Success in business requires leaders who can create strategic plans in consistent forward-looking interactions. Companies must pay attention to the selection of these people who can create interactive, realistic strategic plans for the long term and enable their employees to act in line with these plans. Because these decisions affect the performance of the companies and the trust of the shareholders. One of the most important personnel selections to be made is the sales manager. For this reason, spare part companies need to select the best personnel for this position. The literature uses multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodologies to solve the management selection challenge. The purpose of this study is to identify the requirements for a sales manager and to use MCDM methodologies to apply them. Eight criteria were established using a thorough literature study. The criteria were weighted by the criteria importance through an inter-criteria correlation based on single-valued neutrosophic set (SVNS-CRITIC) method. And alternatives were ranked with the multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis based on single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNS-MULTIMOORA) method. A Turkish automobile spare part company was the target of the application. The study's findings revealed that communication skills were the most crucial factor, and the first applicant was regarded as the best management candidate. Based on the results of the research, recommendations have been made for automobile spare part firms, prospective sales manager candidates, and researchers.
Abdel-Basset, M., & Mohamed, R. (2020). A novel plithogenic TOPSIS-CRITIC model for sustainable supply chain risk management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, 119586.
Adalı, E. A., Öztaş, T., Özçil, A., Öztaş, G. Z., & Tuş, A. (2022). A New Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Under Neutrosophic Environment: ARAS Method with Single-Valued Neutrosophic Numbers. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 1-31.
Akça, N., Sönmez, S., Gür, Ş., Yilmaz, A., & Eren, T. (2018). Kamu Hastanelerinde Analitik Ağ Süreci Yöntemi ile Finans Yöneticisi Seçimi. Optimum: Journal of Economics & Management Sciences/Ekonomi ve Yönetim BilimleriDergisi, 5(2), 133-146.
Aydin, S., & Yörükoğlu, M. (2018). Ground handling services firm evaluation based on neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. In Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support: Proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference, 1050-1057.
Baidya, J., Garg, H., Saha, A., Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., & Dutta, D. (2021). Selection of third party reverses logistic providers: An approach of BCF-CRITIC-MULTIMOORA using Archimedean power aggregation operators. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7(5), 2503-2530.
Baležentis, T., & Zeng, S. (2013). Group multi-criteria decision making based upon interval-valued fuzzy numbers: an extension of the MULTIMOORA method. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(2), 543-550.
Boichuk, J. P., Bommaraju, R., Ahearne, M., Kraus, F., &Steenburgh, T. J. (2019). Managing laggards: The importance of a deep sales bench. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 652-665.
Bonissone, P. P., Subbu, R., & Lizzi, J. (2009). Multicriteria decision making (MCDM): a framework for research and applications. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 4(3), 48-61.
Boran, F. E., Genç, S., & Akay, D. (2011). Personnel selection based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 21(5), 493-503.
Brauers, W. K. M., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2010). Project management by MULTIMOORA as an instrument for transition economies. Technological and economic development of economy, 16(1), 5-24.
Butkiewicz, B. S. (2002). Selection of staff for enterprise using fuzzy logic. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Vol. 4, 3). IEEE.
Cetin, E. I., & Icigen, E. T. (2017). Personnel selection based on step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis and multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis methods. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 11(11), 2718-2722.
Chen, C. T., Hwang, Y. C., & Hung, W. Z. (2009). Applying multiple linguistic PROMETHEE method for personnel evaluation and selection. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,1312-1316. IEEE.
Haq, R. S. U., Saeed, M., Mateen, N., Siddiqui, F., Naqvi, M., Yi, J. B., & Ahmed, S. (2022). Sustainable material selection with crisp and ambiguous data using single-valued neutrosophic-MEREC-MARCOS framework. Applied Soft Computing, 128, 109546.
Ji, P., Zhang, H. Y., & Wang, J. Q. (2018). A projection-based TODIM method under multi-valued neutrosophic environments and its application in personnel selection. Neural Computing and Applications, 29(1), 221-234.
Kara, K. (2022). Logistics operations manager selection with F-DEMATEL and F-RAFSI methods. In E. Burak and A.T. Küçükyiğit (Eds.) Management Studies in Social Sciences, 53-81.
Kara, K., Edinsel, S., & Yalçın, G. C. (2022). Human resources manager selection based on fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers for logistics companies. Mersin Üniversitesi Denizcilik ve Lojistik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 254-286.
