Türkiye’deki Konaklama İşletmelerinin İş Başvurusu Formlarında Ayrımcılık
Yıl 2010,
Sayı: 2, 180 - 197, 01.09.2010
Mehmet Yeşiltaş
Rahman Temizkan
Pınar Temizkan
Bu çalışma, iş başvuru formlarında geleneksel olarak bulunan soruların doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak yasal olmayan ayrımcılık içerdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Türkiye’deki konaklama işletmelerinin iş başvuru formlarına internet üzerinden ulaşılmış ve içerik analizi ile bu formlarda adaylardan istenen bilgiler öğrenilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları Türkiye’deki konaklama işletmelerinin iş başvuru formlarında bulunan soruların doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak yasal olmayan ayrımcılık içerdiğini göstermektedir
- ADALET BAKANlığı (2010) İnsan Hakları Bilgi Bankası, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi. Web: http://www.inhak-bb.adalet.gov.tr/aihs/aihs.htm adresinden 15 Mart 2010’da alınmıştır.
- AVRUPA İNSAN HAKLARI SÖZLEŞMESİ. (1950). İnsan Haklarının ve Temel Özgürlüklerinin Korunmasına İlişkin Sözleşme. Roma, 4.XI.1950. Web: http://www.belgenet.com/arsiv/sozlesme/aihs_01.html adresinden 12 Ocak 2008 ’de alınmıştır.
- BAŞBAKANLIK İNSAN HAKLARI BAŞKANLIĞI (2010) Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşmaları Web: http://www.ihb.gov.tr/B%C4%B0LG%C4%B0%20BANKAS%C4%B0/BMbelg eleri/BMtablo.html adresinden 15 Mart 2010’da alınmıştır.
- BERGER, D. E. (2006). Aging Identities: Degradation and Negotiation in The Search For Employment. Journal of Aging Studies, 20, 303–316
- BOROOAH, V. K. (1999). Is There a Penalty to Being a Catholic in Northern Ireland: an Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Religious Belief and Occupational Success. European Journal of Political Economy,15,163–192
- BOUMA, G., HAIDAR, A., NYLAND, C. AND SMITH, W. (2003). Work, Religious Diversity and Islam. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 41, 51-61
- CARLSSON M. AND ROOTH, D. O. (2007). Evidence of Ethnic Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market Using Experimental Data. Labour Economics, 14, 716–729
- CASCİO, W. F. (2003). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. New York, USA: the McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
- CHO, D. (2007). Why is the Gender Earnings Gap Greater in Korea than in the United States? Article in Press Received 17 March 2006; Revised 4 October 2006 Japanese International Economies.
- ÇALIŞMA VE SOSYAL GÜVENLİK BAKANLIĞI. (2008). İş Kanunu. Web: http://www.calisma.gov.tr/mevzuat/4857_is_kanunu.htm adresinden 01 Ocak 2008 ’de alınmıştır.
- DAVISON, H. K. and BURKE, M. J. (2000). Sex Discrimination in Simulated Employment Contexts: A Meta-Analytic Investigation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 225–248
- DIN-DZIETHAM, R., NEMBHARD, W. N., COLLINS, R. and DAVIS, S. K. (2004). Perceived Stress Following Race-Based Discrimination at Work is Associated with Hypertension in African–Americans, The Metro Atlanta Heart Disease Study, 1999–2001. Social Science & Medicine, 58, 449–461.
- GROSSMAN, R. J. (2005). The Under-Reported Impact of Age Discrimination and Its Threat to Business Vitality. Business Horizons, 48, 71- 78
- GRÖSCHL, S. (2007) An Exploration of Hr Policies and Practices Affecting the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in The Hotel Industry in Major Canadian Tourism Destinations. Hospitality Management, 26 666– 686.
