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A Revıew On The Concept Of Functıonal Stupıdıty Expressed As One Of The Dysfunctıonal Employee Behavıors

Yıl 2024, , 429 - 446, 31.12.2024


In this study, the concept of “functional stupidity at work” (functional stupidity at work: dysfunctional behavior), which was expressed and attempted to be explained by Alvesson and Spicer (2012 and 2016), is discussed. According to the researchers, this concept describes the inability and/or unwillingness of employees to think critically about their work, to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it, to apply it and to determine what the results are. While the concept has been the subject of research in foreign literature, it has been addressed in a very limited number of studies in Turkish literature. In order to contribute to the literature, in this study, the concept, whose direct translation into Turkish is “functional/functional stupidity”, refers to employee behaviors that cause various problems to arise due to their unprofessional behaviors. Therefore, in this study, which is based on document analysis, the subject examined in this study has been systematized within the framework of the findings and suggestions of the aforementioned authors as well as other supporting findings on the subject. In this context, under the main topic, structuralism of thought, efforts to explain, cognitive capacity, the existence of dynamics and structural criticism were discussed. Other findings, which are considered to be related to the concept under consideration, are evaluated under the titles of the paradox of intelligence and rationality, the problem of shaping knowledge and the problem of structuralism in knowledge within the framework of opinions and justifications.


  • Ahmadzadeh, S., Safari, A., & Teimouri, H. (2022). Collective stupidity: Influences on decision-making in knowledge-based companies. Management Decision, 60(5), 1257-1295.
  • Aktan, C.C. (2020). Rasyonel budalalık ve sosyal moronizm: Akıl sahibi insanlar niçin aptalca davranırlar ve sürü psikolojisi ile hareket ederler?, 2-15. İçinde: Aktan, C. C., Davranışsal politik iktisat, Konya: Litera Türk Yayıncılık.
  • Al Lily, A. E., Alhazmi, A. A., & Alzahrani, S. (2017). The theory of multiple stupidities: education, technology and organisation in Arabia. Cognitive Processing, 18, 529-541.
  • Alvesson, M. (2021). Critical performativity in practice: the chronicle as a vehicle for achieving social impact. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(3), 355-362.
  • Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2018-abstract). Excessive work regimes and functional stupidity. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3-4), 283-296.
  • Alvesson, M., & Jonsson, A. (2022). Organizational dischronization: On meaning and meaninglessness, sensemaking and nonsensemaking. Journal of Management Studies, 59(3), 724-754.
  • Alvesson, M., & Spicer, A. (2012). A stupidity‐based theory of organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 49(7), 1194-1220.
  • Alvesson, M., & Spicer, A. (2016). The stupity paradox: The power and pitfalls of functional stupity at work. Great Britain: Profile Books.
  • Alvesson, M., & Stephens, A. (2024). Is it worth doing this or is it better to commit suicide?: On ethical clearance at a university. Human Relations, 1-30,, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2024).
  • Azevedo, G. (2023). Into the realm of organizational folly: A poem, a review, and a typology of organizational stupidity. Management Learning, 54(2), 267-281.
  • Berglund, A. (2019). Modes of obeying: Functional stupidity, despair, seduction, cynicism and authoritarianism: Young adults in precarious workplaces. Thesis, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Cologne.
  • Borrelli, L. M. (2018). Caught between emotions, law and everyday practices: Street-level bureaucrats in the European migration regime. Doctoral dissertation, Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bern.
  • Brunsson, K. (2020). Effective or stupid?-A note on the organizational economy. Management Revue, 31(1), 92-109.
  • Butler, N. (2016). Functional stupidity: A critique. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 16(2), 115-123.
  • Chwiłkowska-Kubala, A., Janiszewski J.M., & Krasiński M. (2020). Knowledge management and stupidity management as new competences of a manager in the 21st century - A research perspective. In Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Granada, Spain, 4-5th November.
  • Curtis, G. (2018). Functional collusion in a UK non governmental organisation: Processes of shame and exclusion from the perspective of an organisational development practitioner. Thesis degree of doctor of management, University of Hertfordshire.
