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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 257 - 269, 24.06.2020


Islamic culture and civilization, formed by the Quran and hadiths, have developed a unique framework in terms of concepts for approximately a thousand and four hundred half years. Arabic, which was an existing language before Islam, was a resource for developing the basis of these concepts. Therefore, the poems written in the Jahiliyyah period were applied to determine the meaning of words that are difficult to comprehend in the Quran and to seek to define in what sense the bedouins use that word.

It is known that the first ulamas meticulously studied the critical (gharib) words mentioned in the Qur'an in Gharib-al-Quran and linguistic commentaries having the same name. Has the expression 'tabarak' also took its share from these and similar works? Although there are many words employed in life in terms of the derivatives of tabarak, the word itself has a restricted practice area. At this point, where and how did the meanings obtained by the relevant word or the succeeding attributed meanings come from? It is evident that the Quran and the hadiths influence Islamic literature in terms of using the term 'tabarak.' Therefore, making use of them in defining the meaning of the word will not produce a good result. In this circumstance, it is essential to analyze the usage patterns in the Quran and the hadiths in the period of Jahiliyya.
It is essential to define whether the term ‘tabarak’ was used in pre-Islamic periods and to determine if it was used, in what sense it was employed. Whether the structure of a sentence formed with the expression of ‘tabarak’ is a form of use established by Islam, or is it a kind of expression that is recognized and employed by the society before the Quran, and which Islam also continues to use? There is a third possibility suggesting that the expression 'tabarak' was used in Arabic folklore during the Jahiliyyah period, and Islam may have presented a new dimension by improving it in terms of meaning. Identifying and explaining these issues is one of the purposes planned to achieve in this article.
When the expressions of 'tabarak' in the sources are analyzed, it is seen that these are used as an adjective for lafza-i jalal. What is wondered here is: Is the expression تَبَارَكَ used as a common word in daily life apart from being adjective for lafza-i jalal? Does such use exist in sources? What are the scholar’s responses to this question? This point is also one of the issues that must be clarified within the flow of the study.
As a method, firstly, the origin of the word 'baraka' derived from the word 'tabarak' , its derivations, and the features of the 'tefaul' verb conjugation to which this word belongs was determined, and the meaning impact of the root verb on the mazid verbs derived from it was investigated. Later, in terms of meaning and field of use, all the classical and primary sources available were examined, and unique analysis in terms of structure and semantic aspect was sought to be revealed.

Most of the scholars accepted that it could only be used as an adjective to Almighty Allah because of the holiness in the meaning of 'tabarak'. Besides, since the employment of the word 'tabarak' has become popular in the Islamic literature through the Quran and hadiths, the term 'tabarak' was used as an adjective only for the Almighty Creator in both sources. It was not employed in any other way. When examples of the pre-Quran period are examined, the same result arises. Therefore, by disregarding these sources, reaching the conclusion that the term 'tabarak' can be used as a common word is an unfairness to the original sources of the word. In some sources, the term 'tabarak' is used as a common word that means supremacy and tabarruk, apart from being an adjective to the Supreme Creator, but examples of usage in this way are not prevalent. If this situation is taken into consideration, it would be more precise to say that it is a shaz / exceptional use, and the phrase 'tabarak' can only be used as an adjective associated with the Almighty Creator.
There are four different but interconnected meanings in the background in the sense of the meaning of the word ‘tabarak’. 1) When the opinions and narrations in this matter are listed, it can be summarized as ‘Allah with unlimited abundance, infinite charity, and grace’. 2) As the universal aspect of the definitions in this issue, it can be assumed that the word 'tabarak' suggests 'consistent and unchanging, eternal and everlasting Allah' in the sense that its root derives from the meaning of 'consistent'. 3) If we summarize the opinions and inferences in this subject, the phrase 'tabarak' is said to mean ‘very high, mighty Allah’. 4) The fourth meaning for the expression 'tabarak' can be presented as 'sacred, pure, and holy Allah'.

When the expression of the Turkish equivalent of tabarak is reviewed, it is seen that it is preferred to use the original form as 'tabarak' because of the holiness that it holds and of covering the supremacy that can only be considered about Allah Almighty.
With the research, the need for investigating whether the concepts meaning holiness in Islamic literature was employed in the same sense before Islam also arose.


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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 257 - 269, 24.06.2020


Tebâreke ifadesi İslâmî literatürde lafz-ı celâlle birlikte ‘Allah Tebâreke’ ve ‘Teâlâ, ‘Tebârakellah’ şeklinde sıkça kullanılan bir kelimedir. Araştırma sonucunda bu kelimeyi İslâmî literatüre kazandıran üç kaynak olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu kaynakların birincisi İslam öncesi Cahiliye folklorudur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre söz konusu kelime İslam öncesi dönemde de İslâmî dönemdeki manada kullanılmıştır. Bu kelimeyi literatüre kazandıran diğer iki kaynak ise Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ve hadis-i şeriflerdir. Ulaşılması istenen bir diğer sonuç ‘Tebâreke’ ifadesinin Yüce Allah’a sıfat olma dışında normal bir kelime şeklinde kullanılıp kullanılmaması olmuştur. Bu hususta elde edilen bulgular, şaz örneklerinin bulunduğu ancak esas kullanım şeklinin Yüce Yaratıcıya sıfat olarak kullanılması yönündedir. Tebâreke kelimesinin anlamı hususunda dört farklı, ama arka planda birbiriyle irtibatlı sayıla bilecek manalar verilmiştir. Bunlar: 1) Sonsuz bereket sahibi, bitmeyen hayır ve lütuf sahibi olan; 2) Sabit olup değişmeyen, ebedî ve ezelî olan; 3) Çok yüce, azamet sahibi olan; 4) Münezzeh, temiz ve mukaddes olan. Tebâreke ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığını vermeye çalışanlar, aşkın, cömert, şanı yüce, pek kutlu, feyiz ve bereket sahibi gibi kelimeleri tercih etmişlerse de kelimenin üstlendiği kutsiyet sebebiyle çoğu kere tercüme edilmeyip ‘tebâreke’ şeklinde orijinal halinin kullanılması tercih edilmiştir.


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  • el-Beyhakî, Ahmed b. el-Husyn. (1993).el-Esmâu va’s-sıfât li’l-Beyhkî. thk. Abdullah b. Muhammed el-Hâşidî. Cidde: Mektebetu’s-Sevâdî.
  • el-Cevherî, İsmâîl b. Hammâd. (1990). es-Sıhâh: tâcü’l-luğa ve ṣıhâhu’l-ʿArabiyye. thk. Muhammed Z. Y. Beyrut: Dâru’l-ʿİlm li’l-Melâyîn.
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Süleyman Mahmut Kayagil 0000-0003-1706-2665

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2020
Kabul Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayagil, S. M. (2020). TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15(1), 257-269.
Chicago Kayagil, Süleyman Mahmut. “TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Haziran 2020): 257-69.
EndNote Kayagil SM (01 Haziran 2020) TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 15 1 257–269.
IEEE S. M. Kayagil, “TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ”, SBAD, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 257–269, 2020.
ISNAD Kayagil, Süleyman Mahmut. “TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi 15/1 (Haziran 2020), 257-269.
MLA Kayagil, Süleyman Mahmut. “TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ”. Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 257-69.
Vancouver Kayagil SM. TEBÂREKE KELİMESİNİN SEMANTİK ANALİZİ. SBAD. 2020;15(1):257-69.

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