The role of organizational innovation climate on the association between learning culture and resilience
Yıl 2024,
, 328 - 339, 30.10.2024
Alev Özer Torgalöz
The objective of this research is to establish a theoretical and empirical connection between organizational resilience and its proposed precursors, i.e., organizational learning culture and innovation climate, and elucidate how these factors can contribute to the development of resilience within companies. This study examines learning culture and innovation climate as organizational resources that lead to success. The hypotheses formulated in light of relevant literature are tested using quantitative data obtained from a questionnaire given to managers from small or medium-sized companies and also larger companies in Türkiye. The empirical data is analyzed and the results suggest that innovation climate mediates the association between learning culture and organizational resilience.
- Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity and innovation in organizations. Harvard Business School Background Note 396-239, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.
- Andersson, T., Cäker, M., Tengblad, S., and Wickelgren, M. (2019). Building traits for organizational resilience through balancing organizational structures, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35(1), 36-45. Doi:
- Baron, R. M., and Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182. Doi:
- Bates, R., and Khasawneh, S. (2005). Organizational learning culture, learning transfer climate and perceived innovation in jordanian organizations, International Journal of Training and Development, 9(2), 96-109. Doi:
- Borekci, D., Rofcanin, Y., and Sahin, M. (2014). Effects of organizational culture and organizational resilience over subcontractor riskiness: a multi-method study in longitudinal time setting, European Business Review, 26(1), 2-22. Doi:
- Burnard, K., and Bhamra, R. (2011). Organisational resilience: development of a conceptual framework for organisational responses, International Journal of Production Research, 49(18), 5581-5599. Doi:
- Coutu, D. L. (2002). How resilience works, Harvard Business Review, 80(5), 46-56.
- Dimovski, V. (1994). Organizational learning and competitive advantage: a theoretical and empirical analysis. Cleveland State University.
- Do, H., Budhwar, P., Shipton, H., Nguyen, H. D., and Nguyen, B. (2022). Building organizational resilience, innovation through resource-based management initiatives, organizational learning and environmental dynamism, Journal of Business Research, 141, 808-821. Doi:
- Duchek, S., Raetze, S., and Scheuch, I. (2020). The role of diversity in organizational resilience: a theoretical framework. Business Research, 13(2), 387-423. Doi:
- Egan, T. M., Yang, B. and Bartlett, K.R. (2004). The effects of organizational learning culture and job motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(3), 279-301. Doi:
- Fietz, B., Hillmann, J., and Guenther, E. (2021). Cultural effects on organizational resilience: evidence from the NAFTA region, Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 73, 5-46. Doi:
- Garvin, D. A. (1993). Building a learning organization, Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78–91.
- Gnizy, I., E. Baker, W., and Grinstein, A. (2014). Proactive learning culture: a dynamic capability and key success factor for SMEs entering foreign markets, International Marketing Review, 31(5), 477-505. Doi:
- Golgeci, I., and Y. Ponomarov, S. (2013). Does firm innovativeness enable effective responses to supply chain disruptions? an empirical study, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(6), 604-617. Doi:
- Harvey, M., Palmer, J., and Speier, C. (1998). Implementing intra-organizational learning: a phased-model approach supported by intranet technology, European Management Journal, 16(3), 341-354. Doi:
- Hartmann, A. (2006). The context of innovation management in construction firms, Construction Management and Economics, 24(6), 567-578. Doi:
- Hillmann, J., and Guenther, E. (2021). Organizational resilience: a valuable construct for management
research? International Journal of Management Reviews, 23(1), 7-44. Doi:
- Ho, L. A. (2008). What affects organizational performance? the linking of learning and knowledge management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108(9), 1234-1254. Doi:
- Hoff, T. (2009). On the validity of M-SWOT for innovation climate development, Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 3-11.
- Home III, J. F. and Orr, J. E. (1998). Assessing behaviors that create resilient organizations, Employment Relations Today, Winter 1998, 29-39. Doi:
- Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, B. Y. H., Yang, B., Wu, C. M., and Kuo, Y. M. (2011). Impact of TQM and organizational learning on innovation performance in the high-tech industry, International Business Review, 20(2), 213-225. Doi:
- Isaksen, S. G., and Akkermans, H. J. (2011). Creative climate: a leadership lever for innovation, The Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(3), 161-187. Doi:
- Kalyar, M. N. and N. Rafi (2013) Organizational learning culture: an ingenious device for promoting firm's innovativeness, The Service Industries Journal, 33(12), 1135-1147. Doi:
- Kanter, R. M. (1983) The change masters. innovation and entrepreneurship in the American corporation. New York: Simon and Schuster.
