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Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye)

Yıl 2022, , 377 - 388, 20.03.2022


Çalışmaya konu olan tufa yüzleği, Türkiye’nin ikinci büyüklükteki neotektonik yapısı olan sol yanal doğrultu atımlı Doğu Anadolu Fay Sistemi’nin önemli zonlarından biri olan Elazığ Fay Zonu üstünde, Elazığ şehir merkezinin yaklaşık 20 km güneybatısında bulunur.
Tufaların yanal-düşey ilişkili olduğu Kuvaterner yaşlı Palu Formasyonu, karasal kökenli kırıntılı çökellerle karakterize edilir. Tufa oluşumunda kaynak kaya rolü oynayan Devoniyen-Jura yaşlı Keban Metamorfitleri’nin Elazığ çevresindeki yüzlekleri, çoğunlukla mermerlerle karakterize edilir. Keban Metamorfitleri’nin litolojisi ve sol yanal doğrultu atımlı Elazığ Fay Zonu’nun meydana getirdiği kırıklı yapı, akışkan dolaşımında ve bundan dolayı tufanın oluşmasında önemli bir görev almıştır.
Tufa örneklerinde belirlenen element miktarları, Ca: 384719-390151 ppm, Mg: 3498-4764 ppm, Sr: 112-338 ppm düzeyindedir. δ13C değerleri, 0.4 ila 2.6 (‰ PDP), δ18O değerleri ise -9.9 ila -11.4 (‰PDB) arasındadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, Bağdere tufasının, sığ göl ortamında oluştuğu düşünülmektedir. Örneklerden elde edilen U-Th yaş verileri, tufa çökeliminin günümüzden en azından 524,597 yıl önce başlamış olduğuna işaret etmektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Ford, T.D., Pedley, M.H. Tufa deposits of the world. J. Speleol. Soc. Japan 1992; 17, 46-63.
  • Bates, R. L., Jackson, J. A. Glossary of Geology (Second Edition). Virginia, USA: American Geology Institute Falls Church, 1980.
  • Wyatt, A. Challinor’s Dictionary of Geology (6th Edition). University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 1986.
  • Pedley, H.M. Classification and environmental models of cool freshwater tufas. Sedimantary Geology 1990; 68, 143-154.
  • Atabey, E. Tufa ve traverten. Ankara, Türkiye: TBMMO Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, 2003.
  • Julia, R. Travertines. In: P.A. Scholle, D.G. Bebout and C.H. Moore (Editors), Carbonate depositional Environments. Am Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 1983; 33, 64-72.
  • Chafetz, H. S., Folk, R. L. Travertines, depositional morphology and the bacterially constructed constituents. Journal of Sedimantary Petrology 1984; 54, 289-316.
  • Guo, L., Riding, R. Hot-springs travertine facies and sequences, Late Pleistocene, Rapolano Terme, Italy. Sedimentology 1998; 45, 163-180.
  • Muir-Wood, R. Neohydrotectonics. In: Neotectonics and active faulting (edited by Steward, I.S., Vita-Finzi, C. and Owen, L.A.) Zeitschrift Geomorphologie Supplemantary 1993; Voluma, 94, 275-284.
  • Ford, T.D., Pedley, M.H. A review of tufa and travertine deposits of the world. Earth Sci. Review 1996; 41, 117-175.
  • Hancock, P.L., Chalmers, R.M.L., Altunel, E., Çakır, Z. Travitonics: using travertines in active fault studies. Journal of Structural Geology 1999; 21, 903-916.
  • Arenas, C., Gutiérrez, F., Osácar, C., Sancho, C. Sedimentology and geochemistry of fluvio-lacustrine tufa deposits controlled by evaporite solution subsidence in the central Ebro Depression, NE Spain. Sedimentology 2000; 47, 883–909.
  • Andrews, J. E. Paleoclimatic record from stable isotopes in riverine tufas: synthesis and review. Earth-Science Review 2006; 75, 85-104.
  • Özkul, M., Kele, S., Gökgöz, A., Shen, C.C., Jones, B., Baykara, M.O., Fόrizs, I., Nemeth, T., Chang, Y.W., Alçiçek, M.C. Comparison of the Quaternary travertine sites in the Denizli Extensional Basin based on their depositional and geochemical data. Sedimentary Geology 2013; 294, 179-204.
  • Altunel, E., Hancock, P.L. Morphology and Structural Setting of Quaternary Travertines at Pamukkale, Turkey. Geological Journal 1993; 28, 335-346.