- ILO (2009a). Equity and Discrimination, Web: http://www.ilo.org/global/Themes/Equality_and_Discrimination/lang-- en/index.htm> adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- ILO (2009b) Workplace Discrimination, Web: http://www.ilo.org/global/Themes/Equality_and_Discrimination/WorkplaceDis crimination/lang--en/index.htm adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- ILO (2009c) The Declaration Covers Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Elimination of Discrimination in Respect of Employment And Occupation Web: http://www.ilo.org/declaration/principles/eliminationofdiscrimination/lang-- en/index.htm adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- KALTER, F. and KOGAN, I. (2006). Ethnic Inequalities at the Transition from School to Work in Belgium and Spain: Discrimination or Self-Exclusion? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 24, 259–274.
- KOHL, J. P. (1983). Personnel Decisions: How to Avoid Discrimination Charges. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24, 86-92.
- KOHL, J. P. and GREENLAW, P. S. (1982). The Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Hospitality Manager. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 23, 72-76.
- KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI (2008) Turizm Belgeli Tesis İstatistikleri 2007 http://www.turizm.gov.tr/TR/belge/1-63779/turizm-belgelitesisler.html adresinden 02,03.2008 tarihinde alınmıştır.
- LEOPOLD, J., HARRIS, L. and WATSON, T. (2005). The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. England:Pearson Education Limited.
- MATHİS, L.R. and JACKSON, H.J. (2000). Human Resources Management. (Ninth Edition), USA: South Western College Publishing.
- PEKİN, T. (1991). Ekonomiye Giriş. İzmir: Bilgehan Matbaası,.
- REYES, P. De Los. (2000) Diversity At Work: Paradoxes, Possibilities And Problems İn The Swedish Discourse On Diversity Economic And Industrial Democracy; 21; 253-266.
- RYAN, A. M. and PLOYHART, E. R. (2000). Applicants’ Perceptions of Selection Procedures and Decisions: A Critical Review and Agenda for the Future. Journal of Management, 26(3), 565–606.
- RYNES, S. L. (1993). Who’s selecting whom? Effects of selection practices on applicant attitudes and behavior. In. N. Schmitt & W. C. Borman (Eds.), Personnel selection in organizations, 240–274. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- SLAUGHTER, E. J., SINAR, F. E., ve BACHIOCH, D. P. (2002). Black Applicants’ Reactions to Affirmative Action Plans: Effect Of Plan Content and Previous Experience with Discrimination Journal Of Applied Psychology, 87:2, 333–344.
- TOSUN, C. ve TEMİZKAN, R. (2004). Türkiye’nin Dış Tanıtım ve Ülke İmajında Turist Rehberlerinin Rolü, I. Balıkesir Ulusal Turizm Kongresi, 15- 16 Nisan, 345-365.
- TUNCER, D. AYHAN, Y. D. ve VAROĞLU, D. (2007). Genel İşletmecilik Bilgileri, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
- TURİZM YATIRIMCILARI DERNEĞİ. (2008). Avrupa Birliği Bilgi Köprüleri Programı, Avrupa Birliği Turizm Mevzuatı Rehberi, Web: http://www.ttyd.org.tr/tr/page.aspx?id=13 adresinden14 Ocak 2008’de alınmıştır.
- UN (1948) Universal Declaration of Human Rights Web:http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html> adresinden 12 Ocak 2008’de alınmıştır.
- ÜNLÜÖNEN, K. ve TAYFUN, A. (2005). Ekonomi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
- ÜNSALAN, E. ve ŞİMŞEKER, B. (2006). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- WEAVER, P., WILBORN, L., MCCLEARY, K. and LEKAGUL, A. (2003) Diversity Training Management Initiatives in the Lodging Industry: An Exploratory Analysis of Underlying Dimensions Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research; 27; 237-253
- WEİCHSELBAUMER, D. (2003). Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Hiring. Labour Economics
- WRENCH, J. (2007). Diversity Management and Discrimination: Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU. England, Ashgate Publishing
- VODANOVICH, S.J. and LOWE, R.H. (1992). They Ought to Know Better : the Incidence and Correlates of Inappropriate Application Blank Inquiries. Public Personel Management 21, 363-364
Yıl 2010,
Sayı: 2, 180 - 197, 01.09.2010
Mehmet Yeşiltaş
Rahman Temizkan
Pınar Temizkan
This study released that the typically questions placed on the application forms includes direct or indirect discriminatory contents. The job application forms of accommodation establishments in Turkiye have been reached on the internet and data requested on these forms have been elicited by content analysis. The finding of the research shows that the questions on the job application forms of accommodation establishments in Turkiye include direct or indirect discriminatory contents
- ADALET BAKANlığı (2010) İnsan Hakları Bilgi Bankası, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi. Web: http://www.inhak-bb.adalet.gov.tr/aihs/aihs.htm adresinden 15 Mart 2010’da alınmıştır.
