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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 435 - 458, 23.11.2020


Bu çalışma, El Şebab’ın, küresel bir salgın hâline gelen ve tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVID-19’u propaganda aracı olarak nasıl kullandığını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Somali’de ilk COVID-19 vakasının 16 Mart 2020 tarihinde görülmesinin ardından salgının ülke genelinde giderek yayılması, merkezi hükümetin diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi birtakım tedbirler almasına neden olmuştur. Ancak, başarısız devlet olarak tanımlanan Somali’nin salgın ile mücadelesi oldukça zordur. Bunun en büyük sebebi El Şebab’ın hükümeti salgına karşı yetersiz ve ilgisiz göstermeye çalışması ve kendince önlemler almaya başlamasıdır. Merkezi hükümetin, virüsle mücadelede eyaletlerle iş birliğinin ve koordinasyonun yetersiz olması ve üst düzey devlet görevlilerinin de virüse yakalanması El Şebab’ın propagandasını güçlendiren bir durum olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO), Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği (UNHCR) ve Doğu Afrika Araştırma ve Stratejik Çalışmalar Merkezi’nin raporları ve medyaya yansıyanların betimlenmesine çalışılmıştır. Edinilen bulgular neticesinde, sömürgeleştirilen Somali halkını temsil ettiği ideolojisinden hareket eden örgütün, cihat ilanını meşrulaştırmak için işgalci Hristiyan ülkelerin virüsü yaydığı propagandasını yaptığı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Agbiboa, D.E. (2013). Al-Shabab’s Dangerous Affair with Al-Qaeda. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 38(4): 425-440
  • Agbiboa, D. E. (2014). Terrorism without Borders: Somalia’s Al-Shabaab and the global jihad Network. Journal of Terrorism Reseaarch, 5 (1), 26-34.
  • Alexander, H. (2013). Tweeting Terrorism: How Al Shabaab Live Blogged the Nairobi Attacks. Daily Telegraph, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020,
  • Al Jazeera, (2020). Al-Shabab sets up coronavirus treatment centre in Somalia, Erişim Tarihi: 15 Haziran 2020,
  • Barnes, C., (2007). The Somali Youth League, Ethiopian Somalis and the greater Somalia idea. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 1(2), pp.277-291.
  • BBC News. (2013, 23 Eylül). Who Are Somalia’s Al-Shabab? Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2020,
  • BBC News. (2018). Somalia profile – Timeline Erişim tarihi: 12.05.2020.
  • BBC News. (2020).Coronavirus: Fighting al-Shabab propaganda in Somalia. Erişim tarihi: 12.05.2020
  • Blanc, Bartulac T. (2020). Somalia and Coronavirus. Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2020
  • Botha, A. ve Mahdi Ab. (2016). Radicalisation and Al-Shabaab Recruitment in Somalia. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
  • Cassanelli, L. V., (1982). The shaping of Somali society: reconstructing the history of a pastoral people, 1600-1900. University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia.
  • CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). (2019). Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 23 Mayıs 2020
  • Dagne, Ted. (2011). Somalia: Current Conditions and Prospects for a Lasting Peace. Congressional Research Service
  • Diallo, Mariama. (2011). UN: Militants Forcing Somali Migration Along With Famine Erişim Tarihi: 23 Nisan 2020
  • DINA (Drought Impact and Needs Assessment Somalia). 2018. Drought Impact and Needs Assessment Somalia. Volume I Synthesis Report.
  • East Africa Centre for Research and Stratejic Studies. (2020). Somalia state vulnerability rises after COVID-19 outbreak. East Africa Centre for Research and Stratejic Studies 27 Nisan Tarihli Reporu.
  • Federal Government Of Somalıa, 2019. The Somalia National Development Plan (SNDP) – Towards Recovery, Democracy and Prosperity 2017 – 2019.
  • Fergusson, J. (2013). The World’s Most Dangerous Place: Inside the Outlaw State of Somalia. De Capo Press; Bantam.
  • Fassrainer, V.(2020). Tweeting Terror Live Al-Shabaab’s Use of Twitter during the Westgate Attack and Implications for Counterterrorism Communications.Erişim Tarihi: 11 Nisan 2020
  • FSNAU and FEWSNET. (2017). Special Brief – Focus on Post Gu 2017: Assessment Results: September 2017.
