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İklim Değişikliği ve Güvenlik: Türkiye Örneği

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9, 59 - 75, 01.01.2011


The nexus between climate change and security has achieved prominence in contemporary international relations literature. Natural and anthropogenic environmental degradation such as global warming or sea level rise, as well as its repercussions at political, social and economic levels constitute great sources for debate within a broader and deeper understanding of security studies. This study begins with a review of theoretical approaches on climate change and security, and proceeds on the climatic state of affairs in and around Turkey. It is contended that Turkey, although vulnerable to a number of climate induced risks and threats, is in a relatively advantageous position as compared to many of its neighbors. However, despite random cases of dialogue on climate induced security matters, longstanding issues of trust as well as political and ideological divergences between Turkey and the neighboring states render any comprehensive and sustainable collaboration against climate change difficult. 


  • AL-MARASHİ, Ibrahim, “Turkey,” in Daniel Moran (ed.), Climate Change and National Security, Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C. 2011, p. 153-162.
  • ALPAR, Bedi, “Vulnerability of Turkish coasts to accelerated sea-level rise,” Geomorphology, Vol 107, 2009, p. 58-63.
  • BİLGİN, Pınar, et al., “Security studies: The next stage? Naçao e Defesa, Vol 84, No 2, 1998, p. 131-157.
  • “Black Sea at risk of becoming ‘dead sea’,” New Europe, September 13, 2011.
  • BUZAN, Barry, People, States and Fear: International Security Studies in the Post- Cold War Era, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York & London 1991.
  • CHULOV, Martin, “Turkey to press ahead with sanctions against Syria,” The Guardian, September 29, 2011.
  • ÇAL, Emine-Hülya Gündüzalp, “DPT Türkiye’nin göç haritasını çıkardı,” Milliyet, June 18, 2008.
  • ÇARKOĞLU, Ali-Mine Eder, “Domestic concerns and the water conflict over the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol 37, No 1, January 2001, p. 41-71.
  • DALBY, Simon, “Security, intelligence, the national interest and the global environment,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol 10, No 4, October 1995, p. 175-197. 62 Kibaroğlu et al,. Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, p. 82.
  • Kibaroğlu et al,. Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, p. 82.
  • Kibaroğlu, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” p. 350-351.
  • Kibaroğlu, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” p. 350-351.
  • DAOUDY, Marwa, “Asymmetric power: Negotiating water in the Euphrates and Tigris,” International Negotiation, Vol 14, 2009, p. 361-391.
  • DAOUDY, Marwa, “Hydro-hegemony and international water law: laying claims to water rights,” Water Policy, Vol 10, Supplement 2, 2008, p. 89-102.
  • DEMİRKESEN, Ali C., et al., “Quantifying coastal inundation vulnerability of Turkey to sea-level rise,” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol 138, No 1-3, p. 101-106.
  • DOLATYAR, Mustafa-Tim S. Gray, “The politics of water scarcity in the Middle East,” Environmental Politics, Vol 9, No 3, Autumn 2000, p. 65-88.
  • ELKIRAN, Gözen-Ayşen Türkman, “Salinity problems in Northern Cyprus and desalination applications,” BALWOIS Conference, Ohrid-Macedonia, May 27-31, 2008.
  • ERTEL, Manfred-Walter Mayr, “Shutting the back door to Fortress Europe,” Der Spiegel, January 13, 2011.
  • ESFANDİARİ, Golnaz, “Dying lake gives new life to Iran’s antigovernment protests,” RFE/RL, September 2, 2011.
  • ESLEN Nejat, “İklim değişikliği ve Türkiye’nin güvenliğine etkileri,” Stratejik Araştırmalar, Vol 8, No 15, June 2010, p. 237-275.
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bulgaria,
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Cyprus,
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Romania, European Environment Agency, November 26, 2010, view?topic=climate%20change Country
  • Assessments-Cyprus, European Environment Agency,
  • November 26, 2010,
  • view?topic=climate change Country Assessments-Greece,
  • EVANS Jason P., “21st century climate change in the Middle East,” Climatic Change, Vol 92, 2009, p. 417-432.
