Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 14.02.2013
Yusuf İç
Mustafa Yurdakul
Günümüz rekabet koşulları imalat firmalarını daha kaliteli, daha esnek ve daha hızlı üretime zorlamaktadır.İşleme merkezleri günümüzde sürekli değişen pazar koşullarına uyum sağlayabilmek ve artan ürün çeşitliliğinikarşılamak zorunda kalan imalat sistemlerinin önemli bir parçası olmuştur. Ancak model ve çeşitlilik açısındanoldukça geniş bir yelpazeye sahip olan işleme merkezleri arasından seçim yapabilmek oldukça karmaşık fakatönemli bir karar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada işleme merkezlerinin seçimine yönelik Çok KriterliKarar Verme (ÇKKV) yöntemlerinden Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ve İdeal Çözümlere Yakınlık YoluylaTercihlerin Sıralanması Tekniği (TOPSIS) yöntemlerinin bulanık mantıkla uygulandığı bir karar destek sistemi(İMSEÇ) geliştirilmiştir. Program içerisinde veri tabanından aday tezgahları belirleyen ön eleme sorularıtanımlanan işe uygun aday işleme merkezlerini belirlerken, Bulanık ÇKKV yöntemleri işleme merkezlerininkendi aralarında sıralanmasını gerçekleştirmektedir. Esnek bir yapıda oluşturulan İMSEÇ, kullanıcıya kriterağırlıklarını bulanık olarak verebilme ve kriterlerin ağırlıklandırmasında ise imalat sisteminin üretim tipine göredetaylı kriter ağırlıklandırma sürecini takip ederek (Bulanık AHS) veya kriter ağırlıklarını direkt olarakprograma girerek (Bulanık TOPSIS) işleme merkezi seçme imkanını sunmaktadır.
- Kalpakjian, S., ve Schmid, S.R., Manufacturing
- Engineering and Technology, Prentice-Hall
- Inc,Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.
- Tlusty, G., Manufacturing Processes and
- Equipment, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000.
- Arslan, M.Ç., A Decision Support System For
- Machine Tool Selection,Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
- Sabancı Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
- İstanbul, 2002.
- Lin, Z-C. and Yang, C-B., “Evaluation of
- Machine Selection by the AHP Method”, Journal
- of Materials Processing Technology, Cilt 57,
- -258, 1996.
- Oeltjenbruns, H., Kolarik, W.J. ve Schnadt-
- Kirschner, R., “Strategic Planning in
- Manufacturing Systems- AHP Application to an
- Equipment Replacement Decision”,
- International Journal of Production
- Economics, Cilt 38, 189-197, 1995.
- Çimren. E, Budak, E, Çatay, B., “Development of
- a Machine Tool Selection System Using Analytic
- Hierarchy Process” in:R Teti (Ed.), Proc. Of the
- th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent
- Computation in Munufacturing Engineering,
- Sorrento, Italy:193-198, 2004.
- Çimren. E, Çatay, B., Budak, E, “Development
- of a Machine Tool Selection System Using
- Analytic Hierarchy Proces”, International
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
- Technology”, Baskıda-Online Erişim, 2007.
- Yurdakul, M., “AHP as a Strategic Decision-
- Making Tool To Justify Machine Tool
- Selection”, Journal of Materials Processing
- Technology, Cilt 146, 365-376, 2004.
- Chan F.T.S., Chan, M.H., and Tang, N.K.H,
- “Evaluation Methodologies For Technology
- Selection”, Journal of Material Processing
- Technology, Cilt 107, 330-337, 2000.
- Cheng, C.-H., Lin, Y., “Evaluating the Best Main
- Battle Tank Using Fuzzy Decision Theory With
- Linguistic Criteria Evaluation” European
- Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 142,
- –186, 2002.
- Lee W.B., Lau, H., Liu, Z., and Tam, S., “A
- Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach in
- Modular Product Design”, Expert Systems, Cilt
- , No 1, 32-42, 2001.
- Chen, Y.-C., “An Application of Fuzzy Set
- Theory to the External Performance Evaluation of Distiribution Centers in Logistics”, Soft
- Computing, Cilt 6, 64-70, 2002.
- Pegero A., and Rangone, A., “A Reference
- Framework for the Application of MADM Fuzzy
- Techniques to Selecting AMTS”, International
- Journal of Production Research, Cilt 36, No 2,
- -458, 1998.
- Jiang, B. C., and Hsu, C.-H., “Development of a
- Fuzzy Decision Model For Manufacturability
- Evaluation”, Journal of Intelligent
- Manufacturing, Cilt 14, 169-181, 2003.
