Önkol ve El Bilek Fleksör Tendon Yaralanmalarında Dikiş Tekniklerinin Karşılaştırılması
Yıl 2023,
, 182 - 187, 30.04.2023
Bülent Özdemir
Tarık Elma
Giriş/Amaç: Ön kol fleksör tendon yaralanması sonrası tendon onarımlarında farklı dikiş teknikleri uygulanmaktadır. Ancak literatürde sonuçları hakkında fazla bilgi yoktur. Fleksör tendon onarımlarının ana hedefleri güçlü onarım ve erken mobilizasyondur. Bu çalışmanın amacı bu bölgede fleksör tendon onarımlarında tek başına modifiye Kessler tekniği ile çalışan epitenon sütür tekniği ile modifiye Kessler sütür sonuçlarını karşılaştırmak ve postoperatif başarı oranlarını değerlendirmektir.
Yöntemler: Bu çalışma Mart 2017-Kasım 2020 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi. Çalışma 68 hastadan oluştu. Bu hastaların 34'üne sadece modifiye Kessler tekniği ile onarım uygulandı. Diğer 34 hastaya, devam eden bir epitenon sütür ile modifiye Kessler sütür ile takviye uygulandı. Ameliyat sonrası 5. günde fizyoterapist eşliğinde pasif fleksiyon egzersizlerine başlandı. 10. günden sonra fizyoterapist gözetiminde tekrar aktif fleksiyon egzersizlerine başlandı. Bir ay boyunca bilek immobilizasyonu uygulandı. Hastaların 12 aylık takiplerinde tendonların fonksiyonları Tang derecelendirmesine göre değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Devam eden epitenon sütür grubu ile modifiye Kessler sütür grubundaki hastalar, adezyon, hareket kısıtlılığı ve Tang derecelendirme değişkenleri açısından Modifiye Kessler grubundaki hastalardan daha iyi sonuçlar gösterdi.
Sonuç: Ön kol fleksör tendon onarımı sonrası hastaların çoğunda iyi sonuçlar elde edildi. Özellikle çalışan epitenon sütür tekniği ile modifiye Kessler sütür bu hastalarda daha güçlü bir onarım sağlamakta ve rehabilitasyonu kolaylaştırarak sonuçları iyileştirmektedir.
- Chase RA. Anatomy and kinesiology of the hand. In: Hunter JM, editor. Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity. 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2002. pp. 60–76.
- Pillip E, Wright II. Flexor and extensor tendon injuries. In: Terry Canale, James H., editors. Campbell’s operative orthopaedics. 11th edition. Mosby Inc; 2008. pp. 3851–3876.
- Incel NA, Ceceli E, Durukan PB, Erdem HR, Yorgancioglu ZR. Grip strength: effect of hand dominance. Singapore Med J. 2002;43(5):234–237.
- Ahmad M, Hussain SS, Tariq F, Rafiq Z, Khan MI, Malik SA. Flexor tendon injuries of hand: experience at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2007;19(1):6–9.
- Tang, Jin Bo, and Steve K. Lee. "Tendon repair and reconstruction. Preface." Hand clinics 29.2 (2013): xiii-xiv.
- Yii NW, Urban M, Elliot D. A prospective study of flexor tendon repair in zone V. J Hand Surg 1998;23B:642– 648.
- Weinzweig N, Chin G, Mead M, Gonzales M. Spaghetti wrist: management and results. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;102:96 – 102.
- Kabak S, Halici M, Baktir A, Turk CY, Avsarogullari L. Results of treatment of the extensive volar wrist lacerations: the spaghetti wrist. Eur J Emerg Med 2002;9:71–76.
- Yuksel F, Peket F, Acikel C, Cellkoz B. Secondhand management of spaghetti wrist do not hesitate to explore. Ann Plast Surg 2002;49:500 –504
- Hudson DA, de Jager LT. The spaghetti wrist. Simultaneous laceration of the median and ulnar nerves with flexor tendons at the wrist. J Hand Surg 1993;18B:171–173
- Widgerow AD. Full house spaghetti wrist injuries. Analysis of results. S Afr J Surg 1990;28:6 –10.
