses,” J. Clin. Nurs., vol. 22, pp. 828–837, 2012.
  • J. J. Pretto, T. Roebuck, L. Beckert, and G. Hamilton, “Clinical use of pulse oximetry: Official guidelines from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand,” Respirology, vol. 19, pp. 38–46, 2014.
  • M. C. Seeley, L. McKenna, and K. Hood, “Graduate nurses’ knowledge of the functions and limitations of pulse oximetry,” J. Clin. Nurs., vol. 24, pp. 3538–3549, 2015.
  • R. S. Bader, “Basic knowledge of the clinical applications of pulse oximetry technology among healthcare professionals in pediatrics,” J. Saudi Heart Assoc., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 142–148, 2007.
  • J. P. Harper, “Post-anesthesia care unit nurses’ knowledge of pulse oximetry,” J. Nurses Prof. Dev., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 177–180, 2004.
  • E. C. Çelik and B. Çiftçi, “Cerebral oximetry and applications under anesthesia,” Ist Med. Fac. J., vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 33–36, 2018.
  • B. Hucuptan, “Pulse oximeter,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Jan. 9, 2025].

SpO2 Cihazlarında Ölçüm Bandına Göre Lineer Regresyon ile Tolerans Değeri Önerilmesi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 1 - 11, 18.02.2025


Kandaki oksijen değerinin izlenebilmesi,bronşit, zatürre, KOAH gibi çeşitli solunum yolu hastalıklarının ve COVID-19 hastaları da dahil olmak üzere kritik bakım hastalarının takibi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. SpO2 cihazları, parmak ya da kulak memesi dokusundan alınan ölçümlerle kandaki oksijen yüzdesini hesaplayan tıbbi cihazlardır. Yapılan saha çalışmalarında edinilen izlenimler; cihaz kullanıcılarının, düşük oksijen satürasyonuna sahip hastalardan alınan ölçümlerde yüksek sapma görüldüğünü ve SpO2 cihazı ölçümlerinin kusurlu olduğu izleniminde olduklarını sıklıkla belirtmeleri göz önünde bulundurularak, ölçümlerin doğru yorumlanabilmesi için bu çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada SpO2 cihazlarının farklı ölçüm bantlarındaki % SpO2 oranları makine öğrenmesinde lineer regresyon algoritması ile yorumlanarak kalite sınıflandırması yapılmış ve kullanıcılara her ölçüm bandı için tolerans değerleri ve göz önünde bulundurulması gereken sapma değerleri önerilmiştir. Ayrıca lineer regresyon yöntemi ile daha az veri kullanılarak sonuç tahimini ile kullanıcıya ve test uzmanına zaman kazandırarak daha çok cihazın izlenmesi ve cihazların daha sık test edilebilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Tahmin sonuçlarının gerçek değere çok yakın sonuçlar verdiği gözlemlenmiş ve bu çalışmanın testin sahada daha sık uygulanabilmesine ve hızlı yorumlanabilmesine katkı sağlayacağı öngörülmüştür. Çalışmada 80601-2-61 sayılı Avrupa standardının sayılı maddesinde önerilen yöntem kullanılarak farklı üç marka pulse oksimetre cihazından; Contec marka MS100 model simülatör kullanılarak %70-79 SpO2,%80-89 SpO2,%90-100 SpO2 olmak üzere üç ölçüm bandında ölçümler alınmıştır. Her ölçüm için lineer regresyon ile Arms eğrisi grafiği oluşturulmuş, ortalama hata değerlerinin karesi (MSE) ve Arms değerleri hesaplanarak iki değer arasındaki ilişkinin yorumlanmasıyla cihazların değerlendirilmesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak düşük oksijen satürasyonu seviyelerinde sapma oranının arttığı gözlemlenmiş ve her ölçüm bandı ve farklı kalitede cihazlar için göz önünde bulundurulması gereken %spo2 sapma değeri önerilmiştir.


