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Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 06.03.2014


Bu çalışmada, gaz atomizasyon yöntemi ile üretilen AA2014 alaşım tozlarına, basınçlı infiltrasyon yöntemiyle, %10 ve %20 B4C takviye edilerek kompozit yapı elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Üretilen AA2014-B4C kompozit yapısına uygulanan; sıvı faz sinterleme, yaşlandırma ve kriyojenik soğutma işlemlerinin sertliğe ve mikro yapıya etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Mikro yapıların incelemelerinde SEM ve MAP analizlerinden yararlanılarak, ısıl işlemlerin mikro yapı etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Kriyojenik soğutma işlemi sonrasında elde edilen sertlik değerleri, sinterleme ve yaşlandırma sonrasında elde edilen sertlik değerlerinden yüksek çıkması, kriyojenik işlemin bilhassa yaşlandırılabilir alaşımlar üzerinde etkin rol oynayabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., Bostan B., “Alloyed AA2014 Alüminium Powders Synthesized with carbon and determined properties”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 27 (1):109-115, 2012.
  • Bostan B., “Examination of Al4C3 Formation After Mechanically Alloying and Extrusion” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 23(2):343-348, 2008.
  • Li Y., Zhao Y.H., Ortalan V., Liu W., Zhang Z.H., Vogt R.G., Browning N.D., Lavernia E.J., Schoenung J.M., “Investigation of aluminum-based nanocomposites with ultra-high strength”, Materials Science and Engineering A 527: 305–316, 2009.
  • Contreras A., Angeles-Chávez C., Flores O., Perez R, “Structural, morphological and interfacial characterization of Al–Mg/TiC composites”, Materials Characterization 58: 685–693, 2007.
  • Contreras A., Angeles-Chávez C., Flores O., Perez R., “Structural, morphological and interfacial characterization of Al–Mg/TiC composites”, Materials Characterization 58, 685–693, 2007.
  • Wannasin J., Flemings M.C., “Threshold pressure for infiltration of ceramic compacts containing fine powders”, Scripta Materialia 53: 657–661, 2005.
  • Molina J.M., Piñero E., Narciso J., García-Cordovilla C., Louis E., “Liquid metal infiltration into ceramic particle preforms with bimodal size distributions”, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 9: 202–210, 2005.
  • Leon C.A., Drew R.A.L., “Preparation of nickel-coated powders as precursors to reinforce MMCs”, J. Mater Sci 35: 4763-8, 2000.
  • Acilar M., Gül F., “Effect of applied load, sliding distance and oxidation on the dry sliding wear behaviour of Al-Si/SiCp composites produced by vacuum infiltration technique”, Materials and Design, 25: 209-217, 2004.
  • Tian J., Piñero E., Narciso J., Louis E., “ Effects of temperature on pressure nfiltration of liquid Al and Al-12wt.%Si alloy into packed SiC particles”, Scripta Materialia 53: 1483-1488, 2005.
  • Garcia-Cordovilla C., Louis E., and NarcisoJ., “Pressure Infiltration Of Packed Ceramic Particulates By Liquid Metals”, Acta Mater. Vol. 47, No:18, pp.4461-4479, 1999.
  • Candan E., Atkinson H.V., Jones H., “Role of Surface Tension in Relation to Contact Angle in Determining Threshold Pressure for Melt Infiltration of Ceramic Powder Compacts”, Scripta Materialia, Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 999-1002, 1998.
  • Acılar M. And Gül F., “Effect of the reinforcement particle size on the abrasive wear behaviour of the Al-SiCp composites produced by pressure infiltration technique”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol:22, No 2, 323-327, 2007.
  • Ambriz R.R., Chicot D., Benseddiq N., Mesmacque G., de la Torre S.D., “Local mechanical properties of the 6061-T6 aluminium weld using micro-traction and instrumented indentation”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, V. 30, 3:307-315, 2011.
  • Odabaş D.¸ Su Ş., “A comparison of the reciprocating and continuous two-body abrasive wear behavior of solution-treated and age-hardened 2014 Al alloy”, Wear 208:25–35, 1997.
  • Kaçar Durmuş H., Okur A., Meriç C., “Investigation of effect of cooling conditions on hardness of the AA2014 and AA2014 wrought aluminium alloys”, Journal of Engineering Sciences 9 (1) 9-13, 2003.
