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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 1, 116 - 122, 28.02.2025



  • 1. T, Durantel D, Pasmant E, Lau G, Schinazi RF. COVID-19: Discovery, diagnostics and drug Asselah development. J Hepatol 2021;74(1):168-84.
  • 2. T.C. Ministry of Health. Turkey's 1-year process of fighting against Covid-19. 2024 April 29. Available at:,80604/bakan-koca-turkiyenin-kovid-19la-1-yillik-mucadele-surecini-degerlendirdi.html. Accessed April 08, 2024.
  • 3. The World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 dashboard. Number of COVID-19 cases reported to WHO (cumulative total). Available at: Accessed April 29, 2024.
  • 4. Pokhrel S, Chhetri R. A literature review on impact of COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. Higher Education for the Future 2021;8(1):133-41.
  • 5. Gardner W, States D, Bagley N. The coronavirus and the risks to the elderly in long-term care. J Aging Soc Policy 2020;32(4-5):310-5.
  • 6. Naveed M, Naeem M, Rahman M, et al. Review of potential risk groups for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). New Microbes New Infect 2021;41:100849.
  • 7. Borrelli M, Corcione A, Castellano F, Fiori Nastro F, Santamaria F. Coronavirus disease 2019 in children. Front Pediatr 2021;9: 668484.
  • 8. Zachariah P. COVID-19 in Children. Infect Dis Clin 2021;36(1):1-14.
  • 9. Zhen-Dong Y, Gao-Jun Z, Run-Ming J, et al. Clinical and transmission dynamics characteristics of 406 children with coronavirus disease 2019 in China: a review. J Infect 2020;81(2):e11-5.
  • 10. Zhu Y, Bloxham CJ, Hulme KD, et al. A meta-analysis on the role of children in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in household transmission clusters. CID 2021;72(12):e1146-53.
  • 11. Sabetian G, Moghadami M, Hashemizadeh Fard Haghighi L, et al. COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in southwest Iran. Virol J 2021;18:1-8.
  • 12. Guedes AR, Oliveira MS, Tavares BM, et al. Reinfection rate in a cohort of healthcare workers over 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Rep 2023;13(1):712.
  • 13. Pray IW, Grajewski B, Morris C, et al. Measuring work-related risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (covıd-19): comparison of COVID-19 Incidence by Occupation and Industry-Wisconsin, September 2020 to May 2021. CID 2023;76(3):e163-e171.
  • 14. Sayik D, Acikgoz A, Mutlu F. Sleep quality of medical staff during the coronavirus pandemic: A meta-analysis. J Turk Sleep Med 2021;8(1):1-6.
  • 15. Chen Y, Wang J, Geng Y, et al. Meta-analysis of the prevalence of anxiety and depression among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Public Health 2022;10:984630.
  • 16. Sayik D, Acikgoz A, Kaya S. Anxiety and sleep quality levels of emergency medical personnel and factors affecting them during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pandemic. J Turk Sleep Med 2022;9(1):27-36.
  • 17. Wendlandt B, Kime M, Carson S. The impact of family visitor restrictions on healthcare workers in the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2022;68:103123.
  • 18. Nobari H, Fashi M, Eskandari A, Villafaina S, Murillo-Garcia Á, Pérez-Gómez J. Effect of COVID-19 on health-related quality of life in adolescents and children: a systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(9):4563.
  • 19. Pizarro-Ruiz JP, Ordóñez-Camblor N. Effects of Covid-19 confinement on the mental health of children and adolescents in Spain. Sci Rep 2021;11(1):11713.
  • 20. Chorpita BF, Yim L, Moffitt C, Umemoto LA, Francis SE. Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A revised child anxiety and depression scale. Behav Res Ther 2000;38(8):835-55.
  • 21. Gormez V, Kılıncaslan A, Orengul AC, et al. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale–Child Version in a clinical sample. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol 2017;27(1):84-92.
  • 22. Uysal I, Kılıç A. Normal distribution dilemma. AJESI 2022;12(1):220-48.
  • 23. Liu S, Yang L, Zhang C, et al. Correspondence online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet Psychiatry 2020;0366:2019-20.
  • 24. Cakmak G, Ozturk ZA. Being both a parent and a healthcare worker in the pandemic: who could be exhausted more? In Healthcare 2021;9(5):564.
  • 25. Arpacıoglu S, Baltalı Z, Unubol B. Burnout, fear of Covid, depression, occupational satisfaction levels and related factors in healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cukurova Med J 2021;46(1):88-100.
  • 26. Akdag B, Ege D, Goksuluk D, Ipekten F, Erdogan A, Onder A. The parental COVID-19 anxiety and emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers: exploring the roles of resilience, prosocialness, and optimism. Curr Psychol 2023;42(23):20042-51.
  • 27. Wolicki SB, Bitsko RH, Cree RA, et al. Mental health of parents and primary caregivers by sex and associated child health indicators. Advers Resil Sci 2021;2(2):125-39.
  • 28. O’Sullivan T, Bourgoin M. Vulnerability in an Influenza Pandemic: looking beyond medical risk. Behav 2010;11:16.
  • 29. Siegler RS. Children’s learning. American Psychol 2005;60(8):769-78.
  • 30. Hinde RA, Stevenson-Hinde J. Interpersonal relationships and child development. Developmental Rev 1987;7(1):1-21.
  • 31. Keenan T, Evans S, Crowley K. An introduction to child development. London: SAGE Publications Ltd; 2016.

