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The effect of thermocycling on the sealing ability of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: an in vitro study

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 1 - 5, 01.01.2016


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the sealing ability of White Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (WMTA) after application for management of furcation perforation.

MATERIALS AND METHOD: Thirty two human permanent mandibular molar teeth were chosen and after root amputation, the coronal parts were further trimmed and conventional access cavities were prepared. Furcation perforations were made with diamond bur and Peeso drills. Samples were divided into 3 experimental groups (n=10) and two control groups (n=1). The perforations were filled with WMTA in the experimental groups; in the control groups samples remained unfilled. Samples in the first group remained without further treatment, while in the second and third groups, teeth were thermocycled 500 and 800 times between 5 to 55 °C prior to leakage testing. Microleakage testing was done by using bovine serum albumin for 90 days. The number of days for color change was used as an indicator of protein leakage. Data were analyzed by using one-way analysis of variance and a post hoc Tukey test at a significance level of p<0.05.

RESULTS: Non-thermocycled teeth showed significantly the longest time necessary for protein leakage to occur in comparison with the other two thermocycled groups (p<0.0001). The samples after 800 cycles showed the lowest resistance to protein leakage, while samples after 500 cycles indicated significantly more resistance against leakage (p<0.0001).

CONCLUSION: Thermocycling can remarkably influence the microleakage property of WMTA. Thermal changes occurring inside the oral cavity might jeopardize the sealing property of the applied cement, which can lead to microleakage and possible failure of treatment in a clinical scenario.


  • Saghiri MA, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Karamifar K, Neelakantan P, Ricci JL. Application of mercury intrusion porosimetry for studying the porosity of mineral trioxide aggregate at two different pH. Act Odontol Scand 2012;70:78-82.
  • Xu HC, Liu WY, Wang T. Measurement of thermal expansion coefficient of human teeth. Aust Dent J 1989;34:530-5.
  • Gale M, Darvell BW. Thermal cycling procedures for laboratory testing of dental restorations. J Dent 1999;27:89-99.
  • International Organization for Standardization. ISO TR 11405. Dental materials-guidance on testing of adhesion to tooth structure. 1994;1-15.
  • Saghiri MA, Shokouhinejad N, Lotfi M, Aminsobhani M, Saghiri AM. Push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate in the presence of alkaline pH. J Endod 2010;36:1856-9.
  • Saghiri MA, Garcia‐Godoy F, Gutmann JL, Lotfi M, Asatourian A, Ahmadi H. Push‐out bond strength of a nano‐modified mineral trioxide aggregate. Dent Traumatol 2013;29:323-7.
  • Hashem AA, Hassanien EE. ProRoot MTA, MTA-Angelus and IRM used to repair large furcation perforations: sealability study. J Endod 2008;34:59-61.
  • Santos AD, Araújo EB, Yukimitu K, Barbosa JC, Moraes JC. Setting time and thermal expansion of two endodontic cements. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e77-9.
  • Guzman H, Swartz M, Phillips R. Marginal leakage of dental restorations subjected to thermal stress. J Prosthet Dent 1969;21:166-75.
  • Versluis A, Douglas WH, Sakaguchi RL. Thermal expansion coefficient of dental composites measured with strain gauges. Dent Mater 1996;12:290-4.
  • Bitter K, Meyer‐Lueckel H, Priehn K, Kanjuparambil JP, Neumann K, Kielbassa AM. Effects of luting agent and thermocycling on bond strengths to root canal dentine. Int Endod J 2006;39:809-18.
  • Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-Godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N. The impact of thermocycling process on the dislodgement force of different endodontic cements. BioMed Res Int 2013;2013:317185.
  • Sheibaninia A. Effect of thermocycling on nickel release from orthodontic arch wires: an in vitro study. Biol Trace Elem Res 2014;162:353-9.
  • Lüthya H, Loeffel O, Hammerle CH. Effect of thermocycling on bond strength of luting cements to zirconia ceramic. Dent Mater 2006;22:195-200.
  • Helvatjoglu‐Antoniades M, Koliniotou‐Kubia E, Dionyssopoulos P. The effect of thermal cycling on the bovine dentine shear bond strength of current adhesive systems. J Oral Rehab 2004;31:911-7.
  • Lothenbach B, Winnefeld F, Alder C, Wieland E, Lunk P. Effect of temperature on the pore solution, microstructure and hydration products of Portland cement pastes. Cement Concrete Res 2007;37:483-91.
  • Lothenbach B, Matschei T, Möschner G, Glasser FP. Thermodynamic modelling of the effect of temperature on the hydration and porosity of Portland cement. Cement Concrete Res 2008;38:1-18.
  • Valois CR, Costa ED Jr. Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:108-11.
  • Hashiguchi D, Fukushima H, Yasuda H, Masuda W, Tomikawa M, Morikawa K, et al. Mineral trioxide aggregate inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption. J Dent Res 2011;90:912-7.
  • Saghiri MA, Lotfi M, Joupari MD, Aeinehchi M, Saghiri AM. Effects of storage temperature on surface hardness, microstructure, and phase formation of white mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2010;36:1414-8.
  • Sarkar N, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2005;31:97-100.
  • Saghiri MA, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Nazari A, Karamifar K, Neelakantan P, et al. Effect of storage temperature on sealing ability and solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Act Odontol Scand 2012;70:536-40.
  • Saghiri MA, Lotfi M, Saghiri AM, Vosoughhosseini S, Fatemi A, Shiezadeh V, et al. Effect of pH on sealing ability of white mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material. J Endod 2008;34:1226-9.
  • Camilleri J, Pitt Ford TR. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a review of the constituents and biological properties of the material. Int Endod J 2006;39:747-54.
  • Darvell BW, Wu RC. “MTA”-an hydraulic silicate cement: review update and setting reaction. Dent Mater 2011;27:407-22.
  • Cavalcanti BN, Rode Sde M, França CM, Marques MM. Pulp capping materials exert an effect on the secretion of IL-1β and IL-8 by migrating human neutrophils. Braz Oral Res 2011;25:13-8.
  • Saghiri M, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Garcia‐Godoy F. Nanomodification of mineral trioxide aggregate for enhanced physiochemical properties. Int Endod J 2012;45:979-88.

Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1, 1 - 5, 01.01.2016


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı, termosiklusun furkasyon perforasyonu tamirinde kullanılan beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate’nin (WMTA) tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır.

GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çekilmiş 32 adet insan daimi mandibular molar dişi seçildi, kökleri kesildi, kalan koronal parçanın yüzeyi düzeltildi ve geleneksel giriş kavitesi açıldı. Elmas frez ve Peeso frezleri yardımıyla furkasyon perforasyonu gerçekleştirildi. Örnekler 3 deney grubuna (n=10) ve 2 kontrol grubuna dağıtıldı (n=1). Perforasyonlar, deney gruplarında WMTA ile dolduruldu; kontrol grupları doldurulmadı. Birinci grup dişlerine başka hiçbir işlem yapılmazken, ikinci ve üçüncü grup dişlerine, 5 ile 55 °C arasında sırasıyla 500 ve 800 kez termosiklus uygulandı, ve ardından tüm dişler sızıntı testine tabi tutuldu. Mikrosızıntı testi 90 gün süresince sığır serum albumini kullanılarak yapıldı. Proteinin sızıntısına bağlı olarak meydana gelen renk değişikliğinin kaçıncı günde meydana geldiği kaydedildi. Veri, tek-yönlü varyans analizi ve post hoc Tukey testi kullanılarak p<0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde analiz edildi.

BULGULAR: Termosiklus uygulanmayan dişlerde protein sızıntısı, termosiklus uygulanan dişlere göre anlamlı olarak daha uzun sürede gerçekleşti (p<0.0001). Protein sızdırma süresi en hızlı 800 siklus grubunda görülürken, 500 siklus grubu sızdırmaya karşı anlamlı olarak daha dirençli bulundu (p<0.0001).

SONUÇ: Termosiklus işlemi WMTA’nın mikrosızıntısını belirgin şekilde etkileyebilmektedir. Ağız boşluğu içerisinde meydana gelen ısı değişiklikleri, uygulanan doldurucunun tıkama özelliğini etkileyerek mikrosızıntıya yol açabilir ve klinik şartlarda tedavinin başarısızlığında rol oynayabilir.


