Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2021, , 309 - 318, 20.07.2021


The Kipchaks named by Russians as “Polovets, Polovtsi Palawtz”, Byzantines and Latins “Cumanos, Kumanon, Cumanus, Komani, Cuman”, Germans “Falben, Falbe, Falones”, French “Coman, Poles, Planner”, Czechs “Plawci” other Western nations and Armenians “Khiptchakhs, Khartes, Hartes”, Georgians “Kivjak”, Hungarians “Kun, Paloch”, Chinese “K'inch'a, Kinchak”, Mongols “Kibcag”, Muslim nations “Kipchak, Kipchak, Kipchaks” have an important place among the Turkish people who came from Central Asia to the north of the Black Sea, the Balkans and Central Europe.
Although they occupied a wide area in today's Ukraine, Moldova, part of Russia, Belarus and Poland, they could not emerge as a political union and could not establish a Kipchak state in the “Deşt-i Kıpçak”, also known as “Kipchak Steppe” since the beginning of the 12th century.
The Kipchaks, intertwined with different nations and cultures in such a wide geography, left many written texts using the alphabets of different nations due to their inability to establish a political unity.
Arabic letters were used in texts related to literature, religion, military and veterinary medicine in the Mamluk field in the 14th and 15th centuries, while Armenian letters were used in texts written on many different subjects such as history, law, religion, literature, language and chemistry in the north of the Black Sea in the 16th and 17th centuries.
In this study, information was given about the texts written in Kipchak Turkish with Armenian letters in the north of the Black Sea between 1521-1699. The scanning model was used as a method and the treasure, consisting of approximately 30,000 pages, which is preserved in different libraries around the world, has been tried to be presented. Especially chronicles, historical documents and records were evaluated in terms of Turkish history. It is stated that the texts provide first-hand data opportunity for those working in fields such as General Turkish History and Ottoman History. As the texts are reliable and original, they may strengthen Turkish historical studies. The texts are both well organized and accessible, so these features may provide great convenience in historical studies. In addition, it was underlined that the fact that the chronicles, which are a first-hand source for social sciences and humanities, have different manuscripts, can make an important contribution to questioning and analyzing information.
In the conclusion part, it was discussed why the texts which about history, law, religion, literature, language, chemistry; written in Kipchak Turkish by using Armenian letters have an important place in Turkish history.


  • ACUN, Fatma, “Tarihin İnşası Sürecinde Belge ve Kullanımı” Cumhuriyet Döneminde Türkiye’xxde Tarihçilik ve Tarih yayıncılığı Sempozyumu, Ankara 2010.
  • CHİRLİ, Nadejda, Ermeni Kıpçakça Dualar Kitabı Alġış Bitigi, SOTA Yayınları, Haarlem Netherlands 2005.
  • DAŞKEVİÇ, Yaroslav R., Armyanskiye kolonii na Ukraine v istoçnikax i literature XV-XIX vekov (istoriografiçeskiye oçerk), İzdatel’stvo akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR., Yerevan 1962.
  • DENY, Jean, L’armeno-Coman Et Les “Ephemerides” De Kamieniec (1604-1613), Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1957.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie I, Katalog i Teksti Pamyatnikov Armyanskim Pismom, Almaty 2002.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie II, Pamyatniki Duhovnoy Kulturi Karaimov, Kumanov- Polovtsev i Armyano- Kıpçakov, Almaty 2007.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie III, Kıpçakskiy Slovar po Armyanopismennım Pamyatnikam XVI-XVII Vekov, Almaty 2010.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Virmeno-Kıpchatski rukopisi v Ukraini, Virmenii, Rosii: Katalog, Kiev 1993.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, HURŞUDYAN, Eduard, Armenian-Qypchaq Psalter Written by Deakon Lussig From Lviv 1575/ 1580, Almaty 2001.
  • GOLDEN, Peter, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, çev. Osman Karatay, Karam Yayınları, Ankara 2002.
  • GRUNİN, Timofey I. 1967. Dokumentı na polovetskom yazıke XVI v. (Sudebnıye aktı kamenetspodol’skoy armyanskoy obşçinı) Transkriptsiya perevod predislovie vvedenie
  • KAÇAR MANAY, Fatma, Kıpçak Göçleri, Sinop Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Sinop 2019.
  • KASAPOĞLU ÇENGEL, Hülya, “Ermeni Harfli Kıpçak Türkçesi”, Dil Araştırmaları, Sayı: 10, Bahar 2012.
  • KORKMAZ, Hakan, Töre Bitiki Grameri, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Kayseri 2014.
  • KURAT, Akdes Nimet, IV-XVIII. Yüzyıllarda Karadeniz Kuzeyindeki Türk Kavimleri ve Devletleri, Murat Kitabevi, Ankara 1992.
  • PRİTSAK, Omeljan, “Ermeni Kıpçakçası”, Tarihî Türk Şiveleri, çev. Mehmet Akalın, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Ankara 1988.
  • RUKANCI, Fatih, “Arşiv Belgelerimizin Uluslararası Önemi”. Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi Bildiriler: Müzeler, Arşivler, Kütüphaneler, Yayınevleri, Telif Hakları, ICANAS 38 10-15 Eylül 2007, Ankara, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Ankara 2009.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, “An Armeno-Kipchak Print from Lvov (A.D. 1618)”, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, T. 13, , 1961, p. 123-130.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, An Armeno-Kipchak Chronicle on the Polish-Turkish Wars in 1620-21, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1968.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, “On the Transcription of Armeno-Kipchak”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1961, p. 139-161.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Arméno Kipchak Texts in the Alchemical Treatise by Andrzej Torosowicz (17th Century), Warsaw 2005.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 1, A-H, Warszawa 1968.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 2, I-K, Warszawa 1968.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 3, X-0, Warszawa 1969.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 4, P-Z, Warszawa 1972.
  • TUĞUZ, Zeliha, Ermeni Harfli Kıpçak Türkçesinde İsimlerin Kavram Alanları, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Kayseri 2019.


