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Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology

Yıl 2024, , 228 - 239, 31.12.2024


The contributions of mythical older adult figures to today’s vocabulary and literature were studied by assessing the perception of aging in the axis of older adult characters in Greek and Roman mythology. The narratives about older individuals and old age were studied using the “discourse analysis” approach, and the profound effects of ideas and perceptions in mythology today were explored. Aside from those shown as physically collapsed, unhappy, and dirty, as in the Geras example, Greek and Roman mythology is rich in images of aged people; there are also individuals such as Mentor, Silenus, and Chiron who are regarded to be knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced wise men. Furthermore, characters like Tithonus, Proteus, and Mentor, whose traits inspired and contributed terminologically to numerous fields such as medicine, nursing, psychology, and educational sciences, are crucial in illustrating mythology’s contributions to the modern age. Older adult characters in Greek and Roman mythology, such as Tiresias and Sbyl, rose to prominence due to their prophetic powers, demonstrating the link between old age and prophetic ability. In Greek and Roman mythology, older adult characters exhibit a wide range of complex qualities. For this reason, the older adults figures and discourse in Greek and Roman mythology contributed significantly to the studies of aging and scientific literature and revealed the origins of the aging perception in several ways. Examining this mythical discourse reveals its contributions to scientific language and the traces left in social memory.


  • Stuckelberger A, Wanner P, Mansouri K. Anti-ageing Medicine: Myths and Chances. 1st Edition Switzerland: vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zurich, 2008, 18-19
  • Hackler C. Extending the Life Span: Mythic Desires and Modern Dangers. HEC Forum 16, 182–196 (2004).
  • Kirk GS, Robertson M. Hesiod ML, et al. West. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1966. Pp. xiii + 459. £4 10s. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 1968;88:144–50. doi:10.2307/628686
  • Hyginus HI, Rose, Hygini Fabulae, Editor, HJ. Rose, Edition, 3 ; Publisher, A. W. Sijthoff, 1967 ; Length, 219 pages.
  • Philostratus. Apollonius of Tyana, Volume I: Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Books 1-4. Edited and translated by Christopher P. Jones. Loeb Classical Library 16. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
  • Virgil., Aeneis. Translated by HR Fairclough. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 1999, 722-885
  • Seneca. Oedipus. Translated by JG Fitch. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 2018, 273-279.
  • Homeric Hyms. Homeric Hymns to Aphrodite. Translated by M. L. West. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Universi-ty Press, 2003.
  • Sappho, Greek Lyric I: Sappho and Alcaeus. Translated by DA. Campbell. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Universi-ty Press, 1990.
  • Suda, Suidae Lexicon. A. Adler (Ed.). Leipzig: Teubner., 1971, 122
  • Baltes PB, Facing Our Limits: Human Dignity in the Very Old. Daedalus 2006; 135 (1): 32–39. doi:
  • Vinod N. Future Projections and Fallouts of Exponential Longevity and Revival from Cryopreservation. Res Med Eng Sci. 6(4). RMES.000640.2018, pp. 632-642.
  • Apollodorus, The Library. Translated by JG. Frazer. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press., 5-7
  • Homer, Odyssey. Translated by AT. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press, 1998, 365.
  • Goethe J W, Faust (A. S. Kline). Retrieved from Ebook Library, 2003.
  • Plutarch. Moralia, Volume II: How to Profit by One’s Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius. Advice About Keeping Well. Advice to Bride and Groom. The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. Superstition. Translated by Frank Cole Babbitt. Loeb Classical Library 222. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1928.
  • Nietzsche F, Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik. Leipzig: Verlag von E. W. Fritzsch, 1872.
  • Plato, Phaedo. Translated by CE. Jones and W. Preddy. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 2017.
  • Plato, Symposium. Translated by WRM. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.1925.
  • Rabelais, The Works of Rabelais (Cornell University Library). Retrieved from Ebook Library, 1920.
  • Roberts J, The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Powell BB, Classical Myth. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Publishing Company, 1998.
  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Roman Antiquities. Translated by E. Cary. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Univer-sity Press.1937.
  • Young E, Night Thoughts: On Life, Death and Immortality (El Camino Real eBooks). Retrieved from Ebook Library.2015.
  • Abuagla, Coşkun A. ““Sibylla” ve “Libri Sibyllini” Üzerine Tarihsel Bir İnceleme.” Tarih Dergisi 72 (2020): 1-20.
  • Pelikan JJ. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989,
  • Petronius, Satyricon. Translated by G. Schmeling. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.2020.
  • Pausanias, Description of Greece. Translated by WHS. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.1918.
  • Üreten H, Kıran Güzel B. Antik Yunan Mitolojisinde Theseus ve Atina Şenlikleri. İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi. Prof. Dr. Serap YILMAZ Özel Sayısı, Yıl:3, Sayı: 7 (67-76), 2017
  • Obradović M. Contributions to the Study of Neleid Anthroponymy IV: The Heroic Name Nestor as a Personal Name Among the Hellenes. Istraživanja Journal of Historical Researches, Vol. 26,2015, pp. 18-36.
  • Homer I. Translated by AT. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. London: 1st Edition, Harvard University Press. 1999.
  • Euripides, Andromache. Translated by D. Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library. London: 1st Edition, Harvard University Press. 2005.
  • Stuart DR. Epochs of Greek and Roman biography. Univ of California Press, 1928.
  • Akdeniz D, Çokbankir Şengül N. Mitoloji ve Ortak Bilinç: Homeros ve Vergilius’ un Aeneas’ ı. Ardahan Üniversitesi İnsani Bilimler ve Edebiyat Fakültesi Belgü Dergisi Özel Sayı (2023): 295-304.
  • Çatal S. Cehennemin Yeraltında Bulunması ve Yer Altı Tanrılarının Şeytan ile Özdeşleştirilmesi İbaresine Mitolojik Bakış. Akademik Açı 1.2 (2021): 147-160.
  • Koç, NE. Yeralti Tanrilari. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi 4.13 (2012): 23-34.
  • Çamveren H, Kocaman G. Mentorluk programının hemşirelerin işte kalma ve işten ayrılmaları üzerine etkisi konusunda bir derleme. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 12.2 (2019): 152-160.