  • Garowe Online. (2020). Coronavirus. Erişim Tarihi: 11 Nisan 202.
  • Gordon, M. ve Mazzetti, M. (2007) U.S. Used Base in Ethiopia to Hunt Al Qaeda, New York Times, Erişim Tarihi: Şubat 23, 2007,
  • Hansen, Stıg J. (2013). Al-Shabaab in Somalia The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group, 2005–2012. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Harper, M. (2012). Getting Somalia wrong. Faith, war and hope in a shattered state. London and New York: Zed Books.
  • Harnisch, C. (2010). The Terror Threat from Somalia: The Internationalization of Al Shabaab, American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Şubat 2020,
  • Human Rights Watch, (2007). Shell-shocked Civilians under Siege in Mogadishu, Human Rights Watch Report, 10 (12), 2007.
  • International SOS. (2019).Travel Security Risk. Erişim Tarihi: 12.05.2020
  • ISCO (2019). The Challenges of Democratisation Process in Somaliland: The Way Forward. Brief_paper-on-Somaliland-Elections_of_ISCO_Somaliland.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 01.09.2020
  • Ibrahim, M. ve Gettleman. J. (2008). 5 Suicide Bomb Attacks Hit Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020.
  • Jama, S. Ve Abdullahi, A. (2020). We Are Used to a Virus Called Bombs, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020.
  • Khapoya Vincent B., (2016). The African Experience, 4.bsk, USA: Routledge.
  • Lacey, M. (2006).In Somalia, Islamic Militias Fight Culture Wars. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020. 19somalia.html?
  • Lewis, M. Ioan. (2008). Understanding Somalia and Somaliland Culture, History, Society, New York: Columbia University Press
  • Mair, D. (2016). Al-Shabaab Returns to Twitter. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020.
  • Martin, M. (2006). The fate of Africa: from the hopes of freedom to the heart of despair. New York Public Affairs.
  • Meleagrou-Hitchens, A., Maher, S. ve Sheehan , J. (2012). Lights, Camera, Jihad: Al- Shabaab’s Western Media Strategy. London: International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Şubat 2020. http://icsr.
  • Menkhaus, Ken. (2009). Violent Islamic Extremism: Al-Shabaab Recruitment in America. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Şubat 2020 https://www.hsgac.senate. gov/imo/media/doc/031109Menkhaus031109.pdf
  • Mutambo, Aggrey. (2020). Covid-19: Experts Warn Of Potential Wave Of Extremism. Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • OCHA. (2020). Southern And Eastern Afrıca Covıd-19 Dıgest. Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • Onuoha, F. (2013). Westgate Attack: Al-Shabab’s Renewed Transnational Jihadism.” Al-Jazeera Center for Studies, Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • Prunier, . (1996). “Somalia: Civil War, Intervention and Withdrawal 1990-1995,” Refugee Survey Quarterly 15:1, 35 – 85.
  • Rono, M. (2017). Somalia food crisis: Has al-Shabab adopted new approach to food aid?. Erişim Tarihi: 16 Şubat 2020
  • Sarıoğlu, E. B. (2019). Dijital Halkla İlişkiler, Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Sarıoğlu, E. B. (2020a).Yeni Medyanın Dijital Yerlileri: Z Kuşağı, Ed. Rezal Koç, Dijitalleşen Evrenden Değişen Dünyaya, 978¬625¬7915¬56¬4, İstanbul: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Sarıoglu, E.B. (2020b) Sosyal Medyada Adalet Kavramı: Kadına ve Cocuga Yonelik Siddetin Sosyal Medyadaki Yansımaları, Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, Sayı 45, ISSN: 1308¬6200, Bahar 2020, s:291¬317
  • Somalia National Development Plan (2017-2019). Federal Government of Somalia. T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı (2020). Somali'nin Siyasi Görünümü. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü, (2020). COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 ENFEKSİYONU) Rehberi, Ankara: Bilim Kurulu Raporu
  • Timisi, N. (2016). Dijital Kavramlar, Olanaklar, Deneyimler. İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • The East African, (2018). Al-Shabaab: Inside The Ranks Of Women Fighters. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020
  • The Refugee Project. (2019). Forced Migration in Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020, bffb5264b2db8
  • The World Bank, (2017). Somali Poverty Profile 2016 Findings from Wave 1 of the Somali High Frequency Survey, Poverty & Equity Global Practice, Africa.
  • Turse, N. (2020). U.S. Airstrikes Hit All-Tıme High As Coronavirus Spreads in Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 23 Nisan 2020
  • Trunji, Isa Mohamed. (2015). Somalia The Untold History 1941-1969, London: Looh Press.
  • Shahow,Abdullahi Abdille. (2020). Al Qaeda's Affiliate İn Somalia İs Sitting On A Coronavirus Powder Keg. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2020
  • IOM. (2016). Youth, Employment And Mıgratıon In Mogadıshu, Kısmayo And Baıdoa. IOM
  • Ullendorff, E. ve Beckingham, C., (1964). The first Anglo-Ethiopian treaty. Journal of Semitic Studies, 9 (1), 187-199.
  • UN News. (2020). COVID-19: UN Chief Calls For Global Ceasefire To Focus On ‘The True Fight Of Our Lives’. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020
  • UN Security Council. (2014). Al-Shabaab. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020
  • UNDP. (2012). Human Development Report. Geneva. UN Press.
  • UNHCR, (2017). Somalia Situation 2017, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Haziran 2020
  • Van Dijk, Jan. (2018). Ağ Toplumu. Çev. Özlem Sakin. Kafka: İstanbul
  • Wise, Robe. (2011). Al shabaab. Homeland Security & Counterterrorism Program Transnational Threats Project. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • West, S. (2019). Asset or Victims: A Portrait of Women Within al-Shabaab. Terrorism Monitor 17 (6), Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020
  • Weimann, G. (2014). New Terrorism and New Media. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020 file:///Users/ozlemozdemir/Desktop/new%20terorism%20and%20the%20 media.pdf
  • World Health Organization (2020, 11 Mayıs). Rolling Updates On Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Erişim tarihi 13 Mayıs 2020


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 435 - 458, 23.11.2020


This study aims to reveal how Al Shabaab uses COVID-19 which has become a global epidemic and affected the whole World as a propaganda tool. After the first COVID-19 case was seen in Somalia on March 16, 2020, the spread of the epidemic throughout the country caused the central government to take some measures as in other countries. However, defined as a failed state it is very difficult for Somalia to combat the epidemic. The biggest reason for this is that El Shabaab tried to show the government inadequate and indifferent to the epidemic and started to take measures in its own way. The inadequate cooperation and coordination of the central government with the states in combating the virus and senior government officials to contract the virus appear as a situation that strengthens the propaganda of Al Shabaab. In the study, using the qualitative research method, the reports of the United Nations Security Council, World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The East Africa Research and Strategic Studies Center and the media reflections were tried to be described. As a result of the findings, it was concluded that the organization, acting on the ideology that it represents the colonized Somali people, and in order to legitimize the declaration of jihad made the propaganda that the occupying Christian states spread the virüs.


  • Agbiboa, D.E. (2013). Al-Shabab’s Dangerous Affair with Al-Qaeda. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 38(4): 425-440
  • Agbiboa, D. E. (2014). Terrorism without Borders: Somalia’s Al-Shabaab and the global jihad Network. Journal of Terrorism Reseaarch, 5 (1), 26-34.
  • Alexander, H. (2013). Tweeting Terrorism: How Al Shabaab Live Blogged the Nairobi Attacks. Daily Telegraph, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020,
  • Al Jazeera, (2020). Al-Shabab sets up coronavirus treatment centre in Somalia, Erişim Tarihi: 15 Haziran 2020,
  • Barnes, C., (2007). The Somali Youth League, Ethiopian Somalis and the greater Somalia idea. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 1(2), pp.277-291.
  • BBC News. (2013, 23 Eylül). Who Are Somalia’s Al-Shabab? Erişim Tarihi: 13.02.2020,
  • BBC News. (2018). Somalia profile – Timeline Erişim tarihi: 12.05.2020.