Kara, K., Yalçın, G. C., & Edinsel, S. (2023a) Warehouse Manager Selection by CRITIC-MULTIMOORA Hybrid Method based on Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets. Journal of Maritime Transport and Logistics, 4(1), 48-64.
Kara, K., Edinsel, S., & Yalçın, G. C. (2023b). Hybrid Approach to Supply Chain Project Manager Selection Problem. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 46, 98-108.
Karamaşa, Ç., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., Kookhdan, A., Mishra, A., & Erturk, M. (2021). An extended single-valued neutrosophic AHP and MULTIMOORA method to evaluate the optimal training aircraft for flight training organizations. Facta Universitatis-Series Mechanical Engineering, 19(3), 555-578.
Kaygin, C. Y., Tazegül, A., & Yazarkan, H. (2016). İşletmelerin Finansal Başarılı ve Başarısız Olma Durumlarının Veri Madenciliği ve Lojistik Regresyon Analizi İle Tahmin Edilebilirliği. Ege Academic Review, 16(1), 147-159.
Kelemenis, A., & Askounis, D. (2010). A new TOPSIS-based multi-criteria approach to personnel selection. Expert systems with applications, 37(7), 4999-5008.
Kelemenis, A., Ergazakis, K., & Askounis, D. (2011). Support managers’ selection using an extension of fuzzy TOPSIS. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(3), 2774-2782.
Kelwig D. (2021). What does a sales manager do? The ultimate career guides. )
Lipiec, J. (2001). Human resources management perspective at the turn of the century. Public Personnel Management, 30(2), 137-146.
Merkepçi, H., Merkepçi, M., & Baransel, C. (2021). A multi–criteria decision–making framework based on neutrosophicevamix with critic approach for drone selection problem. Biology and Life Sciences, 2(2), 234-239.
Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., & Bharti, S. (2021). Assessment of agriculture crop selection using Pythagorean fuzzy CRITIC–VIKOR decision-making framework. In Pythagorean fuzzy sets (pp. 167-191). Springer, Singapore.
Mumcu, A., & Gök, M. (2021). Application of fuzzy ahp and topsis methods for manager selection. SosyalBilimlerAraştırmalarıDergisi, 16(2), 270-280.
Özbek, A. (2014). Yöneticilerin çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 12(24), 209-225.
Patel S. (2021). Sales Manager: Main Responsibilities, Skills and Challenges.
Peng, X., Dai, J., & Smarandache, F. (2022). Research on the assessment of project-driven immersion teaching in extreme programming with neutrosophic linguistic information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 14,873-888.
Rani, P., Mishra, A. R., Krishankumar, R., Ravichandran, K. S., & Kar, S. (2021). Multi-criteria food waste treatment method selection using single-valued neutrosophic-CRITIC-MULTIMOORA framework. Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107657.
Rapp, A. A., Petersen, J. A., Hughes, D. E., & Ogilvie, J. L. (2020). When time is sales: the impact of sales manager time allocation decisions on sales team performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 40(2), 132-148.
Rich, G. A. (1997). The sales manager as a role model: Effects on trust, job satisfaction, and performance of salespeople. Journal of the Academy of marketing science, 25(4), 319-328.
Sbastian, F., Ridwan, A. Y., & Novitasari, N. (2021, November). Implementation of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Fuzzy Neutrosophic TOPSIS-CRITIC in Determining Sustainability Aspects of the Location of IoT Based Products Warehouse. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE) (Vol. 1, 1-8). IEEE.
Siksnelyte, I., Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). Implementation of EU energy policy priorities in the Baltic Sea Region countries: Sustainability assessment based on neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. Energy Policy, 125, 90-102.
Simic, V., Gokasar, I., Deveci, M., & Karakurt, A. (2022). An integrated CRITIC and MABAC based type-2 neutrosophic model for public transportation pricing system selection. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 80, 101157
Thakre, T. A., Chaudhari, O. K., & Dhawade, N. R. (2017). Recruitment of personnel in a bank using AHP-FLP model. Advances in Modelling and Analysis A, 54(3), 407-423.
Urosevic, S., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An Approach to Personnel Selection in the Tourism Industry Based on the SWARA and the WASPAS Methods. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies And Research, 51(1), 75-88.
Wan, S. P., Wang, Q. Y., & Dong, J. Y. (2013). The extended VIKOR method for multi-attribute group decision making with triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Knowledge-Based Systems, 52, 65-77.
