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Selenium (Se) levels and risk assessment of some milk and dairy products produced for children

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 27, 78 - 89, 14.02.2022



Objective: In this study, the selenium (Se) levels of some milk and dairy products developed/designed for pre- school/school age children and sold in the Turkish market were investigated, daily Se exposure was determined and non-carcinogenic risk assessments were made.

Materials and methods:
Within the scope of the study, the Se levels of 60 (20×3) milk samples, 24 (8×3) kefir samples, 6 (2×3) yoghurt samples, and 9 (3×3) milk burger samples belonging to different brands, were determined by ICP-MS. Se exposure was calculated according to the deterministic model, and the risk assessments were made according to THQ (target hazard quotient) values.

Results and conclusion:
The mean Se levels of milk, kefir, yoghurt and milk burger samples were determined as 17.8±4.54; 10.7±8.77; 28.7±6.19 and 44.9±2.97 µg/kg, respectively. The mean Se exposure of boys and girls aged 3-6 years was calculated as 0.17±0.08 µg/kg bw (bodyweight)/day, and the mean Se exposure of boys and girls aged 7-11 years was calculated as 0.10±0.05 µg/kg bw/day. Selenium exposure due to consumption of milk and dairy products decreases with increasing age and no statistical differences were detected in terms of gender (p<0,05). As THQ < 1 it has been observed that there is no potential health risk for Se exposure from milk and dairy products.