  • Saghiri MA, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Karamifar K, Neelakantan P, Ricci JL. Application of mercury intrusion porosimetry for studying the porosity of mineral trioxide aggregate at two different pH. Act Odontol Scand 2012;70:78-82.
  • Xu HC, Liu WY, Wang T. Measurement of thermal expansion coefficient of human teeth. Aust Dent J 1989;34:530-5.
  • Gale M, Darvell BW. Thermal cycling procedures for laboratory testing of dental restorations. J Dent 1999;27:89-99.
  • International Organization for Standardization. ISO TR 11405. Dental materials-guidance on testing of adhesion to tooth structure. 1994;1-15.
  • Saghiri MA, Shokouhinejad N, Lotfi M, Aminsobhani M, Saghiri AM. Push-out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate in the presence of alkaline pH. J Endod 2010;36:1856-9.
  • Saghiri MA, Garcia‐Godoy F, Gutmann JL, Lotfi M, Asatourian A, Ahmadi H. Push‐out bond strength of a nano‐modified mineral trioxide aggregate. Dent Traumatol 2013;29:323-7.
  • Hashem AA, Hassanien EE. ProRoot MTA, MTA-Angelus and IRM used to repair large furcation perforations: sealability study. J Endod 2008;34:59-61.
  • Santos AD, Araújo EB, Yukimitu K, Barbosa JC, Moraes JC. Setting time and thermal expansion of two endodontic cements. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e77-9.
  • Guzman H, Swartz M, Phillips R. Marginal leakage of dental restorations subjected to thermal stress. J Prosthet Dent 1969;21:166-75.
  • Versluis A, Douglas WH, Sakaguchi RL. Thermal expansion coefficient of dental composites measured with strain gauges. Dent Mater 1996;12:290-4.
  • Bitter K, Meyer‐Lueckel H, Priehn K, Kanjuparambil JP, Neumann K, Kielbassa AM. Effects of luting agent and thermocycling on bond strengths to root canal dentine. Int Endod J 2006;39:809-18.
  • Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-Godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N. The impact of thermocycling process on the dislodgement force of different endodontic cements. BioMed Res Int 2013;2013:317185.
  • Sheibaninia A. Effect of thermocycling on nickel release from orthodontic arch wires: an in vitro study. Biol Trace Elem Res 2014;162:353-9.
  • Lüthya H, Loeffel O, Hammerle CH. Effect of thermocycling on bond strength of luting cements to zirconia ceramic. Dent Mater 2006;22:195-200.
  • Helvatjoglu‐Antoniades M, Koliniotou‐Kubia E, Dionyssopoulos P. The effect of thermal cycling on the bovine dentine shear bond strength of current adhesive systems. J Oral Rehab 2004;31:911-7.
  • Lothenbach B, Winnefeld F, Alder C, Wieland E, Lunk P. Effect of temperature on the pore solution, microstructure and hydration products of Portland cement pastes. Cement Concrete Res 2007;37:483-91.
  • Lothenbach B, Matschei T, Möschner G, Glasser FP. Thermodynamic modelling of the effect of temperature on the hydration and porosity of Portland cement. Cement Concrete Res 2008;38:1-18.
  • Valois CR, Costa ED Jr. Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:108-11.
  • Hashiguchi D, Fukushima H, Yasuda H, Masuda W, Tomikawa M, Morikawa K, et al. Mineral trioxide aggregate inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption. J Dent Res 2011;90:912-7.
  • Saghiri MA, Lotfi M, Joupari MD, Aeinehchi M, Saghiri AM. Effects of storage temperature on surface hardness, microstructure, and phase formation of white mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2010;36:1414-8.
  • Sarkar N, Caicedo R, Ritwik P, Moiseyeva R, Kawashima I. Physicochemical basis of the biologic properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. J Endod 2005;31:97-100.
  • Saghiri MA, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Nazari A, Karamifar K, Neelakantan P, et al. Effect of storage temperature on sealing ability and solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate. Act Odontol Scand 2012;70:536-40.
  • Saghiri MA, Lotfi M, Saghiri AM, Vosoughhosseini S, Fatemi A, Shiezadeh V, et al. Effect of pH on sealing ability of white mineral trioxide aggregate as a root-end filling material. J Endod 2008;34:1226-9.
  • Camilleri J, Pitt Ford TR. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a review of the constituents and biological properties of the material. Int Endod J 2006;39:747-54.
  • Darvell BW, Wu RC. “MTA”-an hydraulic silicate cement: review update and setting reaction. Dent Mater 2011;27:407-22.
  • Cavalcanti BN, Rode Sde M, França CM, Marques MM. Pulp capping materials exert an effect on the secretion of IL-1β and IL-8 by migrating human neutrophils. Braz Oral Res 2011;25:13-8.
  • Saghiri M, Asgar K, Lotfi M, Garcia‐Godoy F. Nanomodification of mineral trioxide aggregate for enhanced physiochemical properties. Int Endod J 2012;45:979-88.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makalesi

Mohammad Ali Saghiri

Armen Asatourian Bu kişi benim

Franklin Garcia-godoy Bu kişi benim

James L Gutmann Bu kişi benim

Nader Sheibani Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Saghiri, M. A., Asatourian, A., Garcia-godoy, F., Gutmann, J. L., vd. (2016). Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma. Acta Odontologica Turcica, 33(1), 1-5.
AMA Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N. Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma. Acta Odontol Turc. Ocak 2016;33(1):1-5. doi:10.17214/aot.71459
Chicago Saghiri, Mohammad Ali, Armen Asatourian, Franklin Garcia-godoy, James L Gutmann, ve Nader Sheibani. “Termosiklusun Beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro çalışma”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 33, sy. 1 (Ocak 2016): 1-5.
EndNote Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N (01 Ocak 2016) Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma. Acta Odontologica Turcica 33 1 1–5.
IEEE M. A. Saghiri, A. Asatourian, F. Garcia-godoy, J. L. Gutmann, ve N. Sheibani, “Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma”, Acta Odontol Turc, c. 33, sy. 1, ss. 1–5, 2016, doi: 10.17214/aot.71459.
ISNAD Saghiri, Mohammad Ali vd. “Termosiklusun Beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro çalışma”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 33/1 (Ocak 2016), 1-5.
JAMA Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N. Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma. Acta Odontol Turc. 2016;33:1–5.
MLA Saghiri, Mohammad Ali vd. “Termosiklusun Beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine Etkisi: In Vitro çalışma”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, c. 33, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 1-5, doi:10.17214/aot.71459.
Vancouver Saghiri MA, Asatourian A, Garcia-godoy F, Gutmann JL, Sheibani N. Termosiklusun beyaz Mineral Trioxide Aggregate tıkama etkinliği üzerine etkisi: in vitro çalışma. Acta Odontol Turc. 2016;33(1):1-5.