Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 20.02.2013
M. Erhan Balcı
M. Hakan Hocaoğlu
Bu çalışmada sinüzoidal olmayan şartlarda görünür gücün aktif olmayan parçası üç farklı güç bileşenineayrılmıştır. Bu güç bileşenlerinden biri olan reaktif gücün, en iyi kompanzasyon kondansatörünün sistemde varolan gerilim şartlarında çekeceği gücü verdiği niteliksel ve niceliksel analizlerle gösterilmiştir. Bununla beraberanaliz sonuçlarından; sinüzoidal olmayan şartlarda basit bir kondansatörle güç faktörünün tamkompanzasyonunun, yük iletkenliğinin ve süseptansının frekansa bağlı doğrusal olmayan değişimlerindenkaynaklanan güçler sebebiyle mümkün olmadığı görülmüştür.
- Budeanu, C.I., Reactive and Fictitious Powers,
- Publication No.2 of the Rumanian National Inst.,
- Romanya, 1927.
- Fryze, S.,‘‘Wirk-, Blind-, und Scheinleistung in
- Elektrischen Stromkreisen Mit
- Nichtsinusoidalformingem Verfauf Von Strom
- und Strom und Spannung,’’ Elektrotechnische
- Zeitschriji, Cilt 53, No 25, 596-599, 1932.
- Kimbark, E.W., Direct Current Transmission, J.
- Wiley and Sons, New York, A.B.D., 1971.
- Shepherd, W. ve Zakikhani, P., ‘‘Power Factor
- Correction in Nonsinusoidal Systems by the Use of Capacitance’’, J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Cilt
- , 1850-1861, 1973.
- Shepherd, W. ve Zand, P., Energy Flow and
- Power Factor in Nonsinusoidal Circuits,
- Cambridge University Press, New York, A.B.D.,
- -
- Sharon, D., ‘‘Reactive Power Definition and
- Power-Factor Improvement in Nonlinear
- Systems’’, Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., Cilt 120, 704-
- , 1973.
- Depenbrock, M., Wirk- und Blindleistung,
- ETG-Fachtagung Blindleistung, Almanya, 1979.
- Kusters, N. L. ve Moore, W. J. M., ‘‘On the
- Definition of Reactive Power under
- Nonsinusoidal Conditions’’, IEEE Trans. Power
- App. and Syst., Cilt 99, No 5, 1845-1854, 1980.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Physical Reasons of Currents
- RMS Value Increase in Power Systems with
- Nonsinusoidal Voltage’’, IEEE Trans. on Power
- Del., Cilt 8, No 1, 437-447, 1993.
- IEEE Std. 1459-2010, IEEE Standard
- Definitions for the Measurement of Electric
- Power Quantities under Nonsinusoidal,
- Balanced, or Unbalanced Conditions, 2010.
- Balcı, M. E. ve Hocaoğlu, M. H., ‘‘Quantitative
- Comparison of Power Decompositions’’, Electric
- Power Systems Research, Cilt 78, No 3, 318-
- , 2008.
- Emanuel, A. E., ‘‘Powers in Nonsinusoidal
- Situations a Review of Definitions and Physical
- Meaning’’, IEEE Trans. on Power Del., Cilt 5,
- No 3, 1377-1389, 1990.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Comparison of Power
- Definitions for Circuits with Nonsinusoidal
- Waveforms’’, IEEE Tutorial Course
- EH0327-7-PWR, 43-50, 1990.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Budeanu and Fryze: Two
- Frameworks for Interpreting Power Properties of
- Circuits with Nonsinusoidal Voltages and
- Currents’’, Electrical Engineering, Cilt 80, No 6,
- -367, 1997.
- Balcı, M. E. ve Hocaoğlu, M. H., ‘‘New Power
- Decomposition for Sinusoidal and Nonsinusoidal
- Conditions’’, ICHQP 2006, Cascais, Portekiz,
- Eylül 2006.