  • Dayar, E. (2022). İbradı’da arapastık kestanesi ve köle Zeynep’in hikâyesi. 119-237, İçinde, Antalya’nın Sosyal ve İktisadi Tarihi (Osmanlı Dönemi), (Ed.: Taşbaş, E.), Ankara: Gazi Kitapevi.
  • Deslandes, G. (2023-abstract). From proto-management to contemporary functional stupidity. In Postcritical Management Studies: Philosophical Investigations, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 1-38.
  • Dikgöz, B., & Erserim, A. (2022). Muhasebede etik kavramına postmodern bir bakış. Balkan & Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 123-139.
  • Fagerberg, J., McKee, K., & Paulsen, R. (2020). The unreflective practitioner: A pilot study on functional stupidity and social work. European Journal of Social Work, 23(6), 992-1004.
  • Falkheimer, J., Heide, M., Simonsson, C., Zerfass, A., & Verhoeven, P. (2016). Doing the right things or doing things right? Paradoxes and Swedish communication professionals’ roles and challenges. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 21(2), 142-159.
  • Fukweni, M. A. (2022). Teachers’ empty work in schools: A functional stupidity perspective of futile school leadership. Doctoral dissertation, University of Johannesburg.
  • Galaskiewicz, J., & Wasserman. S. (1989). Mimetic processes within an inter-organizational field: An empirical test. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34 (3), 454–479.
  • Güzeler, F. B. & Arkan, Z. (2022). Zekeriyyâ Tâmir‟in El-Aʿdâʾ Adlı öyküsünün Türkçe çevirisinde deyiş kaydırmaları. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(4), 1241-1252.
  •, (Erişim Tarihi:19.09.2024).
  • Jalonen, H. (2024). Ignorance in organisations–a systematic literature review. Management Review Quarterly, 74(2), 909-950.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Esfahani, A. N. (2020). Developing a framework for organizational stupidity. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 31(2), 100392.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Nasr Isfahani, A. (2022a). A qualitative analysis and a conceptual model for organizational stupidity. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 35(3), 441-462.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Nasr Isfahani, A. (2022b). Designing a conceptual model for organizational stupidity using a combination of grounded theory and interpretive structural modeling. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 15(3), 549-568.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Nitel bir veri analizi yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Siirt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Küpers, W., & Pauleen, D. (2013). A handbook of practical wisdom. Leadership, organization and integral business practice. Surrey, England: Gower Publishing.
  • Lagstedt, A., & Dahlberg, T. (2018). Understanding the rarity of ISD method selection- bounded rationality and functional stupidity. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 1-14.
  • Love, P. E., Smith, J., Ackermann, F., & Irani, Z. (2018). The praxis of stupidity: An explanation to understand the barriers mitigating rework in construction. Production Planning & Control, 29(13), 1112-1125. Mella, P. (2017). Intelligence and stupidity-The educational power of Cipolla’s test and of the “Social Wheel”. Creative Education, 8(15), 2515-2534.
  • Mudau, L. E. (2021). School management teams’(smts) response to covid-19: A functional stupidity perspective. Master Thesis, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Nothhaft, H., & Stensson, H. (2019). Explaining the measurement and evaluation stasis: A thought experiment and a note on functional stupidity. Journal of Communication Management, 23(3), 213-227.
  • Paulsen, R. (2017-abstract). Slipping into functional stupidity: The bifocality of organizational compliance. Human Relations, 70(2), 185-210.
  • Pehlivan, S. (2019). Seçilmiş klasik romanlarda yönetsel imalara yönelik bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi İşletme Enstitüsü, Sakarya.
  • Platje, J., Motylska-Kuzma, A., Caniels, M., & Will, M. (2023abstract). The new ecological paradigm, functional stupidity and university sustainability–a polish case study. In Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXVII, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 117-135.
  • Pratt, S., & Tolkach, D. (2022). Stupidity in tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 47(1), 3-16.
  • Roberts, J. (2018). Managing only with transparency: The strategic functions of ignorance. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 55, 53-60.
