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The Theory of Racialized Organizations Against The Management of Diversity: Visibility of Racism (As a Value) in Usa Organizations (A Study With Document and Content Analysis)

Yıl 2024, , 461 - 478, 31.12.2024


It has been evaluated that the Management of Diversity approach is insufficient in terms of the negative discrimination of a characteristic such as racialization. In such an evaluation, Ray's work on the Theory of Racialized Organizations in the US literature can be given as evidence of the persistence of racial discrimination in organizations. Ray based his theory on the problem of racism. This study, based on the Theory of Racialized Organizations, which has visibility in the US literature, is based on the argument that racialization is a value. Although Ray does not include racialization as a value in the theory, it is referred to as a negative value. In the face of Diversity Management, the visibility of the Racialized Organizations Theory in the US literature was examined through document and content analysis and evidence of the existence of racialization at the individual and/or organizational level in the US literature was found. Considering the timeliness of the evidence and the ability of values to spread, it was evaluated that racialization may be in a negative value trend


  • Aigner, P. (2014). Ethnic diversity management in theory and practice. Journal of Diversity Management (Online), 9(2), 111-119.
  • Ashikali, T., & Groeneveld, S. (2015). Diversity management for all? An empirical analysis of diversity management outcomes across groups. Personnel Review, 44(5), 757-780.
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2011). Kültürlerarası farklılıkların yönetimi. Kariyer Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Bazner, K. J. (2022). Views from the middle: Racialized experiences of midlevel student affairs administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(5), 572–582.
  • Bendl, R., Fleischmann, A., & Walenta, C. (2008). Diversity management discourse meets queer theory. Gender in Management: An international Journal, 23(6), 382-394.
  • Blume, G. H. (2023). “As expected”: Theoretical implications for racialized administrative power as the status quo. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(1), 30-42.
  • Brazzel, M. (2003). Historical and theoretical roots of diversity management. Handbook of Diversity Management: Beyond Awareness to Competency Based Learning, 51-93.
  • Byron, R. A., & Roscigno, V. J. (2019). Bureaucracy, discrimination, and the racialized character of organizational life. In Race, Organizations, and The Organizing Process, Emerald Publishing Limited, 151-169.
  • Carrillo, I. (2021). Racialized organizations and color-blind racial ideology in Brazil. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 7(1), 56-70.
  • Crooks, R. (2021). Productive myopia: Racialized organizations and edtech. Big Data & Society, 8(2), 1-16.
  • Douglas, E. P., McCray, E. D., Dietz, G., Brown, R. D., & Richardson, P. G. (2023, January). Engineering Firms as Racialized Organizations: The Experiences of Black Male Engineers. In ASEE Annual Conference proceedings.
  • Eagle, D., & Mueller, C. (2022). Reproducing inequality in a formally antiracist organization: The case of racialized career pathways in the United Methodist Church. American Journal of Sociology, 127(5), 1507-1550.
  • Flores, G. M. (2011). Racialized tokens: Latina teachers negotiating, surviving and thriving in a white woman’s profession. Qualitative Sociology, 34, 313-335.
  • Foster, S. J., Singer, J. N., & Cooper, J. (2022). (BLACK) listed: The college sport landscape, historically black colleges and universities, and a theory of racialized organizations. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 15(1), 1-24.
  • Friedline, T., Morrow, S. P., Oh, S., Klemm, T., & Kugiya, J. (2022). Banks as racialized and gendered organizations: Interviews with frontline workers. Social Service Review, 96(3), 401-434.
  • Güzeler, F. B., & Arkan, Z. (2022). Zekeriyyâ Tâmir‟in El-Aʿdâʾ Adlı öyküsünün Türkçe çevirisinde deyiş kaydırmaları. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24 (4), 1241-1252.
  • Holck, L., Muhr, S. L., & Villesèche, F. (2016). Identity, diversity and diversity management: On theoretical connections, assumptions and implications for practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 48-64.
  • Howe, J. E., Keaton, A. C., & Rockhill, C. A. (2023). Utilizing a theory of racialized organizations within sport management research and practice. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-21.
  • Humphrey, N. M. (2023). Racialized organizations in the public sector: Exploring race and white normativity. Public Integrity, 25(3), 316-325.
  • Jones, V. A., & Kunkle, K. (2022). Unmarked privilege and marked oppression: Analyzing predominantly white and minority serving institutions as racialized organizations. Innovative Higher Education, 47(5), 755-774.
  • Keaton, A. C., & Cooper, J. N. (2022). A racial reckoning in a racialized organization? Applying racialized organization theory to the NCAA institutional field. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 15(1), 1-30.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Nitel bir veri analizi yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Siirt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Klarsfeld, A. (2009). The diffusion of diversity management: The case of France. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 25(4), 363-373.
