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Evinde Yaşayan Yaşlı Bireylerin Günlük Sıvı Alım Düzeyleri ve Etki Eden Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 153 - 157, 30.04.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmada evde yaşayan yaşlı bireylerin günlük sıvı alımlarının ve sıvı alımını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırmada toplam 91 yaşlı bireyden veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında sosyodemografik özellikler formu, günlük sıvı alımını belirleme formu, Edmonton Duyarlılık Ölçeği, Katz Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri Ölçeği ve Algılanan İyi Oluş Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Sıvı tüketim durumu için yaşlı bireylerin vücut yüzey alanı, günlük almaları gereken sıvı miktarı ve eksik sıvı tüketimi miktarı hesaplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Yaşlı bireylerin günde ortalama 1247,25 ± 428,71 mililitre sıvı tükettiği, ortalama günlük sıvı açığının ise 1065,60 ± 417,91 mililitre olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yaşlı bireylerin orta-kırılgan sınırda oldukları, günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde yarı bağımlı oldukları ve iyilik hallerinin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yaşlı bireylerin sık sık tuvalete gitmek istemedikleri, sıvı tüketiminin az olmasından dolayı en çok kabızlık sorunu yaşadıkları ve en fazla sıvıyı öğün aralarında tükettikleri tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Yaşlı bireylerin günlük alması gereken sıvı miktarının yarısı kadar sıvı tükettikleri, orta kırılganlık sınırında oldukları, günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde yarı bağımlı oldukları ve iyilik hallerinin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Dörtten az ilaç kullanan, eşiyle birlikte yaşayan, daha önce hastaneye yatmış, kronik bir hastalığı olmayan yaşlı bireylerin daha fazla sıvı tükettiği belirlenmiştir.


  • Alkhodary AA, Aljunid SM, Ismail A, Nur AM, Shahar S. The economic burden of frailty among elderly people: A review of the current literature. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2020;20(2):224-32.
  • Lorenzo I, Serra-Prat M, Yébenes JC. The role of water homeostasis in muscle function and frailty: a review. Nutrients. 2019;11(8):1857.
  • Hooper L, Bunn D, Jimoh FO, Fairweather-Tait SJ. Water-loss dehydration and aging. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2014;136:50-8.
  • Mukherjee U, Napier C, Oldewage-Theron W. ‘Drink clean, safe water and/or other fluids through-out the day even if you do not feel thirsty’: a food-based dietary guideline for the elderly in South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2021;34(si1):S9-S14.
  • Heung V, Ng T, Yee H, Fong B. Understanding dehydration in the elderly. CAHMR; 2021.
  • Paye NG, Miller RHB, Zhou C, Weamie SJY, Davies TA. Systematic Study and Meta-Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Cholera Outbreaks in Africa: A Review. Advances in Infectious Diseases. 2021;11(2):240-60.
  • Minton AP. Water loss in aging erythrocytes provides a clue to a general mechanism of cellular senescence. Biophysical Journal. 2020;119(10):2039-44.
  • Homem SG, Moreira EAM, da Silva AF, Barni GC, da Rosa JS, de Lima Oliveira D, et al. Relationship between oropharyngeal dysphagia, nutritional status, antioxidant vitamins and the inflammatory response in adults and elderly: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2020;38:211-7.
  • Picetti D, Foster S, Pangle AK, Schrader A, George M, Wei JY, et al. Hydration health literacy in the elderly. Nutrition and healthy aging. 2017;4(3):227-37.
  • Dönmez B, Demir G. Liquid Consumption Conditions of Elderly People Living at Home and Investigation of Effecting Factors. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(2):463-5.
  • Sherrington C, Michaleff ZA, Fairhall N, Paul SS, Tiedemann A, Whitney J, et al. Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine. 2017;51(24):1750-8.
  • Velegraki M, Ioannou P, Tsioutis C, Persynaki GS, Pediaditis E, Koutserimpas C, et al. Age, Comorbidities and Fear of Fall: mortality predictors associated with fall-related fractures. Maedica. 2020;15(1):18.
  • Yilmaz F, Çağlayan Ç. Yaşlılarda sağlıklı yaşam tarzının yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi. 2016;20(4):129-40.
  • Rolfson DB, Majumdar SR, Tsuyuki RT, Tahir A, Rockwood K. Validity and reliability of the Edmonton Frail Scale. Age and ageing. 2006;35(5):526-9.
  • Aygör HE, Fadıloğlu Ç, Şahin S, Aykar FŞ, Akçiçek F. Validation of edmonton frail scale into elderly Turkish population. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2018;76:133-7.
  • Pehlivanoğlu EFÖ, Özkan MU, Balcıoğlu H, Bilge U, Ünlüoğlu İ. Yaşlılar için Katz Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması ve Güvenilirliği. Ankara Medical Journal. 2018;18(2):219-23.
  • Adams T, Bezner J, Steinhardt M. The conceptualization and measurement of perceived wellness: Integrating balance across and within dimensions. American Journal of health promotion. 1997;11(3):208-18.
  • Dönmez B, Demir G. Liquid Consumption Conditions of Elderly People Living at Home and Investigation of Effecting Factors. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2022;51(2):463-5.
  • Güleç E. To examine the fluid intake and care characteristics of the elderly living in the nursing home: DEU Institute of Health Sciences; 2013.
  • Bennett JA, Thomas V, Riegel B. Unrecognized chronic dehydration in older adults: examining prevalence rate and risk factors. Slack Incorporated Thorofare, NJ; 2004. p. 22-8.
  • Muz G, Özdil K, Erdoğan G, Sezer F. Determination of Water Consumption and Related Factors in Elderly People Staying in Nursing Homes and Homes. Turkish Journal of Hygiene and Experimental Biology. 2017;74(1):143-50.
  • Wotton K, Crannitch K, Munt R. Prevalence, risk factors and strategies to prevent dehydration in older adults. Contemporary nurse. 2008;31(1):44-56.
  • Botigué T, Masot O, Miranda J, Nuin C, Viladrosa M, Lavedán A, et al. Prevalence and risk factors associated with low fluid intake in institutionalized older residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2019;20(3):317-22.
  • Gaff L, Jones J, Davidson IH, Bannerman E. A study of fluid provision and consumption in elderly patients in a long‐stay rehabilitation hospital. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015;28(4):384-9.
  • Lauriola M, Mangiacotti A, D’Onofrio G, Cascavilla L, Paris F, Paroni G, et al. Neurocognitive disorders and dehydration in older patients: clinical experience supports the hydromolecular hypothesis of dementia. Nutrients. 2018;10(5):562.