- Kantur, D., and İşeri-Say, A. (2012). Organizational resilience: a conceptual integrative framework, Journal of Management and Organization, 18(06), 762-773. Doi:
- Kantur, D., and Say, A. I. (2015) Measuring organizational resilience: a scale development, Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 4(3). Doi:
- Kheng, Y. K., June, S., and Mahmood, R. (2013). The determinants of innovative work behavior in the knowledge intensive business services sector in Malaysia, Asian Social Science, 9(15), 47-48. Doi:
- Lengnick-Hall, C., and Beck, T. (2003). Beyond bouncing back: the concept of organizational resilience. Paper Presented at The Academy of Management, Seattle.
- Lengnick-Hall, C. A., and Beck, T. E. (2009) Resilience capacity and strategic agility: prerequisites for thriving in a dynamic environment. Working Paper. UTSA, College of Business.
- Mafabi, S., Munene, J., and Ntayi, J. (2012). Knowledge management and organisational resilience: organisational innovation as a mediator in Uganda Parastatals, Journal of Strategy and Management, 5(1), 57-80. Doi:
- Mallak, L. (1998). Resilience in the healthcare industry, Paper Presented at The 7th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Marquardt, M. (1996). Building the learning organization. Mcgraw-Hill, New York, NY.
- Marsick, V. E. and Watkins, K.E. (2003). Demonstrating the value of an organization’s learning culture: the dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 5(2), 132-51. Doi:
- Ortenblad, A. (2002). A typology of the idea of learning organization, Management Learning, 33(2), 213-230. Doi:
- Patterson, M. G., West, M. A., Shackleton, V. J., Dawson, J. F., Lawthom, R., Maitlis, S., and Wallace, A. M. (2005). Validating the organizational climate measure: links to managerial practices, productivity and innovation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(4), 379-408. Doi:
- Rebelo, T. M. and Gomes, A. D. (2011). Conditioning factors of an organizational learning culture, Journal of Workplace Learning, 23(3), 173-194. Doi:
- Sarros, J. C., Cooper, B. K., and Santora, J. C. (2008). Building a innovation climate through transformational leadership and organizational culture. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 15(2), 145-158. Doi:
- Skerlavaj, M., Song, J. H., and Lee, Y. (2010). Organizational learning culture, innovative culture and innovations in South Korean firms, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6390-6403. Doi:
- Skerlavaj, M., Stemberger, M., Skrinjar, R. and Dimovski, V. (2007). Organizational learning culture – the missing link between business process change and organizational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 106, 346-367. Doi:
- Song, J. H. and J. A. Kolb (2009). The influence of learning culture on perceived knowledge conversion: an empirical approach using Structural Equation Modelling, Human Resource Development International, 12(5), 529-550. Doi:
- Sutcliffe, K. M., and Vogus, T. J. (2003). Organizing for resilience, Positive Organizational Scholarship, 94-110.
- Tasic, J., Amir, S., Tan, J., and Khader, M. (2020). A multilevel framework to enhance organizational resilience, Journal of Risk Research, 23(6), 713-738. Doi:
- Vogus, T. J., and Sutcliffe, K. M. (2007). Organizational resilience: towards a theory and research agenda, Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007. ISIC. IEEE International Conference.
- Walker, B., Carpenter, S., Anderies, J., Abel, N., Cumming, G., Janssen, M., Lebel, L., Norberg, J., Peterson, G. D., and Pritchard, R. (2002). Resilience management in social-ecological systems: a working hypothesis for a participatory approach. Conservation Ecology, 6(1). Doi:
- Watkins, K. E., and Marsick, V. J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization: lessons in the art and science of systemic change, Jossey-Bass Inc, San Francisco.
- Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. P., Nielsen, B. B., and Lings, I. (2013). Dynamic capabilities and performance: strategy, structure and environment. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 72-96. Doi:
- Yang, B., Watkins, K. E., and Marsick, V. J. (2004). The construct of the learning organization: dimensions, measurement, and validation, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1), 31-55. Doi:
- Zollo, M., and Winter, S. G. (2002). Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities. Organization Science, 13(3), 339-351. Doi:
Öğrenme kültürü ve kurumsal dayanıklılık arasındaki ilişkide inovasyon ikliminin aracı etkisi
Yıl 2024,
, 328 - 339, 30.10.2024
Alev Özer Torgalöz
Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütsel dayanıklılık kavramını örgütsel öğrenme kültürü ve inovasyon iklimi gibi önerilen öncülleriyle teorik ve ampirik olarak ilişkilendirmek ve bunların kuruluşlar için dayanıklılık oluşturmaya nasıl yardımcı olabileceğini açıklamaktır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışma, inovasyon iklimi ve öğrenme kültürünü başarıya katkıda bulunan örgütsel kaynaklar olarak ele alarak kaynak temelli bakış teorisine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’deki işletmelerin orta düzey yöneticilerine uygulanan anket yoluyla toplanan nicel veriler, ilgili literatür ışığında geliştirilen hipotezleri test etmek için kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, inovasyon ikliminin örgütsel öğrenme kültürü ve örgütsel dayanıklılık arasındaki ilişki üzerindeki aracı etkisine yönelik destekleyici ampirik kanıtlar sağlamıştır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri'ne ve değerli danışman hocam Sayın Prof. Hayat Kabasakal'a sonsuz teşekkürlerimi sunarım.
- Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity and innovation in organizations. Harvard Business School Background Note 396-239, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.
- Andersson, T., Cäker, M., Tengblad, S., and Wickelgren, M. (2019). Building traits for organizational resilience through balancing organizational structures, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35(1), 36-45. Doi:
- Baron, R. M., and Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182. Doi:
- Bates, R., and Khasawneh, S. (2005). Organizational learning culture, learning transfer climate and perceived innovation in jordanian organizations, International Journal of Training and Development, 9(2), 96-109. Doi:
- Borekci, D., Rofcanin, Y., and Sahin, M. (2014). Effects of organizational culture and organizational resilience over subcontractor riskiness: a multi-method study in longitudinal time setting, European Business Review, 26(1), 2-22. Doi:
- Burnard, K., and Bhamra, R. (2011). Organisational resilience: development of a conceptual framework for organisational responses, International Journal of Production Research, 49(18), 5581-5599. Doi:
- Coutu, D. L. (2002). How resilience works, Harvard Business Review, 80(5), 46-56.
- Dimovski, V. (1994). Organizational learning and competitive advantage: a theoretical and empirical analysis. Cleveland State University.
- Do, H., Budhwar, P., Shipton, H., Nguyen, H. D., and Nguyen, B. (2022). Building organizational resilience, innovation through resource-based management initiatives, organizational learning and environmental dynamism, Journal of Business Research, 141, 808-821. Doi:
- Duchek, S., Raetze, S., and Scheuch, I. (2020). The role of diversity in organizational resilience: a theoretical framework. Business Research, 13(2), 387-423. Doi:
- Egan, T. M., Yang, B. and Bartlett, K.R. (2004). The effects of organizational learning culture and job motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(3), 279-301. Doi:
- Fietz, B., Hillmann, J., and Guenther, E. (2021). Cultural effects on organizational resilience: evidence from the NAFTA region, Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 73, 5-46. Doi:
- Garvin, D. A. (1993). Building a learning organization, Harvard Business Review, 71(4), 78–91.
- Gnizy, I., E. Baker, W., and Grinstein, A. (2014). Proactive learning culture: a dynamic capability and key success factor for SMEs entering foreign markets, International Marketing Review, 31(5), 477-505. Doi:
- Golgeci, I., and Y. Ponomarov, S. (2013). Does firm innovativeness enable effective responses to supply chain disruptions? an empirical study, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(6), 604-617. Doi:
- Harvey, M., Palmer, J., and Speier, C. (1998). Implementing intra-organizational learning: a phased-model approach supported by intranet technology, European Management Journal, 16(3), 341-354. Doi:
- Hartmann, A. (2006). The context of innovation management in construction firms, Construction Management and Economics, 24(6), 567-578. Doi:
- Hillmann, J., and Guenther, E. (2021). Organizational resilience: a valuable construct for management
research? International Journal of Management Reviews, 23(1), 7-44. Doi:
- Ho, L. A. (2008). What affects organizational performance? the linking of learning and knowledge management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 108(9), 1234-1254. Doi:
- Hoff, T. (2009). On the validity of M-SWOT for innovation climate development, Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 3-11.
- Home III, J. F. and Orr, J. E. (1998). Assessing behaviors that create resilient organizations, Employment Relations Today, Winter 1998, 29-39. Doi:
- Hung, R. Y. Y., Lien, B. Y. H., Yang, B., Wu, C. M., and Kuo, Y. M. (2011). Impact of TQM and organizational learning on innovation performance in the high-tech industry, International Business Review, 20(2), 213-225. Doi:
- Isaksen, S. G., and Akkermans, H. J. (2011). Creative climate: a leadership lever for innovation, The Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(3), 161-187. Doi:
- Kalyar, M. N. and N. Rafi (2013) Organizational learning culture: an ingenious device for promoting firm's innovativeness, The Service Industries Journal, 33(12), 1135-1147. Doi:
- Kanter, R. M. (1983) The change masters. innovation and entrepreneurship in the American corporation. New York: Simon and Schuster.
