Yıl 2020,
, 1047 - 1062, 25.12.2019
Umut Asan
Çiğdem Kadaifçi
- [1] Mucuk, İ., Pazarlama İlkeleri, 13.Basım, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2001.[2] Myers, J.H., Segmentation and positioning for strategic marketing decisions, American Marketing Association, 1996.[3] Kotler, P. ve Keller, K.L., Marketing Management, 14th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.[4] Kotler, P., Marketing management, Millennium Edition Prentice-Hall, 2000.[5] Lei, N., Moon, S.K., A Decision Support System for market-driven product positioning and design, Decision Support Systems, 69, 82-91, 2015.[6] Wang, C.H., A market-oriented approach to accomplish product positioning and product recommendation for smart phones and wearable devices, International Journal of Production Research, 53(8), 2542-2553, 2015.[7] Wang, Y., Tseng, M.M., A Naïve Bayes approach to map customer requirements to product variants, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(3), 501-509, 2015.[8] Trappey, A.J., Trappey, C.V., Fan, C.Y., Lee, I.J., Consumer driven product technology function deployment using social media and patent mining, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 36, 120-129, 2018.[9] Roth, S., Positionierungsmodelle, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 29 (8), 444-449, 2000.[10] Meyer, R.J. ve Banks, D., Behavioral Theory and Naïve Strategic Reasoning, Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy, Editör: Day G.S., Reibstein D.J. ve Gunther R.E. , John Wiley and Sons, New York, 151-176, 1997.[11] Marks, U.G. ve Albers, S., Experiments in Competitive Product Positioning: Actual Behavior Compared to Nash Solutions, Schmalenbach Business Review, 53 (3), 150-174, 2001.[12] Moore, W.L. ve Lehmann, D.R., Effects of Usage and Name on Perceptions of New Products, Marketing Science, 1 (4), 351-370, 1982.[13] Moore, W.L. ve Winer, R.S., A Panel-Data Based Method for Merging Joint Space and Market Response Function Estimation, Marketing Science, 6 (1), 25-42, 1987.[14] Winer, R.S. ve Moore, W.L., Evaluating the Effects of Marketing-Mix Variables on Brand Positioning, Journal of Advertising Research, February/March, 39-45, 1989.[15] Urban, G.L., PERCEPTOR: A Model for Product Positioning, Management Science, 21 (8), 858-871, 1975.[16] Hooley, G.J. ve Saunders, J., Competitive Positioning: The Key to Market Success, Prentice Hall International, Hertfordshire, 1993.[17] Mühlbacher, H. ve Dreher, A., Systemische Positionierung, Positionierung – Kernentscheidung des Marketing Editör: Tomczak T., Rudolph T. ve Roosdorp A., Thexis, St. Gallen, 70-76, 1996.[18] Roosdorp, A., Positionierungspflege: Phänomen, Herausforderungen und Konzept, Dissertation, Universität St. Gallen, Scheßlitz, 1998.[19] Polat, S. and Asan, U., Scenario Based Competence Designation, Competence Perspectives on Managing Internal Processes, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Editör: Sanchez R. ve Heene A., Cilt 7, Elsevier, Oxford, 51-77, 2005.[20] Dereli B., Asan U., Kadaifci C., Future Oriented Positioning Analysis With Bayesian Networks, The 10th International FLINS Conference on Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-21, August 26-29, 2012. [21] Ince, H., Imamoglu, S.Z., Keskin, H., Öz-Düzenlemeli Harita Ağları ile K-Ortalama Kümeleme Analizinin Karşılaştırılması: Tüketici Profilleme Örneği, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University, 28(4), 723-731, 2013.[22] Hauser, J.R. ve Simmie, P., Profit Maximizing Perceptual Positions: An Integrated Theory for the Selection of Product Features and Price, Management Science, 27 (1), 33-56, 1981.[23] Kaul, A. ve Rao, V.R., Research for Product Positioning and Design Decisions: An Integrative Review, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12 (4), 293-320, 1995.[24] Ding, C., Evaluating Change in Behavioral Preferences: Multidimensional Scaling Single-Ideal Point Model, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 49 (1), 77-88, 2016.[25] Mazzola, E., Perrone, G., Handfield, R., Change Is Good, But Not Too Much: Dynamic Positioning in the Interfirm Network and New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(6), 960-982, 2018.[26] Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E., Multivariate data analysis, 7th Pearson new international Edition, Harlow: Pearson, 2014.[27] MacKay, D. B., Internal multidimensional unfolding about a single-ideal-A probabilistic solution, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 51, 305–318, 2007.[28] van Kleef, E., van Trijp, H.C., Luning, P., Internal versus external preference analysis: An exploratory study on end-user evaluation, Food quality and preference, 17 (5), 387-399, 2006.