  • Rundshagen, V. (2019). Practical wisdom vs functional stupidity: Toward an inspired business school. Practical Wisdom and Diversity: Aligning Insights, Virtues and Values, 111-129.
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, Ş. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Seyama, S. M. (2021). Possibilities of functional stupidity in leading schools during the covid-19 pandemic: A case for pandemic leadership. Alternation, 28(1), 50-79.
  • Stiegler, B. (2015). States of shock: Stupidity and knowledge in the 21st century. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Sverre, S. (2024). Taking credit for stupidity on being a student in the performative university. Management Learning, 55(4), 641-653.
  • Ten Bos, R. (2007). The vitality of stupidity. Social Epistemology, 21(2), 139-150.
  • Ucel, E. B. (2023). Örgütlerde entelektüel kapasitenin ataleti ve örgütsel ahmaklık (organizational stupidity) Kavramına genel bir bakış. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(4), 1734-1749.
  • Usmani, M., Davison, J., & Napier, C. J. (2020-abstract). The production of stand-alone sustainability reports: Visual impression management, legitimacy and “functional stupidity. Accounting Forum, 44(4) 315-343.
  • Yetişkin, E. (2018). Kakofoni: Denetim gürültüsünü açığa çıkarmak. MSGSÜ Sosyal Bilimler, 17, 96-109.

Difonksiyonel İşgören Davranışlarından Biri Olarak İfade Edilen İşlevsel Budalalık Kavramı İzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2024, , 429 - 446, 31.12.2024


Bu incelemede, Alvesson ve Spicer (2012 ve 2016) tarafından ifade edilerek açıklama girişiminde bulunulan “functional stupity at work” (örgütlerde işlevsel budalalık: iş bilmezlik davranışı) kavramı ele alınmaktadır. Araştırmacılara göre bu kavram, işgörenlerin yaptıkları iş hakkında eleştirel düşünme, ne yaptıklarını ve neden yaptıklarını anlama, uygulama ve sonuçların ne olduğunu belirleme konusundaki yetersizliklerini ve/veya isteksizliklerini tanımlamaktadır. Kavram, yabancı alanyazında araştırmalara konu olurken, Türkçe alanyazında çok sınırlı sayıda araştırmada ele alınmıştır. Alanyazına katkı sağlamak amacıyla bu incelemede, Türkçe’ye doğrudan çevirisi “işlevsel/fonksiyonel budalalık” olan kavram, esas itibariyle iş bilmez davranışları nedeniyle çeşitli sorunların ortaya çıkmasına neden olan işgören davranışlarını ifade etmektedir. Dolayısıyla doküman incelemesine dayalı olarak kaleme alınan bu incelemede, anılan yazarların tespit ve önerilerinin yanı sıra konuya ilişkin destekleyici diğer bulgular çerçevesinde incelenen konu, sistematize edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda ele alınan ana konu başlığı altında, düşüncenin yapısallığı, açıklama çabaları, bilişsel kapasite, dinamiklerin varlığı ve yapısal eleştiri başlıkları altında tartışılmıştır. Ele alınan kavramla ilişkili olduğu düşünülen diğer bulgular ise görüşler ve gerekçeler çerçevesinde zekâ ve rasyonalite paradoksu, bilgiyi biçimlendirme sorunu ve bilgide yapısallık sorunu başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Ahmadzadeh, S., Safari, A., & Teimouri, H. (2022). Collective stupidity: Influences on decision-making in knowledge-based companies. Management Decision, 60(5), 1257-1295.
  • Aktan, C.C. (2020). Rasyonel budalalık ve sosyal moronizm: Akıl sahibi insanlar niçin aptalca davranırlar ve sürü psikolojisi ile hareket ederler?, 2-15. İçinde: Aktan, C. C., Davranışsal politik iktisat, Konya: Litera Türk Yayıncılık.
  • Al Lily, A. E., Alhazmi, A. A., & Alzahrani, S. (2017). The theory of multiple stupidities: education, technology and organisation in Arabia. Cognitive Processing, 18, 529-541.