- AVRUPA İNSAN HAKLARI SÖZLEŞMESİ. (1950). İnsan Haklarının ve Temel Özgürlüklerinin Korunmasına İlişkin Sözleşme. Roma, 4.XI.1950. Web: http://www.belgenet.com/arsiv/sozlesme/aihs_01.html adresinden 12 Ocak 2008 ’de alınmıştır.
- BAŞBAKANLIK İNSAN HAKLARI BAŞKANLIĞI (2010) Birleşmiş Milletler Anlaşmaları Web: http://www.ihb.gov.tr/B%C4%B0LG%C4%B0%20BANKAS%C4%B0/BMbelg eleri/BMtablo.html adresinden 15 Mart 2010’da alınmıştır.
- BERGER, D. E. (2006). Aging Identities: Degradation and Negotiation in The Search For Employment. Journal of Aging Studies, 20, 303–316
- BOROOAH, V. K. (1999). Is There a Penalty to Being a Catholic in Northern Ireland: an Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Religious Belief and Occupational Success. European Journal of Political Economy,15,163–192
- BOUMA, G., HAIDAR, A., NYLAND, C. AND SMITH, W. (2003). Work, Religious Diversity and Islam. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 41, 51-61
- CARLSSON M. AND ROOTH, D. O. (2007). Evidence of Ethnic Discrimination in the Swedish Labor Market Using Experimental Data. Labour Economics, 14, 716–729
- CASCİO, W. F. (2003). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. New York, USA: the McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
- CHO, D. (2007). Why is the Gender Earnings Gap Greater in Korea than in the United States? Article in Press Received 17 March 2006; Revised 4 October 2006 Japanese International Economies.
- ÇALIŞMA VE SOSYAL GÜVENLİK BAKANLIĞI. (2008). İş Kanunu. Web: http://www.calisma.gov.tr/mevzuat/4857_is_kanunu.htm adresinden 01 Ocak 2008 ’de alınmıştır.
- DAVISON, H. K. and BURKE, M. J. (2000). Sex Discrimination in Simulated Employment Contexts: A Meta-Analytic Investigation. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 225–248
- DIN-DZIETHAM, R., NEMBHARD, W. N., COLLINS, R. and DAVIS, S. K. (2004). Perceived Stress Following Race-Based Discrimination at Work is Associated with Hypertension in African–Americans, The Metro Atlanta Heart Disease Study, 1999–2001. Social Science & Medicine, 58, 449–461.
- GROSSMAN, R. J. (2005). The Under-Reported Impact of Age Discrimination and Its Threat to Business Vitality. Business Horizons, 48, 71- 78
- GRÖSCHL, S. (2007) An Exploration of Hr Policies and Practices Affecting the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in The Hotel Industry in Major Canadian Tourism Destinations. Hospitality Management, 26 666– 686.
- ILO (2009a). Equity and Discrimination, Web: http://www.ilo.org/global/Themes/Equality_and_Discrimination/lang-- en/index.htm> adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- ILO (2009b) Workplace Discrimination, Web: http://www.ilo.org/global/Themes/Equality_and_Discrimination/WorkplaceDis crimination/lang--en/index.htm adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- ILO (2009c) The Declaration Covers Four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Elimination of Discrimination in Respect of Employment And Occupation Web: http://www.ilo.org/declaration/principles/eliminationofdiscrimination/lang-- en/index.htm adresinden 1 Aralık 2009’da alınmıştır.