Wang, H., Smarandache, F., Zhang, Y., & Sunderraman, R. (2010). Single valued neutrosophic sets. Infinite study.
Wu, W. W., & Lee, Y. T. (2007). Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Expert systems with applications, 32(2), 499-507.
Wu, X., Liao, H., Xu, Z., Hafezalkotob, A., & Herrera, F. (2018). Probabilistic linguistic MULTIMOORA: A multicriteria decision making method based on the probabilistic linguistic expectation function and the improved Borda rule. IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(6), 3688-3702.
Yazdani, M., Torkayesh, A. E., Stević, Ž., Chatterjee, P., Ahari, S. A., & Hernandez, V. D. (2021). An interval valued neutrosophic decision-making structure for sustainable supplier selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 183, 115354.
Ye, J. (2014). Clustering methods using distance-based similarity measures of single-valued neutrosophic sets. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 23(4), 379-389.
Yörükoğlu, M., & Aydin, S. (2019). Evaluation of space debris mitigation measures by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. In 2019 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST) (681-687). IEEE.
Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., Juodagalviene, B., & Garnyte-Sapranaviciene, I. (2017). Model for residential house element and material selection by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 64, 315-324.
Zavadskas, E. K., Čereška, A., Matijošius, J., Rimkus, A., & Bausys, R. (2019). Internal combustion engine analysis of energy ecological parameters by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA and SWARA methods. Energies, 12(8), 1415.
Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., Lescauskiene, I., & Usovaite, A. (2020). MULTIMOORA under interval-valued neutrosophic sets as the basis for the quantitative heuristic evaluation methodology HEBIN. Mathematics, 9(1), 66.
Zolfani, S. H., Rezaeiniya, N., Aghdaie, M. H., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2012). Quality control manager selection based on AHP-COPRAS-G methods: a case in Iran. Economic research-Ekonomskaistraživanja, 25(1), 72-86.
İş dünyasında başarı, tutarlı ileriye dönük etkileşimlerde stratejik planlar oluşturabilen liderler gerektirmektedir. Şirketler, uzun vadeli, interaktif, gerçekçi stratejik planlar oluşturabilen ve çalışanlarının bu planlar doğrultusunda hareket etmelerini sağlayan bu kişilerin seçimine özen göstermelidir. Çünkü bu kararlar şirketlerin performansını ve hissedarların güvenini etkilemektedir. Yapılması gereken en önemli personel seçimlerinden biri de satış müdürüdür. Bu nedenle yedek parça firmalarının bu pozisyon için en iyi personeli seçmesi gerekmektedir. Literatürde, yönetim seçimi zorluğunu çözmek için çok kriterli karar verme (MCDM) metodolojileri kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir satış yöneticisi için gereksinimleri belirlemek ve bunları uygulamak için MCDM metodolojilerini kullanmaktır. Kapsamlı literatür çalışması kullanılarak sekiz kriter oluşturulmuştur. Kriterler, tek değerli nötrozofik set (SVNS-CRITIC) yöntemine dayalı kriterler arası korelasyon yoluyla kriter önemine göre ağılıklandırılmıştır. Alternatifler ise tek değerli nötrozofik kümeler (SVNS-MULTIMOORA) yöntemine dayalı oran analizi ile çok amaçlı optimizasyon ile sıralanmıştır. Uygulamanın hedefi bir Türk otomobil yedek parça firmasıdır. Çalışmanın bulguları, iletişim becerilerinin en önemli faktör olduğunu ve ilk başvuranın en iyi yönetici adayı olarak görüldüğünü ortaya koymuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına dayalı olarak otomobil yedek parça firmaları, satış yöneticisi adayları ve araştırmacılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Abdel-Basset, M., & Mohamed, R. (2020). A novel plithogenic TOPSIS-CRITIC model for sustainable supply chain risk management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, 119586.
Adalı, E. A., Öztaş, T., Özçil, A., Öztaş, G. Z., & Tuş, A. (2022). A New Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method Under Neutrosophic Environment: ARAS Method with Single-Valued Neutrosophic Numbers. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 1-31.
Akça, N., Sönmez, S., Gür, Ş., Yilmaz, A., & Eren, T. (2018). Kamu Hastanelerinde Analitik Ağ Süreci Yöntemi ile Finans Yöneticisi Seçimi. Optimum: Journal of Economics & Management Sciences/Ekonomi ve Yönetim BilimleriDergisi, 5(2), 133-146.