  • Kopp, C. (2022). Disrupting Racialized Practice in a Post-Pandemic Context. NACADA Review, 3(2), 36-44.
  • Lauve-Moon, T. A. (2024). Religious Organizations as Racialized Organizations: Loose Coupling and Symbolic Allyship Between Denominational Racial Justice Statements and Congregational Practice. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 23326492241254790.
  • Macaulay, C. D., & Keaton, A. C. (2024). Racialized organizations, strategies, and structures: A case study. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal.
  • Manoharan, A., & Singal, M. (2017). A systematic literature review of research on diversity and diversity management in the hospitality literature. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 66, 77-91.
  • McCambly, H. N., Aguilar-Smith, S., Felix, E. R., Hu, X., & Baber, L. D. (2023). Community colleges as racialized organizations: Outlining opportunities for equity. Community College Review, 51(4), 658-679.
  • McCambly, H., & Colyvas, J. A. (2022). Institutionalizing inequity anew: Grantmaking and racialized postsecondary organizations. The Review of Higher Education, 46(1), 67-107.
  • McCambly, H., & Colyvas, J. A. (2023). Dismantling or disguising racialization?: Defining racialized change work in the context of postsecondary grantmaking. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(2), 203-216.
  • Metin, O., & Ünal, Ş. (2022). İçerik analizi tekniği: İletişim bilimlerinde ve sosyolojide doktora tezlerinde kullanımı. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(2), 273-294.
  • Moore, W. L. (2020). The mechanisms of white space (s). American Behavioral Scientist, 64(14), 1946-1960. (Özet).
  • Nguemeni Tiako, M. J., Ray, V., & South, E. C. (2022). Medical schools as racialized organizations: how race-neutral structures sustain racial inequality in medical education-A narrative review. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(9), 2259-2266.
  • Nkomo, S. M. (2021). Reflections on the continuing denial of the centrality of “race” in management and organization studies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 40(2), 212-224.
  • Olsen, J. E., & Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), 1168-1187.
  • Owens, J. (2022). Double jeopardy: Teacher biases, racialized organizations, and the production of racial/ethnic disparities in school discipline. American Sociological Review, 87(6), 1007-1048.
  • Poon, O., Lee, D. H., Galvez, E., Song Engler, J., Sérráno, B., Raza, A., ... & Chun, N. K. (2024). A Möbius model of racialized organizations: Durability of racial inequalities in admissions. The Journal of Higher Education, 95(3), 399-424.
  • Ray, V. (2019a). A theory of racialized organizations. American sociological review, 84(1), 26-53.
  • Ray, V. (2019b). Why so many organizations stay white. Harvard Business Review, 19.
  • Ray, V. (2023a), December). Racialized organizations and the interest divergence Dilemma 1. In Sociological Forum, 38(4), 1375-1381.
  • Ray, V., Herd, P., & Moynihan, D. (2023b). Racialized burdens: Applying racialized organization theory to the administrative state. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(1), 139-152.
  • Rodriguez, S. (2021). “They let you back in the country?”: Racialized inequity and the miseducation of Latinx undocumented students in the New Latino south. The Urban Review, 53(4), 565-590.
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, Ş. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Schachle, J. L., & Coley, J. S. (2022). Making space: Racialized organizations and student of color groups at US colleges and universities. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 8(3), 386-402.
  • Silva, C., Newton‐Francis, M., & Vidal‐Ortiz, S. (2022). Negotiating racialized organizational spaces and intimacies: An ethnography of playpen strip club. Gender, Work & Organization, 29(6), 1831-1848.
  • Smith-Doerr, L., Mickey, E. L., & Kane-Lee, E. S. W. (2023). Deciding together as faculty: narratives of unanticipated consequences in gendered and racialized departmental service, promotion, and voting. Journal of Organizational Sociology, 1(2), 171-198.
  • Stewart, M. D., García, A., & Petersen, H. (2021). Schools as racialized organizations in policy and practice. Sociology Compass, 15(12), 1-13.
  • Valiavska, A., & Meisenbach, R. (2023). Racialized scripts of silence: how whiteness organizes silence as a response to social protest about racism in the United States. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 51(6), 582-601.
  • Vega, B. E, Román, L., & Mildred B. (2022). Hispanic-serving institutions as racialized organizations: Elevating intersectional consciousness to reframe the “H” in HSIs." AERA Open 8, 1-13.
  • Wingfield, A. H., & Chavez, K. (2020). Getting in, getting hired, getting sideways looks: Organizational hierarchy and perceptions of racial discrimination. American Sociological Review, 85(1), 31-57.
  • Yazdiha, H. (2022). Racialized organizations in racialized space: How socio-spatial divisions activate symbolic boundaries in a charter school and a public school. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 8(4), 468-482.

