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Yıl 2010, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 19.02.2013


Türkiye ilk ağır sanayi hamlesi olan Karabük Demir-Çelik Fabrikasının kuruluşuyla birlikte entegre çeliküretimine başlamıştır. Türk Demir-Çelik endüstrisi, 21. Yüzyıla kadar olan süreçte farklı krizlere maruzkalmakla birlikte 2001 yılından itibaren hızlı bir büyüme sürecine girmiştir. Fakat küresel ekonomide gelişensektörel değişimlere ayak uydurmak ve üretimi o yönlere çevirmek gereksinim haline gelmiştir. Bu amaçlaülkemizde önemli bir sektör olarak kendini gösteren, katma değeri ve kazanımı yüksek olan otomotivendüstrisine çelik üretmek önemli bir amaç olabilir. Türkiye ve Dünya endüstrileri için gelişmiş hafif yüksekmukavemetli çelik üretimi kritik bir teknolojidir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde çelik endüstrisi entegre tesislere dayalı olup,katma değeri yüksek; gelişmiş yüksek mukavemetli çelik, paslanmaz çelik v.b. gibi ürünlere yönelmiştir.Ülkemizde farklı çelik sac türleri üretilmekle beraber özellikle son yıllarda yoğun bir şekilde kullanılan çift fazlıçelik düşük miktarlarda üretilmekte, ilerleyen yıllarda otomobil ağırlığını azaltmak amacıyla kullanımı artacakolan TRIP çeliği ise üretilmemektedir. Literatür çalışması son yıllarda yapılan özgün çalışmalar çerçevesindebiçimlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada TRIP çeliklerinin otomobillerde kullanılan diğer çeliklerle mikroyapı, çekmedayanımı, çarpma (darbe), şekillendirilebilme ve yorulma özellikleri gibi kriterlere bağlı olarak karşılaştırmalıbir biçimde sunulmuştur. Ayrıca TRIP çeliğinin otomotiv endüstrisinde kullanımı ve Türkiye’de üretilebilirliğihakkında da bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı, 2007-2013, “Ana
  • Metal Sanayi”, Özel İhtisas Komisyonu
  • Raporu, Ankara 2007.
  • “Türk Demir Çelik Sektörü”, Türkiye DemirÇelik
  • Üreticileri Derneği, 2009.
  • (
  • Tetsuya, M., Hasegawa, K., Kawabe, H., “UHSS
  • Sheets for Bodies, Reinforcement Parts, and Seat
  • Frame Parts of Automobile Ultra High-Strength
  • Steel Sheets Leading to Great Improvement in
  • Crashworthiness” JFE Technical Report, Vol 4,
  • -43, 2004.
  • Manuel, F., Christoph, M.S., Colin, V., “A
  • Regression on Climate Policy: The European
  • Commission’s Legislation to Reduce CO2
  • Emissions from Automobiles”, Transportation
  • Research Part A, 2010.
  • doi:10.1016/j.tra.2009.12.001
  • Volkan, E.E., Arısoy, C.F., Kelami, Ş.,
  • “Otomotiv Endüstrisinde Çelikten Vazgeçilebilir
  • Mi?”, Metal Dünyası, Vol 125, 74-81, 2003.
  • Ushioda, K., “Recent Developments in Steel
  • Sheers”, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy,
  • Vol 28, 33-39, 1999.
  • SSAB Swedish Steel, “Highter Strength-Lower
  • Weight: Educing the Body Weighty Using Extra
  • and Ultra Hight Strength Steel”, GB 2000 Lygner
  • Form& Tryck 2004.
  • “21st Century Steel”, World Steel Assosiation,
  • -2009 Update, 1-32, 2009.
  • (
  • es/21st%20century%20steel.pdf
  • Lindsay, B., Harry, E., “Automakers and
  • Suppliers Accelerate Their Efforts to Reduce
  • Vehicle Weight by Engineering Them for Greater
  • Use of Lighter, Stronger Materials”, Mass
  • Reduction Special Report, 16 March 2009.
  • Akay, D., Kurt, M., “Otomobil Emniyet Kemeri
  • Kullanılabilirlik Testi”, Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt
  • , No 1, 183-191, 2006.
  • AISI Market Development, “An Investment in
  • Steel’s Future”, American Iron and Steel
  • Institute, 2002– 2003, Progress Report 2003.
  • “Advanced High-Strength Steels–A Collision
  • Repair Perspective”, Technical Information for
  • the Collision Industry, June 12, 2006. (www.icar.
  • com)
  • “New Study Finds Increased Use of Advanced
  • High-Strength Steels Helps Decrease Overall
  • Vehicle Weight”, Automotive Applications
  • Council, 2010.
  • (
  • =Press_Releases9&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentD
  • isplay.cfm&CONTENTID=32077)
  • “Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS)
  • Application Guidelines”, World Auto Steel,
  • Version 4.1, 1-171, 08 June 2009.
  • (www.worldautosteel@org).
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Acarer, M., Aslanlar, S.,
  • “Effect of Weld Time and Weld Current on the
  • Mechanical Properties of Resistance Spot
  • Welded IF (DIN EN 10130–1999) Steel”,
  • Kovove Materials, Vol 47, No 1, 11-17, 2009.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Aslanlar, S., “IF 7315
  • Çeliklerinin Yapıştırmalı Nokta Direnç Kaynaklı
  • Birleştirmelerinin İncelenmesi”, 14. Uluslararası
  • Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, 16-
  • Ekim 2008.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Aslanlar, S., “Nokta Direnç
  • Kaynak Süresinin IF 7114 Çeliği
  • Birleştirmelerinin Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi”,
  • IV. Demir Çelik Kongresi, Karabük, 243-250,
  • -3 Kasım 2007.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Acarer, M., "0,067C ve
  • ,74 Mn’lı Çift Fazlı Çeliklerin Mikroyapı-
  • Dayanım İlişkisi ve Kırılma Davranışları",
  • Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 1, 111-120,
  • -
  • Speich, GR., “Dual Phase Steels”, Heat Treating,
  • ASM Handbook, fifth prinnting, 424-429, 1997.
  • Speich, GR., Miller, RL., “Mechanical Properties
  • of Ferrit-Martensite Steels” In: Kott RA, Morris
  • JW, editors, “Structure and Properties of
  • Dual-Phase Steels”, New York: AIME, 1-45,
  • -
  • Erdoğan, M., “The Effect of New Ferrit Content
  • on Tensile Fracture Behaviour of Dual Phase
  • Steels”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol 37,
  • No 17, 3623-3630, 2002.
  • Erdoğan, M., Priestner, R., “Effect of Martensite
  • Content, its Dispertion and Epitaxial Content on
  • Bauschinger Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel”,
  • Materials Science and Technology, Vol 15, No
  • , 1273-1284, 1999.
  • Kim, K.J. Chang, G.L., Sunghak L., “Effects of
  • Martensite Morphology on Dynamic Torsional
  • Behaviour in Dual Phase Steels”, Scripta
  • Materialia, Vol 38, No 1, 27-32, 1997.
  • Davies, R.G., “Influence of Martensite
  • Composition and Content on The Properties of
  • Dual-Phase Steels”, Metallurgical
  • Transactions, Vol 18A, 671-679, 1978.
  • The UltraLight Steel Auto Body Programme,
  • “UltraLight Steel Auto Closures” Final Report,
  • Porsche Engineering Services, Inc. May 2001.
  • (
  • Kayalı, E.S., Ensari, C., Silahtaroğlu, S., “Derin
  • Çekme Kalitesindeki Saclarda Özellikleri
  • Etkileyen Faktörler”, 3. Ulusal Metalürji
  • Kongresi, ODTÜ, Ankara, 581-586. Aralık 1979.
  • Öztürk, T., Bor, Ş., Atasoy, E., Alpas, T.,
  • “Erdemir 6114 Saclarının Derin Çekme
  • Özelliklerini Etkileyen Faktörler”, Doğa
  • Mühendislik ve Çevre Dergisi, Vol 1, 318-322,
  • -
  • “New Study Finds Increased Use of Advanced
  • Hıgh-Strength Steels Helps Decrease Overall
  • Vehicle Weight”, American Iron and Steel
  • Institute, 2009.
  • “Environmental Case Study Automotive: an
  • Advanced High-Strength Steel Family Car”,
  • World Steel Association, 2006.
  • (
  • Corus Research, Dev.&Technology, Corporate
  • Responsibility Report 2007/08.
  • ArcelorMittal, “How Will We Achieve: Safe
  • Sustainable Steel?”, Corporate Responsibility
  • Report, 2008.
  • Flat Carbon Europe, “Client Magazine”,
  • ArcelorMittal, September, 2007.
  • (
  • N_UpdateFCE_aug07.pdf)
  • “Arcelor Body Concept”, Arcelor Auto, Arcelor
  • Group.
  • “50 Years as Steel Supplier to Volvo”, Corus
  • Research, No. 1, February 2007.
  • (
  • pdf)
  • Basuki, A., Aernoudt, E., “Influence of Rolling
  • of TRIP Steel in the Intercritical Region on the
  • Stability of Retained Austenite”, Journal of
  • Materials Processing Technology, Vol 89, No
  • , 37-43, 1999.
  • Furne´mont, Q., Kempf, M., Jacques, P.J.,
  • Gorken, M., Delannay, F., “On the Measurement
  • of the Nanohardness of the Constitutive Phases of
  • TRIP-assisted Multiphase Steels”, Materials
  • Science and Engineering A, Vol 328, No 1, 26–
  • , 2002.
  • Berrahmoune, M.R., Berveiller, S., Inal, K.,
  • Moulin, A., Patoor, E., “Analysis of the
  • Martensitic Transformation at Various Scales in
  • TRIP Steel”, Materials Science and
  • Engineering A, Vol 378, No 1, 304–307, 2004.
  • Hutchinson, B., “Texture in Hot Rolled Austenite
  • and Resulting Transformation Products”,
  • Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol 257,
  • No 1, 9–17, 1998.
  • Zhao, L., Dijk, N.H., Brück, E., Sietsma, J.,
  • Zwaag, S., “Magnetic and X-ray Diffraction
  • Measurements for the Determination of Retained
  • Austenite in TRIP steels”, Materials Science
  • and Engineering A, Vol 313, No 1, 145–152,
  • -
  • Li, L., Wollants, P., He, Y.L., Coomman, B.C.,
  • Wei X.C., Xu, Z.Y., “Review and Prospect of
  • High Strength Low Alloy TRIP Steel”, Acta
  • Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) Vo1 16,
  • No 6, 457-465, 2003.
  • Hoon, H., Kim, S.B., Song, J.H., and Lim, J.H.,
  • “Dynamic Tensile Characteristics of TRIP-type
  • and DP-type Steel Sheets for an Auto-Body”,
  • International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,
  • Vol 50, No 5, 918–931, 2008.
  • Dan, W.J., Li, S.H., Zhang, W.G., Lin, Z.Q.,
  • “The Effect of Strain-Induced Martensitic
  • Transformation on Mechanical Properties of
  • TRIP Steel”, Materials and Design, Vol 29, No
  • , 604-612, 2008.
  • Yinghui, Z., Yonli, M., Yonglin, K., Hao, Y.,
  • Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of
  • TRIP Steels Produced Using TSCR Process”,
  • Journal of University of Science and
  • Technology, Beijing Vol 13, No 5, 416-421,
  • -
  • WU, D., Zhuang, L., Hui-sheng, L., “Effect of
  • Controlled Cooling After Hot Rolling on
  • Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled TRIP
  • Steel”, Journal of Iron and Steel Research,
  • International, Vol 15, No 2, 65-70, 2008.
  • Koh-Ichi, S., Toshiki, M., Shun-Ichi H., Yoichi,
  • M., “Formability of Nb Bearing Ultra High-
  • Strength TRIP-aided Sheet Steels”, Journal of
  • Materials Processing Technology, Vol 177, No
  • , 390–395, 2006.
  • Skoalova, L., Divišová, R., Jandová, D.,
  • “Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Low-Alloy
  • TRIP steel”, Journal of Materials Processing
  • Technology, Vol 175, No 1, 387–392, 2006.