- Morsi, W. G. ve El-Hawary, M. E., ‘‘Defining
- Power Components in Nonsinusoidal Unbalanced
- Polyphase Systems: The Issues’’, IEEE Trans.
- on Power Del., Cilt 22, No 4, 2428-2438, 2007.
- Proakis, J. G., Digital Communications, Mc
- Graw Hill Higher Education, New York, A.B.D.,
- -
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 20.02.2013
M. Erhan Balcı
M. Hakan Hocaoğlu
- Budeanu, C.I., Reactive and Fictitious Powers,
- Publication No.2 of the Rumanian National Inst.,
- Romanya, 1927.
- Fryze, S.,‘‘Wirk-, Blind-, und Scheinleistung in
- Elektrischen Stromkreisen Mit
- Nichtsinusoidalformingem Verfauf Von Strom
- und Strom und Spannung,’’ Elektrotechnische
- Zeitschriji, Cilt 53, No 25, 596-599, 1932.
- Kimbark, E.W., Direct Current Transmission, J.
- Wiley and Sons, New York, A.B.D., 1971.
- Shepherd, W. ve Zakikhani, P., ‘‘Power Factor
- Correction in Nonsinusoidal Systems by the Use of Capacitance’’, J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Cilt
- , 1850-1861, 1973.
- Shepherd, W. ve Zand, P., Energy Flow and
- Power Factor in Nonsinusoidal Circuits,
- Cambridge University Press, New York, A.B.D.,
- -
- Sharon, D., ‘‘Reactive Power Definition and
- Power-Factor Improvement in Nonlinear
- Systems’’, Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., Cilt 120, 704-
- , 1973.
- Depenbrock, M., Wirk- und Blindleistung,
- ETG-Fachtagung Blindleistung, Almanya, 1979.
- Kusters, N. L. ve Moore, W. J. M., ‘‘On the
- Definition of Reactive Power under
- Nonsinusoidal Conditions’’, IEEE Trans. Power
- App. and Syst., Cilt 99, No 5, 1845-1854, 1980.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Physical Reasons of Currents
- RMS Value Increase in Power Systems with
- Nonsinusoidal Voltage’’, IEEE Trans. on Power
- Del., Cilt 8, No 1, 437-447, 1993.
- IEEE Std. 1459-2010, IEEE Standard
- Definitions for the Measurement of Electric
- Power Quantities under Nonsinusoidal,
- Balanced, or Unbalanced Conditions, 2010.
- Balcı, M. E. ve Hocaoğlu, M. H., ‘‘Quantitative
- Comparison of Power Decompositions’’, Electric
- Power Systems Research, Cilt 78, No 3, 318-
- , 2008.
- Emanuel, A. E., ‘‘Powers in Nonsinusoidal
- Situations a Review of Definitions and Physical
- Meaning’’, IEEE Trans. on Power Del., Cilt 5,
- No 3, 1377-1389, 1990.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Comparison of Power
- Definitions for Circuits with Nonsinusoidal
- Waveforms’’, IEEE Tutorial Course
- EH0327-7-PWR, 43-50, 1990.
- Czarnecki, L. S., ‘‘Budeanu and Fryze: Two
- Frameworks for Interpreting Power Properties of
- Circuits with Nonsinusoidal Voltages and
- Currents’’, Electrical Engineering, Cilt 80, No 6,
- -367, 1997.
- Balcı, M. E. ve Hocaoğlu, M. H., ‘‘New Power
- Decomposition for Sinusoidal and Nonsinusoidal
- Conditions’’, ICHQP 2006, Cascais, Portekiz,
- Eylül 2006.
- Morsi, W. G. ve El-Hawary, M. E., ‘‘Defining
- Power Components in Nonsinusoidal Unbalanced
- Polyphase Systems: The Issues’’, IEEE Trans.
- on Power Del., Cilt 22, No 4, 2428-2438, 2007.
- Proakis, J. G., Digital Communications, Mc
- Graw Hill Higher Education, New York, A.B.D.,
- -