  • BBC News. (2020).Coronavirus: Fighting al-Shabab propaganda in Somalia. Erişim tarihi: 12.05.2020
  • Blanc, Bartulac T. (2020). Somalia and Coronavirus. Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2020
  • Botha, A. ve Mahdi Ab. (2016). Radicalisation and Al-Shabaab Recruitment in Somalia. The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
  • Cassanelli, L. V., (1982). The shaping of Somali society: reconstructing the history of a pastoral people, 1600-1900. University of Pennsylvania Press Philadelphia.
  • CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). (2019). Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 23 Mayıs 2020
  • Dagne, Ted. (2011). Somalia: Current Conditions and Prospects for a Lasting Peace. Congressional Research Service
  • Diallo, Mariama. (2011). UN: Militants Forcing Somali Migration Along With Famine Erişim Tarihi: 23 Nisan 2020
  • DINA (Drought Impact and Needs Assessment Somalia). 2018. Drought Impact and Needs Assessment Somalia. Volume I Synthesis Report.
  • East Africa Centre for Research and Stratejic Studies. (2020). Somalia state vulnerability rises after COVID-19 outbreak. East Africa Centre for Research and Stratejic Studies 27 Nisan Tarihli Reporu.
  • Federal Government Of Somalıa, 2019. The Somalia National Development Plan (SNDP) – Towards Recovery, Democracy and Prosperity 2017 – 2019.
  • Fergusson, J. (2013). The World’s Most Dangerous Place: Inside the Outlaw State of Somalia. De Capo Press; Bantam.
  • Fassrainer, V.(2020). Tweeting Terror Live Al-Shabaab’s Use of Twitter during the Westgate Attack and Implications for Counterterrorism Communications.Erişim Tarihi: 11 Nisan 2020
  • FSNAU and FEWSNET. (2017). Special Brief – Focus on Post Gu 2017: Assessment Results: September 2017.
  • Garowe Online. (2020). Coronavirus. Erişim Tarihi: 11 Nisan 202.
  • Gordon, M. ve Mazzetti, M. (2007) U.S. Used Base in Ethiopia to Hunt Al Qaeda, New York Times, Erişim Tarihi: Şubat 23, 2007,
  • Hansen, Stıg J. (2013). Al-Shabaab in Somalia The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group, 2005–2012. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Harper, M. (2012). Getting Somalia wrong. Faith, war and hope in a shattered state. London and New York: Zed Books.
  • Harnisch, C. (2010). The Terror Threat from Somalia: The Internationalization of Al Shabaab, American Enterprise Institute Critical Threats, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Şubat 2020,
  • Human Rights Watch, (2007). Shell-shocked Civilians under Siege in Mogadishu, Human Rights Watch Report, 10 (12), 2007.
  • International SOS. (2019).Travel Security Risk. Erişim Tarihi: 12.05.2020
  • ISCO (2019). The Challenges of Democratisation Process in Somaliland: The Way Forward. Brief_paper-on-Somaliland-Elections_of_ISCO_Somaliland.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 01.09.2020
  • Ibrahim, M. ve Gettleman. J. (2008). 5 Suicide Bomb Attacks Hit Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 29 Mayıs 2020.
  • Jama, S. Ve Abdullahi, A. (2020). We Are Used to a Virus Called Bombs, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020.
  • Khapoya Vincent B., (2016). The African Experience, 4.bsk, USA: Routledge.
  • Lacey, M. (2006).In Somalia, Islamic Militias Fight Culture Wars. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020. 19somalia.html?
  • Lewis, M. Ioan. (2008). Understanding Somalia and Somaliland Culture, History, Society, New York: Columbia University Press
  • Mair, D. (2016). Al-Shabaab Returns to Twitter. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Mayıs 2020.
  • Martin, M. (2006). The fate of Africa: from the hopes of freedom to the heart of despair. New York Public Affairs.
  • Meleagrou-Hitchens, A., Maher, S. ve Sheehan , J. (2012). Lights, Camera, Jihad: Al- Shabaab’s Western Media Strategy. London: International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Şubat 2020. http://icsr.