  • FOUNDA D.-C. Giannakopoulos, “The exceptionally hot summer of 2007 in Athens, Greece — A typical summer in the future climate?” Global and Planetary Change, Vol 67, No 3-4, June 2009, p. 227-236.
  • FREY, Frederick-Thomas Naff, “Water: An emerging issue in the Middle East?” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol 482, 1985, p. 65–84.
  • FUERTH Leon, “Severe climate change over the next thirty years,” in Kurt M. Campbell (ed.), Climatic Cataclysm: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C. 2008, p. 133-154.
  • GLEDİSTCH, N. P., “Armed conflict and the environment: A critique of the literature,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol 35, No 3, 1998, p. 381-400.
  • HOMER-DİXON, Thomas, “Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: Evidence from cases”, International Security, Vol 19, 1994, p. 5-40.
  • GİANNAKOPOULOS, C., et al., “Precipitation and temperature regime over Cyprus as a result of global climate change,” Advances in Geosciences, Vol 23, 2010, p. 17-24.
  • Ilısu Dam Official Site,
  • “Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Kibaroğlu,” tr/tr/SuKaynaklari/uzmangorusugoster.aspx?ID=257
  • İÇDUYGU, Ahmet, “Demographic mobility and Turkey: Migration experiences and government responses” Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol 15, No 4, Fall 2004, p. 88-99.
  • KARACA, Mehmet-Robert J. Nicholls, “Potential implications of accelerated sea-level rise for Turkey,” Journal of Coastal Research, No 242, 2008, 288-298.
  • KATZ, David, “Hydro-political hyperbole: Examining incentives for overemphasizing the risks of water wars,” Global Environmental Politics, Vol11, No 1, February 2011, p. 12-35.
  • KAYHAN, Mahmut, “Küresel iklim değişikliği ve Türkiye,” I. Türkiye İklim Değişikliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı, İTÜ, İstanbul 2007, p. 81-83.
  • “Kıbrıs petrol içinde mi yüzüyor?”, Milliyet, September 21, 2011.
  • “Kıbrıs’a su müjdesi,” Sabah, July 19, 2010.
  • KİBAROĞLU, Ayşegül, et al., Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, Status Report commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, October 2005.
  • KİBAROĞLU, Ayşegül, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongre Kitapçığı, 2008, p. 347-355.
  • KLARE, Michael T., Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, Metropolitan Books, New York 2001.
  • KRAUSE, Keith-Michael C. Williams, “Broadening the agenda of security studies: Politics and methods,” Mershon International Studies Review, Vol 40, No 2, October 1996, p. 229-254.
  • KULOĞLU, Armağan, “Küresel iklim değişikliğine ilişkin güvenlik algılamaları ve Türkiye,” Ortadoğu Analiz, Vol 1, No 7-8, Temmuz-Ağustos 2009, p. 80-85.
  • LOWİ, M., Water and Power: The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin. Cambridge University Press, London 1993.
  • MADEN, Tuğba Evrim, “The cooperation steps on the Maritsa River Basin,”
  • MADEN, Tuğba Evrim, Türkiye-Suriye İlişkileri: Sınıraşan Sularda Örnek İşbirliği Olarak Asi Dostluk Barajı, ORSAM Water Research Programme Report No. 5, May 2011.
  • MİTRANY, David, The Functional Theory of Politics, St. Martin Press, New York 1975.
  • Migration in Turkey: A Country Profile, International Organization for Migration, 2008.
  • National Activities of Turkey on Climate Change, Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ankara 2010.
  • ÖNOL, Barış-Fredrick H. M. Semazzi, “Regionalization of climate change simulations over the Eastern Mediterranean,” Journal of Climate, Vol 22, 2009, p. 1944-1961.