Yaşlanma, Mitoloji, Yaşlı Figürler, Yaşlılık Algısı, Bilimsel Literatür

Yıl 2024, , 228 - 239, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmada Antik Yunan ve Roma mitolojisindeki yaşlı figürler ekseninde yaşlılık algısı değerlendirilerek; mitolojik yaşlı figürlerin günümüz terminolojisine ve literatürüne katkıları irdelenmiştir. Yaşlılar ve yaşlılık ile ilgili anlatılanlar “Söylem analizi” yöntemiyle irdelenmiş ve mitolojideki kavramların ve algının günümüze yoğun etkileri tartışılmıştır. Yunan ve Roma mitolojisi yaşlı figürler bakımından oldukça zengin bir kapsama sahiptir. Geras örneğinde görüldüğü gibi fiziksel olarak çökmüş, acınası ve tiksindirici olarak anlatılan figürlerin yanı sıra; bilgili, becerili ve deneyimli birer bilge olarak görülen Mentor, Silenos, Kheiron gibi kişiler de yer almaktadır. Ayrıca kendilerine atfedilen karakteristik özelliklerden dolayı tıp, hemşirelik, psikoloji, eğitim bilimleri gibi birçok bilim dalına ilham vermiş ve terminolojik olarak katkıda bulunmuş olan Tithonos, Proteus, Mentor gibi figürler de mitolojinin modern döneme katkılarını göstermesi bakımından önemlidir. Teiresias, Sibylla gibi yaşlı figürler ise kehanet yetenekleri ile ön plana çıkmışlardır. Bu durum Yunan ve Roma mitolojisinde yaşlılık ile kehanet yeteneği arasında bulunan bağı göstermektedir. Yunan ve Roma mitolojisindeki yaşlı figürler oldukça kapsamlı ve derin karakteristik özelliklere sahiptirler. Bu yüzden Yunan ve Roma mitolojisindeki yaşlı figürler ve söylem, yaşlılık çalışmalarına ve bilimsel literatüre önemli oranda katkı sağlamış ve yaşlılık algısının kökenlerini birçok anlamda gözler önüne sermiştir. Bu mitolojik diskur irdelendiğinde, gerek bilimsel terminolojiye katkıları gerekse de toplumsal bellekte bıraktığı izler gün yüzüne çıkmaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Bu makale için etik kurul belgesi gerekmemektedir.


