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The New Security Perception in the Context of Globalization

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 265 - 292, 01.04.2013


The uncertainty that had followed the demise of the Cold War, at which time the enemy was apparent, threats were obvious and the appropriate response to those threats could easily be determined, as well as the acceleration of globalisation led to a series of changes in how the notion of security should be conceived. As a consequence, it has increasingly become difficult to come up with a definition of security that is easily understood, reliable and long-lasting. Nor could the boundaries and contours of the concept be established in mutual terms. Since the question of whose security could no longer be answered with a traditional and automatic response, that was the nation-state and individuals as well as non-state actors needed to be taken into account. Again, threats have been evolving from their classic status of being cross-border in origin and military in form into one whose source, timing and form could no longer be easily predicted while the frontiers of the new battle-lines appeared to be the entire world. As the concept of security acquired new meaning, international terrorism, organized crime groups, cyber terror, states with hostile intents, proliferation of conventional weapons and weapons of mass-destruction have been reformed into physical threats. Assaults towards national economies, international economic order or financial markets, aggressions committed against wealth, health and the environment, migratory and asylum movements have begun to form the new threats to national interest. Yet again offences committed against universal democratic values, human rights and freedoms have been lined up as threats to common values.


  • ADAMSON, Fiona B., “Crossing Borders International Migration and National Security”, International Security, C. 31, S. 1, Summer 2006.
  • APPADURAI, Arjun, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Eco- nomy”, The Global Transformations Reader, der. David Held-Anthony McGrew, Mal- den MA,Polity Press, 2001.
  • BALDWIN, David, “Security Studies and the End of the Cold War”, World Politics, C. 48, 1995.
  • BALI, Sita, “Population, Movements”, der. Paul D. Williams, Security Studies: An Introduction, Routlegde, London, 2008.
  • BATTERSBY, Paul- SIRACUS Joseph M., Globalization and Human Security, Row- man & Littlefield Pub. Inc., Plymouth: U.K., 2009.
  • BARBER, Benjamin R., Jihad Vs. McWorld, Ballantine Books, New York, 1996.
  • BLAIR, Dennis C., “Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Commu- nity for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence”, February 2, 2010, 44, 18 Mart 2010.
  • BRENNAN, A. J., “Environmental Problems of the World: Global Warming and Biodiversity”, Global Political Economy and the Wealth of Nations: Performance, Instituti- ons, Problems and Policies, der. P. A. O’Hara, London, Routledge, 2004.
  • BULL, Hedley, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, New York, Columbia University Press, 1977.
  • BUZAN, Barry, People States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, 2. Baskı,Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York, 1991.
  • CARR, Edward, The Twenty Years Crisis, 1919-1939, Perennial, New York, 2001.
  • CHOUCRI, Nazli, “Migration and Security: Some Key Linkages”, Journal of Foreign Affairs, C., 56, S. 1, Fall 2002.
  • CHOUCRI, Nazlı, “Cross-border Movements of Populations in a Fair Globaliza- tion”, Development, C. 48, S. 1, 2005.
  • Collins Dictionary,, 12 Nisan 2013.
  • DAĞI, İhsan D., “İnsan Hakları, Küresel Siyaset ve Türkiye”, Polis Dergisi, S. 45, 2005.
  • (, 26 Nisan 2010.
  • ERHAN, Çağrı, “Küreselleşme Döneminin Tehditleriyle Mücadele”, Stradigma, Haziran 2003,, 23 Mart 2013.
  • EYRE, Dana P.-SUCHMAN, Mark C., “Status, Norms, and the Proliferation of Conventional Weapons: An Institutional Theory Approach”, The Culture of Natio- nal Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, der. Peter J. Katzenstein, New York, Columbia University Press, 1996.
  • FEARON, James D.- LAITIN, David D., “Weak States, Rough Terrain and Large- Scale Ethnic Violence Since 1945”, Annual Meetings of the American Political Science
  • Association, 2-5 September 1999, Atlanta, GA.