- KALTER, F. and KOGAN, I. (2006). Ethnic Inequalities at the Transition from School to Work in Belgium and Spain: Discrimination or Self-Exclusion? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 24, 259–274.
- KOHL, J. P. (1983). Personnel Decisions: How to Avoid Discrimination Charges. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24, 86-92.
- KOHL, J. P. and GREENLAW, P. S. (1982). The Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Hospitality Manager. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 23, 72-76.
- KÜLTÜR ve TURİZM BAKANLIĞI (2008) Turizm Belgeli Tesis İstatistikleri 2007 http://www.turizm.gov.tr/TR/belge/1-63779/turizm-belgelitesisler.html adresinden 02,03.2008 tarihinde alınmıştır.
- LEOPOLD, J., HARRIS, L. and WATSON, T. (2005). The Strategic Managing of Human Resources. England:Pearson Education Limited.
- MATHİS, L.R. and JACKSON, H.J. (2000). Human Resources Management. (Ninth Edition), USA: South Western College Publishing.
- PEKİN, T. (1991). Ekonomiye Giriş. İzmir: Bilgehan Matbaası,.
- REYES, P. De Los. (2000) Diversity At Work: Paradoxes, Possibilities And Problems İn The Swedish Discourse On Diversity Economic And Industrial Democracy; 21; 253-266.
- RYAN, A. M. and PLOYHART, E. R. (2000). Applicants’ Perceptions of Selection Procedures and Decisions: A Critical Review and Agenda for the Future. Journal of Management, 26(3), 565–606.
- RYNES, S. L. (1993). Who’s selecting whom? Effects of selection practices on applicant attitudes and behavior. In. N. Schmitt & W. C. Borman (Eds.), Personnel selection in organizations, 240–274. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- SLAUGHTER, E. J., SINAR, F. E., ve BACHIOCH, D. P. (2002). Black Applicants’ Reactions to Affirmative Action Plans: Effect Of Plan Content and Previous Experience with Discrimination Journal Of Applied Psychology, 87:2, 333–344.
- TOSUN, C. ve TEMİZKAN, R. (2004). Türkiye’nin Dış Tanıtım ve Ülke İmajında Turist Rehberlerinin Rolü, I. Balıkesir Ulusal Turizm Kongresi, 15- 16 Nisan, 345-365.
- TUNCER, D. AYHAN, Y. D. ve VAROĞLU, D. (2007). Genel İşletmecilik Bilgileri, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi
- TURİZM YATIRIMCILARI DERNEĞİ. (2008). Avrupa Birliği Bilgi Köprüleri Programı, Avrupa Birliği Turizm Mevzuatı Rehberi, Web: http://www.ttyd.org.tr/tr/page.aspx?id=13 adresinden14 Ocak 2008’de alınmıştır.
- UN (1948) Universal Declaration of Human Rights Web:http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html> adresinden 12 Ocak 2008’de alınmıştır.
- ÜNLÜÖNEN, K. ve TAYFUN, A. (2005). Ekonomi. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım
- ÜNSALAN, E. ve ŞİMŞEKER, B. (2006). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- WEAVER, P., WILBORN, L., MCCLEARY, K. and LEKAGUL, A. (2003) Diversity Training Management Initiatives in the Lodging Industry: An Exploratory Analysis of Underlying Dimensions Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research; 27; 237-253
- WEİCHSELBAUMER, D. (2003). Sexual Orientation Discrimination in Hiring. Labour Economics
- WRENCH, J. (2007). Diversity Management and Discrimination: Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU. England, Ashgate Publishing
- VODANOVICH, S.J. and LOWE, R.H. (1992). They Ought to Know Better : the Incidence and Correlates of Inappropriate Application Blank Inquiries. Public Personel Management 21, 363-364