Self-care tendencies and their pain-relieving effects in patients with endodontic pain: a descriptive survey
Yıl 2025,
, 1 - 12, 03.01.2025
Hande Bengü
Mügem Gürel Ekici
Özlem İlk
Güven Kayaoğlu
OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to search for sociodemographic/ dental models predicting the self-care orientations in endodontic patients and to explore the effectiveness of the applied methods in relieving pain.
MATERIALS AND METHOD: Patients with a history of endodontic pain presenting at the endodontic clinic of Gazi University were subjected to a survey. Their sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained. They were asked to select from a structured list whether they had used any self- or
formal care methods. Pain relief was measured using a 5-point standard Likert scale. Statistical analyses were done using multivariate logistic regression, Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests, and Benjamini-Hochberg correction.
RESULTS: Among 356 patients, 90% applied self-care alone or in combination with formal care. Maximum pain level, age, and pattern of dental clinic attendance were the variables that predicted orientations to various subcategories of self-care behaviors, with the first two variables remaining statistically or marginally significant in all tested conditions (P < .05 or < .10). Among the home remedies, drinking or local application of alcohol
and intraoral cold treatment by the patient provided significantly greater pain relief than the others (P = .001). Medication under the guidance of a professional was more effective than self-medication (P < .001; except for NSAIDs, which were similarly effective in both cases).
CONCLUSION: Before applying to the dental school hospital, most of the patients used various self-care methods for relieving toothache. Maximum pain and age were the common covariates of various self-care orientations. Overall, formal care relieved pain better than self-care. Home remedies generally displayed little effectiveness.
- Stoller EP, Gilbert GH, Pyle MA, Duncan RP. Coping with tooth pain: a qualitative study of lay management strategies and professional consultation. Spec Care Dentist. 2001;21:208-15.
- Cohen LA, Harris SL, Bonito AJ, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Coping with toothache pain: a qualitative study of low-income persons and minorities. J Public Health Dent. 2007;67:28-35.
- Cohen LA, Bonito AJ, Akin DR, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Toothache pain: behavioral impact and self-care strategies. Spec Care Dentist. 2009;29:85-95.
- Anwar M, Green JA, Norris P, Bukhari NI. Self-medication, home remedies, and spiritual healing: common responses to everyday symptoms in Pakistan. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2015;3:281-95.
- Gilbert GH, Stoller EP, Duncan RP, Earls JL, Campbell AM. Dental self-care among dentate adults: contrasting problem-oriented dental attenders and regular dental attenders. Spec Care Dentist. 2000;20:155-63.
- Arcury TA, Bell RA, Anderson AM, Chen H, Savoca MR, Kohrman T, et al. Oral health self-care behaviors of rural older adults. J Public Health Dent. 2009;69:182-9.
- Heaivilin N, Gerbert B, Page JE, Gibbs JL. Public health surveillance of dental pain via Twitter. J Dent Res. 2011;90:1047-51.
- Parisius LM, Stock-Schröer B, Berger S, Hermann K, Joos S. Use of home remedies: a cross-sectional survey of patients in Germany. BMC Fam Pract. 2014;15:116.
- Jaiswal AK, Pachava S, Sanikommu S, Rawlani SS, Pydi S, Ghanta B. Dental pain and self-care: a cross-sectional study of people with low socio-economic status residing in rural India. Int Dent J. 2015;65:256-60.
- Nusstein JM, Beck M. Comparison of preoperative pain and medication use in emergency patients presenting with irreversible pulpitis or teeth with necrotic pulps. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2003;96:207-14.
- Touré B, Kane AW, Diouf A, Faye B, Boucher Y. Preoperative pain and medications used in emergency patients with irreversible acute pulpitis or acute apical periodontitis: a prospective comparative study. J Orofac Pain. 2007;21:303-8.
Emad S, Abedi S, Dehghani Z, Ghahramani Y. Prevalence of Self-Medication with Antibiotics amongst Clients Referred to Outpatient University Dental Clinics in Iranian Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study. Iran Endod J. 2020;15:1-5.
- De-Paula KB, Silveira LS, Fagundes GX, Ferreira MB, Montagner F. Patient automedication and professional prescription pattern in an urgency service in Brazil. Braz Oral Res. 2014;28:S1806-83242014000100250.
- Vandenbroucke JP, von Elm E, Altman DG, Gøtzsche PC, Mulrow CD, Pocock SJ, et al. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. Epidemiology. 2007;18:805-35.
- Bernstein SL, Bijur PE, Gallagher EJ. Relationship between intensity and relief in patients with acute severe pain. Am J Emerg Med. 2006;24:162-6.
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Physical Status Classification System. Available at Accessed March 16, 2024.
- American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Glossary of Endodontic Terms Accessed March 16, 2024.