  • Wen, S., Lin L., Cooman, B.C.D., Wollants, P.,
  • Yang, C., “Thermal Stability of Retained
  • Austenite in TRIP Steel After Different
  • Treatments”, Journal of Iron and Steel
  • Research, International, Vol 15, No 1, 61-64,
  • -
  • Zhuang, L., Di, W., Rong, H., “Austempering of
  • Hot Rolled Si-Mn TRIP Steels”, Journal of Iron
  • and Steel Research, International, Vol 13, No
  • , 41-46, 2006.
  • Xiaodong, Z., Zhaohui, M., Wang L., “Current
  • Status of Advanced High Strength Steel for Automaking
  • and its Development in Baosteel”,
  • Baosteel Research Institute, Shanghai, 201900,
  • -8, China.
  • Chatterjee, S., “Transformations in TRIP-assisted
  • Steels: Microstructure and Properties”, Darwin
  • College, University of Cambridge, November,
  • -
  • Hanzaki, AZ., Hodgson PD., Yue, S., “Hot
  • Deformation Characteristics of Si-Mn TRIP
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  • La-Neuve, P. Jacques, PhD Thesis, Universite´
  • Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1998.
  • Basuki, A., and Aernoudt, E., “Effect of
  • Deformation in the Intercritical Area on the Grain
  • Refinement of Retained Austenite of 0.4C TRIP
  • Steel”, Scripta Materialia, Vol 40, No 9, 1003–
  • , 1999.
  • Cooman, B.C.D., “Structure–Properties
  • Relationship in TRIP Steels Containing Carbide-
  • Free Bainite”, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Vol 8, No 4, 285–303,
  • -
  • Oliver, S. Jones, T.B., Fourlaris, G., “Dual Phase
  • Versus TRIP Strip Steels: Microstructural
  • Changes As a Consequence of Quasi-Static and
  • Dynamic Tensile Testing”, Materials
  • Characterization, Vol 58, No 4, 390-400, 2007.
  • Hilditch, T.B., Speer, J.G., Matlock, D.K.,
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  • Fatigue Properties of Spot-Welded High Strength
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  • Liu, Q., Tang, D., Jiang, H., Liu, R., Tang, X.,
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  • Pichler, S., Traint “Microstructure and Tensile
  • Behaviour of Cold-Rolled TRIP-aided Steels”,
  • Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
  • Vol 157–158, No 1, 633–636, 2004.
  • Wei, X., Renyu, F., Li L., “Tensile Deformation
  • Behavior of Cold-Rolled TRIP-aided Steels Over
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  • -
  • Kim, S.J., Chang G.L., Lee, T.H., Oh, C.S.,
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  • , 539–544, 2003.
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  • Assosiation,2009.
  • (
  • =53)
Yıl 2010, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 19.02.2013



  • Dokuzuncu Kalkınma Planı, 2007-2013, “Ana
  • Metal Sanayi”, Özel İhtisas Komisyonu
  • Raporu, Ankara 2007.
  • “Türk Demir Çelik Sektörü”, Türkiye DemirÇelik
  • Üreticileri Derneği, 2009.
  • (
  • Tetsuya, M., Hasegawa, K., Kawabe, H., “UHSS
  • Sheets for Bodies, Reinforcement Parts, and Seat
  • Frame Parts of Automobile Ultra High-Strength
  • Steel Sheets Leading to Great Improvement in
  • Crashworthiness” JFE Technical Report, Vol 4,
  • -43, 2004.
  • Manuel, F., Christoph, M.S., Colin, V., “A
  • Regression on Climate Policy: The European
  • Commission’s Legislation to Reduce CO2
  • Emissions from Automobiles”, Transportation
  • Research Part A, 2010.
  • doi:10.1016/j.tra.2009.12.001
  • Volkan, E.E., Arısoy, C.F., Kelami, Ş.,
  • “Otomotiv Endüstrisinde Çelikten Vazgeçilebilir
  • Mi?”, Metal Dünyası, Vol 125, 74-81, 2003.