Comparison of Anxiety and Depression Levels of Children with and without Healthcare Professionals Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 1, 116 - 122, 28.02.2025


Background/Aims: Little is known about the effects of the pandemic on children and children whose parents are healthcare professionals. This study was conducted to compare the anxiety and depression levels of children aged 8-17 years with and without parents who are healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic period.
Methods: This descriptive study was completed with 224 children. The research was conducted in Eskisehir, Turkiye, between 14 May and 14 June 2020, using the online survey method. The data were collected with the Descriptive Information Form and the Anxiety and Depression Scale in Children-Renewed Form. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant in the study.
Results: The average age of the children (n=224) is 13.63±2.99. Children received information about COVID-19 from television/internet (86.6%), parents (74.1%) and teachers (44.6%). There was no relationship between children's information acquisition characteristics and anxiety and depression scores (p>0.05). The rate of parents working in the field of health is 51.3%. The anxiety and depression scores of children whose parent(s) were healthcare professional were statistically higher than those whose parents were not (p=0.030, p=0.040, respectively). It was determined that children whose parent(s) were healthcare professional were more worried about their parents going to work during the pandemic period and were afraid of contracting COVID-19 disease (p=0.005; p=0.029).
Conclusion: This study is important in terms of showing the effects of COVID-19 on children of health professionals and non-health professionals parents during the pandemic. It becomes clear that effective measures must be taken to protect the mental health of healthcare workers and their children, who are considered to be among the vulnerable groups during the epidemic period. For this reason, it may be beneficial to support children more effectively psychologically during pandemic periods and improve the working conditions of parents.