Determination of Daily Fluid Intake Levels and Affecting Factors of Elderly Individuals Living at Home

Yıl 2024, , 153 - 157, 30.04.2024


Background/Aims: In this study, it was aimed to determine the daily fluid intake and the factors affecting the fluid intake of elderly individuals living at home.
Methods: This descriptive study collected data from a total of 91 elderly individuals. The sociodemographic characteristics form, daily fluid intake determination form, Edmonton Vulnerability Scale, Katz Activities of Daily Living Scale, and Perceived Well-being Scale were used to collect data. For the fluid consumption status, the body surface area of the elderly individuals, the amount of fluid they should take daily, and the amount of fluid consumption deficiency were calculated.
Results: It was determined that the elderly individuals consumed an average of 1247.25 ± 428.71 milliliters of fluid per day and the average daily fluid deficit was 1065.60 ± 417.91 milliliters. It has been determined that elderly individuals are in the middle-frail border, semi-dependent in activities of daily living, and their well-being is low. In addition, it has been determined that elderly individuals do not want to go to the toilet frequently, have the most constipation problems due to lack of fluid consumption, and consume the most liquid between meals.
Conclusion: It has been determined that elderly individuals consume half as much fluid as they should daily are in the moderate fragility limit, are semi-dependent in daily living activities, and have low well-being. It has been determined that elderly individuals who use less than four drugs, live with their spouse, have been hospitalized before, and do not have a chronic disease consume more fluids.