Aydin, S., & Yörükoğlu, M. (2018). Ground handling services firm evaluation based on neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. In Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support: Proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference, 1050-1057.
Baidya, J., Garg, H., Saha, A., Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., & Dutta, D. (2021). Selection of third party reverses logistic providers: An approach of BCF-CRITIC-MULTIMOORA using Archimedean power aggregation operators. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7(5), 2503-2530.
Baležentis, T., & Zeng, S. (2013). Group multi-criteria decision making based upon interval-valued fuzzy numbers: an extension of the MULTIMOORA method. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(2), 543-550.
Boichuk, J. P., Bommaraju, R., Ahearne, M., Kraus, F., &Steenburgh, T. J. (2019). Managing laggards: The importance of a deep sales bench. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 652-665.
Bonissone, P. P., Subbu, R., & Lizzi, J. (2009). Multicriteria decision making (MCDM): a framework for research and applications. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 4(3), 48-61.
Boran, F. E., Genç, S., & Akay, D. (2011). Personnel selection based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 21(5), 493-503.
Brauers, W. K. M., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2010). Project management by MULTIMOORA as an instrument for transition economies. Technological and economic development of economy, 16(1), 5-24.
Butkiewicz, B. S. (2002). Selection of staff for enterprise using fuzzy logic. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Vol. 4, 3). IEEE.
Cetin, E. I., & Icigen, E. T. (2017). Personnel selection based on step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis and multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis methods. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 11(11), 2718-2722.
Chen, C. T., Hwang, Y. C., & Hung, W. Z. (2009). Applying multiple linguistic PROMETHEE method for personnel evaluation and selection. In 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,1312-1316. IEEE.
Haq, R. S. U., Saeed, M., Mateen, N., Siddiqui, F., Naqvi, M., Yi, J. B., & Ahmed, S. (2022). Sustainable material selection with crisp and ambiguous data using single-valued neutrosophic-MEREC-MARCOS framework. Applied Soft Computing, 128, 109546.
Ji, P., Zhang, H. Y., & Wang, J. Q. (2018). A projection-based TODIM method under multi-valued neutrosophic environments and its application in personnel selection. Neural Computing and Applications, 29(1), 221-234.
Kara, K. (2022). Logistics operations manager selection with F-DEMATEL and F-RAFSI methods. In E. Burak and A.T. Küçükyiğit (Eds.) Management Studies in Social Sciences, 53-81.
Kara, K., Edinsel, S., & Yalçın, G. C. (2022). Human resources manager selection based on fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy numbers for logistics companies. Mersin Üniversitesi Denizcilik ve Lojistik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 254-286.
Kara, K., Yalçın, G. C., & Edinsel, S. (2023a) Warehouse Manager Selection by CRITIC-MULTIMOORA Hybrid Method based on Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets. Journal of Maritime Transport and Logistics, 4(1), 48-64.
Kara, K., Edinsel, S., & Yalçın, G. C. (2023b). Hybrid Approach to Supply Chain Project Manager Selection Problem. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 46, 98-108.
Karamaşa, Ç., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., Kookhdan, A., Mishra, A., & Erturk, M. (2021). An extended single-valued neutrosophic AHP and MULTIMOORA method to evaluate the optimal training aircraft for flight training organizations. Facta Universitatis-Series Mechanical Engineering, 19(3), 555-578.
Kaygin, C. Y., Tazegül, A., & Yazarkan, H. (2016). İşletmelerin Finansal Başarılı ve Başarısız Olma Durumlarının Veri Madenciliği ve Lojistik Regresyon Analizi İle Tahmin Edilebilirliği. Ege Academic Review, 16(1), 147-159.
Kelemenis, A., & Askounis, D. (2010). A new TOPSIS-based multi-criteria approach to personnel selection. Expert systems with applications, 37(7), 4999-5008.
Kelemenis, A., Ergazakis, K., & Askounis, D. (2011). Support managers’ selection using an extension of fuzzy TOPSIS. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(3), 2774-2782.
Kelwig D. (2021). What does a sales manager do? The ultimate career guides. )
Lipiec, J. (2001). Human resources management perspective at the turn of the century. Public Personnel Management, 30(2), 137-146.
Merkepçi, H., Merkepçi, M., & Baransel, C. (2021). A multi–criteria decision–making framework based on neutrosophicevamix with critic approach for drone selection problem. Biology and Life Sciences, 2(2), 234-239.
