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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 19.02.2013


Bu çalışmada, elektrokoagülasyon (EC) ve kimyasal koagülasyon (CC) prosesi ile içme suyundan bulanıklıkgiderimi araştırılmıştır. Arıtma verimliliğinin ölçülmesinde bulanıklık giderme verimleri dikkate alınmıştır.Demir ve alüminyum elektrotların kullanıldığı EC prosesinde elektrotlar monopolar paralel bağlanarak,bulanıklık giderimi üzerine; elektrot türü, başlangıç pH’ı, akım yoğunluğu ve elektroliz süresinin etkisiaraştırılmıştır. Her iki elektrot materyali için optimum işletme koşulları başlangıç pH 7,9, akım yoğunluğu 10A/m2 ve elektroliz süresi 3 dakika olarak bulunmuştur. Bu koşullarda, bulanıklık giderme verimleri ve işletmemaliyetleri alüminyum ve demir elektrotları için sırasıyla % 99, % 96, 0,0234 $/m3 ve 0,0247 $/m3’tür. CCprosesinde ise koagülan madde türü, başlangıç pH ve koagülan dozajı incelenmiştir. Ayrıca proseslerin doğrudanmaliyetleri hesaplanarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Üç farklı türde koagülan maddenin (Al2(SO4)3.18H2O, FeSO4.7H2O,FeCl3.6H2O) kullanıldığı koagülasyon prosesinde optimum koşullar tüm koagülan maddeler için başlangıç pH7,9 ve koagülan dozu 20 mgMe+/L olarak bulunmuştur. Bu koşullardaki bulanıklık giderme verimleri ve işletmemaliyetleri sırasıyla; %94,5, %93,9, %95,3 ve 0,0987 $/m3, 0,0397 $/m3, 0,0328 $/m3 olarak hesaplanmıştır.Ayrıca EC ve CC prosessinden sonra içme suyu örneklerine filtrasyon işlemi uygulanarak proseslerin optimumkoşullardaki Filtrelenmeleri (F) incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, EC prosesinin, CC prosesine göre daha yüksekbulanıklık giderme verimine sahip olduğu ve daha ekonomik bir proses olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Bache, D. and Gregory, R., Flocs in Water
  • Treatment. IWA Publishing, London, 2007.
  • Samsunlu, A., Çevre Mühendisliği Kimyası,
  • SAM-ÇEVRE Teknolojileri Merkezi Yayınları,
  • Baskı, İstanbul, 1999.
  • Şengül, F. ve Müezzinoğlu, A., Çevre Kimyası,
  • D.E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Basım Ünitesi, 4. Baskı, İzmir,
  • -
  • Zhao, H., Hu, C., Liu, H. and Qu, J., “Role of
  • aluminum speciation in the removal of
  • disinfection by production precursors by a
  • coagulation process”, Environmental Science
  • Technolgy, Vol 42, 5752-5758, 2008.
  • Sharp, E.L., Parsons, S.A. and Jerferson, B.,
  • “Seasonal variations in natural organic matter and
  • its impact on coagulation in water treatment”,
  • Science of the Total Environmen, Vol 363, No
  • , 183-194, 2006.
  • Bukhari, A.A., “Investigation of the
  • electrocoagulation treatment process for the
  • removal of total suspended solids and turbidity
  • from municipal wastewater”, Bioresource
  • Technology, Vol 99, 914-921, 2008.
  • Chen, X., Chen, G. and Yue P.L., “Separation of
  • pollutans from restaurant wastewater by
  • electrocoagulation”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 19, 65-76, 2000.
  • Solak, M., Kılıç, M. and Yazıcı, H., “Removal of
  • suspended solids and turbidity from marble
  • processing wastewaters by electrocoagulation:
  • comparison of electrode materials and electrode
  • connection systems”, Journal of Hazardous
  • Materials, Vol 172, 345-352, 2009.
  • Shafari, A., Rezayee, M., Arami, M., and
  • Nikazar, M., “Removal of Mn+2 ions from
  • synthetic wastewater by electrocoagulation
  • process”, Desalination, Vol 260, 23-28. 2010.
  • Makalootian, M., Mansoorian, H.J., and
  • Moosazadeh, M., “Performance evaluation of
  • electrocoagulation process using iron-for
  • electrodes for removing hardess from drinking
  • water”, Desalination, Vol 255, 67-71, 2010.
  • Ghosh, D., Medhi., C.R., and Purkait, M.K.,
  • “Treatment of fluoride containing drinking water
  • by electrocoagulation using monopolar and
  • bipolar electrode connections”, Chemosphere,
  • Vol 73, 1393-1400, 2008.