[29] Kosko, B., Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 24, 65–75, 1986.[30] Amirkhani, A., Papageorgiou, E. I., Mohseni, A., Mosavi, M. R., A review of fuzzy cognitive maps in medicine: Taxonomy, methods, and applications, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 142, 129-145, 2017. [31] Lopez, C., Salmeron, J. L., Dynamic risks modelling in ERP maintenance projects with FCM. Information Sciences, 256, 25-45, 2014.[32] Jayashree, L. S., Palakkal, N., Papageorgiou, E. I., Papageorgiou, K., Application of fuzzy cognitive maps in precision agriculture: a case study on coconut yield management of southern India’s Malabar region, Neural Computing and Applications, 26(8), 1963-1978, 2015.[33] Kosko, B., Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1992.[34] Ahmadi, S., Yeh, C. H., Martin, R., Papageorgiou, E., Optimizing ERP readiness improvements under budgetary constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 161, 105-115, 2015.[35] Salmeron, J. L., Mansouri, T., Moghadam, M. R. S., Mardani, A., Learning fuzzy cognitive maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163, 723-735, 2019.[36] Bueno, S. ve Salmeron, J.L., Benchmarking Main Activation Functions in Fuzzy Cognitive Maps2, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 5221-5229, 2009.[37] Kosko, B., Fuzzy Engineering, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 1996.[38] Nápoles, G., Papageorgiou, E., Bello, R., Vanhoof, K., On the convergence of sigmoid fuzzy cognitive maps, Information Sciences, 349, 154-171, 2016.[39] Felix, G., Nápoles, G., Falcon, R., Froelich, W., Vanhoof, K., Bello, R., A review on methods and software for fuzzy cognitive maps, Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-31, 2017.[40] Sweta, S., Lal, K., Personalized adaptive learner model in e-learning system using FCM and fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 19(4), 1249-1260, 2017.[41] Osoba, O. A., Kosko, B., Fuzzy cognitive maps of public support for insurgency and terrorism, The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14(1), 17-32, 2017.[42] Axelrod, R., The analysis of cognitive maps, Structure of decision, 55–73, 1976.[43] Penrose, R., A generalized inverse for matrices. In Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 51 (3), 406-413, 1955.[44] Barata, J.C.A. ve Hussein, M.S., The Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse: A tutorial review of the theory, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 42 (1-2), 146-165, 2012.[45] Marchand, A., The power of an installed base to combat lifecycle decline: The case of video games, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 140-154, 2016.[46] Newzoo. 2017 Global Games Market Report, 2017.[47] Statista. Global unit sales of video game consoles from 2008 to 2017. https://www.statista.com/statistics/276768/global-unit-sales-of-video-game-consoles/. Yayın tarihi Ocak 2018. Erişim tarihi Temmuz 2018.[48] ESA. Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, 2017.[49] Moore, E., On the reciprocal of the general algebraic matrix, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 26, 394–395, 1920.[50] Lu, S., Wang, X., Zhang, G., Zhou, X., Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for extreme learning machine, Intelligent Data Analysis, 19(4), 743-760, 2015.[51] Pennestrì, E., Valentini, P. P., de Falco, D., The Moore–Penrose Dual Generalized Inverse Matrix With Application to Kinematic Synthesis of Spatial Linkages, Journal of Mechanical Design 140(10), 102303-102303-7, 2018.[52] Liang, M., Zheng, B., Further results on Moore–Penrose inverses of tensors with application to tensor nearness problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 77(5), 1282-1293, 2019.[53] Mihailović, B., Jerković, V. M., Malešević, B., Solving fuzzy linear systems using a block representation of generalized inverses: The Moore–Penrose inverse, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 353, 44-65, 2018.
Bulanık bilişsel haritalara dayalı yeni bir ürün konumlandırma yaklaşımı
Yıl 2020,
, 1047 - 1062, 25.12.2019
Umut Asan
Çiğdem Kadaifçi
bir işletmenin rekabetçi bir ortamda hayatta kalabilmesi için hedef kitlesine
rakiplerinden daha üstün veya özgün bir değer sunması kaçınılmazdır. Bunu
başarabilmek için öncelikle tüketicinin pazardaki mevcut ürünleri nasıl
algıladığının ve tercihlerinin ne olduğunun analiz edilmesi ve buna uygun
stratejilerin geliştirilmesi gerekir. Literatürde, bu çabaya yönelik, birçok
nicel yaklaşım önerilmiştir. Ancak orta ve uzun vadeli stratejilerin
geliştirilmesinde kritik öneme sahip zamansal algı değişimi problemini dikkate
alan dinamik yaklaşımlar çok az sayıda olup sınırlı katkıda bulunmuşlardır.
