Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 9 - 14, 01.02.2016
Fadime Begüm Otağ
Mehmet Hayta
In this study, ACE inhibitory activity of chickpea protein isolates was measured. After applying pretreatments such as cooking, microwave, ultrasound and fermentation, changes in activity wereinvestigated. Protein isolates were obtained by alcaline extraction and isoelectric precipitation fromsamples that were applied pre-treatments. All isolates were analyzed after being hydrolysed with pepsinand trypsin. The highest ACE inhibition activity was observed in samples that were applied ultrasound.The ACE inhibition activity increased about 21.0- 40.7% when compared to the raw chickpea samples.A decline in the activity was observed when pre-treatments such as fermentation and cooking wereapplied. As a result of these, it has been proved that chickpea has an ACE inhibition activity and it hasbeen found that ultrasound pre-treatment increases ACE inhibition activity
- http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/pdf/ Turk_Hipertansiyon_Prevalans_Calismasi_Ozeti1. pdf. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013)
- http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/prevelans_ calismasi_2.php. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013) 3.http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/insidans_ 160608.php. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013)
- Roy F, Boye J I, Simpson B K. 2010. Bioactive proteins and peptides in pulse crops: Pea, chickpea and lentil. Food Res Int, 43 (2): 432- 442.
- Meisel H, Fitzgerald R J. 2003. Biofunctional peptides from milk proteins: mineral binding and cytomodulatory effects. Curr Pharm Design, 9:1289-1295.
- Lopez-Exposito I L, Recio I. 2008. Protective effect of milk peptides: antibacterial and antitumour properties. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Bosze Z (ed), Volume 606, Springer Science and Business Media, New York, pp.271-293. 7. Hernández-Ledesma B, del Mar Contreras M, Recio I. 2011. Antihypertensive peptides: Production, bioavailability and incorporation into foods. Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 165: 23-35.
- Fernandez-Orozco R, Frias J, Muñoz R, Zielinski H, Piskula M K, Kozlowska H, Vidal-Valverde C. 2007. Fermentation as a bio-process to obtain functional soybean flour. J Agric Food Chem, 55 (22): 8972-8979.
- Vermeirssen V, Van Camp J, Verstraete W. 2004. Bioavailability of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides. Br J Nutr, 92:357-366. 10. Cushman D W, Cheung H S. 1971. Spectrophotometric assay and properties of the angiotensin-converting enzyme of rabbit lung. Biochem Pharmacol, 20 (7): 1637-1648.
- Wang N, Hatcher D W, Tyler R T, Toews R, Gawalko EJ. 2010. Effect of cooking on the composition of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Food Res Int, 43: 589-594. 13
- Clemente A, Sanchez-Vioque R,Vioque J, Bautistab J, Millan F. 1998. Effect of cooking on protein quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinrcm) seeds. Food Chem, 62 (1): 1-6.
- Rodrigues M, Marques Soares R A M, Carlos A C C, Siguemoto E S, Fontanari G G, Arêas J A G. 2014. Peptides from cowpea present antioxidant activity, inhibit cholesterol synthesis and its solubilization into micelles. Food Chem, in press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2014. 07.049
- Alajaji S A, El-Adawy T A. 2006.Nutritional composition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as affected by microwave cooking and other traditional cooking methods. J Food Comp Anal, 19: 806-812. 15. Osman M A. 2004. Changes in sorghum enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid, tannins and in vitro protein digestibility occurring during Khamir (local bread) fermentation. Food Chem, 88: 129-134.
- Jia J, Maa H, Zhao W, Wang Z, Tian W, Luo L, He R. 2010. The use of ultrasound for enzymatic preparation of ACE-inhibitory peptides from wheat germ protein. Food Chem, 119 (1): 336-342
- Li G H, Le G W, Shi Y H, Shrestha S. 2004. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides derived from food proteins and their physiological and pharmacological effects. Nutrition Research, 24(7): 469-486.
- Madadlou A, Sheehan D, Emam-Djomeh Z, Mousavi M E. 2011. Ultrasound-assisted generation of ACE-inhibitory peptides from casein hydrolyzed with nanoencapsulated protease. J Sci Food Agric, 91 (11): 2112–2116.
- Wang H, Li Y, Cheng Y, Yin L, Li L. 2013. Effect of the Maillard reaction on angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of douchi during fermentation. Food Bioprocess Tech, 6 (1): 297-301.
- Rui X, Boye J I, Simpson B K, Prasher S O. 2012. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory properties of Phaseolus vulgaris bean hydrolysates: Effect of different thermal and enzymatic digestion treatments. Food Res Int, 49 (2): 739-746.
- Akıllıoğlu H G. 2009. Bazı Kurubaklagillerden Elde Edilen Protein Ekstraktları ve Fraksiyonlarının ADE İnhibisyon Aktiviteleri: Isıl İşlem ve In Vitro Sindirilirliğin Etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir, Türkiye, 104 s.
- Lopez-Fandino R, Otte J, van Camp J. 2006. Physiological, chemical and technological aspects of milk-protein-derived peptides with antihypertensive and ACE-inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J, 16 (11):1277-1293.