  • Zhao, H-Z., Yang, W., Zhu, J., and Ni, J-R.,
  • “Defluoridation of drinking water by combined
  • electrocoagulation: Effects of the molar ration of
  • alkalinity and fluoride to Al(III)”, Chemosphere,
  • Vol 74, 1391-1395, 2009.
  • Lakshmanan, D., Clifford, D.A., and Samanta,
  • G., “Comparative study of arsenic removal by
  • iron using electrocoagulation and chemical
  • coagulation”, Water Research. 1-12, 2010.
  • Kumar, N.S. and Goel, S., “Factors influencing
  • arsenic and nitrate removal from drinking water
  • in a continuous flow electrocoagulation (EC)
  • process”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol
  • , 528-533, 2010.
  • Holt, P.K., Barton, G.W., Wark, M. and Mitchell,
  • C.A., “A quantitative comparison between
  • chemical dosing and electrocoagulation”, Colloid
  • Surface A, Vol 211, 233-248, 2002.
  • Canizares, P., Carmona, M., Lobato, J., Martinez,
  • F. and Rodrigo, M.A., “Electrodissolution of
  • aluminum electrodes in electrocoagulation
  • processes”, Indian journal of Engineering
  • Chemical Research, Vol 44, 4178-4185, 2005.
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Schennach, R., Parga, J.R. and
  • Cocke, D.L., “Electrocoagulation (EC)-science
  • and applications”, Journal of Hazardous
  • Materials, Vol 84, 29-41, 2001.
  • Pouet, M.F. and Grasmick, A., “Urban
  • wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation and
  • flotation”, Water Science Technolgy, Vol 31,
  • -283, 1995.
  • Arslan, T., Kabdaşlı, I., Arslan-Alaton, İ., Ölmez,
  • T., ve Tünay, O., “Kompleks olarak bağlı metal
  • içeren atıksuların elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile
  • arıtımı”, İ.T.Ü. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi.
  • Cilt 18, Sayı 11, 42-52, 2008.
  • Do, J.S. and Chen, M.L., “Decolourization of
  • dye-containing solutions by electrocoagulation”,
  • Journal of Applied Electrochemical, Vol 24,
  • -790, 1994.
  • Reynolds, T.D., Unit operations and processes
  • in environmental engineering, PWS-KENT,
  • California, A.B.D., 1982.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., and Akyol, A.,
  • “Electrochemical treatment and operating cost
  • analysis of textile wastewater using sacrificial
  • iron electrodes”, Water Science Technolgy, Vol
  • , 2261-2270, 2009.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Dedeli, A. and Sensoy,
  • M.T., “Treatment of rinse water from
  • zincphosphate coating by batch and continuous
  • electrocoagulation processes”, Journal of
  • Hazardous Materials, Vol 17, 3326-334, 2010.
  • APHA, Standart Methods for examination of
  • water and wastewater. 17th Ed.; American
  • Public Health Association, American Water
  • Works Associations, Water Environment
  • Fedaration, Washington DC, U.S.A., 1992.
  • Gurses, A., Yalcin, M. and Dogar, C.,
  • “Electrocoagulation of some reactive dyes: a
  • statistical investigation of some electrochemical
  • variables”, Waste Management, Vol 22, 491–
  • , 2002.
  • Bayramoglu, M., Can, O.T., Kobya, M., and
  • Sozbir, M., “Operating cost analysis of
  • electrocoagulation of textile dye wastewater”,
  • Separation and Purification Technology, Vol
  • , 117-125, 2004.
  • Daneshvar, N., Oladegaragoze, A., and
  • Djafarzadeh, N., “Decolorization of basic dye
  • solutions by electrocoagulation: an investigation
  • of the effect of operational parameters”, Journal
  • of Hazardous Materials, Vol 129, 116-122,
  • -
  • Chen, G., “Electrochemical technologies in
  • wastewater treatment”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 38, 11-41, 2004.
  • Murugananthan, M., Raju, G.B. and Prabhakar,
  • S., “Separation of pollutants from tannery
  • effluents by electro flotation”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 40, 69-75, 2004.
  • Kobya, M., Hiz, H., Senturk, E., Aydiner, C. And
  • Demirbas, E., “Treatment of Potato Chips
  • Manufacturing Wastewater By
  • Electrocoagulation”, Desalination, Vol 190, 201-
  • , 2006.