  • Reed R.P., Golda M. , “Cryogenic composite supports: a review of strap and strut properties”, Cryogenics, Volume 37, 5, p. 233–250, 1997.
  • Darwin J.D., Mohan Lal D., Nagarajan G., “Optimization of cryogenic treatment to maximize the wear resistance of 18% Cr martensitic stainless steel by Taguchi method”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 195, Issues 1–3, p. 241–247, 2008.
  • Bensely A., Prabhakaran A., Mohan Lal D., Nagarajan G., “Enhancing the wear resistance of case carburized steel (En 353) by cryogenic treatment”, Cryogenics, Volume 45, Issue 12, p. 747–754, 2005.
  • Woodcraft Adam L., “ Predicting the thermal conductivity of aluminium alloys in the cryogenic to room temperature range”, Cryogenics, Volume 45, Issue 6, p.421-431, 2005.
  • Cordovilla C.G., “Pressure infiltration of packed ceramic particulates by liquid, no.metals” Acta Mater. Vol. 47 no:18, pp. 4461-4479, 1999.
  • Volume Chair; Miracle D.B., Donaldson S.L., “Composites”, ASM HAND BOOK, V.21, p.132, 2001. 23. Carlton C.E. , Ferreira P.J., “What is behind the inverse Hall–Petcheffect in nanocrystalline materials?”, Acta Materialia, Volume 55: 11, p. 3749–3756, 2007. 24. Hasçalık A., “Al2O3 Oranının Al/Al2O3 Kompoziti ile AISI 1020 Çeliğinin Sürtünme Kaynağına Etkisi”, F. Ü. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 99-108, 2003. 25. Amini S., Barsoum M.W., “On the effect of texture on the mechanical and damping properties of nanocrystalline Mg-matrix composites reinforced with MAX phases”, Materials Science and Engineering A 527:3707–3718, 2010.
  • Tjong S.C., Ma Z.Y., “Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of in situ metalmatrix composites”, Materials Science and Engineering, 29:49-113, 2000. 27. Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., “Synthesis of Al4C3 Phase In 2014 Aluminium-Carbon System and Its Effect on Subsequent aging Treatment”, 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition October 05-09, 2011. 28. Volume 2, “Properties and selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Specal- Purpose Materials”, ASM HAND BOOK, Volume 2, p.250, 1992. 29. Zhang D., Shen P., Shi L., Lin Q., Jiang Q., “Wetting and evaporation behavioors of molten Mg on partially oxidized SiC substrates”, Applied Surface Science, 256: 7043-7047, 2010. 30. Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., Bostan B., “High Speed Milling Of 2014 Aluminum Powders Together With 2% Graphite And Progress In Micro-Structure During Long Term Annealing After Cold Compaction” 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition October 05-09, 2011.
  • Zhou, J., Duszczyk, J., 1999. “Liquid Phase Sintering of an AA2014-Based Composite Prepared from an Elemental Powder Mixture”, J. Mater. Sci. 34, 545–550, 2008.
  • Dunnett K.S., Mueller R.M., Bishop D.P., “Development of Al-Ni-Mg-(Cu) Aluminum P/M Alloys”, Journal of materials processing technology 198:31-40, 2008. 33. Şimşir M., Güngör Ö., Ögel B., “Al-Cu ve Al-Cu-Mg Toz Karışımlarının Azot Atmosferi Altında Sıcak Presleme Çalışmaları”, 10. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Cilt III, 2-28 Mayıs, İstanbul, 1781-1788, 2000. 34. LIU J., LI G., CHEN D., CHEN Z., “Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Deformation Behavior of As-cast AZ91 Mg Alloy”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 25:931-936, 2012. 35. Tang J, He L. “Resistance characterization of the orderly clustering phenomenon of alloying elements in austenitic manganese steel”, Guizhou Science, 24(4):7-11, 2006. 36. Nageswara rao P., Jayaganthan R., “Effects of warm rolling and ageing after cryogenic rolling on mechanical properties and microstructure of Al 6061 alloy”, Materials and Design 39: 226–233, 2012.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 4, 0 - , 06.03.2014



  • Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., Bostan B., “Alloyed AA2014 Alüminium Powders Synthesized with carbon and determined properties”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 27 (1):109-115, 2012.
  • Bostan B., “Examination of Al4C3 Formation After Mechanically Alloying and Extrusion” Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 23(2):343-348, 2008.
  • Li Y., Zhao Y.H., Ortalan V., Liu W., Zhang Z.H., Vogt R.G., Browning N.D., Lavernia E.J., Schoenung J.M., “Investigation of aluminum-based nanocomposites with ultra-high strength”, Materials Science and Engineering A 527: 305–316, 2009.
  • Contreras A., Angeles-Chávez C., Flores O., Perez R, “Structural, morphological and interfacial characterization of Al–Mg/TiC composites”, Materials Characterization 58: 685–693, 2007.
  • Contreras A., Angeles-Chávez C., Flores O., Perez R., “Structural, morphological and interfacial characterization of Al–Mg/TiC composites”, Materials Characterization 58, 685–693, 2007.
  • Wannasin J., Flemings M.C., “Threshold pressure for infiltration of ceramic compacts containing fine powders”, Scripta Materialia 53: 657–661, 2005.
  • Molina J.M., Piñero E., Narciso J., García-Cordovilla C., Louis E., “Liquid metal infiltration into ceramic particle preforms with bimodal size distributions”, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 9: 202–210, 2005.
  • Leon C.A., Drew R.A.L., “Preparation of nickel-coated powders as precursors to reinforce MMCs”, J. Mater Sci 35: 4763-8, 2000.
  • Acilar M., Gül F., “Effect of applied load, sliding distance and oxidation on the dry sliding wear behaviour of Al-Si/SiCp composites produced by vacuum infiltration technique”, Materials and Design, 25: 209-217, 2004.
  • Tian J., Piñero E., Narciso J., Louis E., “ Effects of temperature on pressure nfiltration of liquid Al and Al-12wt.%Si alloy into packed SiC particles”, Scripta Materialia 53: 1483-1488, 2005.
  • Garcia-Cordovilla C., Louis E., and NarcisoJ., “Pressure Infiltration Of Packed Ceramic Particulates By Liquid Metals”, Acta Mater. Vol. 47, No:18, pp.4461-4479, 1999.
  • Candan E., Atkinson H.V., Jones H., “Role of Surface Tension in Relation to Contact Angle in Determining Threshold Pressure for Melt Infiltration of Ceramic Powder Compacts”, Scripta Materialia, Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 999-1002, 1998.
  • Acılar M. And Gül F., “Effect of the reinforcement particle size on the abrasive wear behaviour of the Al-SiCp composites produced by pressure infiltration technique”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol:22, No 2, 323-327, 2007.
  • Ambriz R.R., Chicot D., Benseddiq N., Mesmacque G., de la Torre S.D., “Local mechanical properties of the 6061-T6 aluminium weld using micro-traction and instrumented indentation”, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, V. 30, 3:307-315, 2011.
  • Odabaş D.¸ Su Ş., “A comparison of the reciprocating and continuous two-body abrasive wear behavior of solution-treated and age-hardened 2014 Al alloy”, Wear 208:25–35, 1997.
  • Kaçar Durmuş H., Okur A., Meriç C., “Investigation of effect of cooling conditions on hardness of the AA2014 and AA2014 wrought aluminium alloys”, Journal of Engineering Sciences 9 (1) 9-13, 2003.
  • Reed R.P., Golda M. , “Cryogenic composite supports: a review of strap and strut properties”, Cryogenics, Volume 37, 5, p. 233–250, 1997.
  • Darwin J.D., Mohan Lal D., Nagarajan G., “Optimization of cryogenic treatment to maximize the wear resistance of 18% Cr martensitic stainless steel by Taguchi method”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 195, Issues 1–3, p. 241–247, 2008.
  • Bensely A., Prabhakaran A., Mohan Lal D., Nagarajan G., “Enhancing the wear resistance of case carburized steel (En 353) by cryogenic treatment”, Cryogenics, Volume 45, Issue 12, p. 747–754, 2005.
  • Woodcraft Adam L., “ Predicting the thermal conductivity of aluminium alloys in the cryogenic to room temperature range”, Cryogenics, Volume 45, Issue 6, p.421-431, 2005.
  • Cordovilla C.G., “Pressure infiltration of packed ceramic particulates by liquid, no.metals” Acta Mater. Vol. 47 no:18, pp. 4461-4479, 1999.