- Chen, C.T., “Extensions of the Topsis For Group
- Decision-Making Under Fuzzy Environment”,
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Cilt 114, No 1-9, 2000.
- Parkan, C., and Wu, M-L., “Decision Making
- and Performance Measurement Models with
- Applications to Robot Selection”, Computers
- and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 36, 503-523,
- -
- Yurdakul, M., İç, Y.T., “Development of a
- Performance Measurement Model for
- Manufacturing Companies Using the AHP and
- TOPSIS Approaches”, International Journal of
- Production Research, Cilt 43, 4609-4641, 2005.
- Yurdakul, M., Çoğun C., “Development of a
- Multi-Attribute Selection Procedure for Non-
- Traditional Machining Processes” Journal of
- Engineering Manufacture, 217 Part B:993-
- , 2003.
- Chu, T.-C. and Lin, Y.-C. “A Fuzzy Topsis
- Method for Robot Selection”, The International
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
- Technology, Cilt 21, 284-290, 2003.
- Byun, H. S., and Lee, K. H., “A Decision Support
- System for the Selection of Rapid Prototyping
- Process Using the Modified Topsis Method”,
- International Journal of Advanced
- Manufacturing Technology-Published Online,
- April:1-10, 2004.
- Chen, C.-T., “Extensions of the Topsis for Group
- Decision-Making Under Fuzzy Environment”,
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Cilt 114, 1-9, 2000.
- Doğramacı, T., CNC İşleme Merkezlerinin
- Seçimi İçin Bir Uzman Sistemin Geliştirilmesi,
- Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen
- Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2005.
- Gopalakrishnan, B., et al., “Decision Support
- System for Machining Center Selection”, Journal
- of Manufacturing Technology Management,
- Cilt 15, No 2, 144-154, 2004.
- Layek, A-M., ano Lars, J., R., “Algorithm Based
- Decision Support System for the Concerted
- Selection Ofequipment in Machining/Assembly
- Cells”, International Journal of Production
- Research, Cilt 38, No 2, 323-339, 2000.
- Çimren E, An Intelligent Decision Support
- System for Machine Tool Selection, Yüksek
- Lisans Tezi, Sabancı Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri
- Enstitüsü, 2004.
- Çimren, E., Çatay, B, Budak, E., “Takım
- Tezgahları Seçimi İçin Bir Karar Destek Sistemi:
- Bölüm II”, Otomasyon, 1, 162-167, 2005.
- Çimren, E., Çatay, B, Budak, E., “Takım
- Tezgahları Seçimi İçin Bir Karar Destek Sistemi:
- Bölüm I”, Otomasyon, 12, 132-135, 2004.
- Arslan M.Ç., Çatay, B., Budak, E., “A Decision
- Support System for Machine Selection” Journal
- of Manufacturing Technology Management,
- Cilt 15, No 1,101-109, 2004.
- Chen, S-J., and Hwang, C.-L., Fuzzy Multiple
- Attribute Decision Making, Springer-Verlag
- Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany, 1992.
- Triantaphyllou, E., and Lin, C-T., “Development
- and Evaluation of Five Fuzzy Multiattribute
- Decision-Making Methods”, International
- Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Cilt
- :281-310, 1996.
Yıl 2008,
Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 14.02.2013
Yusuf İç
Mustafa Yurdakul
- Kalpakjian, S., ve Schmid, S.R., Manufacturing
- Engineering and Technology, Prentice-Hall
- Inc,Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001.
- Tlusty, G., Manufacturing Processes and
- Equipment, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000.
- Arslan, M.Ç., A Decision Support System For
- Machine Tool Selection,Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
- Sabancı Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
- İstanbul, 2002.
- Lin, Z-C. and Yang, C-B., “Evaluation of
- Machine Selection by the AHP Method”, Journal
- of Materials Processing Technology, Cilt 57,
- -258, 1996.
- Oeltjenbruns, H., Kolarik, W.J. ve Schnadt-
- Kirschner, R., “Strategic Planning in
- Manufacturing Systems- AHP Application to an
- Equipment Replacement Decision”,
- International Journal of Production
- Economics, Cilt 38, 189-197, 1995.
- Çimren. E, Budak, E, Çatay, B., “Development of
- a Machine Tool Selection System Using Analytic
- Hierarchy Process” in:R Teti (Ed.), Proc. Of the
- th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent
- Computation in Munufacturing Engineering,
- Sorrento, Italy:193-198, 2004.
- Çimren. E, Çatay, B., Budak, E, “Development
- of a Machine Tool Selection System Using
- Analytic Hierarchy Proces”, International
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
- Technology”, Baskıda-Online Erişim, 2007.