  • Menkhaus, Ken. (2009). Violent Islamic Extremism: Al-Shabaab Recruitment in America. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Şubat 2020 https://www.hsgac.senate. gov/imo/media/doc/031109Menkhaus031109.pdf
  • Mutambo, Aggrey. (2020). Covid-19: Experts Warn Of Potential Wave Of Extremism. Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • OCHA. (2020). Southern And Eastern Afrıca Covıd-19 Dıgest. Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • Onuoha, F. (2013). Westgate Attack: Al-Shabab’s Renewed Transnational Jihadism.” Al-Jazeera Center for Studies, Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2020
  • Prunier, . (1996). “Somalia: Civil War, Intervention and Withdrawal 1990-1995,” Refugee Survey Quarterly 15:1, 35 – 85.
  • Rono, M. (2017). Somalia food crisis: Has al-Shabab adopted new approach to food aid?. Erişim Tarihi: 16 Şubat 2020
  • Sarıoğlu, E. B. (2019). Dijital Halkla İlişkiler, Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Sarıoğlu, E. B. (2020a).Yeni Medyanın Dijital Yerlileri: Z Kuşağı, Ed. Rezal Koç, Dijitalleşen Evrenden Değişen Dünyaya, 978¬625¬7915¬56¬4, İstanbul: Eğitim Yayınevi.
  • Sarıoglu, E.B. (2020b) Sosyal Medyada Adalet Kavramı: Kadına ve Cocuga Yonelik Siddetin Sosyal Medyadaki Yansımaları, Karadeniz Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi, Sayı 45, ISSN: 1308¬6200, Bahar 2020, s:291¬317
  • Somalia National Development Plan (2017-2019). Federal Government of Somalia. T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı (2020). Somali'nin Siyasi Görünümü. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü, (2020). COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 ENFEKSİYONU) Rehberi, Ankara: Bilim Kurulu Raporu
  • Timisi, N. (2016). Dijital Kavramlar, Olanaklar, Deneyimler. İstanbul: Kalkedon.
  • The East African, (2018). Al-Shabaab: Inside The Ranks Of Women Fighters. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020
  • The Refugee Project. (2019). Forced Migration in Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Mayıs 2020, bffb5264b2db8
  • The World Bank, (2017). Somali Poverty Profile 2016 Findings from Wave 1 of the Somali High Frequency Survey, Poverty & Equity Global Practice, Africa.
  • Turse, N. (2020). U.S. Airstrikes Hit All-Tıme High As Coronavirus Spreads in Somalia. Erişim Tarihi: 23 Nisan 2020
  • Trunji, Isa Mohamed. (2015). Somalia The Untold History 1941-1969, London: Looh Press.
  • Shahow,Abdullahi Abdille. (2020). Al Qaeda's Affiliate İn Somalia İs Sitting On A Coronavirus Powder Keg. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Haziran 2020
  • IOM. (2016). Youth, Employment And Mıgratıon In Mogadıshu, Kısmayo And Baıdoa. IOM
  • Ullendorff, E. ve Beckingham, C., (1964). The first Anglo-Ethiopian treaty. Journal of Semitic Studies, 9 (1), 187-199.
  • UN News. (2020). COVID-19: UN Chief Calls For Global Ceasefire To Focus On ‘The True Fight Of Our Lives’. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Eylül 2020
  • UN Security Council. (2014). Al-Shabaab. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020
  • UNDP. (2012). Human Development Report. Geneva. UN Press.
  • UNHCR, (2017). Somalia Situation 2017, Erişim Tarihi: 12 Haziran 2020
  • Van Dijk, Jan. (2018). Ağ Toplumu. Çev. Özlem Sakin. Kafka: İstanbul
  • Wise, Robe. (2011). Al shabaab. Homeland Security & Counterterrorism Program Transnational Threats Project. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • West, S. (2019). Asset or Victims: A Portrait of Women Within al-Shabaab. Terrorism Monitor 17 (6), Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020
  • Weimann, G. (2014). New Terrorism and New Media. Erişim Tarihi: 12 Nisan 2020 file:///Users/ozlemozdemir/Desktop/new%20terorism%20and%20the%20 media.pdf
  • World Health Organization (2020, 11 Mayıs). Rolling Updates On Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Erişim tarihi 13 Mayıs 2020
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Özdemir Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3144-4651

Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Kasım 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, Ö. (2020). EL ŞEBAB’IN PROPAGANDA ARACI OLARAK COVID-19. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 435-458.

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