Farklılıkların Yönetimi Karşısında Irksallaştırılmış Örgütler Teorisi: Irkçılığın (Bir Değer Olarak) ABD Örgütlerinde Görünürlüğü (Doküman ve İçerik Analiz Yöntemli Bir Çalışma)

Yıl 2024, , 461 - 478, 31.12.2024


Farklılıkların Yönetimi anlayışının, ırksallaştırma gibi bir özelliğin negatif ayrımlaştırılmasının ötelenmesinde yetersiz kaldığı değerlendirilmiştir. Böyle bir değerlendirme de, örgütlerde ırksal ayrımcılığın sürdüğünün bir kanıtı olarak, Ray’in ABD alanyazınında bulunan Irksallaştırılmış Örgütler Teorisi çalışması verilebilir. Ray teorisinde ırkçılık sorununu esas almıştır. Bu çalışma, ABD alanyazınında görünürlüğü olan Irksallaştırılmış Örgütler Teorisi temel alınarak, ırksallaştırmanın bir değer olduğu savına dayanmıştır. Her ne kadar Ray, teori içerisinde ırksallaştırmanın bir değer olduğuna yer vermemiş olsa da, ırksallaştırmanın negatif bir değer olduğuna atıf yapılmıştır. Farklılıkların Yönetimi karşısında, Irksallaştırılmış Örgütler Teorisi’nin ABD alanyazınında görünürlüğü doküman ve içerik analizi ile incelenmiş ve ABD alanyazınında ırksallaştırmanın bireysel ve/veya örgütsel düzeyde varlığını gösterir kanıtlara ulaşılmıştır. Kanıtların güncel olması ve değerlerin yayılabileceği özelliği düşünüldüğünde, ırksallaştırmanın negatif bir değer eğilimi içerisinde olabileceği değerlendirilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Çalışma etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışma grubunda yer almamaktadır.