  • Ahmed, A.S., Sultana. S., Habib. A., Ullah. H., Musa. N., Hossain. M.B. and Sarker, M.S.I. (2019). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some commercially important fishes from a tropical river estuary suggests higher potential health risk in children than adults. PloS One, 14(10), e0219336.
  • Anonim (2010). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. birimler/saglikli-beslenme-hareketli-hayat- db/Yayinlar/kitaplar/diger-kitaplar/TBSA- Beslenme-Yayini.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021).
  • Anonim (2019). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. birimler/saglikli-beslenme-hareketli-hayat- db/Yayinlar/kitaplar/TBSA_RAPOR_KITAP_ 20.08.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021).
  • Anonymous (2000).Dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotenoids. Institute of Medicine. National Academies Press, Washington, DC. Azorín, I., Madrid, J., Martínez, S., López, M., López, M.B., López, M.J. and Hernández, F. (2020). Can moderate levels of organic selenium in dairy cow feed naturally enrich dairy products? Animals, 10(12), 2269.
  • Basaran, B. (2020). The evaluation of childhood foods and infant formula exposure to furan, chloropropanols and acrylamide contamination by food processing. In I.J. Al-Zwaini, Z.R. Al- Ani, & Hurley, W. (Eds.), Infant feeding: breast versus formula (pp. 1-15), Croatia: IntechOpen.
  • Basaran, B. (2022). An assessment of heavy metal level in infant formula on the market in Turkey and the hazard index. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis , 105(2022), 104258.
  • Bodnar, M., Konieczka, P. and Namiesnik, J. (2012). The properties, functions, and use of selenium compounds in living organisms. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 30(3), 225-252.
  • Browne, D. M., Niyomura, O. and Wirth, T. (2007). Catalytic use of selenium electrophiles in cyclizations. Organic Letters, 9(16), 3169-3171.
  • Choi, Y., Kim, J., Lee, H.S., Kim, C.I., Hwang, I.K., Park, H.K. and Oh, C.H. (2009). Selenium content in representative Korean foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis , 22(2), 117- 122.
  • Copat, C., Vinceti, M., D'Agati, M.G., Arena, G., Mauceri, V., Grasso, A., ... and Ferrante, M. (2014). Mercury and selenium intake by seafood from the Ionian Sea: A risk evaluation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental S afety, 100, 87-92.
  • de Mendonça Pereira, B.F., de Almeida, C.C., Leandro, K.C., da Costa, M.P., Conte‐Junior, C.A. and Spisso, B.F. (2020). Occurrence, sources, and pathways of chemical contaminants in infant formulas. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(4), 1378-1396.
  • Dougkas, A., Barr, S., Reddy, S. and Summerbell, C.D. (2019). A critical review of the role of milk and other dairy products in the development of obesity in children and adolescents. Nutrition Research Reviews , 32(1), 106-127.
  • Eichler, K., Hess, S., Twerenbold, C., Sabatier, M., Meier, F. and Wieser, S. (2019). Health effects of micronutrient fortified dairy products and cereal food for children and adolescents: A systematic review. PloS One, 14(1), e0210899.
  • EFSA. (2014). Scientific opinion on dietary reference values for selenium. EFSA Journal, 12(10), 3846.
  • Feng, R., Wei, C. and Tu, S. (2013). The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 87, 58-68.
  • Filippini, T., Cilloni, S., Malavolti, M., Violi, F., Malagoli, C., Tesauro, M., ... and Vinceti, M. (2018). Dietary intake of cadmium, chromium, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc in a Northern Italy community. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 50, 508- 517.
  • Gao, J., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Lin, Z.Q., Bañuelos, G.S., Lam, M.H.W. and Yin, X. (2011). Daily selenium intake in a moderate selenium deficiency area of Suzhou, China. Food Chemistry, 126(3), 1088-1093.
  • Hammouh, F., Zein, S., Amr, R., Ghazzawi, H., Muharib, D., Al Saad, D. and Subih, H. (2020). Assessment of dietary selenium intake of Jordanian adults in Madaba: a cross sectional study. Nutrition & Food Science, 51(3), 494- 506.
  • Harthill, M. (2011). Micronutrient selenium deficiency influences evolution of some viral infectious diseases. Biological Trace Element Research, 143(3), 1325-1336.
  • Hıncal, F. (2007). Trace elements in growth: Iodine and selenium status of Turkish children. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology , 21, 40-43.
  • Izydorczyk, G., Ligas, B., Mikula, K., Witek- Krowiak, A., Moustakas, K. and Chojnacka, K. (2021). Biofortification of edible plants with selenium and iodine–A systematic literature review. Science of The Total Environment , 754, 141983.
  • Jenkins, T.C. and McGuire, M.A. (2006). Major advances in nutrition: impact on milk composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 89(4), 1302-1310.