  • Daneshvar, N., Khatae, A.R., Amani-Ghadim,
  • A.R. and Rasoulifard, M.H., “Decolorization of
  • C.I. Acid Yellow 23 Solution by
  • Electrocoagulation Process; Investigation of
  • Operational Parameters and Evaluation of
  • Specific Electrical Energy Consumption
  • (SEEC)”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol
  • , 566-572, 2007.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 0 - , 19.02.2013



  • Bache, D. and Gregory, R., Flocs in Water
  • Treatment. IWA Publishing, London, 2007.
  • Samsunlu, A., Çevre Mühendisliği Kimyası,
  • SAM-ÇEVRE Teknolojileri Merkezi Yayınları,
  • Baskı, İstanbul, 1999.
  • Şengül, F. ve Müezzinoğlu, A., Çevre Kimyası,
  • D.E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Basım Ünitesi, 4. Baskı, İzmir,
  • -
  • Zhao, H., Hu, C., Liu, H. and Qu, J., “Role of
  • aluminum speciation in the removal of
  • disinfection by production precursors by a
  • coagulation process”, Environmental Science
  • Technolgy, Vol 42, 5752-5758, 2008.
  • Sharp, E.L., Parsons, S.A. and Jerferson, B.,
  • “Seasonal variations in natural organic matter and
  • its impact on coagulation in water treatment”,
  • Science of the Total Environmen, Vol 363, No
  • , 183-194, 2006.
  • Bukhari, A.A., “Investigation of the
  • electrocoagulation treatment process for the
  • removal of total suspended solids and turbidity
  • from municipal wastewater”, Bioresource
  • Technology, Vol 99, 914-921, 2008.
  • Chen, X., Chen, G. and Yue P.L., “Separation of
  • pollutans from restaurant wastewater by
  • electrocoagulation”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 19, 65-76, 2000.
  • Solak, M., Kılıç, M. and Yazıcı, H., “Removal of
  • suspended solids and turbidity from marble
  • processing wastewaters by electrocoagulation:
  • comparison of electrode materials and electrode
  • connection systems”, Journal of Hazardous
  • Materials, Vol 172, 345-352, 2009.
  • Shafari, A., Rezayee, M., Arami, M., and
  • Nikazar, M., “Removal of Mn+2 ions from
  • synthetic wastewater by electrocoagulation
  • process”, Desalination, Vol 260, 23-28. 2010.
  • Makalootian, M., Mansoorian, H.J., and
  • Moosazadeh, M., “Performance evaluation of
  • electrocoagulation process using iron-for
  • electrodes for removing hardess from drinking
  • water”, Desalination, Vol 255, 67-71, 2010.
  • Ghosh, D., Medhi., C.R., and Purkait, M.K.,
  • “Treatment of fluoride containing drinking water
  • by electrocoagulation using monopolar and
  • bipolar electrode connections”, Chemosphere,
  • Vol 73, 1393-1400, 2008.
  • Zhao, H-Z., Yang, W., Zhu, J., and Ni, J-R.,
  • “Defluoridation of drinking water by combined
  • electrocoagulation: Effects of the molar ration of
  • alkalinity and fluoride to Al(III)”, Chemosphere,
  • Vol 74, 1391-1395, 2009.
  • Lakshmanan, D., Clifford, D.A., and Samanta,
  • G., “Comparative study of arsenic removal by
  • iron using electrocoagulation and chemical
  • coagulation”, Water Research. 1-12, 2010.
  • Kumar, N.S. and Goel, S., “Factors influencing
  • arsenic and nitrate removal from drinking water
  • in a continuous flow electrocoagulation (EC)
  • process”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol
  • , 528-533, 2010.
  • Holt, P.K., Barton, G.W., Wark, M. and Mitchell,
  • C.A., “A quantitative comparison between
  • chemical dosing and electrocoagulation”, Colloid
  • Surface A, Vol 211, 233-248, 2002.
  • Canizares, P., Carmona, M., Lobato, J., Martinez,
  • F. and Rodrigo, M.A., “Electrodissolution of
  • aluminum electrodes in electrocoagulation
  • processes”, Indian journal of Engineering
  • Chemical Research, Vol 44, 4178-4185, 2005.
  • Mollah, M.Y.A., Schennach, R., Parga, J.R. and
  • Cocke, D.L., “Electrocoagulation (EC)-science
  • and applications”, Journal of Hazardous
  • Materials, Vol 84, 29-41, 2001.
  • Pouet, M.F. and Grasmick, A., “Urban
  • wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation and
  • flotation”, Water Science Technolgy, Vol 31,
  • -283, 1995.