- R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- Peduzzi P, Concato J, Kemper E, Holford TR, Feinstein AR. A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysis. J Clin Epidemiol. 1996;49:1373-9.
- Mickel AK, Wright AP, Chogle S, Jones JJ, Kantorovich I, Curd F. An analysis of current analgesic preferences for endodontic pain management. J Endod. 2006;32:1146-54.
- Torabinejad M, Cymerman JJ, Frankson M, Lemon RR, Maggio JD, Schilder H. Effectiveness of various medications on postoperative pain following complete instrumentation. J Endod. 1994;20:345-54.
- Chou R, Wagner J, Ahmed AY, Blazina I, Brodt E, Buckley DI, et al. Treatments for Acute Pain: A Systematic Review [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2020 Dec. Report No.: 20(21)-EHC006. PMID: 33411426.
Thompson T, Oram C, Correll CU, Tsermentseli S, Stubbs B. Analgesic Effects of Alcohol: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Experimental Studies in Healthy Participants. J Pain. 2017;18:499-510.
- Trevisani M, Smart D, Gunthorpe MJ, Tognetto M, Barbieri M, Campi B, et al. Ethanol elicits and potentiates nociceptor responses via the vanilloid receptor-1. Nat Neurosci. 2002;5:546-51.
- Fischer MJM, Ciotu CI, Szallasi A. The Mysteries of Capsaicin- Sensitive Afferents. Front Physiol. 2020;11:554195.
- Cecic PA, Hartwell GR, Bellizzi R. Cold as a diagnostic aid in cases of irreversible pulpitis. Report of two cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1983;56:647-50.
- Cohen LA, Bonito AJ, Akin DR, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Toothache pain: a comparison of visits to physicians, emergency departments and dentists. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008;139:1205-16.
- Wu LT, Lin CS, Yang SF. Association between pain, anxiety, and pain relief in patients receiving emergent endodontic treatment. Clin Oral Investig. 2022;26:275-85.
Endodontik ağrılı hastalarda öz-bakım eğilimleri ve bunların ağrıyı rahatlatma etkinlikleri
Yıl 2025,
, 1 - 12, 03.01.2025
Hande Bengü
Mügem Gürel Ekici
Özlem İlk
Güven Kayaoğlu
Amaç: Endodontik hastalarda öz bakım yönelimlerini öngören sosyodemografik/dental modelleri araştırmak ve uygulanan yöntemlerin ağrıyı gidermedeki etkinliğini araştırmaktı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Gazi Üniversitesi endodonti kliniğine başvuran, endodontik ağrı öyküsü olan hastalara anket uygulandı. Hastaların sosyodemografik ve klinik verileri alındı. Öz-bakım veya formal bakım yöntemlerinden hangisine başvurduklarını yapılandırılmış bir listeden seçmeleri istendi. Ağrı rahatlaması 5 noktalı standart Likert ölçeği kullanılarak ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analizler çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon, Wilcoxon ve Kruskal-Wallis testleri ve Benjamini-Hochberg düzeltmesi kullanılarak yapıldı.
Bulgular: Toplam 356 hastanın %90'ı öz-bakımı tek başına veya formal bakımla birlikte uyguladı. Maksimum ağrı düzeyi, yaş ve diş hekimine gitme düzeni, öz-bakım yönelimlerini öngören değişkenlerdi; bunların ilk ikisi, test edilen tüm koşullarda istatistiksel veya marjinal olarak anlamlı bulundu (P < .05 veya < .10). Ev tedavileri arasında, alkol içmek veya yerel olarak alkol uygulamak ve hasta tarafından yapılan ağız içi soğuk tedavisi, ağrıyı diğer yöntemlere göre anlamlı olarak daha fazla rahatlattı (P = .001). Bir sağlık profesyonelinin rehberliğinde ilaç tedavisi, kendi kendine ilaç tedavisinden daha etkiliydi (P < .001; her iki durumda da benzer şekilde etkili olan non-steroidal anti-inflamatuar ilaçlar hariç).
Sonuç: Hastaların çoğu diş hekimliği fakültesi hastanesine başvurmadan önce diş ağrısını hafifletmek için çeşitli öz-bakım yöntemlerini kullandılar. Maksimum ağrı ve yaş, çeşitli öz-bakım yönelimlerinin ortak değişkenleriydi. Genel olarak formal bakım, öz-bakımdan daha iyi rahatlama sağladı. Ev tedavileri genellikle çok az işe yaradı.
- Stoller EP, Gilbert GH, Pyle MA, Duncan RP. Coping with tooth pain: a qualitative study of lay management strategies and professional consultation. Spec Care Dentist. 2001;21:208-15.
- Cohen LA, Harris SL, Bonito AJ, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Coping with toothache pain: a qualitative study of low-income persons and minorities. J Public Health Dent. 2007;67:28-35.