  • Karabulut, H. (2021). Okul öncesi dönem (3-6 Yaş) ve ilkokul dönemi (7-11 Yaş) için annelik bekçiliği ölçeği’nin (ABÖ) uyarlanması: anne ve baba formu. Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(7), 34-53.
  • Kieliszek, M. (2019). Selenium–fascinating microelement, properties and sources in food. Molecules, 24(7), 1298.
  • Kim, C.I., Lee, J., Kwon, S. and Yoon, H. J. (2015). Total diet study: for a closer-to-real estimate of dietary exposure to chemical substances. Toxicological R esearch, 31(3), 227- 240.
  • Moghaddam, A., Heller, R.A., Sun, Q., Seelig, J., Cherkezov, A., Seibert, L., ... and Schomburg, L. (2020). Selenium deficiency is associated with mortality risk from COVID-19. Nutrients, 12(7), 2098.
  • Murphy, S.P. and Allen, L. H. (2003). Nutritional importance of animal source foods. The Journal of Nutrition, 133(11), 3932S- 3935S.
  • Navarro-Alarcon, M. and Cabrera-Vique, C. (2008). Selenium in food and the human body: a review. Science of The Total E nvironment , 400(1-3), 115-141.
  • Naveau, A., Monteil-Rivera, F., Guillon, E. and Dumonceau, J. (2007). Interactions of aqueous selenium (− II) and (IV) with metallic sulfide surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(15), 5376-5382.
  • Neyzi, O., Günöz, H., Furman, A., Bundak, R., Gökçay, G. ve Darendeliler, F. (2008). Türk çocuklarında vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 51(1), 1- 14.
  • Olza, J., Aranceta-Bartrina, J., González-Gross, M., Ortega, R.M., Serra-Majem, L., Varela- Moreiras, G. and Gil, Á. (2017). Reported dietary intake and food sources of zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, E and C in the Spanish population: Findings from the ANIBES study. Nutrients, 9(7), 697.
  • Pappa, E.C., Pappas, A.C. and Surai, P.F. (2006). Selenium content in selected foods from the Greek market and estimation of the daily intake. Science of the Total Environment , 372(1), 100-108.
  • Raisbeck, M.F. (2000). Selenosis. Veterinary clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 16(3), 465-480.
  • Ramkissoon, C., Degryse, F., da Silva, R.C., Baird, R., Young, S.D., Bailey, E.H. and McLaughlin, M.J. (2019). Improving the efficacy of selenium fertilizers for wheat biofortification. Scientific R eports, 9(1), 1-9.
  • Rizzoli, R. (2014). Dairy products, yogurts, and bone health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 99(5), 1256S-1262S.
  • Rodríguez-Barranco, M., Lacasaña, M., Aguilar-Garduño, C., Alguacil, J., Gil, F., González-Alzaga, B. and Rojas-García, A. (2013). Association of arsenic, cadmium, and manganese exposure with neurodevelopment and behavioral disorders in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment 454, 562–577.
  • Schwarz, K. and Foltz, C.M. (1957). Selenium as an integral part of factor 3 against dietary necrotic liver degeneration. Journal of the American Chemical Society , 79(12), 3292-3293.
  • Serdar Eymirli, P., Güngör, A.E. ve Güngör, H.C. (2019). Süt, süt ürünleri ve çocuklarda diş çürüğü: bir literatür güncellemesi. Türkiye Klinikleri. Diş Hekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 334-43.
  • Shimada, B.K., Alfulaij, N. and Seale, L.A. (2021). The Impact of selenium deficiency on cardiovascular function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19), 10713.
  • Sigrist, M., Brusa, L., Campagnoli, D. And Beldoménico, H. (2012). Determination of selenium in selected food samples from Argentina and estimation of their contribution to the Se dietary intake. Food Chemistry, 134(4), 1932-1937.
  • Smilowitz, J.T., Dillard, C.J. and German, J.B. (2005). Milk beyond essential nutrients: the metabolic food. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology , 60(2), 77.
  • Smrkolj, P., Pograjc, L., Hlastan-Ribič, C. and Stibilj, V. (2005). Selenium content in selected Slovenian foodstuffs and estimated daily intakes of selenium. Food Chemistry, 90(4), 691-697.
  • Tinggi, U. (2003). Essentiality and toxicity of selenium and its status in Australia: a review. Toxicology L etters, 137(1-2), 103-110.
  • US EPA. (1989). Guidance manual for assessing human health risks from chemically contaminated, fish and shellfish, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA-503/8-89-002
  • US EPA. (1991). Selenium and compounds; CASRN 7782-49-2. ncea/iris/iris_documents/ documents/subst/ 0 4 7 2 _ s u m m a r y . p d f # n a m e d d e s t = r f d (Erişim: 23.11.2021).
  • US EPA. (2017). Exposure assessment tools by tiers and types - deterministic and probabilistic assessments. exposure- assessment-tools-tiers-and-types- deterministic- and-probabilistic-assessments (Erişim Tarihi : 23.11.2021).
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  • Vinceti, M., Filippini, T. and Wise, L. A. (2018). Environmental selenium and human health: an update. Current Environmental Health Reports, 5(4), 464-485.
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Çocuklar için üretilen bazı süt ve süt ürünlerinin selenyum (Se) düzeyleri ve risk değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 27, 78 - 89, 14.02.2022