- Hung LK, Pang KW, Yeng PLC, Cheung P, Wong JMW, Chan P. Actie mobilization after flexor tendon repair: comparison of results following injuries in zone 2 and other zones. J Orthopaedic Surg. 2005;13(2):158–163.
- Wilhelmi BJ, Kang RH, Wages DJ, Lee WP, May JW. Optimizing independent finger flexion with zone 5 flexor repairs using the Massachusetts general hospital flexor tenorrhaphy and early protected active motion. J Hand Surg. Am. 2005;30(20):230–236.
- Olivier LC, Assenmacher S, Kendoff D, Schmidt G, Towfigh HM, Schmit NeuerburgKP. Results of flexor tendon repair of the hand by the motion-stable wire suture by Towfigh. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2001;121(4):212–218.
- Gelberman RH, Manske PR. Effects of early motion on the tendon healing process: experimental studies. In: Hunter JM, Schneider LH, Mackin EH, eds. Tendon Surgery in the Hand. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1987:170 –177.
- Pan ZJ, Pan L, Xu YF, Ma T, Yao LH. Outcomes of 200 digital flexor tendon repairs using updated protocols and 30 repairs using an old protocol: experience over 7 years. J Hand Surg Eur. 2020, 45: 56–63.
- Lalonde DH. True active motion is superior to full fist place and hold after flexor tendon repair. J Hand Surg Eur. 2019, 44: 866–7.
- Pan ZJ, Chen J. Infrequent need for tenolysis after flexor tendon repair in Zone 2 and true active motion: a four-year experience. J Hand Surg Eur. 2019, 44: 361–6.
- Chang MK, Wong YR, Tay SC. Biomechanical comparison of modified Lim/Tsai tendon repairs with intra- and extra-tendinous knots. J Hand Surg Eur. 2018, 43: 919–24.
- Chen J, Wu YF, Xing SG, Pan ZJ. Suture knots between tendon stumps may not benefit tendon repairs. J Hand Surg Eur. 2018, 43: 1005–6.
- Miller L, Mass DP. A comparison of four repair techniques for camper’s chiasma flexor digitorum superficialis lacerations: tested in an in vitro model. J Hand Surg 2000; 25A:1122–1126.
Comparison of Suture Techniques in Forearm and Wrist Flexor Tendon Injury
Yıl 2023,
, 182 - 187, 30.04.2023
Bülent Özdemir
Tarık Elma
Background/Aims: Different suturing techniques are performed in tendon repairs after forearm flexor tendon injury. But there is not much information about their results in the literature. The main goals of flexor tendon repairs are strong repair and early mobilization. The aim of this study was to compare the results of the modified Kessler technique alone and modified Kessler suture with a running epitenon suture technique in flexor tendon repairs in this region and to evaluate the postoperative success rates.
Methods: This study was conducted between March 2017 and November 2020. The study comprised of 68 patients. Repair was performed only by the modified Kessler technique to 34 of these patients. The other 34 patients underwent reinforcement with modified Kessler suture with a running epitenon suture. Passive flexion exercises accompanied by a physiotherapist were started on the 5th day after surgery. After the 10th day, active flexion exercise was started again under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Wrist immobilization was performed for one month. The function of the tendons was evaluated according to Tang grading during 12-month follow-up of the patients.
Results: Patients in the modified Kessler suture with a running epitenon suture group showed better results than those in the Modified Kessler group, for the adhesion, limitation of motion and Tang grading variables.
Conclusions: Good results were obtained in most of the patients following forearm flexor tendon repair. Especially the modified Kessler suture with a running epitenon suture technique provides a stronger repair in these patients and improves outcomes by facilitating rehabilitation.
- Chase RA. Anatomy and kinesiology of the hand. In: Hunter JM, editor. Rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity. 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2002. pp. 60–76.