- Cohen LA, Bonito AJ, Akin DR, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Toothache pain: behavioral impact and self-care strategies. Spec Care Dentist. 2009;29:85-95.
- Anwar M, Green JA, Norris P, Bukhari NI. Self-medication, home remedies, and spiritual healing: common responses to everyday symptoms in Pakistan. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. 2015;3:281-95.
- Gilbert GH, Stoller EP, Duncan RP, Earls JL, Campbell AM. Dental self-care among dentate adults: contrasting problem-oriented dental attenders and regular dental attenders. Spec Care Dentist. 2000;20:155-63.
- Arcury TA, Bell RA, Anderson AM, Chen H, Savoca MR, Kohrman T, et al. Oral health self-care behaviors of rural older adults. J Public Health Dent. 2009;69:182-9.
- Heaivilin N, Gerbert B, Page JE, Gibbs JL. Public health surveillance of dental pain via Twitter. J Dent Res. 2011;90:1047-51.
- Parisius LM, Stock-Schröer B, Berger S, Hermann K, Joos S. Use of home remedies: a cross-sectional survey of patients in Germany. BMC Fam Pract. 2014;15:116.
- Jaiswal AK, Pachava S, Sanikommu S, Rawlani SS, Pydi S, Ghanta B. Dental pain and self-care: a cross-sectional study of people with low socio-economic status residing in rural India. Int Dent J. 2015;65:256-60.
- Nusstein JM, Beck M. Comparison of preoperative pain and medication use in emergency patients presenting with irreversible pulpitis or teeth with necrotic pulps. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2003;96:207-14.
- Touré B, Kane AW, Diouf A, Faye B, Boucher Y. Preoperative pain and medications used in emergency patients with irreversible acute pulpitis or acute apical periodontitis: a prospective comparative study. J Orofac Pain. 2007;21:303-8.
Emad S, Abedi S, Dehghani Z, Ghahramani Y. Prevalence of Self-Medication with Antibiotics amongst Clients Referred to Outpatient University Dental Clinics in Iranian Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study. Iran Endod J. 2020;15:1-5.
- De-Paula KB, Silveira LS, Fagundes GX, Ferreira MB, Montagner F. Patient automedication and professional prescription pattern in an urgency service in Brazil. Braz Oral Res. 2014;28:S1806-83242014000100250.
- Vandenbroucke JP, von Elm E, Altman DG, Gøtzsche PC, Mulrow CD, Pocock SJ, et al. Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. Epidemiology. 2007;18:805-35.
- Bernstein SL, Bijur PE, Gallagher EJ. Relationship between intensity and relief in patients with acute severe pain. Am J Emerg Med. 2006;24:162-6.
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Physical Status Classification System. Available at Accessed March 16, 2024.
- American Association of Endodontists (AAE). Glossary of Endodontic Terms Accessed March 16, 2024.
- R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
- Peduzzi P, Concato J, Kemper E, Holford TR, Feinstein AR. A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysis. J Clin Epidemiol. 1996;49:1373-9.
- Mickel AK, Wright AP, Chogle S, Jones JJ, Kantorovich I, Curd F. An analysis of current analgesic preferences for endodontic pain management. J Endod. 2006;32:1146-54.
- Torabinejad M, Cymerman JJ, Frankson M, Lemon RR, Maggio JD, Schilder H. Effectiveness of various medications on postoperative pain following complete instrumentation. J Endod. 1994;20:345-54.
- Chou R, Wagner J, Ahmed AY, Blazina I, Brodt E, Buckley DI, et al. Treatments for Acute Pain: A Systematic Review [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2020 Dec. Report No.: 20(21)-EHC006. PMID: 33411426.
Thompson T, Oram C, Correll CU, Tsermentseli S, Stubbs B. Analgesic Effects of Alcohol: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Experimental Studies in Healthy Participants. J Pain. 2017;18:499-510.
- Trevisani M, Smart D, Gunthorpe MJ, Tognetto M, Barbieri M, Campi B, et al. Ethanol elicits and potentiates nociceptor responses via the vanilloid receptor-1. Nat Neurosci. 2002;5:546-51.
- Fischer MJM, Ciotu CI, Szallasi A. The Mysteries of Capsaicin- Sensitive Afferents. Front Physiol. 2020;11:554195.
- Cecic PA, Hartwell GR, Bellizzi R. Cold as a diagnostic aid in cases of irreversible pulpitis. Report of two cases. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1983;56:647-50.
- Cohen LA, Bonito AJ, Akin DR, Manski RJ, Macek MD, Edwards RR, et al. Toothache pain: a comparison of visits to physicians, emergency departments and dentists. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008;139:1205-16.
- Wu LT, Lin CS, Yang SF. Association between pain, anxiety, and pain relief in patients receiving emergent endodontic treatment. Clin Oral Investig. 2022;26:275-85.