Bunun yanında, hedeflenen bir konuma ulaşabilmenin gerekli koşullarını öngören
normatif bir yaklaşımın eksikliği de göze çarpmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, söz
konusu eksiklikleri gidermek amacıyla az sayıda kısıtlayıcı varsayıma dayanan
ve tekrarlı ölçüm gerektirmeyen yeni bir dinamik konumlandırma yöntemi
önerilmektedir. Bulanık Bilişsel Haritaların geliştirilmesine dayanan bu yeni
yöntem, müşteri algılarının zaman içindeki değişimini başlangıç koşullarına
duyarlı bir şekilde modelleyebilmekte ve hedeflenen bir (ideal) konuma
ulaşabilmenin gerekli koşullarını geriye dönük öngörü ile analiz edebilmektedir.
Önerilen yaklaşımın etkinliğini ve uygulanabilirliğini irdelemek amacıyla
çalışmada basit bir uygulama örneği verilmektedir.
- [1] Mucuk, İ., Pazarlama İlkeleri, 13.Basım, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2001.[2] Myers, J.H., Segmentation and positioning for strategic marketing decisions, American Marketing Association, 1996.[3] Kotler, P. ve Keller, K.L., Marketing Management, 14th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2012.[4] Kotler, P., Marketing management, Millennium Edition Prentice-Hall, 2000.[5] Lei, N., Moon, S.K., A Decision Support System for market-driven product positioning and design, Decision Support Systems, 69, 82-91, 2015.[6] Wang, C.H., A market-oriented approach to accomplish product positioning and product recommendation for smart phones and wearable devices, International Journal of Production Research, 53(8), 2542-2553, 2015.[7] Wang, Y., Tseng, M.M., A Naïve Bayes approach to map customer requirements to product variants, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(3), 501-509, 2015.[8] Trappey, A.J., Trappey, C.V., Fan, C.Y., Lee, I.J., Consumer driven product technology function deployment using social media and patent mining, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 36, 120-129, 2018.[9] Roth, S., Positionierungsmodelle, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 29 (8), 444-449, 2000.[10] Meyer, R.J. ve Banks, D., Behavioral Theory and Naïve Strategic Reasoning, Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategy, Editör: Day G.S., Reibstein D.J. ve Gunther R.E. , John Wiley and Sons, New York, 151-176, 1997.[11] Marks, U.G. ve Albers, S., Experiments in Competitive Product Positioning: Actual Behavior Compared to Nash Solutions, Schmalenbach Business Review, 53 (3), 150-174, 2001.[12] Moore, W.L. ve Lehmann, D.R., Effects of Usage and Name on Perceptions of New Products, Marketing Science, 1 (4), 351-370, 1982.[13] Moore, W.L. ve Winer, R.S., A Panel-Data Based Method for Merging Joint Space and Market Response Function Estimation, Marketing Science, 6 (1), 25-42, 1987.[14] Winer, R.S. ve Moore, W.L., Evaluating the Effects of Marketing-Mix Variables on Brand Positioning, Journal of Advertising Research, February/March, 39-45, 1989.[15] Urban, G.L., PERCEPTOR: A Model for Product Positioning, Management Science, 21 (8), 858-871, 1975.[16] Hooley, G.J. ve Saunders, J., Competitive Positioning: The Key to Market Success, Prentice Hall International, Hertfordshire, 1993.[17] Mühlbacher, H. ve Dreher, A., Systemische Positionierung, Positionierung – Kernentscheidung des Marketing Editör: Tomczak T., Rudolph T. ve Roosdorp A., Thexis, St. Gallen, 70-76, 1996.[18] Roosdorp, A., Positionierungspflege: Phänomen, Herausforderungen und Konzept, Dissertation, Universität St. Gallen, Scheßlitz, 1998.[19] Polat, S. and Asan, U., Scenario Based Competence Designation, Competence Perspectives on Managing Internal Processes, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, Editör: Sanchez R. ve Heene A., Cilt 7, Elsevier, Oxford, 51-77, 2005.[20] Dereli B., Asan U., Kadaifci C., Future Oriented Positioning Analysis With Bayesian Networks, The 10th International FLINS Conference on Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-21, August 26-29, 2012. [21] Ince, H., Imamoglu, S.Z., Keskin, H., Öz-Düzenlemeli Harita Ağları ile K-Ortalama Kümeleme Analizinin Karşılaştırılması: Tüketici Profilleme Örneği, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University, 28(4), 723-731, 2013.[22] Hauser, J.R. ve Simmie, P., Profit Maximizing Perceptual Positions: An Integrated Theory for the Selection of Product Features and Price, Management Science, 27 (1), 33-56, 1981.[23] Kaul, A. ve Rao, V.R., Research for Product Positioning and Design Decisions: An Integrative Review, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12 (4), 293-320, 1995.[24] Ding, C., Evaluating Change in Behavioral Preferences: Multidimensional Scaling Single-Ideal Point Model, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 49 (1), 77-88, 2016.