  • Ushioda, K., “Recent Developments in Steel
  • Sheers”, Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy,
  • Vol 28, 33-39, 1999.
  • SSAB Swedish Steel, “Highter Strength-Lower
  • Weight: Educing the Body Weighty Using Extra
  • and Ultra Hight Strength Steel”, GB 2000 Lygner
  • Form& Tryck 2004.
  • “21st Century Steel”, World Steel Assosiation,
  • -2009 Update, 1-32, 2009.
  • (
  • es/21st%20century%20steel.pdf
  • Lindsay, B., Harry, E., “Automakers and
  • Suppliers Accelerate Their Efforts to Reduce
  • Vehicle Weight by Engineering Them for Greater
  • Use of Lighter, Stronger Materials”, Mass
  • Reduction Special Report, 16 March 2009.
  • Akay, D., Kurt, M., “Otomobil Emniyet Kemeri
  • Kullanılabilirlik Testi”, Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt
  • , No 1, 183-191, 2006.
  • AISI Market Development, “An Investment in
  • Steel’s Future”, American Iron and Steel
  • Institute, 2002– 2003, Progress Report 2003.
  • “Advanced High-Strength Steels–A Collision
  • Repair Perspective”, Technical Information for
  • the Collision Industry, June 12, 2006. (www.icar.
  • com)
  • “New Study Finds Increased Use of Advanced
  • High-Strength Steels Helps Decrease Overall
  • Vehicle Weight”, Automotive Applications
  • Council, 2010.
  • (
  • =Press_Releases9&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentD
  • isplay.cfm&CONTENTID=32077)
  • “Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS)
  • Application Guidelines”, World Auto Steel,
  • Version 4.1, 1-171, 08 June 2009.
  • (www.worldautosteel@org).
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Acarer, M., Aslanlar, S.,
  • “Effect of Weld Time and Weld Current on the
  • Mechanical Properties of Resistance Spot
  • Welded IF (DIN EN 10130–1999) Steel”,
  • Kovove Materials, Vol 47, No 1, 11-17, 2009.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Aslanlar, S., “IF 7315
  • Çeliklerinin Yapıştırmalı Nokta Direnç Kaynaklı
  • Birleştirmelerinin İncelenmesi”, 14. Uluslararası
  • Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi, İstanbul, 16-
  • Ekim 2008.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Aslanlar, S., “Nokta Direnç
  • Kaynak Süresinin IF 7114 Çeliği
  • Birleştirmelerinin Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi”,
  • IV. Demir Çelik Kongresi, Karabük, 243-250,
  • -3 Kasım 2007.
  • Hayat, F., Demir, B., Acarer, M., "0,067C ve
  • ,74 Mn’lı Çift Fazlı Çeliklerin Mikroyapı-
  • Dayanım İlişkisi ve Kırılma Davranışları",
  • Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 1, 111-120,
  • -
  • Speich, GR., “Dual Phase Steels”, Heat Treating,
  • ASM Handbook, fifth prinnting, 424-429, 1997.
  • Speich, GR., Miller, RL., “Mechanical Properties
  • of Ferrit-Martensite Steels” In: Kott RA, Morris
  • JW, editors, “Structure and Properties of
  • Dual-Phase Steels”, New York: AIME, 1-45,
  • -
  • Erdoğan, M., “The Effect of New Ferrit Content
  • on Tensile Fracture Behaviour of Dual Phase
  • Steels”, Journal of Materials Science, Vol 37,
  • No 17, 3623-3630, 2002.
  • Erdoğan, M., Priestner, R., “Effect of Martensite
  • Content, its Dispertion and Epitaxial Content on
  • Bauschinger Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel”,
  • Materials Science and Technology, Vol 15, No
  • , 1273-1284, 1999.
  • Kim, K.J. Chang, G.L., Sunghak L., “Effects of
  • Martensite Morphology on Dynamic Torsional
  • Behaviour in Dual Phase Steels”, Scripta
  • Materialia, Vol 38, No 1, 27-32, 1997.
  • Davies, R.G., “Influence of Martensite
  • Composition and Content on The Properties of
  • Dual-Phase Steels”, Metallurgical
  • Transactions, Vol 18A, 671-679, 1978.