  • PAMUKÇU, Konuralp, “Water trade between Israel and Turkey: A start in the Middle East?” Middle East Policy, Vol 10, No 4, Winter 2003, p. 87-99.
  • “Rally protesting Iran over Lake Urmia turns violent,” Hürriyet Daily News, September 1, 2011.
  • Republic of Turkey Migration Profile, International Organization for Migration, September 2007.
  • ROUBANİS, Ilia-Zefi Dimadama, “Food security, human security and the Black Sea: The instructive case study of 2010-2011 events,” ICBSS Policy Brief, No 23, July 2011.
  • SALEHYAN, Idean, “From climate change to conflict? No consensus yet,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol 45, No 3, 2008, p. 315-326.
  • SAYARI, Sabri, “Turkey and the Middle East in the 1990s,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, Spring 1997, p. 44-55.
  • SHİVAROV, A., “Economic impacts of climate change in the Black Sea region,” Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol 11, No 3, 2010, p. 949-957.
  • SOWERS, Jeannie, et al., “Climate change, water resources, and the politics of adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa,” Climatic Change, Vol 104, 2011, p. 599-627.
  • STARR, Joyce, “Water wars,” Foreign Policy, Vol 82, 1991, p. 17-36.
  • “Suriye’yi kuraklık vurdu: 60 bin aile göç etti,” CNNTürk, September 16, 2009.
  • TEKİNAY, Ahmet Adem-Derya Güroy, “İklim değişikliği Türkiye balık üretimini nasıl etkileyecek?” I. Türkiye İklim Değişikliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı, İTÜ, İstanbul 2007, p. 329-334.
  • TERTRAİS, Bruno, “The climate wars myth,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol 34, No 3, Summer 2011, p. 17-29.
  • TOCCİ, Nathalie, “Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish foreign policy in transatlantic perspective” Carnegie Endowment Commentary, September 12, 2011.
  • TRACECA Turkish National Secretariat,
  • TUCHMAN, Jessica M. “Redefining security” Foreign Affairs, Vol 68, 1989, p. 162-177.
  • “Turkey halts all state energy and water projects with Israel,” Haaretz, June 4, 2010.
  • Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, 2010 Statistics for Traffic in the Turkish Straits’,
  • WÆVER, Ole, “Securitization and desecuritization”, in Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, Columbia University Press, New York, 1995, p. 46-86.
  • WARD, Diane Raines, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, Riverhead Books, New York 2002.
  • WOLF, Aaron, “Shared waters: Conflict and cooperation,” Annual Review of Environmental Resources, Vol 32, 2007, p. 241-269.
  • YETİM, Müşerref, “Governing international rivers of the Middle East,” World Affairs, Vol 166, No 2, Fall 2003, p. 81-94.
  • YILDIZ, Dursun, Meriç Nehri Havzası Su Yönetiminde Uluslararası İşbirliği Zorunluluğu, ORSAM Water Research Programme Report No 4, April 2011.
  • “Yunanistan Türkiye sınırını gece gündüz kazıyor,” Radikal, August 5, 2011.

Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9, 59 - 75, 01.01.2011


İklim değişikliği ve güvenlik arasındaki bağıntı, modern uluslararası ilişkiler literatüründe kendine belirgin bir yer edinmiştir. Küresel ısınma veya deniz seviyesinin yükselmesi gibi gerek doğa gerekse insan faaliyetleri ile tetiklenen çevresel yıkım ve bu durumun siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik düzlemlerde yarattığı sonuçlar, güvenlik çalışmalarının genişletilmesi ve derinleştirilmesi çerçevesinde oldukça büyük kaynak teşkil etmektedir. Bu çalışma, iklim değişikliği ve güvenlik üzerine teorik yaklaşımların bir derlemesini sunduktan sonra, Türkiye ve civarındaki iklim değişikliği süreci ve muhtemel senaryoları değerlendirmektedir. Makale Türkiye’nin her ne kadar çeşitli iklimsel risk ve tehditlerden muzdarip olsa da, komşularına kıyasla daha avantajlı bir konumda olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Ancak, bölge ülkeleri arasındaki çeşitli siyasi ve ideolojik görüş ayrılıkları, iklimsel güvenlik meselelerinde kapsamlı ve sürdürülebilir bir işbirliğini zorlaştırmaktadır. 