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 1, 9 - 14, 01.02.2016
Fadime Begüm Otağ
Mehmet Hayta
Bu çalışmada nohuttan elde edilen protein izolatlarındaki ADE inhibisyon aktivitesi ölçülmüştür.Nohutlara pişirme, mikrodalga, ultrason, fermantasyon gibi ön işlemler uygulandıktan sonra aktivitedekideğişiklik araştırılmıştır. Ön işlem uygulanan örneklerden alkali ekstraksiyon ve izoelektrik çöktürmeyöntemiyle protein izolatları elde edilmiştir. Bütün izolatlar pepsin ve tripsin ile hidroliz edildikten sonraanaliz edilmiştir. En yüksek ADE inhibisyon aktivitesi ultrason uygulanan örneklerde görülmüştür.Aktivite ham nohuta göre yaklaşık %21.0-40.7 oranında artmıştır. Fermantasyon ve kaynatma ön işlemlerisonucu aktivitede azalma gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak nohutun ADE inhibisyon aktiviteye sahip olduğukanıtlanmış, ultrason uygulamasının aktiviteyi artırdığı bulunmuştur
- http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/pdf/ Turk_Hipertansiyon_Prevalans_Calismasi_Ozeti1. pdf. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013)
- http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/prevelans_ calismasi_2.php. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013) 3.http://www.turkhipertansiyon.org/insidans_ 160608.php. (Erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2013)
- Roy F, Boye J I, Simpson B K. 2010. Bioactive proteins and peptides in pulse crops: Pea, chickpea and lentil. Food Res Int, 43 (2): 432- 442.
- Meisel H, Fitzgerald R J. 2003. Biofunctional peptides from milk proteins: mineral binding and cytomodulatory effects. Curr Pharm Design, 9:1289-1295.
- Lopez-Exposito I L, Recio I. 2008. Protective effect of milk peptides: antibacterial and antitumour properties. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Bosze Z (ed), Volume 606, Springer Science and Business Media, New York, pp.271-293. 7. Hernández-Ledesma B, del Mar Contreras M, Recio I. 2011. Antihypertensive peptides: Production, bioavailability and incorporation into foods. Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 165: 23-35.
- Fernandez-Orozco R, Frias J, Muñoz R, Zielinski H, Piskula M K, Kozlowska H, Vidal-Valverde C. 2007. Fermentation as a bio-process to obtain functional soybean flour. J Agric Food Chem, 55 (22): 8972-8979.
- Vermeirssen V, Van Camp J, Verstraete W. 2004. Bioavailability of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides. Br J Nutr, 92:357-366. 10. Cushman D W, Cheung H S. 1971. Spectrophotometric assay and properties of the angiotensin-converting enzyme of rabbit lung. Biochem Pharmacol, 20 (7): 1637-1648.
- Wang N, Hatcher D W, Tyler R T, Toews R, Gawalko EJ. 2010. Effect of cooking on the composition of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Food Res Int, 43: 589-594. 13
- Clemente A, Sanchez-Vioque R,Vioque J, Bautistab J, Millan F. 1998. Effect of cooking on protein quality of chickpea (Cicer arietinrcm) seeds. Food Chem, 62 (1): 1-6.
- Rodrigues M, Marques Soares R A M, Carlos A C C, Siguemoto E S, Fontanari G G, Arêas J A G. 2014. Peptides from cowpea present antioxidant activity, inhibit cholesterol synthesis and its solubilization into micelles. Food Chem, in press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2014. 07.049
- Alajaji S A, El-Adawy T A. 2006.Nutritional composition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as affected by microwave cooking and other traditional cooking methods. J Food Comp Anal, 19: 806-812. 15. Osman M A. 2004. Changes in sorghum enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid, tannins and in vitro protein digestibility occurring during Khamir (local bread) fermentation. Food Chem, 88: 129-134.
- Jia J, Maa H, Zhao W, Wang Z, Tian W, Luo L, He R. 2010. The use of ultrasound for enzymatic preparation of ACE-inhibitory peptides from wheat germ protein. Food Chem, 119 (1): 336-342
- Li G H, Le G W, Shi Y H, Shrestha S. 2004. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides derived from food proteins and their physiological and pharmacological effects. Nutrition Research, 24(7): 469-486.
- Madadlou A, Sheehan D, Emam-Djomeh Z, Mousavi M E. 2011. Ultrasound-assisted generation of ACE-inhibitory peptides from casein hydrolyzed with nanoencapsulated protease. J Sci Food Agric, 91 (11): 2112–2116.
- Wang H, Li Y, Cheng Y, Yin L, Li L. 2013. Effect of the Maillard reaction on angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of douchi during fermentation. Food Bioprocess Tech, 6 (1): 297-301.
- Rui X, Boye J I, Simpson B K, Prasher S O. 2012. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory properties of Phaseolus vulgaris bean hydrolysates: Effect of different thermal and enzymatic digestion treatments. Food Res Int, 49 (2): 739-746.
- Akıllıoğlu H G. 2009. Bazı Kurubaklagillerden Elde Edilen Protein Ekstraktları ve Fraksiyonlarının ADE İnhibisyon Aktiviteleri: Isıl İşlem ve In Vitro Sindirilirliğin Etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir, Türkiye, 104 s.
- Lopez-Fandino R, Otte J, van Camp J. 2006. Physiological, chemical and technological aspects of milk-protein-derived peptides with antihypertensive and ACE-inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J, 16 (11):1277-1293.