- Kantur, D., and İşeri-Say, A. (2012). Organizational resilience: a conceptual integrative framework, Journal of Management and Organization, 18(06), 762-773. Doi:
- Kantur, D., and Say, A. I. (2015) Measuring organizational resilience: a scale development, Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 4(3). Doi:
- Kheng, Y. K., June, S., and Mahmood, R. (2013). The determinants of innovative work behavior in the knowledge intensive business services sector in Malaysia, Asian Social Science, 9(15), 47-48. Doi:
- Lengnick-Hall, C., and Beck, T. (2003). Beyond bouncing back: the concept of organizational resilience. Paper Presented at The Academy of Management, Seattle.
- Lengnick-Hall, C. A., and Beck, T. E. (2009) Resilience capacity and strategic agility: prerequisites for thriving in a dynamic environment. Working Paper. UTSA, College of Business.
- Mafabi, S., Munene, J., and Ntayi, J. (2012). Knowledge management and organisational resilience: organisational innovation as a mediator in Uganda Parastatals, Journal of Strategy and Management, 5(1), 57-80. Doi:
- Mallak, L. (1998). Resilience in the healthcare industry, Paper Presented at The 7th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Marquardt, M. (1996). Building the learning organization. Mcgraw-Hill, New York, NY.
- Marsick, V. E. and Watkins, K.E. (2003). Demonstrating the value of an organization’s learning culture: the dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 5(2), 132-51. Doi:
- Ortenblad, A. (2002). A typology of the idea of learning organization, Management Learning, 33(2), 213-230. Doi:
- Patterson, M. G., West, M. A., Shackleton, V. J., Dawson, J. F., Lawthom, R., Maitlis, S., and Wallace, A. M. (2005). Validating the organizational climate measure: links to managerial practices, productivity and innovation, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(4), 379-408. Doi:
- Rebelo, T. M. and Gomes, A. D. (2011). Conditioning factors of an organizational learning culture, Journal of Workplace Learning, 23(3), 173-194. Doi:
- Sarros, J. C., Cooper, B. K., and Santora, J. C. (2008). Building a innovation climate through transformational leadership and organizational culture. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 15(2), 145-158. Doi:
- Skerlavaj, M., Song, J. H., and Lee, Y. (2010). Organizational learning culture, innovative culture and innovations in South Korean firms, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(9), 6390-6403. Doi:
- Skerlavaj, M., Stemberger, M., Skrinjar, R. and Dimovski, V. (2007). Organizational learning culture – the missing link between business process change and organizational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 106, 346-367. Doi:
- Song, J. H. and J. A. Kolb (2009). The influence of learning culture on perceived knowledge conversion: an empirical approach using Structural Equation Modelling, Human Resource Development International, 12(5), 529-550. Doi:
- Sutcliffe, K. M., and Vogus, T. J. (2003). Organizing for resilience, Positive Organizational Scholarship, 94-110.
- Tasic, J., Amir, S., Tan, J., and Khader, M. (2020). A multilevel framework to enhance organizational resilience, Journal of Risk Research, 23(6), 713-738. Doi:
- Vogus, T. J., and Sutcliffe, K. M. (2007). Organizational resilience: towards a theory and research agenda, Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2007. ISIC. IEEE International Conference.
- Walker, B., Carpenter, S., Anderies, J., Abel, N., Cumming, G., Janssen, M., Lebel, L., Norberg, J., Peterson, G. D., and Pritchard, R. (2002). Resilience management in social-ecological systems: a working hypothesis for a participatory approach. Conservation Ecology, 6(1). Doi:
- Watkins, K. E., and Marsick, V. J. (1993). Sculpting the learning organization: lessons in the art and science of systemic change, Jossey-Bass Inc, San Francisco.
- Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. P., Nielsen, B. B., and Lings, I. (2013). Dynamic capabilities and performance: strategy, structure and environment. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 72-96. Doi:
- Yang, B., Watkins, K. E., and Marsick, V. J. (2004). The construct of the learning organization: dimensions, measurement, and validation, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1), 31-55. Doi:
- Zollo, M., and Winter, S. G. (2002). Deliberate learning and the evolution of dynamic capabilities. Organization Science, 13(3), 339-351. Doi: