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Additive Manufacturing Techniques and Their Potential in the Shipbuilding Industry

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 221, 178 - 199, 30.06.2022


Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, unlike traditional manufacturing methods with abrasion and shaping, are the production methods made by stacking the building material in layers on top of each other. In particular, additive manufacturing types, which have experienced great developments in the last 20 years, are divided into 7 main subclasses according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, according to the production method and the materials used. The most characteristic feature of all these techniques is that parts with complex geometries can be produced faster and at low cost. Additive manufacturing paves the way for the production of complex and lighter parts with the same strength, together with topology optimization. It is inevitable that the shipbuilding industry also benefit from additive manufacturing, which is used extensively in fields such as aviation, health and automotive. There are important feasibility studies carried out in the last 10 years with the cooperation of Loyds and shipyards as AM is actively used by various navies and research institutions. The central theme of this study is to examine the potential of additive manufacturing techniques in the shipbuilding industry. An in-depth literature review is presented including expert opinions from industry and academia, and a feasibility study is presented. From the academic point of view, fabrication of propellers, ship models and rudder structures used in academic research is examined. It has been seen that low-cost products can be fabricated by 3D printers instead of purchasing products to be used in the academic research. On the other hand, parts used in the industry are examined under two sub-categories: construction and equipment parts. In shipbuilding industry, it has been found that the usage of AM in equipment parts and some construction products will provide advantages in terms of speed and cost. Finally, various classification societies and standards are mentioned in general terms regarding the certification issue, which is one of the most fundamental problems of additive manufacturing techniques.


  • 3D Hubs (2020). 3D printing trends 2020 Industry highlights and market trends.
  • 3Dirigo (n.d.). The World's Largest 3D Printed Boat. [Online] [Erişim 03.06.2021]
  • ASTM F2792-12a (2012). Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • Bergsma, J., Zalm, M. and Pruyn, J. (2016). 3D-Printing and the Maritime Construction Sector. Paper presented at High-performance marine vehicles (HIPER), October 17-19, Cortona, Italy.
  • Bourella, D. L., Beaman Jr., J., Leub, M. C., and Ros, D. W. (2009). A Brief History of Additive Manufacturing and the 2009 Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing: Looking Back and Looking Ahead. US – TURKEY Workshop On Rapid Technologies, September 24, 2009.
  • Calle, M. A. G., Kujala, P., Salmi, M., and Mazzariol, L. M. (2019). ASIS web girder test: A miniature experiment. In Developments in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures. CRC Press.
  • Cilia, T., Bertetta, D., Gualeni, P. and Tani, G. (2019). Additive Manufacturing Application to a Ship Propeller Model for Experimental Activity in the Cavitation Tunnel. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 35(04), 364-373.
  • Danışman, D.B., (2016). Ata Nutku Model Deney Tankı Çekme Deneyleri İçin Model İmalat Süreci, GiDB|DERGi, Sayı 7.
  • Duintjer, J., Schardijn, J. and Wegener, V. (2016). Final Report Pilot Project 3D Printing of Marine Spares. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • EPMA (2019). Introduction To Additive Manufacturıng Technology. [Online] [Erişim: 20.05.2022]
  • Gibson I., Rosen, D. and Stucker, B. (2015). Additive manufacturing technologies 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing (2nd ed.). http://10.1007/978-1-4939-2113-3.
  • Güngör, A. (2020). Türkiye’de Katmanlı İmalat ve Gemi İnşaatı Üzerine Etkileri. GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, 218, 36-53.
  • Housel, T. J., Mun, J., Ford, D. N. and Hom, S. (2015). Benchmarking Naval Shipbuilding with 3D Laser Scanning, Additive Manufacturing, and Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management. Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Insider (2017). The Navy can now 3D-print submarines on the fly for SEALs [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • ISO (2015). Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing—General Principles—Terminology. ISO/ASTM 52900-15; ISO/ASME International: Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ITTC (2017). Recommended Procedures and Guidlines. Linke, R. (2017) Additive manufacturing, explained. [Online] [Erişim 20.05.2022]
  • Liu, P., Bose, N., Frost, R., Macfarlane, G., Lilienthal, T., and Penesis, I. (2015). Model testing and performance comparison of plastic and metal tidal turbine rotors. Applied Ocean Research, 53, 116–124.
  • Megayatch News (2015). Lürssen’s Kismet: Coolest Bowsprit Ever. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • METAL AM (2019). Metal Additive Manufacturing enables ‘world’s first’ hollow propeller blade. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • METALMECANICA (2014). Technologies and applications in additive manufacturing of metallic materials. [Online] [Erişim 31.05.2021]
  • Minetola P., Iuliano L., Bassoli E. and Gatto A., (2015). Impact of additive manufacturing on engineering education - evidence from Italy, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 21 (5), 535–555.
  • MOI (n.d.), World’s first 3D printed fiberglass boat. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • Motyl, B. and Filippi, S. (2021). Trends in engineering education for additive manufacturing in the industry 4.0 era: a systematic literature review. Int J Interact Des Manuf, 15, 103–106.
  • MPA Singapore (2019). Additive Manufacturing for Marine Parts a Market Feasibility Study with Singapore Perspective. AJPERES&id=1572312102868 [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • Özer, G. (2020). Eklemeli Üretim Teknolojileri Üzerine Bir Derleme . Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 9 (1) , 606-621 .
  • RAMLAB (2017) RAMLAB unveils world’s fırst class approved 3d prınted ship’s propeller [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • STM (2016). Katmanlı İmalat Teknolojileri ve Havacılık Uygulamaları Sektör Değerlendirme Raporu.
  • TEI (n.d.). Additive Manufacturing Technologies. [Online] [Erişim 21.05.2021]
  • Tofail, S. A. M., Koumoulos, E. P., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bose, S., O’Donoghue, L., and Charitidis, C. (2018). Additive manufacturing: scientific and technological challenges, market uptake and opportunities. Materials Today, 21(1), 22–37.
  • Wholers, T. and Gornet, T. (2014). History of additive manufacturing. Wohlers report, 24, 118.
  • Ziółkowski, M., and Dyl, T., (2020). Possible Applications of Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Shipbuilding: A Review. Machines, 8(4), 84.

Eklemeli İmalat Teknikleri ve Gemi İnşaatı Endüstrisindeki Potansiyeli

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 221, 178 - 199, 30.06.2022


Eklemeli imalat teknikleri, geleneksel imalat yöntemlerinden olan aşındırmalı ve şekil vermeli üretim yöntemlerinden farklı olarak yapı malzemesinin üst üste katmanlar şeklinde dizilmesiyle yapılan üretim şeklidir. Özellikle, son 20 yılda büyük gelişmeler yaşanan eklemeli imalat tipleri kendi içinde, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ve American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standartlarına göre, üretim şekli ve kullanılan malzemelere bağlı olarak yedi ana alt sınıfa ayrılmaktadır. Tüm bu yöntemlerin bilinen en karakteristik özelliği, kompleks geometriye sahip parçaların daha hızlı ve düşük maliyetlerle üretilebilmesidir. Üretime kattığı yenilikçi bakış açısına bağlı olarak, ürünlerin dizaynlarına uygulanacak topoloji optimizasyonu ile birlikte daha az bileşenli, daha karmaşık ve daha hafif parçaların aynı dayanımda üretilmesinin yolunu açmaktadır. Havacılık, sağlık ve otomotiv gibi sektörlerde yoğun şekilde kullanılan bu imalat yönteminden gemi inşaatı endüstrisinin de faydalanması kaçınılmazdır. Loydların ve tersanelerin işbirliği ile son 10 sen içerisinde yapılan önemli fizibilite çalışmaları bulunmakta, buna ek olarak çeşitli donanmalar ve araştırma kuruluşları tarafından aktif olarak kullanılmaktadır. Yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı eklemeli imalat tekniklerinin gemi inşaatı endüstrisindeki potansiyelini incelemektir. Bu inceleme yapılırken hem akademik hem de sanayi alanındaki potansiyeli; literatür araştırması, sanayi ve akademik alandan uzman görüşlerinin alınması ve akademik alan için yapılan fizibilite çalışmasıyla incelenmiştir. Akademik alanda araştırmalarda kullanılan pervaneler, gemi modelleri ve dümen yapılarının üretim potansiyeli incelenmiştir. Sanayi alanında kullanılan parçalar ise konstrüksiyon ve donatım parçaları olarak iki alt başlıkta incelenmiştir. Yapılan inceleme sonucunda akademik alanda kullanılacak ürünlerin satın alınması yerine yazıcılarla üretilmesiyle daha düşük maliyetli ürünler elde edilebileceği görülmüştür. Sanayi alanında ise donatım parçaları ve bazı konstrüksiyon ürünlerinde kullanılmasının hız ve maliyet açısından avantaj sağlayabileceği gösterilmiştir. Son olarak, eklemeli imalat yöntemlerinin en temel sorunlarından olan sertifikalandırma konusuyla ilgili olarak çeşitli klas kuruluşları ve standartlardan genel hatlarıyla bahsedilmiştir.


  • 3D Hubs (2020). 3D printing trends 2020 Industry highlights and market trends.
  • 3Dirigo (n.d.). The World's Largest 3D Printed Boat. [Online] [Erişim 03.06.2021]
  • ASTM F2792-12a (2012). Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • Bergsma, J., Zalm, M. and Pruyn, J. (2016). 3D-Printing and the Maritime Construction Sector. Paper presented at High-performance marine vehicles (HIPER), October 17-19, Cortona, Italy.
  • Bourella, D. L., Beaman Jr., J., Leub, M. C., and Ros, D. W. (2009). A Brief History of Additive Manufacturing and the 2009 Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing: Looking Back and Looking Ahead. US – TURKEY Workshop On Rapid Technologies, September 24, 2009.
  • Calle, M. A. G., Kujala, P., Salmi, M., and Mazzariol, L. M. (2019). ASIS web girder test: A miniature experiment. In Developments in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures. CRC Press.
  • Cilia, T., Bertetta, D., Gualeni, P. and Tani, G. (2019). Additive Manufacturing Application to a Ship Propeller Model for Experimental Activity in the Cavitation Tunnel. Journal of Ship Production and Design, 35(04), 364-373.
  • Danışman, D.B., (2016). Ata Nutku Model Deney Tankı Çekme Deneyleri İçin Model İmalat Süreci, GiDB|DERGi, Sayı 7.
  • Duintjer, J., Schardijn, J. and Wegener, V. (2016). Final Report Pilot Project 3D Printing of Marine Spares. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • EPMA (2019). Introduction To Additive Manufacturıng Technology. [Online] [Erişim: 20.05.2022]
  • Gibson I., Rosen, D. and Stucker, B. (2015). Additive manufacturing technologies 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing (2nd ed.). http://10.1007/978-1-4939-2113-3.
  • Güngör, A. (2020). Türkiye’de Katmanlı İmalat ve Gemi İnşaatı Üzerine Etkileri. GMO Journal of Ship and Marine Technology, 218, 36-53.
  • Housel, T. J., Mun, J., Ford, D. N. and Hom, S. (2015). Benchmarking Naval Shipbuilding with 3D Laser Scanning, Additive Manufacturing, and Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management. Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Insider (2017). The Navy can now 3D-print submarines on the fly for SEALs [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • ISO (2015). Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing—General Principles—Terminology. ISO/ASTM 52900-15; ISO/ASME International: Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ITTC (2017). Recommended Procedures and Guidlines. Linke, R. (2017) Additive manufacturing, explained. [Online] [Erişim 20.05.2022]
  • Liu, P., Bose, N., Frost, R., Macfarlane, G., Lilienthal, T., and Penesis, I. (2015). Model testing and performance comparison of plastic and metal tidal turbine rotors. Applied Ocean Research, 53, 116–124.
  • Megayatch News (2015). Lürssen’s Kismet: Coolest Bowsprit Ever. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • METAL AM (2019). Metal Additive Manufacturing enables ‘world’s first’ hollow propeller blade. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • METALMECANICA (2014). Technologies and applications in additive manufacturing of metallic materials. [Online] [Erişim 31.05.2021]
  • Minetola P., Iuliano L., Bassoli E. and Gatto A., (2015). Impact of additive manufacturing on engineering education - evidence from Italy, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 21 (5), 535–555.
  • MOI (n.d.), World’s first 3D printed fiberglass boat. [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • Motyl, B. and Filippi, S. (2021). Trends in engineering education for additive manufacturing in the industry 4.0 era: a systematic literature review. Int J Interact Des Manuf, 15, 103–106.
  • MPA Singapore (2019). Additive Manufacturing for Marine Parts a Market Feasibility Study with Singapore Perspective. AJPERES&id=1572312102868 [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • Özer, G. (2020). Eklemeli Üretim Teknolojileri Üzerine Bir Derleme . Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 9 (1) , 606-621 .
  • RAMLAB (2017) RAMLAB unveils world’s fırst class approved 3d prınted ship’s propeller [Online] [Erişim 05.06.2021]
  • STM (2016). Katmanlı İmalat Teknolojileri ve Havacılık Uygulamaları Sektör Değerlendirme Raporu.
  • TEI (n.d.). Additive Manufacturing Technologies. [Online] [Erişim 21.05.2021]
  • Tofail, S. A. M., Koumoulos, E. P., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bose, S., O’Donoghue, L., and Charitidis, C. (2018). Additive manufacturing: scientific and technological challenges, market uptake and opportunities. Materials Today, 21(1), 22–37.
  • Wholers, T. and Gornet, T. (2014). History of additive manufacturing. Wohlers report, 24, 118.
  • Ziółkowski, M., and Dyl, T., (2020). Possible Applications of Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Shipbuilding: A Review. Machines, 8(4), 84.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Alıcıoğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4237-1454

M. Erden Yıldızdag 0000-0003-3041-133X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 221

Kaynak Göster

APA Alıcıoğlu, A., & Yıldızdag, M. E. (2022). Eklemeli İmalat Teknikleri ve Gemi İnşaatı Endüstrisindeki Potansiyeli. Gemi Ve Deniz Teknolojisi(221), 178-199.