  • Minissale, A., Kerrick, D. M., Magro, G., Murrell, M. T., Paladini, M., Rihs, S., Sturchio, N. C., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O. Geochemistry of Quaternary travertines in the region north of Rome (Italy): structural, hydrologic and paleoclimatologic implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2002; 203, 709-728.
  • Jones, B., Renaut, R.W. Calcareous Spring Deposits in Continental Settings, eds: Alonso Zarza, A.M., Taner, L.H. Carbonates in Continental Settings: Facies, Environments and Processes, Developments. Sedimentology 2010; 61, 177-204.
  • Goudie, A. S., Viles, H. A., Pentecost, A. The late-Holocene tufa decline in Europe. The Holocene 1993; 3.2: 181-186.
  • Violante, C., Ferreri, V., D’argenio, B. and Golubic, S. Quaternary travertines at Rochetta a Volturno (Isernia, Central Italy). Facies analysis and sedimentary model of an organogenic carbonate system. PreMeeting Fieldtrip Guidebook, A1. International Association of Sedimentologist, Ischia’94, 15th regional meeting; 1994; Italy. 3-23.
  • Pedley, H.M., Martin, J.A.G., Ordonez, D.S., Garcıa del Cura, M.A. Sedimentology of Quaternary perched springline and paludal tufas: criteria for recognition with examples from Guadalajara Province, Spain. Sedimentology 2003; 50.
  • Arenas, C., Cabrera, L., Ramos, E. Sedimentology of tufa facies and continental microbialites from the Palaeogene of Mallorca Island (Spain). Sedimantary Geology 2007; 197 (2007), 1-27.
  • Arenas-Abad, C., Vazquez-Urbez, M., Pardo-Tirapu, G., Sancho-Marcen, C. Fluvial and associated carbonate deposits. In: Alonso-Zarza, A.M., Tanner, L.H. (Eds), Continental Settings: Facies, Enviroments and Processes. Sedimentology 2010; 61, 133-176.
  • Özkul, M., Gökgöz, A., Horvatinčić, N. Depositional properties and geochemistry of Holocene perched springline tufa deposits and associated spring waters: A case study from the Denizli province, Western Turkey. In: Pedley, H.M. (Ed.), Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. The Geological Society, London 2010; Special Publications 336, pp. 245-262.
  • Koşun, E. Facies characteristics and depositional environments of Quaternary tufa deposits, Antalya, SW Turkey. Carbonates Evaporites 2012, 269-289.
  • Auqué, L. F., Arenas, C., Osácar, C., Pardo, G., Sancho, C., Vázquez-Urbez, M. Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain). Geologica Acta 2013; 11(1), 85-102.
  • Capezzuoli, E., Gandin, A., Pedley, M. Decoding tufa and travertine (fresh water carbonates) in the sedimentary record: the state of the art. Sedimentology 2014; 61(1), 1-21.
  • Horvatinčić, N., Sironić, A., Barešić, J., Sondi, I., Krajcar Bronić, I., Borković, D. Carbon Based Proxies of Palaeoenvironmental Records in the Sediments of Two Lakes, the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia, 2017.
  • Rodríguez-Eugenio, N., McLaughlin, M., Pennock, D. Soil pollution: a hidden reality: FAO, 2018.
  • Brook, G. A., Cowart, J. B., Brandt, S. A. Comparison of Quaternary environmental change in eastern and southern Africa using cave speleothem, tufa and rock shelter sediment data. Quaternary deserts and climatic change 2020; 239-249.
  • Barešić, J., Faivre, S., Sironić, A., Borković, D., Lovrenčić Mikelić, I., Drysdale, R. N., Krajcar Bronić, I. The Potential of Tufa as a Tool for Paleoenvironmental Research-A Study of Tufa from the Zrmanja River Canyon, Croatia. Geosciences 2021; 11(9), 376.
  • Sallam, E. S., Abou-Elmagd, K. Paleospring freshwater tufa carbonates of the Kurkur Oasis Geosite (southern Egypt): archives for paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2021; 110(3), 1073-1075.
  • Ranjbaran, M., Zamanzadeh, S. M. Determining the role of chemical and biological factors in controlling precipitation of tufa and travertine deposits in Shurab area, Northern Iran. Carbonates and Evaporites 2021; 36(4), 1-18.
  • Arpat, E., Şaroğlu, F. Doğu Anadolu Fayı ile ilgili bazı gözlem ve düşünceler. MTA Bült. 1972; 73, 1-9.