- Pillip E, Wright II. Flexor and extensor tendon injuries. In: Terry Canale, James H., editors. Campbell’s operative orthopaedics. 11th edition. Mosby Inc; 2008. pp. 3851–3876.
- Incel NA, Ceceli E, Durukan PB, Erdem HR, Yorgancioglu ZR. Grip strength: effect of hand dominance. Singapore Med J. 2002;43(5):234–237.
- Ahmad M, Hussain SS, Tariq F, Rafiq Z, Khan MI, Malik SA. Flexor tendon injuries of hand: experience at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2007;19(1):6–9.
- Tang, Jin Bo, and Steve K. Lee. "Tendon repair and reconstruction. Preface." Hand clinics 29.2 (2013): xiii-xiv.
- Yii NW, Urban M, Elliot D. A prospective study of flexor tendon repair in zone V. J Hand Surg 1998;23B:642– 648.
- Weinzweig N, Chin G, Mead M, Gonzales M. Spaghetti wrist: management and results. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998;102:96 – 102.
- Kabak S, Halici M, Baktir A, Turk CY, Avsarogullari L. Results of treatment of the extensive volar wrist lacerations: the spaghetti wrist. Eur J Emerg Med 2002;9:71–76.
- Yuksel F, Peket F, Acikel C, Cellkoz B. Secondhand management of spaghetti wrist do not hesitate to explore. Ann Plast Surg 2002;49:500 –504
- Hudson DA, de Jager LT. The spaghetti wrist. Simultaneous laceration of the median and ulnar nerves with flexor tendons at the wrist. J Hand Surg 1993;18B:171–173
- Widgerow AD. Full house spaghetti wrist injuries. Analysis of results. S Afr J Surg 1990;28:6 –10.
- Hung LK, Pang KW, Yeng PLC, Cheung P, Wong JMW, Chan P. Actie mobilization after flexor tendon repair: comparison of results following injuries in zone 2 and other zones. J Orthopaedic Surg. 2005;13(2):158–163.
- Wilhelmi BJ, Kang RH, Wages DJ, Lee WP, May JW. Optimizing independent finger flexion with zone 5 flexor repairs using the Massachusetts general hospital flexor tenorrhaphy and early protected active motion. J Hand Surg. Am. 2005;30(20):230–236.
- Olivier LC, Assenmacher S, Kendoff D, Schmidt G, Towfigh HM, Schmit NeuerburgKP. Results of flexor tendon repair of the hand by the motion-stable wire suture by Towfigh. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2001;121(4):212–218.
- Gelberman RH, Manske PR. Effects of early motion on the tendon healing process: experimental studies. In: Hunter JM, Schneider LH, Mackin EH, eds. Tendon Surgery in the Hand. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1987:170 –177.
- Pan ZJ, Pan L, Xu YF, Ma T, Yao LH. Outcomes of 200 digital flexor tendon repairs using updated protocols and 30 repairs using an old protocol: experience over 7 years. J Hand Surg Eur. 2020, 45: 56–63.
- Lalonde DH. True active motion is superior to full fist place and hold after flexor tendon repair. J Hand Surg Eur. 2019, 44: 866–7.
- Pan ZJ, Chen J. Infrequent need for tenolysis after flexor tendon repair in Zone 2 and true active motion: a four-year experience. J Hand Surg Eur. 2019, 44: 361–6.
- Chang MK, Wong YR, Tay SC. Biomechanical comparison of modified Lim/Tsai tendon repairs with intra- and extra-tendinous knots. J Hand Surg Eur. 2018, 43: 919–24.
- Chen J, Wu YF, Xing SG, Pan ZJ. Suture knots between tendon stumps may not benefit tendon repairs. J Hand Surg Eur. 2018, 43: 1005–6.
- Miller L, Mass DP. A comparison of four repair techniques for camper’s chiasma flexor digitorum superficialis lacerations: tested in an in vitro model. J Hand Surg 2000; 25A:1122–1126.