  • Alkhodary AA, Aljunid SM, Ismail A, Nur AM, Shahar S. The economic burden of frailty among elderly people: A review of the current literature. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2020;20(2):224-32.
  • Lorenzo I, Serra-Prat M, Yébenes JC. The role of water homeostasis in muscle function and frailty: a review. Nutrients. 2019;11(8):1857.
  • Hooper L, Bunn D, Jimoh FO, Fairweather-Tait SJ. Water-loss dehydration and aging. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2014;136:50-8.
  • Mukherjee U, Napier C, Oldewage-Theron W. ‘Drink clean, safe water and/or other fluids through-out the day even if you do not feel thirsty’: a food-based dietary guideline for the elderly in South Africa. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2021;34(si1):S9-S14.
  • Heung V, Ng T, Yee H, Fong B. Understanding dehydration in the elderly. CAHMR; 2021.
  • Paye NG, Miller RHB, Zhou C, Weamie SJY, Davies TA. Systematic Study and Meta-Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Cholera Outbreaks in Africa: A Review. Advances in Infectious Diseases. 2021;11(2):240-60.
  • Minton AP. Water loss in aging erythrocytes provides a clue to a general mechanism of cellular senescence. Biophysical Journal. 2020;119(10):2039-44.
  • Homem SG, Moreira EAM, da Silva AF, Barni GC, da Rosa JS, de Lima Oliveira D, et al. Relationship between oropharyngeal dysphagia, nutritional status, antioxidant vitamins and the inflammatory response in adults and elderly: A cross-sectional study. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2020;38:211-7.
  • Picetti D, Foster S, Pangle AK, Schrader A, George M, Wei JY, et al. Hydration health literacy in the elderly. Nutrition and healthy aging. 2017;4(3):227-37.
  • Dönmez B, Demir G. Liquid Consumption Conditions of Elderly People Living at Home and Investigation of Effecting Factors. Iran J Public Health. 2022;51(2):463-5.
  • Sherrington C, Michaleff ZA, Fairhall N, Paul SS, Tiedemann A, Whitney J, et al. Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine. 2017;51(24):1750-8.
  • Velegraki M, Ioannou P, Tsioutis C, Persynaki GS, Pediaditis E, Koutserimpas C, et al. Age, Comorbidities and Fear of Fall: mortality predictors associated with fall-related fractures. Maedica. 2020;15(1):18.
  • Yilmaz F, Çağlayan Ç. Yaşlılarda sağlıklı yaşam tarzının yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi. 2016;20(4):129-40.
  • Rolfson DB, Majumdar SR, Tsuyuki RT, Tahir A, Rockwood K. Validity and reliability of the Edmonton Frail Scale. Age and ageing. 2006;35(5):526-9.
  • Aygör HE, Fadıloğlu Ç, Şahin S, Aykar FŞ, Akçiçek F. Validation of edmonton frail scale into elderly Turkish population. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2018;76:133-7.
  • Pehlivanoğlu EFÖ, Özkan MU, Balcıoğlu H, Bilge U, Ünlüoğlu İ. Yaşlılar için Katz Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması ve Güvenilirliği. Ankara Medical Journal. 2018;18(2):219-23.
  • Adams T, Bezner J, Steinhardt M. The conceptualization and measurement of perceived wellness: Integrating balance across and within dimensions. American Journal of health promotion. 1997;11(3):208-18.
  • Dönmez B, Demir G. Liquid Consumption Conditions of Elderly People Living at Home and Investigation of Effecting Factors. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2022;51(2):463-5.
  • Güleç E. To examine the fluid intake and care characteristics of the elderly living in the nursing home: DEU Institute of Health Sciences; 2013.
  • Bennett JA, Thomas V, Riegel B. Unrecognized chronic dehydration in older adults: examining prevalence rate and risk factors. Slack Incorporated Thorofare, NJ; 2004. p. 22-8.
  • Muz G, Özdil K, Erdoğan G, Sezer F. Determination of Water Consumption and Related Factors in Elderly People Staying in Nursing Homes and Homes. Turkish Journal of Hygiene and Experimental Biology. 2017;74(1):143-50.
  • Wotton K, Crannitch K, Munt R. Prevalence, risk factors and strategies to prevent dehydration in older adults. Contemporary nurse. 2008;31(1):44-56.
  • Botigué T, Masot O, Miranda J, Nuin C, Viladrosa M, Lavedán A, et al. Prevalence and risk factors associated with low fluid intake in institutionalized older residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2019;20(3):317-22.
  • Gaff L, Jones J, Davidson IH, Bannerman E. A study of fluid provision and consumption in elderly patients in a long‐stay rehabilitation hospital. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015;28(4):384-9.
  • Lauriola M, Mangiacotti A, D’Onofrio G, Cascavilla L, Paris F, Paroni G, et al. Neurocognitive disorders and dehydration in older patients: clinical experience supports the hydromolecular hypothesis of dementia. Nutrients. 2018;10(5):562.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Halil İbrahim Tuna 0000-0003-2119-5874

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Nisan 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Tuna Hİ. Determination of Daily Fluid Intake Levels and Affecting Factors of Elderly Individuals Living at Home. Genel Tıp Derg. 2024;34(2):153-7.