- Yurdakul, M., “AHP as a Strategic Decision-
- Making Tool To Justify Machine Tool
- Selection”, Journal of Materials Processing
- Technology, Cilt 146, 365-376, 2004.
- Chan F.T.S., Chan, M.H., and Tang, N.K.H,
- “Evaluation Methodologies For Technology
- Selection”, Journal of Material Processing
- Technology, Cilt 107, 330-337, 2000.
- Cheng, C.-H., Lin, Y., “Evaluating the Best Main
- Battle Tank Using Fuzzy Decision Theory With
- Linguistic Criteria Evaluation” European
- Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 142,
- –186, 2002.
- Lee W.B., Lau, H., Liu, Z., and Tam, S., “A
- Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach in
- Modular Product Design”, Expert Systems, Cilt
- , No 1, 32-42, 2001.
- Chen, Y.-C., “An Application of Fuzzy Set
- Theory to the External Performance Evaluation of Distiribution Centers in Logistics”, Soft
- Computing, Cilt 6, 64-70, 2002.
- Pegero A., and Rangone, A., “A Reference
- Framework for the Application of MADM Fuzzy
- Techniques to Selecting AMTS”, International
- Journal of Production Research, Cilt 36, No 2,
- -458, 1998.
- Jiang, B. C., and Hsu, C.-H., “Development of a
- Fuzzy Decision Model For Manufacturability
- Evaluation”, Journal of Intelligent
- Manufacturing, Cilt 14, 169-181, 2003.
- Chen, C.T., “Extensions of the Topsis For Group
- Decision-Making Under Fuzzy Environment”,
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Cilt 114, No 1-9, 2000.
- Parkan, C., and Wu, M-L., “Decision Making
- and Performance Measurement Models with
- Applications to Robot Selection”, Computers
- and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 36, 503-523,
- -
- Yurdakul, M., İç, Y.T., “Development of a
- Performance Measurement Model for
- Manufacturing Companies Using the AHP and
- TOPSIS Approaches”, International Journal of
- Production Research, Cilt 43, 4609-4641, 2005.
- Yurdakul, M., Çoğun C., “Development of a
- Multi-Attribute Selection Procedure for Non-
- Traditional Machining Processes” Journal of
- Engineering Manufacture, 217 Part B:993-
- , 2003.
- Chu, T.-C. and Lin, Y.-C. “A Fuzzy Topsis
- Method for Robot Selection”, The International
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
- Technology, Cilt 21, 284-290, 2003.
- Byun, H. S., and Lee, K. H., “A Decision Support
- System for the Selection of Rapid Prototyping
- Process Using the Modified Topsis Method”,
- International Journal of Advanced
- Manufacturing Technology-Published Online,
- April:1-10, 2004.
- Chen, C.-T., “Extensions of the Topsis for Group
- Decision-Making Under Fuzzy Environment”,
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Cilt 114, 1-9, 2000.
- Doğramacı, T., CNC İşleme Merkezlerinin
- Seçimi İçin Bir Uzman Sistemin Geliştirilmesi,
- Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen
- Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2005.
- Gopalakrishnan, B., et al., “Decision Support
- System for Machining Center Selection”, Journal
- of Manufacturing Technology Management,
- Cilt 15, No 2, 144-154, 2004.
- Layek, A-M., ano Lars, J., R., “Algorithm Based
- Decision Support System for the Concerted
- Selection Ofequipment in Machining/Assembly
- Cells”, International Journal of Production
- Research, Cilt 38, No 2, 323-339, 2000.
- Çimren E, An Intelligent Decision Support
- System for Machine Tool Selection, Yüksek
- Lisans Tezi, Sabancı Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri
- Enstitüsü, 2004.
- Çimren, E., Çatay, B, Budak, E., “Takım
- Tezgahları Seçimi İçin Bir Karar Destek Sistemi:
- Bölüm II”, Otomasyon, 1, 162-167, 2005.
- Çimren, E., Çatay, B, Budak, E., “Takım
- Tezgahları Seçimi İçin Bir Karar Destek Sistemi:
- Bölüm I”, Otomasyon, 12, 132-135, 2004.
- Arslan M.Ç., Çatay, B., Budak, E., “A Decision
- Support System for Machine Selection” Journal
- of Manufacturing Technology Management,
- Cilt 15, No 1,101-109, 2004.
- Chen, S-J., and Hwang, C.-L., Fuzzy Multiple
- Attribute Decision Making, Springer-Verlag
- Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany, 1992.
- Triantaphyllou, E., and Lin, C-T., “Development
- and Evaluation of Five Fuzzy Multiattribute
- Decision-Making Methods”, International
- Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Cilt
- :281-310, 1996.