Destekleyen Kurum





  • Aigner, P. (2014). Ethnic diversity management in theory and practice. Journal of Diversity Management (Online), 9(2), 111-119.
  • Ashikali, T., & Groeneveld, S. (2015). Diversity management for all? An empirical analysis of diversity management outcomes across groups. Personnel Review, 44(5), 757-780.
  • Barutçugil, İ. (2011). Kültürlerarası farklılıkların yönetimi. Kariyer Yayınları: İstanbul.
  • Bazner, K. J. (2022). Views from the middle: Racialized experiences of midlevel student affairs administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(5), 572–582.
  • Bendl, R., Fleischmann, A., & Walenta, C. (2008). Diversity management discourse meets queer theory. Gender in Management: An international Journal, 23(6), 382-394.
  • Blume, G. H. (2023). “As expected”: Theoretical implications for racialized administrative power as the status quo. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(1), 30-42.
  • Brazzel, M. (2003). Historical and theoretical roots of diversity management. Handbook of Diversity Management: Beyond Awareness to Competency Based Learning, 51-93.
  • Byron, R. A., & Roscigno, V. J. (2019). Bureaucracy, discrimination, and the racialized character of organizational life. In Race, Organizations, and The Organizing Process, Emerald Publishing Limited, 151-169.
  • Carrillo, I. (2021). Racialized organizations and color-blind racial ideology in Brazil. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 7(1), 56-70.
  • Crooks, R. (2021). Productive myopia: Racialized organizations and edtech. Big Data & Society, 8(2), 1-16.
  • Douglas, E. P., McCray, E. D., Dietz, G., Brown, R. D., & Richardson, P. G. (2023, January). Engineering Firms as Racialized Organizations: The Experiences of Black Male Engineers. In ASEE Annual Conference proceedings.
  • Eagle, D., & Mueller, C. (2022). Reproducing inequality in a formally antiracist organization: The case of racialized career pathways in the United Methodist Church. American Journal of Sociology, 127(5), 1507-1550.
  • Flores, G. M. (2011). Racialized tokens: Latina teachers negotiating, surviving and thriving in a white woman’s profession. Qualitative Sociology, 34, 313-335.
  • Foster, S. J., Singer, J. N., & Cooper, J. (2022). (BLACK) listed: The college sport landscape, historically black colleges and universities, and a theory of racialized organizations. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 15(1), 1-24.
  • Friedline, T., Morrow, S. P., Oh, S., Klemm, T., & Kugiya, J. (2022). Banks as racialized and gendered organizations: Interviews with frontline workers. Social Service Review, 96(3), 401-434.
  • Güzeler, F. B., & Arkan, Z. (2022). Zekeriyyâ Tâmir‟in El-Aʿdâʾ Adlı öyküsünün Türkçe çevirisinde deyiş kaydırmaları. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24 (4), 1241-1252.
  • Holck, L., Muhr, S. L., & Villesèche, F. (2016). Identity, diversity and diversity management: On theoretical connections, assumptions and implications for practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 48-64.
  • Howe, J. E., Keaton, A. C., & Rockhill, C. A. (2023). Utilizing a theory of racialized organizations within sport management research and practice. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-21.
  • Humphrey, N. M. (2023). Racialized organizations in the public sector: Exploring race and white normativity. Public Integrity, 25(3), 316-325.
  • Jones, V. A., & Kunkle, K. (2022). Unmarked privilege and marked oppression: Analyzing predominantly white and minority serving institutions as racialized organizations. Innovative Higher Education, 47(5), 755-774.
  • Keaton, A. C., & Cooper, J. N. (2022). A racial reckoning in a racialized organization? Applying racialized organization theory to the NCAA institutional field. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 15(1), 1-30.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Nitel bir veri analizi yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Siirt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Klarsfeld, A. (2009). The diffusion of diversity management: The case of France. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 25(4), 363-373.
  • Kopp, C. (2022). Disrupting Racialized Practice in a Post-Pandemic Context. NACADA Review, 3(2), 36-44.
  • Lauve-Moon, T. A. (2024). Religious Organizations as Racialized Organizations: Loose Coupling and Symbolic Allyship Between Denominational Racial Justice Statements and Congregational Practice. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 23326492241254790.
  • Macaulay, C. D., & Keaton, A. C. (2024). Racialized organizations, strategies, and structures: A case study. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal.
  • Manoharan, A., & Singal, M. (2017). A systematic literature review of research on diversity and diversity management in the hospitality literature. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 66, 77-91.