  • Arslan, T., Kabdaşlı, I., Arslan-Alaton, İ., Ölmez,
  • T., ve Tünay, O., “Kompleks olarak bağlı metal
  • içeren atıksuların elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile
  • arıtımı”, İ.T.Ü. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi.
  • Cilt 18, Sayı 11, 42-52, 2008.
  • Do, J.S. and Chen, M.L., “Decolourization of
  • dye-containing solutions by electrocoagulation”,
  • Journal of Applied Electrochemical, Vol 24,
  • -790, 1994.
  • Reynolds, T.D., Unit operations and processes
  • in environmental engineering, PWS-KENT,
  • California, A.B.D., 1982.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., and Akyol, A.,
  • “Electrochemical treatment and operating cost
  • analysis of textile wastewater using sacrificial
  • iron electrodes”, Water Science Technolgy, Vol
  • , 2261-2270, 2009.
  • Kobya, M., Demirbas, E., Dedeli, A. and Sensoy,
  • M.T., “Treatment of rinse water from
  • zincphosphate coating by batch and continuous
  • electrocoagulation processes”, Journal of
  • Hazardous Materials, Vol 17, 3326-334, 2010.
  • APHA, Standart Methods for examination of
  • water and wastewater. 17th Ed.; American
  • Public Health Association, American Water
  • Works Associations, Water Environment
  • Fedaration, Washington DC, U.S.A., 1992.
  • Gurses, A., Yalcin, M. and Dogar, C.,
  • “Electrocoagulation of some reactive dyes: a
  • statistical investigation of some electrochemical
  • variables”, Waste Management, Vol 22, 491–
  • , 2002.
  • Bayramoglu, M., Can, O.T., Kobya, M., and
  • Sozbir, M., “Operating cost analysis of
  • electrocoagulation of textile dye wastewater”,
  • Separation and Purification Technology, Vol
  • , 117-125, 2004.
  • Daneshvar, N., Oladegaragoze, A., and
  • Djafarzadeh, N., “Decolorization of basic dye
  • solutions by electrocoagulation: an investigation
  • of the effect of operational parameters”, Journal
  • of Hazardous Materials, Vol 129, 116-122,
  • -
  • Chen, G., “Electrochemical technologies in
  • wastewater treatment”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 38, 11-41, 2004.
  • Murugananthan, M., Raju, G.B. and Prabhakar,
  • S., “Separation of pollutants from tannery
  • effluents by electro flotation”, Separation and
  • Purification Technology, Vol 40, 69-75, 2004.
  • Kobya, M., Hiz, H., Senturk, E., Aydiner, C. And
  • Demirbas, E., “Treatment of Potato Chips
  • Manufacturing Wastewater By
  • Electrocoagulation”, Desalination, Vol 190, 201-
  • , 2006.
  • Daneshvar, N., Khatae, A.R., Amani-Ghadim,
  • A.R. and Rasoulifard, M.H., “Decolorization of
  • C.I. Acid Yellow 23 Solution by
  • Electrocoagulation Process; Investigation of
  • Operational Parameters and Evaluation of
  • Specific Electrical Energy Consumption
  • (SEEC)”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol
  • , 566-572, 2007.
Toplam 141 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fuat Özyonar Bu kişi benim

Bünyamin Karagözoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Şubat 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Özyonar, F., & Karagözoğlu, B. (2013). İÇME SULARINDAN ELEKTROKOAGÜLASYON VE KİMYASAL KOAGÜLASYON İLE BULANIKLIĞIN GİDERİMİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(1).
Chicago Özyonar, Fuat, ve Bünyamin Karagözoğlu. “İÇME SULARINDAN ELEKTROKOAGÜLASYON VE KİMYASAL KOAGÜLASYON İLE BULANIKLIĞIN GİDERİMİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 27, sy. 1 (Şubat 2013).
EndNote Özyonar F, Karagözoğlu B (01 Şubat 2013) İÇME SULARINDAN ELEKTROKOAGÜLASYON VE KİMYASAL KOAGÜLASYON İLE BULANIKLIĞIN GİDERİMİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 27 1
ISNAD Özyonar, Fuat - Karagözoğlu, Bünyamin. “İÇME SULARINDAN ELEKTROKOAGÜLASYON VE KİMYASAL KOAGÜLASYON İLE BULANIKLIĞIN GİDERİMİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 27/1 (Şubat 2013).
MLA Özyonar, Fuat ve Bünyamin Karagözoğlu. “İÇME SULARINDAN ELEKTROKOAGÜLASYON VE KİMYASAL KOAGÜLASYON İLE BULANIKLIĞIN GİDERİMİ”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 27, sy. 1, 2013.