  • AL-MARASHİ, Ibrahim, “Turkey,” in Daniel Moran (ed.), Climate Change and National Security, Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C. 2011, p. 153-162.
  • ALPAR, Bedi, “Vulnerability of Turkish coasts to accelerated sea-level rise,” Geomorphology, Vol 107, 2009, p. 58-63.
  • BİLGİN, Pınar, et al., “Security studies: The next stage? Naçao e Defesa, Vol 84, No 2, 1998, p. 131-157.
  • “Black Sea at risk of becoming ‘dead sea’,” New Europe, September 13, 2011.
  • BUZAN, Barry, People, States and Fear: International Security Studies in the Post- Cold War Era, Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York & London 1991.
  • CHULOV, Martin, “Turkey to press ahead with sanctions against Syria,” The Guardian, September 29, 2011.
  • ÇAL, Emine-Hülya Gündüzalp, “DPT Türkiye’nin göç haritasını çıkardı,” Milliyet, June 18, 2008.
  • ÇARKOĞLU, Ali-Mine Eder, “Domestic concerns and the water conflict over the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin,” Middle Eastern Studies, Vol 37, No 1, January 2001, p. 41-71.
  • DALBY, Simon, “Security, intelligence, the national interest and the global environment,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol 10, No 4, October 1995, p. 175-197. 62 Kibaroğlu et al,. Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, p. 82.
  • Kibaroğlu et al,. Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, p. 82.
  • Kibaroğlu, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” p. 350-351.
  • Kibaroğlu, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” p. 350-351.
  • DAOUDY, Marwa, “Asymmetric power: Negotiating water in the Euphrates and Tigris,” International Negotiation, Vol 14, 2009, p. 361-391.
  • DAOUDY, Marwa, “Hydro-hegemony and international water law: laying claims to water rights,” Water Policy, Vol 10, Supplement 2, 2008, p. 89-102.
  • DEMİRKESEN, Ali C., et al., “Quantifying coastal inundation vulnerability of Turkey to sea-level rise,” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol 138, No 1-3, p. 101-106.
  • DOLATYAR, Mustafa-Tim S. Gray, “The politics of water scarcity in the Middle East,” Environmental Politics, Vol 9, No 3, Autumn 2000, p. 65-88.
  • ELKIRAN, Gözen-Ayşen Türkman, “Salinity problems in Northern Cyprus and desalination applications,” BALWOIS Conference, Ohrid-Macedonia, May 27-31, 2008.
  • ERTEL, Manfred-Walter Mayr, “Shutting the back door to Fortress Europe,” Der Spiegel, January 13, 2011.
  • ESFANDİARİ, Golnaz, “Dying lake gives new life to Iran’s antigovernment protests,” RFE/RL, September 2, 2011.
  • ESLEN Nejat, “İklim değişikliği ve Türkiye’nin güvenliğine etkileri,” Stratejik Araştırmalar, Vol 8, No 15, June 2010, p. 237-275.
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Bulgaria,
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Cyprus,
  • European Commission Report on the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Romania, European Environment Agency, November 26, 2010, view?topic=climate%20change Country
  • Assessments-Cyprus, European Environment Agency,
  • November 26, 2010,
  • view?topic=climate change Country Assessments-Greece,
  • EVANS Jason P., “21st century climate change in the Middle East,” Climatic Change, Vol 92, 2009, p. 417-432.
  • FOUNDA D.-C. Giannakopoulos, “The exceptionally hot summer of 2007 in Athens, Greece — A typical summer in the future climate?” Global and Planetary Change, Vol 67, No 3-4, June 2009, p. 227-236.
