Yazılım Projelerinin Geliştirme Sürecinde Yönetim
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 16.04.2014
O. Ayhan Erdem
Aleaa Younis
Yazılım proje çalışmaları büyük oranda teorik kapsamda kalmaktadır. Projelerin uygulamaya geçirilememesi önemli oranda yönetimle ilgilidir. Bu kuramdan yola çıkılarak, yazılım projelerinde yönetim kuramları ve oluşabilecek risklerin neler olabileceğinin bilinmesi çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada yazılım projelerinin başarıyla sonuçlandırılması için proje yönetimi kuramları ve gerekli risk kuramları belirlenmiş ve sistematik bir şekilde açıklanmıştır.
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- T. W. Kwan, H. Leung, "A risk management methodology for project risk dependencies", IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, 2010.
- S. Rivard, Y. St-James, A. F. Cameron, “Software project risk drivers as project manager stressors and coping resources”, Proceedings of the 44’th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2011.
- Y. Hu, X. Zhang, X. Sun, J. Zhang, J. Du, J. Zhao, “A unified ıntelligent model for software project risk analysis and planning”, 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, 2010.
- M. Sadiq, S. Zafar, M. Asim, R. Suman, “GUI of esrctool: a tool to estimate the software risk and cost”, IEEE, 2010.
- A. Susan Sherer, “The three dimensions of software risk: technical, organizational, and environmental”, Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on System Sciences, January, 1995.
- D. Gupta, M. Sadique, "Software risk assessment and estimation model", IEEE, 2008.184, 2008.
- G. Mcgraw, “Risk analysis in software design”, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2004.
- A. Hosseingholizadeh, “A source-based risk analysis approach for software test optimization”, IEEE, 2010.
- L. Westfall, “Software risk management”, The Westfall Team, 20 M. Kajko-Mattsson, J. Nyfjord, “State of software risk management practice”, LAENG International Journal of Computer Science, November 2008.
- S. C. Misra, B. Alberta, V. Kumar, U. Kumar, “Different techniques for risk management ın software engineering: a review”, 2006.
- Y. Peng, G. Kou, G. Wang, H. Wang, F. S. Ko, “Empirical evaluation of classifiers for software risk management”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 8, No: 4, 2009.
- F. M. Dedolph, “The neglected management activity: software risk management”, Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(3), 91–95, 2003.
- C. F. Fan, Y. C. Yu, “BBN-based software project risk management”, The Journal of Systems and Software 73, 2004.
- P. Cao, F. Chen, “A risk control optimization model for software project”, IEEE, 2009.
- S.W. Foo, Muruganantham, A., “Software risk assessment model”, IEEE, 2000.
- Y. H. Wang, J. Jia, Y. Qu, “The “earth-moon” model on software project risk management”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 11-14 July 2010.
- X. Zhang, B. Yu, J. Zhang, “The application of fault tree analysis in software project risk management”, IEEE, 2009.
- M. Keil, P. E. Cule, K. Lyytinen, R. C. Schmidt, “A framework for ıdentifying software project risks”, Communıcatıons Of The Acm, November 1998.
- L. Xiaosong, L. Shushi, C. Wenjun, F. Songjiang, “The application of risk matrix to software project risk management”, International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, 2009.
Management in Software Project Development Process
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 1 - 9, 16.04.2014
O. Ayhan Erdem
Aleaa Younis
Software project activities remain as theoretical context, widely. That the lack of implementation of the projects is mainly related to the management. On the basis of this concept, it is vital to know the possible risks and the administrative theories of the software projects. In this study, the project management theories and and the required risks are defined in order to complete the software projects and explained systematically.
- (REFERENCES) LLC Digital Publications, “Software development lifecycle phases”, V.1.1c , 2005.
- T. W. Kwan, H. Leung, "A risk management methodology for project risk dependencies", IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, 2010.
- S. Rivard, Y. St-James, A. F. Cameron, “Software project risk drivers as project manager stressors and coping resources”, Proceedings of the 44’th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2011.
- Y. Hu, X. Zhang, X. Sun, J. Zhang, J. Du, J. Zhao, “A unified ıntelligent model for software project risk analysis and planning”, 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, 2010.
- M. Sadiq, S. Zafar, M. Asim, R. Suman, “GUI of esrctool: a tool to estimate the software risk and cost”, IEEE, 2010.
- A. Susan Sherer, “The three dimensions of software risk: technical, organizational, and environmental”, Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on System Sciences, January, 1995.
- D. Gupta, M. Sadique, "Software risk assessment and estimation model", IEEE, 2008.184, 2008.
- G. Mcgraw, “Risk analysis in software design”, IEEE Security and Privacy, 2004.
- A. Hosseingholizadeh, “A source-based risk analysis approach for software test optimization”, IEEE, 2010.
- L. Westfall, “Software risk management”, The Westfall Team, 20 M. Kajko-Mattsson, J. Nyfjord, “State of software risk management practice”, LAENG International Journal of Computer Science, November 2008.
- S. C. Misra, B. Alberta, V. Kumar, U. Kumar, “Different techniques for risk management ın software engineering: a review”, 2006.
- Y. Peng, G. Kou, G. Wang, H. Wang, F. S. Ko, “Empirical evaluation of classifiers for software risk management”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 8, No: 4, 2009.
- F. M. Dedolph, “The neglected management activity: software risk management”, Bell Labs Technical Journal 8(3), 91–95, 2003.
- C. F. Fan, Y. C. Yu, “BBN-based software project risk management”, The Journal of Systems and Software 73, 2004.
- P. Cao, F. Chen, “A risk control optimization model for software project”, IEEE, 2009.
- S.W. Foo, Muruganantham, A., “Software risk assessment model”, IEEE, 2000.
- Y. H. Wang, J. Jia, Y. Qu, “The “earth-moon” model on software project risk management”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Qingdao, 11-14 July 2010.
- X. Zhang, B. Yu, J. Zhang, “The application of fault tree analysis in software project risk management”, IEEE, 2009.
- M. Keil, P. E. Cule, K. Lyytinen, R. C. Schmidt, “A framework for ıdentifying software project risks”, Communıcatıons Of The Acm, November 1998.
- L. Xiaosong, L. Shushi, C. Wenjun, F. Songjiang, “The application of risk matrix to software project risk management”, International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, 2009.