  • Jackson, J., McKenzie, D. Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan belt between western Turkey and Pakistan, Geoph. J. Royal Astr. Soc. 1984; 77, 185-264.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N., Şaroğlu, F. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zone of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: “Strike-slip deformation, basin deformation and sedimentation”. Edited by: K.T. Biddle&N. Christie-Blick. Soc. Econ. Paleont. and Min. Spec. Publ. 1985; 37, 227-264.
  • Gülen, L., Barka, A. ve Toksöz, M. N. Kıtaların çarpışması ve ilgili kompleks deformasyon, Maraş üçlü eklemi ve çevre yapıları. Yerbilimleri 1987; 14, 319-336.
  • Muehlberger, W.R., Gordon, M.B. Observation on the coplexity of The East Anatolian Fault, Turkey. Jour. Structural Geology 1987; 9/7, 899-903.
  • Lyberis, N., Yürür, T., Chorowıcz, J., Kasapoğlu, E., Gündoğdu, N. The East Anatolian Fault: An Oblique collisional belt. Tectonophysics 1992, 204, 1-15.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö., Kuşçu, İ. The East Anatolian fault zones of Turkey. Annales Tectonicae 1992; 6, 99-125.
  • Westaway, R. Present-day kinematics of the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean. Jour. Geophys. Res. 1994; 99/B6, 12,071-12090.
  • Westaway, R. Kinematics of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean Updated, Turkish J.Earth Sci. J. 2003; 12, 5-46.
  • Gürsoy, H., Tatar, O., Piper, J. D. A., Heimann, A., Mesci, L. Neotectonic deformation linking the east Anatolian and Karatas-Osmaniye intracontinental transform fault zones in the Gulf of İskenderun, southern Turkey, deduced from paleomagnetic study of the Ceyhan-Osmaniye volcanic. Tectonics 2003; vol. 22, no. 6, 1067.
  • Duman, T., Emre Ö. The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics. Geological Society of London 2013; Special Publications, 372.
  • Duman, T. Y., Elmacı, H., Özalp, S., Kürçer, A., Kara, M., Özdemir, E, Yavuzoğlu, A., Güldoğan, Ç. U. Paleoseismology of the western Sürgü–Misis fault system: East Anatolian Fault, Turkey. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2020; 2(3), 411-437.
  • Hempton, M.R., Dewey J.F. Earthquake-induced deformational structures in young lacustrine sediments, East Anatolian Fault, Southeastern Turkey. Tectonophysics 1983; 98, 7-14.
  • Barka, A.A., Kadinsky-Cade, K. Strike-slip fault geometry and its influence on eartquake activity. Tectonics 1988; 7/3, 663-684.
  • Perinçek, D., Çemen, İ. The structural relationship between the East Anatolian and Dead Sea fault zones in Southeastern Turkey. Tectonophysics 1990;172, 331-340.
  • Herece, E. Doğu Anadolu Fayı (DAF) Atlası. Ankara Türkiye: MTA Özel Yayın Serisi-13, 2008.
  • Koçyiğit, A. Segmentation and near future seismicity of the East Anatolian Fault System. International workshop on the North Anatolian, East Anatolian and Dead Sea Fault System: recent progress in tectonics and paleoseismology; 31 August-12 September 2003, METU, Ankara. Abstracts, p.7.
  • Çolak Erol, S., Özkul, M., Aksoy, E., Kele, S., Ghaleb, B. Travertine occurences along major strike-slip fault zones: Structural, depositional and geochemical constraints from the Eastern Anatolian Fault System (EAFS), Turkey. Geodinamica Acta 2015; 27, Issue 2-3, 154-173.
  • Çolak Erol, S. Doğrultu Atımlı Fay Sistemlerindeki Traverten Oluşumlarının Jeolojik, Tektonik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özelliklerine Sivrice (Elazığ) Güneybatısı’ndan Bir Örnek. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 2016; 59(3), 341-356.
  • Koçyiğit, A., Aksoy, E. and İnceöz, M., 2003. Basic neotectonic characteristics of the Sivrice Fault Zone in the Sivrice-Palu area, East Anatolian Fault System (EAFS), Turkey. International Workshop on the North Anatolian, East Anatolian and Dead Sea Fault systems: Recent progress in Tectonics and Paleoseismology, 31 August to 12 September 2003, METU-Ankara-Turkey. Pre-International workshop excursion guide-book, 20 p.
  • Çolak, S., Aksoy, E., Koçyiğit, A., İnceöz, M. The Palu-Uluova Strike-Slip Basin in the East Anatolian Fault System, Turkey: Its Transition from the Paleotectonic to Neotectonic Stage. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 2012; 21, 547-570.
  • Tan, O., Pabuçcu, Z., Tapırdamaz, C., İnan, S., Ergintav, S., Eyidoğan, H., Aksoy, E., Kuluöztürk, F. Aftershock study and seismotectonic implications of the 8 March 2010 Kovancılar (Elazığ, Turkey) earthquake (Mw= 6.1). Active Tectonic Research Group (ATAG) Workshop 14, 3–6 November 2010; Adıyaman, Turkey. Abstracts, p. 56.
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  • Henchiri, M. Quaternary paludal tufas from the Ben Younes spring system, Gafsa, southwestern Tunisia: Interactions between tectonics and climate. Quaternary International 2014; 338, 71-87.
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Geological, Geochemical and Geochronological Characteristics of the Bağdere Tufa (Elazığ, E. Turkey)

Yıl 2022, , 377 - 388, 20.03.2022


Proje Numarası



  • Ford, T.D., Pedley, M.H. Tufa deposits of the world. J. Speleol. Soc. Japan 1992; 17, 46-63.
  • Bates, R. L., Jackson, J. A. Glossary of Geology (Second Edition). Virginia, USA: American Geology Institute Falls Church, 1980.
  • Wyatt, A. Challinor’s Dictionary of Geology (6th Edition). University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 1986.
  • Pedley, H.M. Classification and environmental models of cool freshwater tufas. Sedimantary Geology 1990; 68, 143-154.
  • Atabey, E. Tufa ve traverten. Ankara, Türkiye: TBMMO Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası Yayınları, 2003.
  • Julia, R. Travertines. In: P.A. Scholle, D.G. Bebout and C.H. Moore (Editors), Carbonate depositional Environments. Am Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Mem. 1983; 33, 64-72.
  • Chafetz, H. S., Folk, R. L. Travertines, depositional morphology and the bacterially constructed constituents. Journal of Sedimantary Petrology 1984; 54, 289-316.
  • Guo, L., Riding, R. Hot-springs travertine facies and sequences, Late Pleistocene, Rapolano Terme, Italy. Sedimentology 1998; 45, 163-180.
  • Muir-Wood, R. Neohydrotectonics. In: Neotectonics and active faulting (edited by Steward, I.S., Vita-Finzi, C. and Owen, L.A.) Zeitschrift Geomorphologie Supplemantary 1993; Voluma, 94, 275-284.
  • Ford, T.D., Pedley, M.H. A review of tufa and travertine deposits of the world. Earth Sci. Review 1996; 41, 117-175.
  • Hancock, P.L., Chalmers, R.M.L., Altunel, E., Çakır, Z. Travitonics: using travertines in active fault studies. Journal of Structural Geology 1999; 21, 903-916.
  • Arenas, C., Gutiérrez, F., Osácar, C., Sancho, C. Sedimentology and geochemistry of fluvio-lacustrine tufa deposits controlled by evaporite solution subsidence in the central Ebro Depression, NE Spain. Sedimentology 2000; 47, 883–909.
  • Andrews, J. E. Paleoclimatic record from stable isotopes in riverine tufas: synthesis and review. Earth-Science Review 2006; 75, 85-104.
  • Özkul, M., Kele, S., Gökgöz, A., Shen, C.C., Jones, B., Baykara, M.O., Fόrizs, I., Nemeth, T., Chang, Y.W., Alçiçek, M.C. Comparison of the Quaternary travertine sites in the Denizli Extensional Basin based on their depositional and geochemical data. Sedimentary Geology 2013; 294, 179-204.
  • Altunel, E., Hancock, P.L. Morphology and Structural Setting of Quaternary Travertines at Pamukkale, Turkey. Geological Journal 1993; 28, 335-346.
  • Minissale, A., Kerrick, D. M., Magro, G., Murrell, M. T., Paladini, M., Rihs, S., Sturchio, N. C., Tassi, F., Vaselli, O. Geochemistry of Quaternary travertines in the region north of Rome (Italy): structural, hydrologic and paleoclimatologic implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2002; 203, 709-728.
  • Jones, B., Renaut, R.W. Calcareous Spring Deposits in Continental Settings, eds: Alonso Zarza, A.M., Taner, L.H. Carbonates in Continental Settings: Facies, Environments and Processes, Developments. Sedimentology 2010; 61, 177-204.