  • McCambly, H. N., Aguilar-Smith, S., Felix, E. R., Hu, X., & Baber, L. D. (2023). Community colleges as racialized organizations: Outlining opportunities for equity. Community College Review, 51(4), 658-679.
  • McCambly, H., & Colyvas, J. A. (2022). Institutionalizing inequity anew: Grantmaking and racialized postsecondary organizations. The Review of Higher Education, 46(1), 67-107.
  • McCambly, H., & Colyvas, J. A. (2023). Dismantling or disguising racialization?: Defining racialized change work in the context of postsecondary grantmaking. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(2), 203-216.
  • Metin, O., & Ünal, Ş. (2022). İçerik analizi tekniği: İletişim bilimlerinde ve sosyolojide doktora tezlerinde kullanımı. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(2), 273-294.
  • Moore, W. L. (2020). The mechanisms of white space (s). American Behavioral Scientist, 64(14), 1946-1960. (Özet).
  • Nguemeni Tiako, M. J., Ray, V., & South, E. C. (2022). Medical schools as racialized organizations: how race-neutral structures sustain racial inequality in medical education-A narrative review. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(9), 2259-2266.
  • Nkomo, S. M. (2021). Reflections on the continuing denial of the centrality of “race” in management and organization studies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 40(2), 212-224.
  • Olsen, J. E., & Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), 1168-1187.
  • Owens, J. (2022). Double jeopardy: Teacher biases, racialized organizations, and the production of racial/ethnic disparities in school discipline. American Sociological Review, 87(6), 1007-1048.
  • Poon, O., Lee, D. H., Galvez, E., Song Engler, J., Sérráno, B., Raza, A., ... & Chun, N. K. (2024). A Möbius model of racialized organizations: Durability of racial inequalities in admissions. The Journal of Higher Education, 95(3), 399-424.
  • Ray, V. (2019a). A theory of racialized organizations. American sociological review, 84(1), 26-53.
  • Ray, V. (2019b). Why so many organizations stay white. Harvard Business Review, 19.
  • Ray, V. (2023a), December). Racialized organizations and the interest divergence Dilemma 1. In Sociological Forum, 38(4), 1375-1381.
  • Ray, V., Herd, P., & Moynihan, D. (2023b). Racialized burdens: Applying racialized organization theory to the administrative state. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 33(1), 139-152.
  • Rodriguez, S. (2021). “They let you back in the country?”: Racialized inequity and the miseducation of Latinx undocumented students in the New Latino south. The Urban Review, 53(4), 565-590.
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, Ş. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Schachle, J. L., & Coley, J. S. (2022). Making space: Racialized organizations and student of color groups at US colleges and universities. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 8(3), 386-402.
  • Silva, C., Newton‐Francis, M., & Vidal‐Ortiz, S. (2022). Negotiating racialized organizational spaces and intimacies: An ethnography of playpen strip club. Gender, Work & Organization, 29(6), 1831-1848.
  • Smith-Doerr, L., Mickey, E. L., & Kane-Lee, E. S. W. (2023). Deciding together as faculty: narratives of unanticipated consequences in gendered and racialized departmental service, promotion, and voting. Journal of Organizational Sociology, 1(2), 171-198.
  • Stewart, M. D., García, A., & Petersen, H. (2021). Schools as racialized organizations in policy and practice. Sociology Compass, 15(12), 1-13.
  • Valiavska, A., & Meisenbach, R. (2023). Racialized scripts of silence: how whiteness organizes silence as a response to social protest about racism in the United States. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 51(6), 582-601.
  • Vega, B. E, Román, L., & Mildred B. (2022). Hispanic-serving institutions as racialized organizations: Elevating intersectional consciousness to reframe the “H” in HSIs." AERA Open 8, 1-13.
  • Wingfield, A. H., & Chavez, K. (2020). Getting in, getting hired, getting sideways looks: Organizational hierarchy and perceptions of racial discrimination. American Sociological Review, 85(1), 31-57.
  • Yazdiha, H. (2022). Racialized organizations in racialized space: How socio-spatial divisions activate symbolic boundaries in a charter school and a public school. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 8(4), 468-482.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Teorik Makale

Hakan Kara

Zeliha Seçkin 0000-0003-0603-3236

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, H., & Seçkin, Z. (2024). Farklılıkların Yönetimi Karşısında Irksallaştırılmış Örgütler Teorisi: Irkçılığın (Bir Değer Olarak) ABD Örgütlerinde Görünürlüğü (Doküman ve İçerik Analiz Yöntemli Bir Çalışma). Uluslararası Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Çalışmalar Dergisi, 5(2), 461-478. https://doi.org/10.62001/gsijses.1548394