Amaç: Bu çalışmada okul öncesi/okul çağı çocukları için geliştirilerek/tasarlanarak Türkiye pazarında satışa sunulan bazı süt ve süt ürünlerinin selenyum (Se) düzeyleri araştırılmış, günlük Se maruziyeti tespit edilerek karsinojenik olmayan risk değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır.

Materyal ve yöntem:
Çalışma kapsamında farklı markalara ait 60 adet (20×3) süt, 24 adet (8×3) kefir, 6 adet (2×3) yoğurt ve 9 adet (3×3) süt keki örneklerinin Se düzeyleri ICP-MS kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Se maruziyeti deterministik modele göre hesaplanmış, risk değerlendirme ise THQ (hedef tehlike katsayısı) değerlerine göre yapılmıştır.

Tartışma ve sonuç:
Çalışma sonucunda süt, kefir, yoğurt ve süt keki örneklerinin ortalama Se düzeyleri sırasıyla 17,8±4,54; 10,7±8,77; 28,7±6,19 ve 44,9±2,97 µg/kg olarak belirlenmiştir. 3-6 yaş aralığındaki erkek ve kız çocukların ortalama Se maruziyeti 0,17±0,08 µg/kg va (vücut ağırlığı)/gün, 7-11 yaş aralığındaki erkek ve kız çocukların ortalama Se maruziyeti ise 0,10±0,05 µg/kg va/gün olarak hesaplanmıştır. Süt ve süt ürünleri tüketiminden kaynaklanan selenyum maruziyeti yaş artışına bağlı olarak azalmaktadır ve cinsiyet bakımından ise herhangi bir farklılık tespit edilememiştir (p<0,05). THQ < 1 olduğu için süt ve ürünlerinden kaynaklanan Se maruziyeti için potansiyel bir sağlık riski olmadığı gözlenmiştir.