  • Stuckelberger A, Wanner P, Mansouri K. Anti-ageing Medicine: Myths and Chances. 1st Edition Switzerland: vdf Hochschulverlag ETH Zurich, 2008, 18-19
  • Hackler C. Extending the Life Span: Mythic Desires and Modern Dangers. HEC Forum 16, 182–196 (2004).
  • Kirk GS, Robertson M. Hesiod ML, et al. West. Oxford: the Clarendon Press. 1966. Pp. xiii + 459. £4 10s. The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 1968;88:144–50. doi:10.2307/628686
  • Hyginus HI, Rose, Hygini Fabulae, Editor, HJ. Rose, Edition, 3 ; Publisher, A. W. Sijthoff, 1967 ; Length, 219 pages.
  • Philostratus. Apollonius of Tyana, Volume I: Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Books 1-4. Edited and translated by Christopher P. Jones. Loeb Classical Library 16. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.
  • Virgil., Aeneis. Translated by HR Fairclough. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 1999, 722-885
  • Seneca. Oedipus. Translated by JG Fitch. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 2018, 273-279.
  • Homeric Hyms. Homeric Hymns to Aphrodite. Translated by M. L. West. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Universi-ty Press, 2003.
  • Sappho, Greek Lyric I: Sappho and Alcaeus. Translated by DA. Campbell. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Universi-ty Press, 1990.
  • Suda, Suidae Lexicon. A. Adler (Ed.). Leipzig: Teubner., 1971, 122
  • Baltes PB, Facing Our Limits: Human Dignity in the Very Old. Daedalus 2006; 135 (1): 32–39. doi:
  • Vinod N. Future Projections and Fallouts of Exponential Longevity and Revival from Cryopreservation. Res Med Eng Sci. 6(4). RMES.000640.2018, pp. 632-642.
  • Apollodorus, The Library. Translated by JG. Frazer. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press., 5-7
  • Homer, Odyssey. Translated by AT. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press, 1998, 365.
  • Goethe J W, Faust (A. S. Kline). Retrieved from Ebook Library, 2003.
  • Plutarch. Moralia, Volume II: How to Profit by One’s Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius. Advice About Keeping Well. Advice to Bride and Groom. The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. Superstition. Translated by Frank Cole Babbitt. Loeb Classical Library 222. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1928.
  • Nietzsche F, Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik. Leipzig: Verlag von E. W. Fritzsch, 1872.
  • Plato, Phaedo. Translated by CE. Jones and W. Preddy. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press. 2017.
  • Plato, Symposium. Translated by WRM. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.1925.
  • Rabelais, The Works of Rabelais (Cornell University Library). Retrieved from Ebook Library, 1920.
  • Roberts J, The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Powell BB, Classical Myth. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Publishing Company, 1998.
  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Roman Antiquities. Translated by E. Cary. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard Univer-sity Press.1937.
  • Young E, Night Thoughts: On Life, Death and Immortality (El Camino Real eBooks). Retrieved from Ebook Library.2015.
  • Abuagla, Coşkun A. ““Sibylla” ve “Libri Sibyllini” Üzerine Tarihsel Bir İnceleme.” Tarih Dergisi 72 (2020): 1-20.
  • Pelikan JJ. The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989,
  • Petronius, Satyricon. Translated by G. Schmeling. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.2020.
  • Pausanias, Description of Greece. Translated by WHS. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. London: Harvard University Press.1918.
  • Üreten H, Kıran Güzel B. Antik Yunan Mitolojisinde Theseus ve Atina Şenlikleri. İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi. Prof. Dr. Serap YILMAZ Özel Sayısı, Yıl:3, Sayı: 7 (67-76), 2017
  • Obradović M. Contributions to the Study of Neleid Anthroponymy IV: The Heroic Name Nestor as a Personal Name Among the Hellenes. Istraživanja Journal of Historical Researches, Vol. 26,2015, pp. 18-36.
  • Homer I. Translated by AT. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. London: 1st Edition, Harvard University Press. 1999.
  • Euripides, Andromache. Translated by D. Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library. London: 1st Edition, Harvard University Press. 2005.
  • Stuart DR. Epochs of Greek and Roman biography. Univ of California Press, 1928.
  • Akdeniz D, Çokbankir Şengül N. Mitoloji ve Ortak Bilinç: Homeros ve Vergilius’ un Aeneas’ ı. Ardahan Üniversitesi İnsani Bilimler ve Edebiyat Fakültesi Belgü Dergisi Özel Sayı (2023): 295-304.
  • Çatal S. Cehennemin Yeraltında Bulunması ve Yer Altı Tanrılarının Şeytan ile Özdeşleştirilmesi İbaresine Mitolojik Bakış. Akademik Açı 1.2 (2021): 147-160.
  • Koç, NE. Yeralti Tanrilari. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Dergisi 4.13 (2012): 23-34.
  • Çamveren H, Kocaman G. Mentorluk programının hemşirelerin işte kalma ve işten ayrılmaları üzerine etkisi konusunda bir derleme. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 12.2 (2019): 152-160.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Geriatri ve Gerontoloji
Bölüm Derleme

Şengül Akdeniz 0000-0002-4477-7159

Deniz Akdeniz 0000-0001-7289-9279

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Akdeniz, Ş., & Akdeniz, D. (2024). Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi, 7(3), 228-239.
AMA Akdeniz Ş, Akdeniz D. Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology. GBD. Aralık 2024;7(3):228-239. doi:10.47141/geriatrik.1428239
Chicago Akdeniz, Şengül, ve Deniz Akdeniz. “Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 7, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 228-39.
EndNote Akdeniz Ş, Akdeniz D (01 Aralık 2024) Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 7 3 228–239.
IEEE Ş. Akdeniz ve D. Akdeniz, “Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology”, GBD, c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 228–239, 2024, doi: 10.47141/geriatrik.1428239.
ISNAD Akdeniz, Şengül - Akdeniz, Deniz. “Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi 7/3 (Aralık 2024), 228-239.
JAMA Akdeniz Ş, Akdeniz D. Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology. GBD. 2024;7:228–239.
MLA Akdeniz, Şengül ve Deniz Akdeniz. “Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology”. Geriatrik Bilimler Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 228-39, doi:10.47141/geriatrik.1428239.
Vancouver Akdeniz Ş, Akdeniz D. Figures of Older Individuals and Perceptions of Old Age in Greek and Roman Mythology. GBD. 2024;7(3):228-39.

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