  • Volume Chair; Miracle D.B., Donaldson S.L., “Composites”, ASM HAND BOOK, V.21, p.132, 2001. 23. Carlton C.E. , Ferreira P.J., “What is behind the inverse Hall–Petcheffect in nanocrystalline materials?”, Acta Materialia, Volume 55: 11, p. 3749–3756, 2007. 24. Hasçalık A., “Al2O3 Oranının Al/Al2O3 Kompoziti ile AISI 1020 Çeliğinin Sürtünme Kaynağına Etkisi”, F. Ü. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 99-108, 2003. 25. Amini S., Barsoum M.W., “On the effect of texture on the mechanical and damping properties of nanocrystalline Mg-matrix composites reinforced with MAX phases”, Materials Science and Engineering A 527:3707–3718, 2010.
  • Tjong S.C., Ma Z.Y., “Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of in situ metalmatrix composites”, Materials Science and Engineering, 29:49-113, 2000. 27. Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., “Synthesis of Al4C3 Phase In 2014 Aluminium-Carbon System and Its Effect on Subsequent aging Treatment”, 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition October 05-09, 2011. 28. Volume 2, “Properties and selection: Nonferrous Alloys and Specal- Purpose Materials”, ASM HAND BOOK, Volume 2, p.250, 1992. 29. Zhang D., Shen P., Shi L., Lin Q., Jiang Q., “Wetting and evaporation behavioors of molten Mg on partially oxidized SiC substrates”, Applied Surface Science, 256: 7043-7047, 2010. 30. Aksöz S., Özdemir A.T., Bostan B., “High Speed Milling Of 2014 Aluminum Powders Together With 2% Graphite And Progress In Micro-Structure During Long Term Annealing After Cold Compaction” 6th International Powder Metallurgy Conference and Exhibition October 05-09, 2011.
  • Zhou, J., Duszczyk, J., 1999. “Liquid Phase Sintering of an AA2014-Based Composite Prepared from an Elemental Powder Mixture”, J. Mater. Sci. 34, 545–550, 2008.
  • Dunnett K.S., Mueller R.M., Bishop D.P., “Development of Al-Ni-Mg-(Cu) Aluminum P/M Alloys”, Journal of materials processing technology 198:31-40, 2008. 33. Şimşir M., Güngör Ö., Ögel B., “Al-Cu ve Al-Cu-Mg Toz Karışımlarının Azot Atmosferi Altında Sıcak Presleme Çalışmaları”, 10. Uluslararası Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı Cilt III, 2-28 Mayıs, İstanbul, 1781-1788, 2000. 34. LIU J., LI G., CHEN D., CHEN Z., “Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Deformation Behavior of As-cast AZ91 Mg Alloy”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 25:931-936, 2012. 35. Tang J, He L. “Resistance characterization of the orderly clustering phenomenon of alloying elements in austenitic manganese steel”, Guizhou Science, 24(4):7-11, 2006. 36. Nageswara rao P., Jayaganthan R., “Effects of warm rolling and ageing after cryogenic rolling on mechanical properties and microstructure of Al 6061 alloy”, Materials and Design 39: 226–233, 2012.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sinan Aksöz Bu kişi benim

A. Tamer Özdemir Bu kişi benim

Recep Çalın Bu kişi benim

Zemzem Altınok Bu kişi benim

Bülent Bostan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Mart 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Aksöz, S., Özdemir, A. T., Çalın, R., Altınok, Z., vd. (2014). Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(4).
AMA Aksöz S, Özdemir AT, Çalın R, Altınok Z, Bostan B. Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri. GUMMFD. Mart 2014;28(4).
Chicago Aksöz, Sinan, A. Tamer Özdemir, Recep Çalın, Zemzem Altınok, ve Bülent Bostan. “Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28, sy. 4 (Mart 2014).
EndNote Aksöz S, Özdemir AT, Çalın R, Altınok Z, Bostan B (01 Mart 2014) Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28 4
IEEE S. Aksöz, A. T. Özdemir, R. Çalın, Z. Altınok, ve B. Bostan, “Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri”, GUMMFD, c. 28, sy. 4, 2014.
ISNAD Aksöz, Sinan vd. “Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28/4 (Mart 2014).
JAMA Aksöz S, Özdemir AT, Çalın R, Altınok Z, Bostan B. Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri. GUMMFD. 2014;28.
MLA Aksöz, Sinan vd. “Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 4, 2014.
Vancouver Aksöz S, Özdemir AT, Çalın R, Altınok Z, Bostan B. Sinterleme, Yaşlandırma Ve Kriyojenik Isıl İşlemlerinin Aa2014-B4c Kompozit Yapısına Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkileri. GUMMFD. 2014;28(4).