  • Ahmed, A.S., Sultana. S., Habib. A., Ullah. H., Musa. N., Hossain. M.B. and Sarker, M.S.I. (2019). Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in some commercially important fishes from a tropical river estuary suggests higher potential health risk in children than adults. PloS One, 14(10), e0219336.
  • Anonim (2010). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. birimler/saglikli-beslenme-hareketli-hayat- db/Yayinlar/kitaplar/diger-kitaplar/TBSA- Beslenme-Yayini.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021).
  • Anonim (2019). Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araştırması. birimler/saglikli-beslenme-hareketli-hayat- db/Yayinlar/kitaplar/TBSA_RAPOR_KITAP_ 20.08.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2021).
  • Anonymous (2000).Dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotenoids. Institute of Medicine. National Academies Press, Washington, DC. Azorín, I., Madrid, J., Martínez, S., López, M., López, M.B., López, M.J. and Hernández, F. (2020). Can moderate levels of organic selenium in dairy cow feed naturally enrich dairy products? Animals, 10(12), 2269.
  • Basaran, B. (2020). The evaluation of childhood foods and infant formula exposure to furan, chloropropanols and acrylamide contamination by food processing. In I.J. Al-Zwaini, Z.R. Al- Ani, & Hurley, W. (Eds.), Infant feeding: breast versus formula (pp. 1-15), Croatia: IntechOpen.
  • Basaran, B. (2022). An assessment of heavy metal level in infant formula on the market in Turkey and the hazard index. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis , 105(2022), 104258.
  • Bodnar, M., Konieczka, P. and Namiesnik, J. (2012). The properties, functions, and use of selenium compounds in living organisms. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 30(3), 225-252.
  • Browne, D. M., Niyomura, O. and Wirth, T. (2007). Catalytic use of selenium electrophiles in cyclizations. Organic Letters, 9(16), 3169-3171.
  • Choi, Y., Kim, J., Lee, H.S., Kim, C.I., Hwang, I.K., Park, H.K. and Oh, C.H. (2009). Selenium content in representative Korean foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis , 22(2), 117- 122.
  • Copat, C., Vinceti, M., D'Agati, M.G., Arena, G., Mauceri, V., Grasso, A., ... and Ferrante, M. (2014). Mercury and selenium intake by seafood from the Ionian Sea: A risk evaluation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental S afety, 100, 87-92.
  • de Mendonça Pereira, B.F., de Almeida, C.C., Leandro, K.C., da Costa, M.P., Conte‐Junior, C.A. and Spisso, B.F. (2020). Occurrence, sources, and pathways of chemical contaminants in infant formulas. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(4), 1378-1396.
  • Dougkas, A., Barr, S., Reddy, S. and Summerbell, C.D. (2019). A critical review of the role of milk and other dairy products in the development of obesity in children and adolescents. Nutrition Research Reviews , 32(1), 106-127.
  • Eichler, K., Hess, S., Twerenbold, C., Sabatier, M., Meier, F. and Wieser, S. (2019). Health effects of micronutrient fortified dairy products and cereal food for children and adolescents: A systematic review. PloS One, 14(1), e0210899.
  • EFSA. (2014). Scientific opinion on dietary reference values for selenium. EFSA Journal, 12(10), 3846.
  • Feng, R., Wei, C. and Tu, S. (2013). The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 87, 58-68.
  • Filippini, T., Cilloni, S., Malavolti, M., Violi, F., Malagoli, C., Tesauro, M., ... and Vinceti, M. (2018). Dietary intake of cadmium, chromium, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc in a Northern Italy community. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 50, 508- 517.
  • Gao, J., Liu, Y., Huang, Y., Lin, Z.Q., Bañuelos, G.S., Lam, M.H.W. and Yin, X. (2011). Daily selenium intake in a moderate selenium deficiency area of Suzhou, China. Food Chemistry, 126(3), 1088-1093.
  • Hammouh, F., Zein, S., Amr, R., Ghazzawi, H., Muharib, D., Al Saad, D. and Subih, H. (2020). Assessment of dietary selenium intake of Jordanian adults in Madaba: a cross sectional study. Nutrition & Food Science, 51(3), 494- 506.
  • Harthill, M. (2011). Micronutrient selenium deficiency influences evolution of some viral infectious diseases. Biological Trace Element Research, 143(3), 1325-1336.
  • Hıncal, F. (2007). Trace elements in growth: Iodine and selenium status of Turkish children. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology , 21, 40-43.
  • Izydorczyk, G., Ligas, B., Mikula, K., Witek- Krowiak, A., Moustakas, K. and Chojnacka, K. (2021). Biofortification of edible plants with selenium and iodine–A systematic literature review. Science of The Total Environment , 754, 141983.
  • Jenkins, T.C. and McGuire, M.A. (2006). Major advances in nutrition: impact on milk composition. Journal of Dairy Science, 89(4), 1302-1310.