  • T. Ş. Eyüboğlu, O. D. Güleryüz, E. Keleş, and I. Budakoğlu, “What do trainee physicians know about the use of pediatric pulse oximetry on patients?, Gazi Med. J., vol. 29, pp. 119–122, 2018.
  • R. C. N. McMorrow, and M. G. Mythen, “Pulse oximetry,” Curr. Opin. Crit. Care, vol. 12, pp. 269–271, 2006.
  • T. P. Walters, “Pulse oximetry knowledge and its effects on clinical practice,” Br. J. Nurs., vol. 16, no. 21, pp. 1332–1340, 2007.
  • M. Elliott, R. Tate, and K. Page, “Do clinicians know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications,” Aust. Crit. Care, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 139–144, Nov. 2006.
  • K. Jamieson, M. J. Davey, and G. M. Nixon, “Oximetry knowledge in neonatal units in Victoria, Australia: Can we do better?,” Acta Paediatr., vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 468–472, 2019. [6]
  • S. Bagha and L. Shaw, “A real-time analysis of PPG signal for measurement of SpO2 and pulse rate,” Int. J. Comput. Appl., vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 45–50, 2015.
  • P. A. Assalim, M. T. P. Titisari, D. Caesarendra, and B. A. Prakoso, “Analysis of the effect of red LED and infrared flip flop frequency on SpO2 measurement accuracy,” Indones. J. Electron. Electromed. Eng. Med. Inform., 2022.
  • S. Seifi, A. Khatony, G. Moradi, A. Abdi, and F. Najafi, “Accuracy of pulse oximetry in detection of oxygen saturation in patients admitted to the intensive care unit of heart surgery: Comparison of finger, toe, forehead and earlobe probes,” J. Clin. Monit. Comput., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1085–1090, 2018.
  • K. K. Giuliano, R. N. Bilkovski, J. Beard, and S. Lamminmäki, “Comparative analysis of signal accuracy of three SpO2 monitors during motion and low perfusion conditions,” J. Clin. Monit. Comput., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 95–101, 2019.
  • Z. Xiong, and B. S. Kodali, “Pulse oximetry and capnograph,” in *The Essential Clinical Anesthesia Book, pp. 186–190.
  • D. A. Freedman, *Statistical Models: Theory and Practice*, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.
  • Respiratory Failure, Akademisyen Kitabevi, pp. 233–247, 2021.
  • Contec MS100 SpO2 Pulse Rate Blood Oxygen Simulator User Manual, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Jan. 13, 2023].
  • G. Ateş, and K. Polat, “Bulanık mantığa dayalı nabız oksimetresi kullanılarak oksijen satürasyonunun ölçülmesi,” Tıbbi Ölçümler ve Başvurular Bildirileri, pp. 1–6, 2012.
  • FDA, “Pulse oximeters - premarket notification submissions 510(k)s,” Document issued on: March 4, 2013.
  • FDA, “November 1, 2022: Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee Meeting,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Mar. 28, 2024].
  • M.A. Blanchet, G. Mercier, A. Delobel, E. Nayet, P.A. Bouchard, S. Simard, E. L'Her, R.D. Branson, F. Lellouche, “Accuracy of pulse oximetry (SpO2) with different oximeters - Oxygap study,” ARF/ARDS Thematic Poster Session, Moscone Center, Hall F, Area G, Québec, Canada.
  • International Standard, ISO 80601-2-61:2017.
  • S. Çelik, “Oxygen saturation monitoring with pulse oximeter and nursing approaches,” Health Soc., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 11–15, 2020.
  • U. Yetkin, N. Karahan, and A. Gürbüz, “Pulse oximetry in clinical application,” Van Med. J., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 126–133, Oct. 2002.
  • M. Elliott, R. Tate, and K. Page, “Do retired know how to use pulse oximetry? A literature review and clinical implications,” Aust. Crit. Care, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 139–144, Nov. 2006.
  • S. De Meulenaere, “Pulse oximetry: Uses and limitations,” J. Nurse Pract., pp. 312–317, 2007.
  • P. Kiekkas et al., “Knowledge of pulse oximetry: Comparison among intensive care, anesthesiology and emergency nurses,” J. Clin. Nurs., vol. 22, pp. 828–837, 2012.
  • J. J. Pretto, T. Roebuck, L. Beckert, and G. Hamilton, “Clinical use of pulse oximetry: Official guidelines from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand,” Respirology, vol. 19, pp. 38–46, 2014.
  • M. C. Seeley, L. McKenna, and K. Hood, “Graduate nurses’ knowledge of the functions and limitations of pulse oximetry,” J. Clin. Nurs., vol. 24, pp. 3538–3549, 2015.
  • R. S. Bader, “Basic knowledge of the clinical applications of pulse oximetry technology among healthcare professionals in pediatrics,” J. Saudi Heart Assoc., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 142–148, 2007.
  • J. P. Harper, “Post-anesthesia care unit nurses’ knowledge of pulse oximetry,” J. Nurses Prof. Dev., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 177–180, 2004.
  • E. C. Çelik and B. Çiftçi, “Cerebral oximetry and applications under anesthesia,” Ist Med. Fac. J., vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 33–36, 2018.
  • B. Hucuptan, “Pulse oximeter,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Jan. 9, 2025].
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yazılım Mühendisliği (Diğer), Biyomedikal Tanı
Bölüm Research Articles

Özge Üstüner 0009-0008-3602-3593

Cafer Budak 0000-0002-8470-4579

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 25 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Üstüner, Ö., & Budak, C. (2025). Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, 4(1), 1-11.
AMA Üstüner Ö, Budak C. Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape. FUJECE. Şubat 2025;4(1):1-11. doi:10.62520/fujece.1426492
Chicago Üstüner, Özge, ve Cafer Budak. “Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices With Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape”. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering 4, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 1-11.
EndNote Üstüner Ö, Budak C (01 Şubat 2025) Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering 4 1 1–11.
IEEE Ö. Üstüner ve C. Budak, “Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape”, FUJECE, c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 1–11, 2025, doi: 10.62520/fujece.1426492.
ISNAD Üstüner, Özge - Budak, Cafer. “Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices With Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape”. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering 4/1 (Şubat 2025), 1-11.
JAMA Üstüner Ö, Budak C. Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape. FUJECE. 2025;4:1–11.
MLA Üstüner, Özge ve Cafer Budak. “Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices With Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape”. Firat University Journal of Experimental and Computational Engineering, c. 4, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 1-11, doi:10.62520/fujece.1426492.
Vancouver Üstüner Ö, Budak C. Recommending Tolerance Value for SpO2 Devices with Linear Regression Based on Measuring Tape. FUJECE. 2025;4(1):1-11.