Yıl 2021, , 309 - 318, 20.07.2021


The Kipchaks named by Russians as “Polovets, Polovtsi Palawtz”, Byzantines and Latins “Cumanos, Kumanon, Cumanus, Komani, Cuman”, Germans “Falben, Falbe, Falones”, French “Coman, Poles, Planner”, Czechs “Plawci” other Western nations and Armenians “Khiptchakhs, Khartes, Hartes”, Georgians “Kivjak”, Hungarians “Kun, Paloch”, Chinese “K'inch'a, Kinchak”, Mongols “Kibcag”, Muslim nations “Kipchak, Kipchak, Kipchaks” have an important place among the Turkish people who came from Central Asia to the north of the Black Sea, the Balkans and Central Europe.
Although they occupied a wide area in today's Ukraine, Moldova, part of Russia, Belarus and Poland, they could not emerge as a political union and could not establish a Kipchak state in the “Deşt-i Kıpçak”, also known as “Kipchak Steppe” since the beginning of the 12th century.
The Kipchaks, intertwined with different nations and cultures in such a wide geography, left many written texts using the alphabets of different nations due to their inability to establish a political unity.
Arabic letters were used in texts related to literature, religion, military and veterinary medicine in the Mamluk field in the 14th and 15th centuries, while Armenian letters were used in texts written on many different subjects such as history, law, religion, literature, language and chemistry in the north of the Black Sea in the 16th and 17th centuries.
In this study, information was given about the texts written in Kipchak Turkish with Armenian letters in the north of the Black Sea between 1521-1699. The scanning model was used as a method and the treasure, consisting of approximately 30,000 pages, which is preserved in different libraries around the world, has been tried to be presented. Especially chronicles, historical documents and records were evaluated in terms of Turkish history. It is stated that the texts provide first-hand data opportunity for those working in fields such as General Turkish History and Ottoman History. As the texts are reliable and original, they may strengthen Turkish historical studies. The texts are both well organized and accessible, so these features may provide great convenience in historical studies. In addition, it was underlined that the fact that the chronicles, which are a first-hand source for social sciences and humanities, have different manuscripts, can make an important contribution to questioning and analyzing information.
In the conclusion part, it was discussed why the texts which about history, law, religion, literature, language, chemistry; written in Kipchak Turkish by using Armenian letters have an important place in Turkish history.


  • ACUN, Fatma, “Tarihin İnşası Sürecinde Belge ve Kullanımı” Cumhuriyet Döneminde Türkiye’xxde Tarihçilik ve Tarih yayıncılığı Sempozyumu, Ankara 2010.
  • CHİRLİ, Nadejda, Ermeni Kıpçakça Dualar Kitabı Alġış Bitigi, SOTA Yayınları, Haarlem Netherlands 2005.
  • DAŞKEVİÇ, Yaroslav R., Armyanskiye kolonii na Ukraine v istoçnikax i literature XV-XIX vekov (istoriografiçeskiye oçerk), İzdatel’stvo akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR., Yerevan 1962.
  • DENY, Jean, L’armeno-Coman Et Les “Ephemerides” De Kamieniec (1604-1613), Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1957.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie I, Katalog i Teksti Pamyatnikov Armyanskim Pismom, Almaty 2002.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie II, Pamyatniki Duhovnoy Kulturi Karaimov, Kumanov- Polovtsev i Armyano- Kıpçakov, Almaty 2007.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Kıpçakskoe Pismennoe Nasledie III, Kıpçakskiy Slovar po Armyanopismennım Pamyatnikam XVI-XVII Vekov, Almaty 2010.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, Virmeno-Kıpchatski rukopisi v Ukraini, Virmenii, Rosii: Katalog, Kiev 1993.
  • GARKAVETS, Aleksandr, HURŞUDYAN, Eduard, Armenian-Qypchaq Psalter Written by Deakon Lussig From Lviv 1575/ 1580, Almaty 2001.
  • GOLDEN, Peter, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, çev. Osman Karatay, Karam Yayınları, Ankara 2002.
  • GRUNİN, Timofey I. 1967. Dokumentı na polovetskom yazıke XVI v. (Sudebnıye aktı kamenetspodol’skoy armyanskoy obşçinı) Transkriptsiya perevod predislovie vvedenie
  • KAÇAR MANAY, Fatma, Kıpçak Göçleri, Sinop Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Sinop 2019.
  • KASAPOĞLU ÇENGEL, Hülya, “Ermeni Harfli Kıpçak Türkçesi”, Dil Araştırmaları, Sayı: 10, Bahar 2012.
  • KORKMAZ, Hakan, Töre Bitiki Grameri, Erciyes Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Kayseri 2014.
  • KURAT, Akdes Nimet, IV-XVIII. Yüzyıllarda Karadeniz Kuzeyindeki Türk Kavimleri ve Devletleri, Murat Kitabevi, Ankara 1992.
  • PRİTSAK, Omeljan, “Ermeni Kıpçakçası”, Tarihî Türk Şiveleri, çev. Mehmet Akalın, Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Ankara 1988.
  • RUKANCI, Fatih, “Arşiv Belgelerimizin Uluslararası Önemi”. Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi Bildiriler: Müzeler, Arşivler, Kütüphaneler, Yayınevleri, Telif Hakları, ICANAS 38 10-15 Eylül 2007, Ankara, Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, Ankara 2009.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, “An Armeno-Kipchak Print from Lvov (A.D. 1618)”, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, T. 13, , 1961, p. 123-130.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, An Armeno-Kipchak Chronicle on the Polish-Turkish Wars in 1620-21, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 1968.
  • SCHÜTZ, Edmond, “On the Transcription of Armeno-Kipchak”, Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1961, p. 139-161.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Arméno Kipchak Texts in the Alchemical Treatise by Andrzej Torosowicz (17th Century), Warsaw 2005.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 1, A-H, Warszawa 1968.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 2, I-K, Warszawa 1968.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 3, X-0, Warszawa 1969.
  • TRYJARSKİ, Edward, Dictionnaire arméno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuscrits des collections viennoises, fascicule 4, P-Z, Warszawa 1972.
  • TUĞUZ, Zeliha, Ermeni Harfli Kıpçak Türkçesinde İsimlerin Kavram Alanları, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Kayseri 2019.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeliha Tuğuz 0000-0003-0977-8858

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Mayıs 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Tuğuz, Zeliha. “THE IMPORTANCE OF KIPCHAK TURKISH TEXTS WITH ARMENIAN LETTERS IN TURKISH HISTORY”. Genel Türk Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, sy. 6 (Temmuz 2021): 309-18.

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