  • Karabulut, H. (2021). Okul öncesi dönem (3-6 Yaş) ve ilkokul dönemi (7-11 Yaş) için annelik bekçiliği ölçeği’nin (ABÖ) uyarlanması: anne ve baba formu. Uluslararası İnsan Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4(7), 34-53.
  • Kieliszek, M. (2019). Selenium–fascinating microelement, properties and sources in food. Molecules, 24(7), 1298.
  • Kim, C.I., Lee, J., Kwon, S. and Yoon, H. J. (2015). Total diet study: for a closer-to-real estimate of dietary exposure to chemical substances. Toxicological R esearch, 31(3), 227- 240.
  • Moghaddam, A., Heller, R.A., Sun, Q., Seelig, J., Cherkezov, A., Seibert, L., ... and Schomburg, L. (2020). Selenium deficiency is associated with mortality risk from COVID-19. Nutrients, 12(7), 2098.
  • Murphy, S.P. and Allen, L. H. (2003). Nutritional importance of animal source foods. The Journal of Nutrition, 133(11), 3932S- 3935S.
  • Navarro-Alarcon, M. and Cabrera-Vique, C. (2008). Selenium in food and the human body: a review. Science of The Total E nvironment , 400(1-3), 115-141.
  • Naveau, A., Monteil-Rivera, F., Guillon, E. and Dumonceau, J. (2007). Interactions of aqueous selenium (− II) and (IV) with metallic sulfide surfaces. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(15), 5376-5382.
  • Neyzi, O., Günöz, H., Furman, A., Bundak, R., Gökçay, G. ve Darendeliler, F. (2008). Türk çocuklarında vücut ağırlığı, boy uzunluğu, baş çevresi ve vücut kitle indeksi referans değerleri. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 51(1), 1- 14.
  • Olza, J., Aranceta-Bartrina, J., González-Gross, M., Ortega, R.M., Serra-Majem, L., Varela- Moreiras, G. and Gil, Á. (2017). Reported dietary intake and food sources of zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, E and C in the Spanish population: Findings from the ANIBES study. Nutrients, 9(7), 697.
  • Pappa, E.C., Pappas, A.C. and Surai, P.F. (2006). Selenium content in selected foods from the Greek market and estimation of the daily intake. Science of the Total Environment , 372(1), 100-108.
  • Raisbeck, M.F. (2000). Selenosis. Veterinary clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 16(3), 465-480.
  • Ramkissoon, C., Degryse, F., da Silva, R.C., Baird, R., Young, S.D., Bailey, E.H. and McLaughlin, M.J. (2019). Improving the efficacy of selenium fertilizers for wheat biofortification. Scientific R eports, 9(1), 1-9.
  • Rizzoli, R. (2014). Dairy products, yogurts, and bone health. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 99(5), 1256S-1262S.
  • Rodríguez-Barranco, M., Lacasaña, M., Aguilar-Garduño, C., Alguacil, J., Gil, F., González-Alzaga, B. and Rojas-García, A. (2013). Association of arsenic, cadmium, and manganese exposure with neurodevelopment and behavioral disorders in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment 454, 562–577.
  • Schwarz, K. and Foltz, C.M. (1957). Selenium as an integral part of factor 3 against dietary necrotic liver degeneration. Journal of the American Chemical Society , 79(12), 3292-3293.
  • Serdar Eymirli, P., Güngör, A.E. ve Güngör, H.C. (2019). Süt, süt ürünleri ve çocuklarda diş çürüğü: bir literatür güncellemesi. Türkiye Klinikleri. Diş Hekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 334-43.
  • Shimada, B.K., Alfulaij, N. and Seale, L.A. (2021). The Impact of selenium deficiency on cardiovascular function. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(19), 10713.
  • Sigrist, M., Brusa, L., Campagnoli, D. And Beldoménico, H. (2012). Determination of selenium in selected food samples from Argentina and estimation of their contribution to the Se dietary intake. Food Chemistry, 134(4), 1932-1937.
  • Smilowitz, J.T., Dillard, C.J. and German, J.B. (2005). Milk beyond essential nutrients: the metabolic food. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology , 60(2), 77.
  • Smrkolj, P., Pograjc, L., Hlastan-Ribič, C. and Stibilj, V. (2005). Selenium content in selected Slovenian foodstuffs and estimated daily intakes of selenium. Food Chemistry, 90(4), 691-697.
  • Tinggi, U. (2003). Essentiality and toxicity of selenium and its status in Australia: a review. Toxicology L etters, 137(1-2), 103-110.
  • US EPA. (1989). Guidance manual for assessing human health risks from chemically contaminated, fish and shellfish, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA-503/8-89-002
  • US EPA. (1991). Selenium and compounds; CASRN 7782-49-2. ncea/iris/iris_documents/ documents/subst/ 0 4 7 2 _ s u m m a r y . p d f # n a m e d d e s t = r f d (Erişim: 23.11.2021).
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Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi

Burhan Başaran Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6506-6113

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 27

Kaynak Göster

APA Başaran, B. (2022). Çocuklar için üretilen bazı süt ve süt ürünlerinin selenyum (Se) düzeyleri ve risk değerlendirmesi. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(27), 78-89.

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 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0