  • FREY, Frederick-Thomas Naff, “Water: An emerging issue in the Middle East?” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol 482, 1985, p. 65–84.
  • FUERTH Leon, “Severe climate change over the next thirty years,” in Kurt M. Campbell (ed.), Climatic Cataclysm: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C. 2008, p. 133-154.
  • GLEDİSTCH, N. P., “Armed conflict and the environment: A critique of the literature,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol 35, No 3, 1998, p. 381-400.
  • HOMER-DİXON, Thomas, “Environmental scarcities and violent conflict: Evidence from cases”, International Security, Vol 19, 1994, p. 5-40.
  • GİANNAKOPOULOS, C., et al., “Precipitation and temperature regime over Cyprus as a result of global climate change,” Advances in Geosciences, Vol 23, 2010, p. 17-24.
  • Ilısu Dam Official Site,
  • “Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Kibaroğlu,” tr/tr/SuKaynaklari/uzmangorusugoster.aspx?ID=257
  • İÇDUYGU, Ahmet, “Demographic mobility and Turkey: Migration experiences and government responses” Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol 15, No 4, Fall 2004, p. 88-99.
  • KARACA, Mehmet-Robert J. Nicholls, “Potential implications of accelerated sea-level rise for Turkey,” Journal of Coastal Research, No 242, 2008, 288-298.
  • KATZ, David, “Hydro-political hyperbole: Examining incentives for overemphasizing the risks of water wars,” Global Environmental Politics, Vol11, No 1, February 2011, p. 12-35.
  • KAYHAN, Mahmut, “Küresel iklim değişikliği ve Türkiye,” I. Türkiye İklim Değişikliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı, İTÜ, İstanbul 2007, p. 81-83.
  • “Kıbrıs petrol içinde mi yüzüyor?”, Milliyet, September 21, 2011.
  • “Kıbrıs’a su müjdesi,” Sabah, July 19, 2010.
  • KİBAROĞLU, Ayşegül, et al., Cooperation on Turkey’s transboundary waters, Status Report commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, October 2005.
  • KİBAROĞLU, Ayşegül, “Küresel iklim değişikliğinin sınıraşan su kaynakları politikasına etkileri,” TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongre Kitapçığı, 2008, p. 347-355.
  • KLARE, Michael T., Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, Metropolitan Books, New York 2001.
  • KRAUSE, Keith-Michael C. Williams, “Broadening the agenda of security studies: Politics and methods,” Mershon International Studies Review, Vol 40, No 2, October 1996, p. 229-254.
  • KULOĞLU, Armağan, “Küresel iklim değişikliğine ilişkin güvenlik algılamaları ve Türkiye,” Ortadoğu Analiz, Vol 1, No 7-8, Temmuz-Ağustos 2009, p. 80-85.
  • LOWİ, M., Water and Power: The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin. Cambridge University Press, London 1993.
  • MADEN, Tuğba Evrim, “The cooperation steps on the Maritsa River Basin,”
  • MADEN, Tuğba Evrim, Türkiye-Suriye İlişkileri: Sınıraşan Sularda Örnek İşbirliği Olarak Asi Dostluk Barajı, ORSAM Water Research Programme Report No. 5, May 2011.
  • MİTRANY, David, The Functional Theory of Politics, St. Martin Press, New York 1975.
  • Migration in Turkey: A Country Profile, International Organization for Migration, 2008.
  • National Activities of Turkey on Climate Change, Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ankara 2010.
  • ÖNOL, Barış-Fredrick H. M. Semazzi, “Regionalization of climate change simulations over the Eastern Mediterranean,” Journal of Climate, Vol 22, 2009, p. 1944-1961.
  • PAMUKÇU, Konuralp, “Water trade between Israel and Turkey: A start in the Middle East?” Middle East Policy, Vol 10, No 4, Winter 2003, p. 87-99.
