Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 01.03.2013
Birol Kaya
Amin Gharehbaghı
Katı madde taşınımının önceden hesaplanabilmesi, taşkın kontrolünde, barajlarda, sulama şebekelerinde vs. bu yapıların en iyi şekilde tasarlanmasında ve kullanımında etkili parametrelerden biridir. Bu çalışma kapsamında katı madde taşınımı problemi bir boyutlu olarak sonlu hacimler yöntemi kinematik dalga yaklaşımı ile çözülmüştür. Ayrıca katı madde taşınımının modellenmesi için açık ve kapalı çözüm şemaları, dengede ve dengesiz taşınım durumları için incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar deneysel sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmış ve dengesiz taşınım durumunda kapalı çözüm şeması kullanılarak elde edilen sonuçların deneysel sonuçlarla daha uyumlu olduğu gözlenmiştir.
- Guy, H.P., Simons, D.B. ve Richardson, E.V., “Summary of alluvial channel data from flume experiments:1956–1961”, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 462–I, 96, 1966.
- Langbein, W.B., ve Leopold, L.B., “River channel bars and dunes: Theory of kinematic waves”, U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 422-L, 20, 1968.
- Soni, J.P., “Laboratory study of aggradation in alluvial channels”, J. Hydrol., Cilt 49, 87– 106, 1981(a).
- Wathen, S.J., ve Hoey T.B., “Morphological controls on the downstream passage of a sediment wave in a gravel-bed stream”, Earth Surf. Processes Landforms, Cilt 23, 715– 730, 1998.
- Lisle, T.E., Cui, Y.T. Parker, G. Pizzuto, J.E. ve Dodd A.M., “The dominance of dispersion in the evolution of bed material waves in gravelbed rivers”, Earth Surf. Processes Landforms, Cilt 26, 1409– 1420, 2001.
- Öner, A.A., “Numerical investigation of flow around a surface mounted and semi-buried elliptical cylinder in steady current”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 24, No 4, 575-582, 2009.
- De Vries, M., “Consideration About Non – Steady Bed Load Transport in Open Channels. ” XI Congress, Int Assoc. of Hydraul. Eng. and Res. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1965.
- Paquier, A. “1-D and 2-D models for simulating dam-break waves and natural floods”, Union Europeenne CADAM meeting, Wallingford, GBR, Mars 1998.
- Tayfur, G. ve Singh, P., “Kinematic wave model of bed profiles in alluvial channels.” Water Resources Research, Cilt 42,No W06414,1-13, 2006.
- Tayfur, G. ve Singh, P. “Kinematic wave model for transient bed profiles in alluvial channels under non equilibrium conditions” Water Resources Research, Cilt 43, No W12412, 1-11, 2007.
- Fuladipanah, M., Musavi-Jahromi, S.H., Shafai-Bajestan, M., ve Khosrojerdi, A., “One dimensional flow and sediment transport fully coupled model applicable to sandy river streams” World Applied Science Journal,Cilt 9, No 4, 427-433, 2010.
- Fang, H., Chen, M., ve Chen, Q., “One-dimensional numerical simulation of non-uniform sediment transport under unsteady flows”, International Journal of Sediment Research , Cilt 23, No 4, 316-328, 2008.
- Seo, I.W., Jun, I., ve Choi, H.S., “1-D Finite element model for suspended sediment transport analysis”, World City Water Forum, 3107-3112, 2009.
- Wu, W., ve Wang, S.Y., “One-dimensional explicit finite-volume model for sediment transport with transient flows over movable beds” Journal of Hydraulic Research, Cilt 46 ,No 1,87- 98, 2008.
- Kaya, B. ve Tayfur, G., “Differential Quadrature Method for Solving Bed Load Sediment Transport”, International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering BCCE, 19-21 May 2011, EPOKA University, Tirana, Albanian, 2011.
- Gharehbaghi, A. ve Kaya, B. “Simulation of bed changes in rivers with finite volume method by kinematic wave model”, International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS), Cilt 3,No 3, 33-46, 2011
- Singh, V.P., “Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources’’ Surface Water Hydrology, John Wiley, Hoboken, N. J, 1996.
- Ching, H.H., ve Cheng, C.P., “Study of river bed degradation and aggradation by the method of characteristics ” J. Hydraul. Eng., Cilt 5, 1 –54, 1964.
- Lai, C., “Modeling alluvial-channel flow by multimode characteristic method’’, J. Eng. Mech., Cilt 117, 32– 53, 1991.
- Pianese, D., “Comparison of different mathematical models for river dynamics analysis”, paper presented at International Workshop on Floods and Inundations related to Large Earth Movements, Trent Univ., Trent, Italy, 4 – 7 Oct, 1994.
- Velikanov, M.A., “Gravitational theory of sediment transport (in Russian) ”, J. Sci. Soviet Union, 4, 1954.
- Engelund, F. ve Fredsoe, J., “A sediment transport model for straight alluvial channels”, Nordic Hydrology, Cilt 7, 293-306, 1976.