  • The UltraLight Steel Auto Body Programme,
  • “UltraLight Steel Auto Closures” Final Report,
  • Porsche Engineering Services, Inc. May 2001.
  • (
  • Kayalı, E.S., Ensari, C., Silahtaroğlu, S., “Derin
  • Çekme Kalitesindeki Saclarda Özellikleri
  • Etkileyen Faktörler”, 3. Ulusal Metalürji
  • Kongresi, ODTÜ, Ankara, 581-586. Aralık 1979.
  • Öztürk, T., Bor, Ş., Atasoy, E., Alpas, T.,
  • “Erdemir 6114 Saclarının Derin Çekme
  • Özelliklerini Etkileyen Faktörler”, Doğa
  • Mühendislik ve Çevre Dergisi, Vol 1, 318-322,
  • -
  • “New Study Finds Increased Use of Advanced
  • Hıgh-Strength Steels Helps Decrease Overall
  • Vehicle Weight”, American Iron and Steel
  • Institute, 2009.
  • “Environmental Case Study Automotive: an
  • Advanced High-Strength Steel Family Car”,
  • World Steel Association, 2006.
  • (
  • Corus Research, Dev.&Technology, Corporate
  • Responsibility Report 2007/08.
  • ArcelorMittal, “How Will We Achieve: Safe
  • Sustainable Steel?”, Corporate Responsibility
  • Report, 2008.
  • Flat Carbon Europe, “Client Magazine”,
  • ArcelorMittal, September, 2007.
  • (
  • N_UpdateFCE_aug07.pdf)
  • “Arcelor Body Concept”, Arcelor Auto, Arcelor
  • Group.
  • “50 Years as Steel Supplier to Volvo”, Corus
  • Research, No. 1, February 2007.
  • (
  • pdf)
  • Basuki, A., Aernoudt, E., “Influence of Rolling
  • of TRIP Steel in the Intercritical Region on the
  • Stability of Retained Austenite”, Journal of
  • Materials Processing Technology, Vol 89, No
  • , 37-43, 1999.
  • Furne´mont, Q., Kempf, M., Jacques, P.J.,
  • Gorken, M., Delannay, F., “On the Measurement
  • of the Nanohardness of the Constitutive Phases of
  • TRIP-assisted Multiphase Steels”, Materials
  • Science and Engineering A, Vol 328, No 1, 26–
  • , 2002.
  • Berrahmoune, M.R., Berveiller, S., Inal, K.,
  • Moulin, A., Patoor, E., “Analysis of the
  • Martensitic Transformation at Various Scales in
  • TRIP Steel”, Materials Science and
  • Engineering A, Vol 378, No 1, 304–307, 2004.
  • Hutchinson, B., “Texture in Hot Rolled Austenite
  • and Resulting Transformation Products”,
  • Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol 257,
  • No 1, 9–17, 1998.
  • Zhao, L., Dijk, N.H., Brück, E., Sietsma, J.,
  • Zwaag, S., “Magnetic and X-ray Diffraction
  • Measurements for the Determination of Retained
  • Austenite in TRIP steels”, Materials Science
  • and Engineering A, Vol 313, No 1, 145–152,
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Toplam 298 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Fatih Hayat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Şubat 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Hayat, F. (2013). TRIP ÇELİKLERİNİN OTOMOTİV ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KULLANIMININ İNCELENMESİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(4).
Chicago Hayat, Fatih. “TRIP ÇELİKLERİNİN OTOMOTİV ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KULLANIMININ İNCELENMESİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 25, sy. 4 (Mart 2013).
EndNote Hayat F (01 Mart 2013) TRIP ÇELİKLERİNİN OTOMOTİV ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KULLANIMININ İNCELENMESİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 25 4
ISNAD Hayat, Fatih. “TRIP ÇELİKLERİNİN OTOMOTİV ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KULLANIMININ İNCELENMESİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 25/4 (Mart 2013).
MLA Hayat, Fatih. “TRIP ÇELİKLERİNİN OTOMOTİV ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KULLANIMININ İNCELENMESİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 4, 2013.