KEYWORDS: anxiety, COVID-19 pandemic, depression, healthcare professional, child


  • 1. T, Durantel D, Pasmant E, Lau G, Schinazi RF. COVID-19: Discovery, diagnostics and drug Asselah development. J Hepatol 2021;74(1):168-84.
  • 2. T.C. Ministry of Health. Turkey's 1-year process of fighting against Covid-19. 2024 April 29. Available at:,80604/bakan-koca-turkiyenin-kovid-19la-1-yillik-mucadele-surecini-degerlendirdi.html. Accessed April 08, 2024.
  • 3. The World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 dashboard. Number of COVID-19 cases reported to WHO (cumulative total). Available at: Accessed April 29, 2024.
  • 4. Pokhrel S, Chhetri R. A literature review on impact of COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. Higher Education for the Future 2021;8(1):133-41.
  • 5. Gardner W, States D, Bagley N. The coronavirus and the risks to the elderly in long-term care. J Aging Soc Policy 2020;32(4-5):310-5.
  • 6. Naveed M, Naeem M, Rahman M, et al. Review of potential risk groups for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). New Microbes New Infect 2021;41:100849.
  • 7. Borrelli M, Corcione A, Castellano F, Fiori Nastro F, Santamaria F. Coronavirus disease 2019 in children. Front Pediatr 2021;9: 668484.
  • 8. Zachariah P. COVID-19 in Children. Infect Dis Clin 2021;36(1):1-14.
  • 9. Zhen-Dong Y, Gao-Jun Z, Run-Ming J, et al. Clinical and transmission dynamics characteristics of 406 children with coronavirus disease 2019 in China: a review. J Infect 2020;81(2):e11-5.
  • 10. Zhu Y, Bloxham CJ, Hulme KD, et al. A meta-analysis on the role of children in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in household transmission clusters. CID 2021;72(12):e1146-53.
  • 11. Sabetian G, Moghadami M, Hashemizadeh Fard Haghighi L, et al. COVID-19 infection among healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in southwest Iran. Virol J 2021;18:1-8.
  • 12. Guedes AR, Oliveira MS, Tavares BM, et al. Reinfection rate in a cohort of healthcare workers over 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Rep 2023;13(1):712.
  • 13. Pray IW, Grajewski B, Morris C, et al. Measuring work-related risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (covıd-19): comparison of COVID-19 Incidence by Occupation and Industry-Wisconsin, September 2020 to May 2021. CID 2023;76(3):e163-e171.
  • 14. Sayik D, Acikgoz A, Mutlu F. Sleep quality of medical staff during the coronavirus pandemic: A meta-analysis. J Turk Sleep Med 2021;8(1):1-6.
  • 15. Chen Y, Wang J, Geng Y, et al. Meta-analysis of the prevalence of anxiety and depression among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Public Health 2022;10:984630.
  • 16. Sayik D, Acikgoz A, Kaya S. Anxiety and sleep quality levels of emergency medical personnel and factors affecting them during the Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pandemic. J Turk Sleep Med 2022;9(1):27-36.
  • 17. Wendlandt B, Kime M, Carson S. The impact of family visitor restrictions on healthcare workers in the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2022;68:103123.
  • 18. Nobari H, Fashi M, Eskandari A, Villafaina S, Murillo-Garcia Á, Pérez-Gómez J. Effect of COVID-19 on health-related quality of life in adolescents and children: a systematic review. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(9):4563.
  • 19. Pizarro-Ruiz JP, Ordóñez-Camblor N. Effects of Covid-19 confinement on the mental health of children and adolescents in Spain. Sci Rep 2021;11(1):11713.
  • 20. Chorpita BF, Yim L, Moffitt C, Umemoto LA, Francis SE. Assessment of symptoms of DSM-IV anxiety and depression in children: A revised child anxiety and depression scale. Behav Res Ther 2000;38(8):835-55.
  • 21. Gormez V, Kılıncaslan A, Orengul AC, et al. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale–Child Version in a clinical sample. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol 2017;27(1):84-92.
  • 22. Uysal I, Kılıç A. Normal distribution dilemma. AJESI 2022;12(1):220-48.
  • 23. Liu S, Yang L, Zhang C, et al. Correspondence online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Lancet Psychiatry 2020;0366:2019-20.
  • 24. Cakmak G, Ozturk ZA. Being both a parent and a healthcare worker in the pandemic: who could be exhausted more? In Healthcare 2021;9(5):564.
  • 25. Arpacıoglu S, Baltalı Z, Unubol B. Burnout, fear of Covid, depression, occupational satisfaction levels and related factors in healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cukurova Med J 2021;46(1):88-100.
  • 26. Akdag B, Ege D, Goksuluk D, Ipekten F, Erdogan A, Onder A. The parental COVID-19 anxiety and emotional exhaustion in healthcare workers: exploring the roles of resilience, prosocialness, and optimism. Curr Psychol 2023;42(23):20042-51.
  • 27. Wolicki SB, Bitsko RH, Cree RA, et al. Mental health of parents and primary caregivers by sex and associated child health indicators. Advers Resil Sci 2021;2(2):125-39.
  • 28. O’Sullivan T, Bourgoin M. Vulnerability in an Influenza Pandemic: looking beyond medical risk. Behav 2010;11:16.
  • 29. Siegler RS. Children’s learning. American Psychol 2005;60(8):769-78.
  • 30. Hinde RA, Stevenson-Hinde J. Interpersonal relationships and child development. Developmental Rev 1987;7(1):1-21.
  • 31. Keenan T, Evans S, Crowley K. An introduction to child development. London: SAGE Publications Ltd; 2016.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Original Article

Dilek Şayık 0000-0001-9614-0363

Ayfer Açıkgoz 0000-0002-7507-3824

Yi Wen Wang 0000-0002-6824-6678

Özlem Mumcu 0000-0002-0104-7834

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Şayık D, Açıkgoz A, Wang YW, Mumcu Ö. Comparison of Anxiety and Depression Levels of Children with and without Healthcare Professionals Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Genel Tıp Derg. 2025;35(1):116-22.