- Yang, C.T., “Sediment Transport Theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1996.
- Versteeg, H.K., ve Malalasekera, W. An introduction to computational fluid dynamics the finite volume method (1th ed.), New york: Longman scientific & technical., 257 ,1995.
- Bombar, G. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Sediment Transport in Unsteady Flows. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 01.03.2013
Birol Kaya
Amin Gharehbaghı
- Guy, H.P., Simons, D.B. ve Richardson, E.V., “Summary of alluvial channel data from flume experiments:1956–1961”, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 462–I, 96, 1966.
- Langbein, W.B., ve Leopold, L.B., “River channel bars and dunes: Theory of kinematic waves”, U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 422-L, 20, 1968.
- Soni, J.P., “Laboratory study of aggradation in alluvial channels”, J. Hydrol., Cilt 49, 87– 106, 1981(a).
- Wathen, S.J., ve Hoey T.B., “Morphological controls on the downstream passage of a sediment wave in a gravel-bed stream”, Earth Surf. Processes Landforms, Cilt 23, 715– 730, 1998.
- Lisle, T.E., Cui, Y.T. Parker, G. Pizzuto, J.E. ve Dodd A.M., “The dominance of dispersion in the evolution of bed material waves in gravelbed rivers”, Earth Surf. Processes Landforms, Cilt 26, 1409– 1420, 2001.
- Öner, A.A., “Numerical investigation of flow around a surface mounted and semi-buried elliptical cylinder in steady current”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 24, No 4, 575-582, 2009.
- De Vries, M., “Consideration About Non – Steady Bed Load Transport in Open Channels. ” XI Congress, Int Assoc. of Hydraul. Eng. and Res. St. Petersburg, Russia, 1965.
- Paquier, A. “1-D and 2-D models for simulating dam-break waves and natural floods”, Union Europeenne CADAM meeting, Wallingford, GBR, Mars 1998.
- Tayfur, G. ve Singh, P., “Kinematic wave model of bed profiles in alluvial channels.” Water Resources Research, Cilt 42,No W06414,1-13, 2006.
- Tayfur, G. ve Singh, P. “Kinematic wave model for transient bed profiles in alluvial channels under non equilibrium conditions” Water Resources Research, Cilt 43, No W12412, 1-11, 2007.
- Fuladipanah, M., Musavi-Jahromi, S.H., Shafai-Bajestan, M., ve Khosrojerdi, A., “One dimensional flow and sediment transport fully coupled model applicable to sandy river streams” World Applied Science Journal,Cilt 9, No 4, 427-433, 2010.
- Fang, H., Chen, M., ve Chen, Q., “One-dimensional numerical simulation of non-uniform sediment transport under unsteady flows”, International Journal of Sediment Research , Cilt 23, No 4, 316-328, 2008.
- Seo, I.W., Jun, I., ve Choi, H.S., “1-D Finite element model for suspended sediment transport analysis”, World City Water Forum, 3107-3112, 2009.
- Wu, W., ve Wang, S.Y., “One-dimensional explicit finite-volume model for sediment transport with transient flows over movable beds” Journal of Hydraulic Research, Cilt 46 ,No 1,87- 98, 2008.
- Kaya, B. ve Tayfur, G., “Differential Quadrature Method for Solving Bed Load Sediment Transport”, International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering BCCE, 19-21 May 2011, EPOKA University, Tirana, Albanian, 2011.
- Gharehbaghi, A. ve Kaya, B. “Simulation of bed changes in rivers with finite volume method by kinematic wave model”, International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS), Cilt 3,No 3, 33-46, 2011
- Singh, V.P., “Kinematic Wave Modeling in Water Resources’’ Surface Water Hydrology, John Wiley, Hoboken, N. J, 1996.
- Ching, H.H., ve Cheng, C.P., “Study of river bed degradation and aggradation by the method of characteristics ” J. Hydraul. Eng., Cilt 5, 1 –54, 1964.
- Lai, C., “Modeling alluvial-channel flow by multimode characteristic method’’, J. Eng. Mech., Cilt 117, 32– 53, 1991.
- Pianese, D., “Comparison of different mathematical models for river dynamics analysis”, paper presented at International Workshop on Floods and Inundations related to Large Earth Movements, Trent Univ., Trent, Italy, 4 – 7 Oct, 1994.
- Velikanov, M.A., “Gravitational theory of sediment transport (in Russian) ”, J. Sci. Soviet Union, 4, 1954.
- Engelund, F. ve Fredsoe, J., “A sediment transport model for straight alluvial channels”, Nordic Hydrology, Cilt 7, 293-306, 1976.
- Yang, C.T., “Sediment Transport Theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1996.
- Versteeg, H.K., ve Malalasekera, W. An introduction to computational fluid dynamics the finite volume method (1th ed.), New york: Longman scientific & technical., 257 ,1995.
- Bombar, G. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Sediment Transport in Unsteady Flows. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009