  • Alvesson, M. (2021). Critical performativity in practice: the chronicle as a vehicle for achieving social impact. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(3), 355-362.
  • Alvesson, M., & Einola, K. (2018-abstract). Excessive work regimes and functional stupidity. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3-4), 283-296.
  • Alvesson, M., & Jonsson, A. (2022). Organizational dischronization: On meaning and meaninglessness, sensemaking and nonsensemaking. Journal of Management Studies, 59(3), 724-754.
  • Alvesson, M., & Spicer, A. (2012). A stupidity‐based theory of organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 49(7), 1194-1220.
  • Alvesson, M., & Spicer, A. (2016). The stupity paradox: The power and pitfalls of functional stupity at work. Great Britain: Profile Books.
  • Alvesson, M., & Stephens, A. (2024). Is it worth doing this or is it better to commit suicide?: On ethical clearance at a university. Human Relations, 1-30,, (Erişim Tarihi: 08.10.2024).
  • Azevedo, G. (2023). Into the realm of organizational folly: A poem, a review, and a typology of organizational stupidity. Management Learning, 54(2), 267-281.
  • Berglund, A. (2019). Modes of obeying: Functional stupidity, despair, seduction, cynicism and authoritarianism: Young adults in precarious workplaces. Thesis, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Cologne.
  • Borrelli, L. M. (2018). Caught between emotions, law and everyday practices: Street-level bureaucrats in the European migration regime. Doctoral dissertation, Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bern.
  • Brunsson, K. (2020). Effective or stupid?-A note on the organizational economy. Management Revue, 31(1), 92-109.
  • Butler, N. (2016). Functional stupidity: A critique. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 16(2), 115-123.
  • Chwiłkowska-Kubala, A., Janiszewski J.M., & Krasiński M. (2020). Knowledge management and stupidity management as new competences of a manager in the 21st century - A research perspective. In Proceedings of the 36th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Granada, Spain, 4-5th November.
  • Curtis, G. (2018). Functional collusion in a UK non governmental organisation: Processes of shame and exclusion from the perspective of an organisational development practitioner. Thesis degree of doctor of management, University of Hertfordshire.
  • Dayar, E. (2022). İbradı’da arapastık kestanesi ve köle Zeynep’in hikâyesi. 119-237, İçinde, Antalya’nın Sosyal ve İktisadi Tarihi (Osmanlı Dönemi), (Ed.: Taşbaş, E.), Ankara: Gazi Kitapevi.
  • Deslandes, G. (2023-abstract). From proto-management to contemporary functional stupidity. In Postcritical Management Studies: Philosophical Investigations, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 1-38.
  • Dikgöz, B., & Erserim, A. (2022). Muhasebede etik kavramına postmodern bir bakış. Balkan & Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 123-139.
  • Fagerberg, J., McKee, K., & Paulsen, R. (2020). The unreflective practitioner: A pilot study on functional stupidity and social work. European Journal of Social Work, 23(6), 992-1004.
  • Falkheimer, J., Heide, M., Simonsson, C., Zerfass, A., & Verhoeven, P. (2016). Doing the right things or doing things right? Paradoxes and Swedish communication professionals’ roles and challenges. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 21(2), 142-159.
  • Fukweni, M. A. (2022). Teachers’ empty work in schools: A functional stupidity perspective of futile school leadership. Doctoral dissertation, University of Johannesburg.
  • Galaskiewicz, J., & Wasserman. S. (1989). Mimetic processes within an inter-organizational field: An empirical test. Administrative Science Quarterly, 34 (3), 454–479.
  • Güzeler, F. B. & Arkan, Z. (2022). Zekeriyyâ Tâmir‟in El-Aʿdâʾ Adlı öyküsünün Türkçe çevirisinde deyiş kaydırmaları. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(4), 1241-1252.
  •, (Erişim Tarihi:19.09.2024).
  • Jalonen, H. (2024). Ignorance in organisations–a systematic literature review. Management Review Quarterly, 74(2), 909-950.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Esfahani, A. N. (2020). Developing a framework for organizational stupidity. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 31(2), 100392.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Nasr Isfahani, A. (2022a). A qualitative analysis and a conceptual model for organizational stupidity. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 35(3), 441-462.