  • FREEDMAN, Lawrence, “The Changing Forms of Military Conflict”, Survival, C. 40, S. 4, 1998–1989.
  • FREEMAN, Gary P., “Migration Policy and Politics in the Receiving States”, International Migration Review, C. 26, S. 4, Winter 1992.
  • FRIEDMAN, Thomas L., The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, 1st Anchor Books, New York, 2000.
  • GLEICK, Peter, “Water and Conflict: Fresh Water Resources and International Security”, International Security, C. 18, S. 1, 1993.
  • GRENFELL, Damian-JAMES, Paul (der.), Rethinking Insecurity, War And Violence Beyond Savage Globalization?, Routledge, London, 2009.
  • GRIECO, Joseph, “Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal Institutionalism”, International Organization, C.42, S. 3, 1988.
  • GUNDE, Richard, The Dark Side of Globalization: Trafficking & Transborder Crime to, through, and from Eastern Europe, Center for European and Eurasian Studies,, 21 Mart 2010.
  • HENDERSON, Harry, Global Terrorism, Facts On File, Inc., New York, 2004.
  • HOBBES, Thomas, Leviathan, Forgotten Books, 2008.
  • HOMER-DIXON, Thomas, “On the Threshold: Environmental Changes as Cau- ses of Acute Conflict”, International Security, C. 16, 1991.
  • HOMER-DIXON, Thomas, “Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evi- dence from Cases”, International Security, C. 19, 1994.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.
  • KARATZOGIANNI, Athina (der.), Cyber Conflict and Global Politics, Routledge, London, 2009.
  • KARBER, Philip A., “Urban Terrorism” Baseline Data and a Conceptual Frame- work”, Social Science Quarterly, C. 52, December 1971.
  • KRAHMANN, Elke, New Threats and New Actors in International Security, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005.
  • LAQUEUR, Walter, The New Terrorism, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.
  • LARSSON, Tomas, The Race to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization, U.S., Cato Institute, 2001.
  • LISCHER, Sarah K., “Collateral Damage: Humanitarian Assistance as a Cause of Conflict,” International Security, C. 28, S. 1, Summer 2003.
  • LOWI, Miriam, “Bridging the Divide: Transboundary Resource Disputes and the Case of West Bank Water”, International Security, C. 18, S. 1, 1993,.
  • LUTZ, James M.-LUTZ, Brenda J., Terrorism Origins and Evolution, Palgrave Mac- millan, Basingstoke, 2005.
  • MAIR, Stefan, “The New World of Privatized Violence”, Challenges of Globalization: New Trends in International Politics and Society, der. Alfred Pfaller-Marika Lerch, New Jersey, Transaction Publishers, 2005.
  • MANNING, Patrick, Migration in World History, Routledge, New York, 2005.
  • MARSELLA, Anthony, J.- RING, Eric, “Human Migration and Immigration: An Overview”, Immigration and Emigration in International Perspectives, der. Leonore Loeb Adler-Uwe Peter Gielen, Westport USA, Praeger Publishers, 2003.
  • MATHEWS, Jessica Tuchman, “Redefining Security”, Foreign Affairs, C. 68, S. 2, Spring 1989.
  • McDONALD, Matt, “Constructivism”, Security Studies: An Introduction, der. Paul D. Williams, London, Routledge, 2008.
  • McSWEENEY Bill in “Identity and Security: Buzan and the Copenhagen Scho- ol”, Review of International Studies, C. 22, S. 1, January 1996.
  • MEARSHEIMER, John J., “The False Promise of International Institutions”, In- ternational Security, C. 19, S. 3, Winter 1994/1995.
  • MEARSHEIMER, John J., The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, W.W. Norton, New York, 2001.
  • Meydan-Larousse, Meydan Yayınları, İstanbul, 1979.
  • MILNER, Helen, “The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations The- ory: A Critique”, Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, der. David Baldwin, New York, Columbia University Press, 1993, ss. 143-169.
  • MOZZATO, Elena, “Greece Debt Crisis and the Meaning of EU Membership”, of-eu-membership, 5 Mayıs 2010.
  • PETRAS, James – VELTMEYER, Henry, Social Movements and State Power: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Pluto Press, London, 20 Temmuz 2005.
  • PRICE-SMITH, Andrew T., Contagion and Chaos Disease, Ecology, and National Secu- rity in the Era of Globalization, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2009.
  • RITZER, George, McDonaldization of Society Five, Pine Forge Press, New York, 2008.
  • SCHMID, Alex, “Magnitudes and Focus of Terrorist Victimization”, Large-Sca- le Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities, der. Uwe Ewald-Ksenija Turković, London, IOS Presss, 2004.
  • SCHOLTE, Jan Aart, Globalization A Critical Introduction, Macmillan Press Ltd, London, 2000.
  • SHELLEY, Louise, “The Globalization of Crime and Terrorism”, ( yrreP218692e-02.html), 25Mart 2010.
  • SNYDER, Jack, “One World, Rival Theories”, Foreign Policy, C. 145, November- December 2004.
  • STEWART, Frances vd., War and Underdevelopment, II Volumes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.
  • TALIAFERRO, Jeffrey W., “Security-Seeking Under Anarchy: Defensive Realism Reconsidered”, International Security, C. 25, S. 3, Winter 2000/2001.
  • TEITELBAUM, Michael S., “Immigration, Refugees, and Foreign policy”, Interna- tional Organization, C. 38, S. 3, 1984.
  • THOMAS, Caroline, In Search of Security: The Third World in International Relations, Lynne Reinner, Boulder, 1987.
  • Turkish Daily News, 6-7 Nisan 1991.
  • ULLMAN, Richard H., “Redefining Security”, International Security, C. 8, S. 1, Summer 1983.
  • US Government: International Crime Threat Assesment, Washington, 2000,
  • ( b45270index.html), 22 Mart 2011.
  • VAKNIN, Sam., “Analysis: The Industrious Spies –III”, United Press International, 15 Mayıs 2002.
  • VERTOVEC, Steven, “Migrant Transnationalism and Modes of Transformati- on”, der. Alejandro Portes-Josh DEWIND, Rethinking Migration: New Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Center For Migration Studies, New York, 2007.
  • WAEVER, Ole vd., Identity, Migration and the New Security Agenda in Europe, Pinter, London, 1993.
  • WALLENSTEEN, Peter v.d. Global Militarization, Westview, Boulder, 1985.
  • WALTZ, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.
  • WALT Stephen M., “The Enduring Relevance of The Realist Tradition”, Political Science: State of the Discipline, der. Ira Katznelson-Helen V. Milner, New York, W.W. Norton, 2002.
  • WOOD, William B., “International Migration: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”, Reordering the World: Global Perspectives on the Twenty-First Century, der. Geor- ge J. Demko, Oxford, Westview Press, 1994.
  • Worldwatch Institute, “Poverty, Disease, Environmental Decline are True:Axis of Evil”, (, 21 Ocak 2010.
  • United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report 2000, Oxford Uni- versity Press, Oxford, 2000.

Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12, 265 - 292, 01.04.2013


Düşmanın belli, tehditlerin oldukça açık, verilebilecek uygun karşılığın tahmin edilebildiği Soğuk Savaş döneminin ardından iyice ivme kazanan küreselleşmenin de etkisiyle uluslararası alanda ortaya çıkan belirsizlikler, güvenlik algısında bir dizi değişimi zorunlu kılmıştır. Yaşanan değişim süreci ile birlikte güvenlik kavramının anlaşılabilir, güvenilebilir ve devamlılık arz eden bir tarifini yapmak ya da herkesin üzerinde anlaşabileceği sınırlarını ve çerçevesini ortaya koymak gittikçe zorlaşmıştır. Zira ilk olarak kimin güvenliği sorusuna verilen yanıt salt alışılan ve otomatik hale gelen ulus devlet yerine, başta bireyin, devlet-üstü ya da devlet-altı başka toplulukların da olduğu sujeler kümelenmesine doğru evrilmiştir. Yine ne tür tehditler sorusunun yanıtı tek başına askeri nitelikli olma, sınır ötesinden kaynaklanma klasik konumundan çıkmış, kaynağı, zamanı ve şekli önceden tahmin edilmesi güç, hatta neredeyse imkânsız, yeni mücadele alanının neredeyse bütün dünya olarak ortaya çıktığı, asimetrik ve  çok boyutlu bir konuma yükselmiştir. Yeni güvenlik anlayışı ile birlikte; uluslararası terörizm, organize suç örgütleri, siber terör, saldırma amacı güden devletler, konvansiyonel ve kitle imha silahlarının yaygınlaşması gibi tehditler, ulusal fiziki varlığa yönelmiş tehditler arasına girmiştir. Ulusal veya küresel ekonomiye ya da finans piyasalarına saldırılar, refaha, çevreye, sağlığa yönelen tecavüzler ile göçler ve mülteci hareketleri de ulusal çıkarları zedeleyen tehditler olarak öne çıkmıştır. Yine evrensel demokratik değerlere, insan hak ve hürriyetlerine saldırılar ortak değerlere yönelen tehditler olarak sıralanmışlardır. 


  • ADAMSON, Fiona B., “Crossing Borders International Migration and National Security”, International Security, C. 31, S. 1, Summer 2006.
  • APPADURAI, Arjun, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Eco- nomy”, The Global Transformations Reader, der. David Held-Anthony McGrew, Mal- den MA,Polity Press, 2001.
  • BALDWIN, David, “Security Studies and the End of the Cold War”, World Politics, C. 48, 1995.
  • BALI, Sita, “Population, Movements”, der. Paul D. Williams, Security Studies: An Introduction, Routlegde, London, 2008.
  • BATTERSBY, Paul- SIRACUS Joseph M., Globalization and Human Security, Row- man & Littlefield Pub. Inc., Plymouth: U.K., 2009.
  • BARBER, Benjamin R., Jihad Vs. McWorld, Ballantine Books, New York, 1996.
  • BLAIR, Dennis C., “Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Commu- nity for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence”, February 2, 2010, 44, 18 Mart 2010.
  • BRENNAN, A. J., “Environmental Problems of the World: Global Warming and Biodiversity”, Global Political Economy and the Wealth of Nations: Performance, Instituti- ons, Problems and Policies, der. P. A. O’Hara, London, Routledge, 2004.
  • BULL, Hedley, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, New York, Columbia University Press, 1977.
  • BUZAN, Barry, People States and Fear: An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era, 2. Baskı,Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York, 1991.
  • CARR, Edward, The Twenty Years Crisis, 1919-1939, Perennial, New York, 2001.
  • CHOUCRI, Nazli, “Migration and Security: Some Key Linkages”, Journal of Foreign Affairs, C., 56, S. 1, Fall 2002.
  • CHOUCRI, Nazlı, “Cross-border Movements of Populations in a Fair Globaliza- tion”, Development, C. 48, S. 1, 2005.
  • Collins Dictionary,, 12 Nisan 2013.
  • DAĞI, İhsan D., “İnsan Hakları, Küresel Siyaset ve Türkiye”, Polis Dergisi, S. 45, 2005.
  • (, 26 Nisan 2010.
  • ERHAN, Çağrı, “Küreselleşme Döneminin Tehditleriyle Mücadele”, Stradigma, Haziran 2003,, 23 Mart 2013.
  • EYRE, Dana P.-SUCHMAN, Mark C., “Status, Norms, and the Proliferation of Conventional Weapons: An Institutional Theory Approach”, The Culture of Natio- nal Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics, der. Peter J. Katzenstein, New York, Columbia University Press, 1996.
  • FEARON, James D.- LAITIN, David D., “Weak States, Rough Terrain and Large- Scale Ethnic Violence Since 1945”, Annual Meetings of the American Political Science
  • Association, 2-5 September 1999, Atlanta, GA.
  • FREEDMAN, Lawrence, “The Changing Forms of Military Conflict”, Survival, C. 40, S. 4, 1998–1989.
  • FREEMAN, Gary P., “Migration Policy and Politics in the Receiving States”, International Migration Review, C. 26, S. 4, Winter 1992.
  • FRIEDMAN, Thomas L., The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, 1st Anchor Books, New York, 2000.
  • GLEICK, Peter, “Water and Conflict: Fresh Water Resources and International Security”, International Security, C. 18, S. 1, 1993.
  • GRENFELL, Damian-JAMES, Paul (der.), Rethinking Insecurity, War And Violence Beyond Savage Globalization?, Routledge, London, 2009.
  • GRIECO, Joseph, “Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal Institutionalism”, International Organization, C.42, S. 3, 1988.
  • GUNDE, Richard, The Dark Side of Globalization: Trafficking & Transborder Crime to, through, and from Eastern Europe, Center for European and Eurasian Studies,, 21 Mart 2010.
  • HENDERSON, Harry, Global Terrorism, Facts On File, Inc., New York, 2004.
  • HOBBES, Thomas, Leviathan, Forgotten Books, 2008.
  • HOMER-DIXON, Thomas, “On the Threshold: Environmental Changes as Cau- ses of Acute Conflict”, International Security, C. 16, 1991.
  • HOMER-DIXON, Thomas, “Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evi- dence from Cases”, International Security, C. 19, 1994.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1996.
  • KARATZOGIANNI, Athina (der.), Cyber Conflict and Global Politics, Routledge, London, 2009.
  • KARBER, Philip A., “Urban Terrorism” Baseline Data and a Conceptual Frame- work”, Social Science Quarterly, C. 52, December 1971.
  • KRAHMANN, Elke, New Threats and New Actors in International Security, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005.
  • LAQUEUR, Walter, The New Terrorism, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.
  • LARSSON, Tomas, The Race to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization, U.S., Cato Institute, 2001.
  • LISCHER, Sarah K., “Collateral Damage: Humanitarian Assistance as a Cause of Conflict,” International Security, C. 28, S. 1, Summer 2003.
  • LOWI, Miriam, “Bridging the Divide: Transboundary Resource Disputes and the Case of West Bank Water”, International Security, C. 18, S. 1, 1993,.
  • LUTZ, James M.-LUTZ, Brenda J., Terrorism Origins and Evolution, Palgrave Mac- millan, Basingstoke, 2005.
  • MAIR, Stefan, “The New World of Privatized Violence”, Challenges of Globalization: New Trends in International Politics and Society, der. Alfred Pfaller-Marika Lerch, New Jersey, Transaction Publishers, 2005.
  • MANNING, Patrick, Migration in World History, Routledge, New York, 2005.
  • MARSELLA, Anthony, J.- RING, Eric, “Human Migration and Immigration: An Overview”, Immigration and Emigration in International Perspectives, der. Leonore Loeb Adler-Uwe Peter Gielen, Westport USA, Praeger Publishers, 2003.
  • MATHEWS, Jessica Tuchman, “Redefining Security”, Foreign Affairs, C. 68, S. 2, Spring 1989.
  • McDONALD, Matt, “Constructivism”, Security Studies: An Introduction, der. Paul D. Williams, London, Routledge, 2008.
  • McSWEENEY Bill in “Identity and Security: Buzan and the Copenhagen Scho- ol”, Review of International Studies, C. 22, S. 1, January 1996.
  • MEARSHEIMER, John J., “The False Promise of International Institutions”, In- ternational Security, C. 19, S. 3, Winter 1994/1995.
  • MEARSHEIMER, John J., The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, W.W. Norton, New York, 2001.
  • Meydan-Larousse, Meydan Yayınları, İstanbul, 1979.
  • MILNER, Helen, “The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations The- ory: A Critique”, Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate, der. David Baldwin, New York, Columbia University Press, 1993, ss. 143-169.
  • MOZZATO, Elena, “Greece Debt Crisis and the Meaning of EU Membership”, of-eu-membership, 5 Mayıs 2010.