[25] Mazzola, E., Perrone, G., Handfield, R., Change Is Good, But Not Too Much: Dynamic Positioning in the Interfirm Network and New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35(6), 960-982, 2018.[26] Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E., Multivariate data analysis, 7th Pearson new international Edition, Harlow: Pearson, 2014.[27] MacKay, D. B., Internal multidimensional unfolding about a single-ideal-A probabilistic solution, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 51, 305–318, 2007.[28] van Kleef, E., van Trijp, H.C., Luning, P., Internal versus external preference analysis: An exploratory study on end-user evaluation, Food quality and preference, 17 (5), 387-399, 2006.[29] Kosko, B., Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 24, 65–75, 1986.[30] Amirkhani, A., Papageorgiou, E. I., Mohseni, A., Mosavi, M. R., A review of fuzzy cognitive maps in medicine: Taxonomy, methods, and applications, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 142, 129-145, 2017. [31] Lopez, C., Salmeron, J. L., Dynamic risks modelling in ERP maintenance projects with FCM. Information Sciences, 256, 25-45, 2014.[32] Jayashree, L. S., Palakkal, N., Papageorgiou, E. I., Papageorgiou, K., Application of fuzzy cognitive maps in precision agriculture: a case study on coconut yield management of southern India’s Malabar region, Neural Computing and Applications, 26(8), 1963-1978, 2015.[33] Kosko, B., Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1992.[34] Ahmadi, S., Yeh, C. H., Martin, R., Papageorgiou, E., Optimizing ERP readiness improvements under budgetary constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 161, 105-115, 2015.[35] Salmeron, J. L., Mansouri, T., Moghadam, M. R. S., Mardani, A., Learning fuzzy cognitive maps with modified asexual reproduction optimisation algorithm, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163, 723-735, 2019.[36] Bueno, S. ve Salmeron, J.L., Benchmarking Main Activation Functions in Fuzzy Cognitive Maps2, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 5221-5229, 2009.[37] Kosko, B., Fuzzy Engineering, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey, 1996.[38] Nápoles, G., Papageorgiou, E., Bello, R., Vanhoof, K., On the convergence of sigmoid fuzzy cognitive maps, Information Sciences, 349, 154-171, 2016.[39] Felix, G., Nápoles, G., Falcon, R., Froelich, W., Vanhoof, K., Bello, R., A review on methods and software for fuzzy cognitive maps, Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-31, 2017.[40] Sweta, S., Lal, K., Personalized adaptive learner model in e-learning system using FCM and fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 19(4), 1249-1260, 2017.[41] Osoba, O. A., Kosko, B., Fuzzy cognitive maps of public support for insurgency and terrorism, The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14(1), 17-32, 2017.[42] Axelrod, R., The analysis of cognitive maps, Structure of decision, 55–73, 1976.[43] Penrose, R., A generalized inverse for matrices. In Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 51 (3), 406-413, 1955.[44] Barata, J.C.A. ve Hussein, M.S., The Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse: A tutorial review of the theory, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 42 (1-2), 146-165, 2012.[45] Marchand, A., The power of an installed base to combat lifecycle decline: The case of video games, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33 (1), 140-154, 2016.[46] Newzoo. 2017 Global Games Market Report, 2017.[47] Statista. Global unit sales of video game consoles from 2008 to 2017. https://www.statista.com/statistics/276768/global-unit-sales-of-video-game-consoles/. Yayın tarihi Ocak 2018. Erişim tarihi Temmuz 2018.[48] ESA. Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry, 2017.[49] Moore, E., On the reciprocal of the general algebraic matrix, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 26, 394–395, 1920.[50] Lu, S., Wang, X., Zhang, G., Zhou, X., Effective algorithms of the Moore-Penrose inverse matrices for extreme learning machine, Intelligent Data Analysis, 19(4), 743-760, 2015.[51] Pennestrì, E., Valentini, P. P., de Falco, D., The Moore–Penrose Dual Generalized Inverse Matrix With Application to Kinematic Synthesis of Spatial Linkages, Journal of Mechanical Design 140(10), 102303-102303-7, 2018.[52] Liang, M., Zheng, B., Further results on Moore–Penrose inverses of tensors with application to tensor nearness problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 77(5), 1282-1293, 2019.[53] Mihailović, B., Jerković, V. M., Malešević, B., Solving fuzzy linear systems using a block representation of generalized inverses: The Moore–Penrose inverse, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 353, 44-65, 2018.