  • Goudie, A. S., Viles, H. A., Pentecost, A. The late-Holocene tufa decline in Europe. The Holocene 1993; 3.2: 181-186.
  • Violante, C., Ferreri, V., D’argenio, B. and Golubic, S. Quaternary travertines at Rochetta a Volturno (Isernia, Central Italy). Facies analysis and sedimentary model of an organogenic carbonate system. PreMeeting Fieldtrip Guidebook, A1. International Association of Sedimentologist, Ischia’94, 15th regional meeting; 1994; Italy. 3-23.
  • Pedley, H.M., Martin, J.A.G., Ordonez, D.S., Garcıa del Cura, M.A. Sedimentology of Quaternary perched springline and paludal tufas: criteria for recognition with examples from Guadalajara Province, Spain. Sedimentology 2003; 50.
  • Arenas, C., Cabrera, L., Ramos, E. Sedimentology of tufa facies and continental microbialites from the Palaeogene of Mallorca Island (Spain). Sedimantary Geology 2007; 197 (2007), 1-27.
  • Arenas-Abad, C., Vazquez-Urbez, M., Pardo-Tirapu, G., Sancho-Marcen, C. Fluvial and associated carbonate deposits. In: Alonso-Zarza, A.M., Tanner, L.H. (Eds), Continental Settings: Facies, Enviroments and Processes. Sedimentology 2010; 61, 133-176.
  • Özkul, M., Gökgöz, A., Horvatinčić, N. Depositional properties and geochemistry of Holocene perched springline tufa deposits and associated spring waters: A case study from the Denizli province, Western Turkey. In: Pedley, H.M. (Ed.), Tufas and Speleothems: Unravelling the Microbial and Physical Controls. The Geological Society, London 2010; Special Publications 336, pp. 245-262.
  • Koşun, E. Facies characteristics and depositional environments of Quaternary tufa deposits, Antalya, SW Turkey. Carbonates Evaporites 2012, 269-289.
  • Auqué, L. F., Arenas, C., Osácar, C., Pardo, G., Sancho, C., Vázquez-Urbez, M. Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain). Geologica Acta 2013; 11(1), 85-102.
  • Capezzuoli, E., Gandin, A., Pedley, M. Decoding tufa and travertine (fresh water carbonates) in the sedimentary record: the state of the art. Sedimentology 2014; 61(1), 1-21.
  • Horvatinčić, N., Sironić, A., Barešić, J., Sondi, I., Krajcar Bronić, I., Borković, D. Carbon Based Proxies of Palaeoenvironmental Records in the Sediments of Two Lakes, the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia, 2017.
  • Rodríguez-Eugenio, N., McLaughlin, M., Pennock, D. Soil pollution: a hidden reality: FAO, 2018.
  • Brook, G. A., Cowart, J. B., Brandt, S. A. Comparison of Quaternary environmental change in eastern and southern Africa using cave speleothem, tufa and rock shelter sediment data. Quaternary deserts and climatic change 2020; 239-249.
  • Barešić, J., Faivre, S., Sironić, A., Borković, D., Lovrenčić Mikelić, I., Drysdale, R. N., Krajcar Bronić, I. The Potential of Tufa as a Tool for Paleoenvironmental Research-A Study of Tufa from the Zrmanja River Canyon, Croatia. Geosciences 2021; 11(9), 376.
  • Sallam, E. S., Abou-Elmagd, K. Paleospring freshwater tufa carbonates of the Kurkur Oasis Geosite (southern Egypt): archives for paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. International Journal of Earth Sciences 2021; 110(3), 1073-1075.
  • Ranjbaran, M., Zamanzadeh, S. M. Determining the role of chemical and biological factors in controlling precipitation of tufa and travertine deposits in Shurab area, Northern Iran. Carbonates and Evaporites 2021; 36(4), 1-18.
  • Arpat, E., Şaroğlu, F. Doğu Anadolu Fayı ile ilgili bazı gözlem ve düşünceler. MTA Bült. 1972; 73, 1-9.
  • Jackson, J., McKenzie, D. Active tectonics of the Alpine-Himalayan belt between western Turkey and Pakistan, Geoph. J. Royal Astr. Soc. 1984; 77, 185-264.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Görür, N., Şaroğlu, F. Strike-slip faulting and related basin formation in zone of tectonic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: “Strike-slip deformation, basin deformation and sedimentation”. Edited by: K.T. Biddle&N. Christie-Blick. Soc. Econ. Paleont. and Min. Spec. Publ. 1985; 37, 227-264.
  • Gülen, L., Barka, A. ve Toksöz, M. N. Kıtaların çarpışması ve ilgili kompleks deformasyon, Maraş üçlü eklemi ve çevre yapıları. Yerbilimleri 1987; 14, 319-336.
  • Muehlberger, W.R., Gordon, M.B. Observation on the coplexity of The East Anatolian Fault, Turkey. Jour. Structural Geology 1987; 9/7, 899-903.
  • Lyberis, N., Yürür, T., Chorowıcz, J., Kasapoğlu, E., Gündoğdu, N. The East Anatolian Fault: An Oblique collisional belt. Tectonophysics 1992, 204, 1-15.
  • Şaroğlu, F., Emre, Ö., Kuşçu, İ. The East Anatolian fault zones of Turkey. Annales Tectonicae 1992; 6, 99-125.
  • Westaway, R. Present-day kinematics of the Middle East and eastern Mediterranean. Jour. Geophys. Res. 1994; 99/B6, 12,071-12090.
  • Westaway, R. Kinematics of the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean Updated, Turkish J.Earth Sci. J. 2003; 12, 5-46.
  • Gürsoy, H., Tatar, O., Piper, J. D. A., Heimann, A., Mesci, L. Neotectonic deformation linking the east Anatolian and Karatas-Osmaniye intracontinental transform fault zones in the Gulf of İskenderun, southern Turkey, deduced from paleomagnetic study of the Ceyhan-Osmaniye volcanic. Tectonics 2003; vol. 22, no. 6, 1067.
  • Duman, T., Emre Ö. The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics. Geological Society of London 2013; Special Publications, 372.
  • Duman, T. Y., Elmacı, H., Özalp, S., Kürçer, A., Kara, M., Özdemir, E, Yavuzoğlu, A., Güldoğan, Ç. U. Paleoseismology of the western Sürgü–Misis fault system: East Anatolian Fault, Turkey. Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 2020; 2(3), 411-437.
  • Hempton, M.R., Dewey J.F. Earthquake-induced deformational structures in young lacustrine sediments, East Anatolian Fault, Southeastern Turkey. Tectonophysics 1983; 98, 7-14.
  • Barka, A.A., Kadinsky-Cade, K. Strike-slip fault geometry and its influence on eartquake activity. Tectonics 1988; 7/3, 663-684.
  • Perinçek, D., Çemen, İ. The structural relationship between the East Anatolian and Dead Sea fault zones in Southeastern Turkey. Tectonophysics 1990;172, 331-340.
  • Herece, E. Doğu Anadolu Fayı (DAF) Atlası. Ankara Türkiye: MTA Özel Yayın Serisi-13, 2008.
  • Koçyiğit, A. Segmentation and near future seismicity of the East Anatolian Fault System. International workshop on the North Anatolian, East Anatolian and Dead Sea Fault System: recent progress in tectonics and paleoseismology; 31 August-12 September 2003, METU, Ankara. Abstracts, p.7.
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Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm MBD

Serap Çolak Erol 0000-0003-1957-3012

Ercan Aksoy 0000-0001-5078-7217

Mehmet Özkul 0000-0002-0949-4225

Proje Numarası 110Y172
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Çolak Erol, S., Aksoy, E., & Özkul, M. (2022). Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye). Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 34(1), 377-388.
AMA Çolak Erol S, Aksoy E, Özkul M. Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye). Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. Mart 2022;34(1):377-388. doi:10.35234/fumbd.1033587
Chicago Çolak Erol, Serap, Ercan Aksoy, ve Mehmet Özkul. “Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal Ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye)”. Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 34, sy. 1 (Mart 2022): 377-88.
EndNote Çolak Erol S, Aksoy E, Özkul M (01 Mart 2022) Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye). Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 34 1 377–388.
IEEE S. Çolak Erol, E. Aksoy, ve M. Özkul, “Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye)”, Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 34, sy. 1, ss. 377–388, 2022, doi: 10.35234/fumbd.1033587.
ISNAD Çolak Erol, Serap vd. “Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal Ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye)”. Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 34/1 (Mart 2022), 377-388.
JAMA Çolak Erol S, Aksoy E, Özkul M. Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye). Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;34:377–388.
MLA Çolak Erol, Serap vd. “Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal Ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye)”. Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 34, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 377-88, doi:10.35234/fumbd.1033587.
Vancouver Çolak Erol S, Aksoy E, Özkul M. Bağdere Tufası’nın Jeolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Jeokronolojik Özellikleri (Elazığ, D Türkiye). Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;34(1):377-88.