  • Karimi-Ghartemani, S., Khani, N., & Nasr Isfahani, A. (2022b). Designing a conceptual model for organizational stupidity using a combination of grounded theory and interpretive structural modeling. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian Journal of Management Studies), 15(3), 549-568.
  • Kıral, B. (2020). Nitel bir veri analizi yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Siirt Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(15), 170-189.
  • Küpers, W., & Pauleen, D. (2013). A handbook of practical wisdom. Leadership, organization and integral business practice. Surrey, England: Gower Publishing.
  • Lagstedt, A., & Dahlberg, T. (2018). Understanding the rarity of ISD method selection- bounded rationality and functional stupidity. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 1-14.
  • Love, P. E., Smith, J., Ackermann, F., & Irani, Z. (2018). The praxis of stupidity: An explanation to understand the barriers mitigating rework in construction. Production Planning & Control, 29(13), 1112-1125. Mella, P. (2017). Intelligence and stupidity-The educational power of Cipolla’s test and of the “Social Wheel”. Creative Education, 8(15), 2515-2534.
  • Mudau, L. E. (2021). School management teams’(smts) response to covid-19: A functional stupidity perspective. Master Thesis, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Nothhaft, H., & Stensson, H. (2019). Explaining the measurement and evaluation stasis: A thought experiment and a note on functional stupidity. Journal of Communication Management, 23(3), 213-227.
  • Paulsen, R. (2017-abstract). Slipping into functional stupidity: The bifocality of organizational compliance. Human Relations, 70(2), 185-210.
  • Pehlivan, S. (2019). Seçilmiş klasik romanlarda yönetsel imalara yönelik bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi İşletme Enstitüsü, Sakarya.
  • Platje, J., Motylska-Kuzma, A., Caniels, M., & Will, M. (2023abstract). The new ecological paradigm, functional stupidity and university sustainability–a polish case study. In Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXVII, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 117-135.
  • Pratt, S., & Tolkach, D. (2022). Stupidity in tourism. Tourism Recreation Research, 47(1), 3-16.
  • Roberts, J. (2018). Managing only with transparency: The strategic functions of ignorance. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 55, 53-60.
  • Rundshagen, V. (2019). Practical wisdom vs functional stupidity: Toward an inspired business school. Practical Wisdom and Diversity: Aligning Insights, Virtues and Values, 111-129.
  • Sak, R., Sak, İ. T. Ş., Şendil, Ç. Ö., & Nas, Ş. (2021). Bir araştırma yöntemi olarak doküman analizi. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 227-256.
  • Seyama, S. M. (2021). Possibilities of functional stupidity in leading schools during the covid-19 pandemic: A case for pandemic leadership. Alternation, 28(1), 50-79.
  • Stiegler, B. (2015). States of shock: Stupidity and knowledge in the 21st century. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Sverre, S. (2024). Taking credit for stupidity on being a student in the performative university. Management Learning, 55(4), 641-653.
  • Ten Bos, R. (2007). The vitality of stupidity. Social Epistemology, 21(2), 139-150.
  • Ucel, E. B. (2023). Örgütlerde entelektüel kapasitenin ataleti ve örgütsel ahmaklık (organizational stupidity) Kavramına genel bir bakış. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(4), 1734-1749.
  • Usmani, M., Davison, J., & Napier, C. J. (2020-abstract). The production of stand-alone sustainability reports: Visual impression management, legitimacy and “functional stupidity. Accounting Forum, 44(4) 315-343.
  • Yetişkin, E. (2018). Kakofoni: Denetim gürültüsünü açığa çıkarmak. MSGSÜ Sosyal Bilimler, 17, 96-109.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm İnceleme Makalesi

Hakan Kara

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, H. (2024). Difonksiyonel İşgören Davranışlarından Biri Olarak İfade Edilen İşlevsel Budalalık Kavramı İzerine Bir İnceleme. Uluslararası Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Çalışmalar Dergisi, 5(2), 429-446.