  • PETRAS, James – VELTMEYER, Henry, Social Movements and State Power: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Pluto Press, London, 20 Temmuz 2005.
  • PRICE-SMITH, Andrew T., Contagion and Chaos Disease, Ecology, and National Secu- rity in the Era of Globalization, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2009.
  • RITZER, George, McDonaldization of Society Five, Pine Forge Press, New York, 2008.
  • SCHMID, Alex, “Magnitudes and Focus of Terrorist Victimization”, Large-Sca- le Victimisation as a Potential Source of Terrorist Activities, der. Uwe Ewald-Ksenija Turković, London, IOS Presss, 2004.
  • SCHOLTE, Jan Aart, Globalization A Critical Introduction, Macmillan Press Ltd, London, 2000.
  • SHELLEY, Louise, “The Globalization of Crime and Terrorism”, ( yrreP218692e-02.html), 25Mart 2010.
  • SNYDER, Jack, “One World, Rival Theories”, Foreign Policy, C. 145, November- December 2004.
  • STEWART, Frances vd., War and Underdevelopment, II Volumes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.
  • TALIAFERRO, Jeffrey W., “Security-Seeking Under Anarchy: Defensive Realism Reconsidered”, International Security, C. 25, S. 3, Winter 2000/2001.
  • TEITELBAUM, Michael S., “Immigration, Refugees, and Foreign policy”, Interna- tional Organization, C. 38, S. 3, 1984.
  • THOMAS, Caroline, In Search of Security: The Third World in International Relations, Lynne Reinner, Boulder, 1987.
  • Turkish Daily News, 6-7 Nisan 1991.
  • ULLMAN, Richard H., “Redefining Security”, International Security, C. 8, S. 1, Summer 1983.
  • US Government: International Crime Threat Assesment, Washington, 2000,
  • ( b45270index.html), 22 Mart 2011.
  • VAKNIN, Sam., “Analysis: The Industrious Spies –III”, United Press International, 15 Mayıs 2002.
  • VERTOVEC, Steven, “Migrant Transnationalism and Modes of Transformati- on”, der. Alejandro Portes-Josh DEWIND, Rethinking Migration: New Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Center For Migration Studies, New York, 2007.
  • WAEVER, Ole vd., Identity, Migration and the New Security Agenda in Europe, Pinter, London, 1993.
  • WALLENSTEEN, Peter v.d. Global Militarization, Westview, Boulder, 1985.
  • WALTZ, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.
  • WALT Stephen M., “The Enduring Relevance of The Realist Tradition”, Political Science: State of the Discipline, der. Ira Katznelson-Helen V. Milner, New York, W.W. Norton, 2002.
  • WOOD, William B., “International Migration: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back”, Reordering the World: Global Perspectives on the Twenty-First Century, der. Geor- ge J. Demko, Oxford, Westview Press, 1994.
  • Worldwatch Institute, “Poverty, Disease, Environmental Decline are True:Axis of Evil”, (, 21 Ocak 2010.
  • United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report 2000, Oxford Uni- versity Press, Oxford, 2000.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


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İbrahim Erdoğan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Erdoğan, İ. . (2013). Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 6(12), 265-292.
AMA Erdoğan İ. Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı. Gazi Akademik Bakış. Nisan 2013;6(12):265-292.
Chicago Erdoğan, İbrahim. “Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 6, sy. 12 (Nisan 2013): 265-92.
EndNote Erdoğan İ (01 Nisan 2013) Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı. Gazi Akademik Bakış 6 12 265–292.
IEEE İ. . Erdoğan, “Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 6, sy. 12, ss. 265–292, 2013.
ISNAD Erdoğan, İbrahim. “Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 6/12 (Nisan 2013), 265-292.
JAMA Erdoğan İ. Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2013;6:265–292.
MLA Erdoğan, İbrahim. “Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı”. Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 6, sy. 12, 2013, ss. 265-92.
Vancouver Erdoğan İ. Küreselleşme Olgusu Bağlamında Yeni Güvenlik Algısı. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2013;6(12):265-92.

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