  • “Rally protesting Iran over Lake Urmia turns violent,” Hürriyet Daily News, September 1, 2011.
  • Republic of Turkey Migration Profile, International Organization for Migration, September 2007.
  • ROUBANİS, Ilia-Zefi Dimadama, “Food security, human security and the Black Sea: The instructive case study of 2010-2011 events,” ICBSS Policy Brief, No 23, July 2011.
  • SALEHYAN, Idean, “From climate change to conflict? No consensus yet,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol 45, No 3, 2008, p. 315-326.
  • SAYARI, Sabri, “Turkey and the Middle East in the 1990s,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, Spring 1997, p. 44-55.
  • SHİVAROV, A., “Economic impacts of climate change in the Black Sea region,” Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol 11, No 3, 2010, p. 949-957.
  • SOWERS, Jeannie, et al., “Climate change, water resources, and the politics of adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa,” Climatic Change, Vol 104, 2011, p. 599-627.
  • STARR, Joyce, “Water wars,” Foreign Policy, Vol 82, 1991, p. 17-36.
  • “Suriye’yi kuraklık vurdu: 60 bin aile göç etti,” CNNTürk, September 16, 2009.
  • TEKİNAY, Ahmet Adem-Derya Güroy, “İklim değişikliği Türkiye balık üretimini nasıl etkileyecek?” I. Türkiye İklim Değişikliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı, İTÜ, İstanbul 2007, p. 329-334.
  • TERTRAİS, Bruno, “The climate wars myth,” The Washington Quarterly, Vol 34, No 3, Summer 2011, p. 17-29.
  • TOCCİ, Nathalie, “Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish foreign policy in transatlantic perspective” Carnegie Endowment Commentary, September 12, 2011.
  • TRACECA Turkish National Secretariat,
  • TUCHMAN, Jessica M. “Redefining security” Foreign Affairs, Vol 68, 1989, p. 162-177.
  • “Turkey halts all state energy and water projects with Israel,” Haaretz, June 4, 2010.
  • Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, 2010 Statistics for Traffic in the Turkish Straits’,
  • WÆVER, Ole, “Securitization and desecuritization”, in Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, Columbia University Press, New York, 1995, p. 46-86.
  • WARD, Diane Raines, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, Riverhead Books, New York 2002.
  • WOLF, Aaron, “Shared waters: Conflict and cooperation,” Annual Review of Environmental Resources, Vol 32, 2007, p. 241-269.
  • YETİM, Müşerref, “Governing international rivers of the Middle East,” World Affairs, Vol 166, No 2, Fall 2003, p. 81-94.
  • YILDIZ, Dursun, Meriç Nehri Havzası Su Yönetiminde Uluslararası İşbirliği Zorunluluğu, ORSAM Water Research Programme Report No 4, April 2011.
  • “Yunanistan Türkiye sınırını gece gündüz kazıyor,” Radikal, August 5, 2011.
Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Esra Pakin Albayrakoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9

Kaynak Göster

APA Albayrakoğlu, E. P. . (2011). Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 5(9), 59-75.
AMA Albayrakoğlu EP. Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey. Gazi Akademik Bakış. Ocak 2011;5(9):59-75.
Chicago Albayrakoğlu, Esra Pakin. “Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5, sy. 9 (Ocak 2011): 59-75.
EndNote Albayrakoğlu EP (01 Ocak 2011) Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5 9 59–75.
IEEE E. P. . Albayrakoğlu, “Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 5, sy. 9, ss. 59–75, 2011.
ISNAD Albayrakoğlu, Esra Pakin. “Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5/9 (Ocak 2011), 59-75.
JAMA Albayrakoğlu EP. Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2011;5:59–75.
MLA Albayrakoğlu, Esra Pakin. “Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey”. Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 5, sy. 9, 2011, ss. 59-75.
Vancouver Albayrakoğlu EP. Climate Change and Security: The Case for Turkey. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2011;5(9):59-75.

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