Mishra, A. R., Rani, P., & Bharti, S. (2021). Assessment of agriculture crop selection using Pythagorean fuzzy CRITIC–VIKOR decision-making framework. In Pythagorean fuzzy sets (pp. 167-191). Springer, Singapore.
Mumcu, A., & Gök, M. (2021). Application of fuzzy ahp and topsis methods for manager selection. SosyalBilimlerAraştırmalarıDergisi, 16(2), 270-280.
Özbek, A. (2014). Yöneticilerin çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi ile belirlenmesi. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 12(24), 209-225.
Patel S. (2021). Sales Manager: Main Responsibilities, Skills and Challenges.
Peng, X., Dai, J., & Smarandache, F. (2022). Research on the assessment of project-driven immersion teaching in extreme programming with neutrosophic linguistic information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 14,873-888.
Rani, P., Mishra, A. R., Krishankumar, R., Ravichandran, K. S., & Kar, S. (2021). Multi-criteria food waste treatment method selection using single-valued neutrosophic-CRITIC-MULTIMOORA framework. Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107657.
Rapp, A. A., Petersen, J. A., Hughes, D. E., & Ogilvie, J. L. (2020). When time is sales: the impact of sales manager time allocation decisions on sales team performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 40(2), 132-148.
Rich, G. A. (1997). The sales manager as a role model: Effects on trust, job satisfaction, and performance of salespeople. Journal of the Academy of marketing science, 25(4), 319-328.
Sbastian, F., Ridwan, A. Y., & Novitasari, N. (2021, November). Implementation of Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Fuzzy Neutrosophic TOPSIS-CRITIC in Determining Sustainability Aspects of the Location of IoT Based Products Warehouse. International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (IC2SE) (Vol. 1, 1-8). IEEE.
Siksnelyte, I., Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). Implementation of EU energy policy priorities in the Baltic Sea Region countries: Sustainability assessment based on neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. Energy Policy, 125, 90-102.
Simic, V., Gokasar, I., Deveci, M., & Karakurt, A. (2022). An integrated CRITIC and MABAC based type-2 neutrosophic model for public transportation pricing system selection. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 80, 101157
Thakre, T. A., Chaudhari, O. K., & Dhawade, N. R. (2017). Recruitment of personnel in a bank using AHP-FLP model. Advances in Modelling and Analysis A, 54(3), 407-423.
Urosevic, S., Karabasevic, D., Stanujkic, D., & Maksimovic, M. (2017). An Approach to Personnel Selection in the Tourism Industry Based on the SWARA and the WASPAS Methods. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies And Research, 51(1), 75-88.
Wan, S. P., Wang, Q. Y., & Dong, J. Y. (2013). The extended VIKOR method for multi-attribute group decision making with triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Knowledge-Based Systems, 52, 65-77.
Wang, H., Smarandache, F., Zhang, Y., & Sunderraman, R. (2010). Single valued neutrosophic sets. Infinite study.
Wu, W. W., & Lee, Y. T. (2007). Developing global managers’ competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Expert systems with applications, 32(2), 499-507.
Wu, X., Liao, H., Xu, Z., Hafezalkotob, A., & Herrera, F. (2018). Probabilistic linguistic MULTIMOORA: A multicriteria decision making method based on the probabilistic linguistic expectation function and the improved Borda rule. IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(6), 3688-3702.
Yazdani, M., Torkayesh, A. E., Stević, Ž., Chatterjee, P., Ahari, S. A., & Hernandez, V. D. (2021). An interval valued neutrosophic decision-making structure for sustainable supplier selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 183, 115354.
Ye, J. (2014). Clustering methods using distance-based similarity measures of single-valued neutrosophic sets. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 23(4), 379-389.
Yörükoğlu, M., & Aydin, S. (2019). Evaluation of space debris mitigation measures by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. In 2019 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST) (681-687). IEEE.
Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., Juodagalviene, B., & Garnyte-Sapranaviciene, I. (2017). Model for residential house element and material selection by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA method. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 64, 315-324.
Zavadskas, E. K., Čereška, A., Matijošius, J., Rimkus, A., & Bausys, R. (2019). Internal combustion engine analysis of energy ecological parameters by neutrosophic MULTIMOORA and SWARA methods. Energies, 12(8), 1415.
Zavadskas, E. K., Bausys, R., Lescauskiene, I., & Usovaite, A. (2020). MULTIMOORA under interval-valued neutrosophic sets as the basis for the quantitative heuristic evaluation methodology HEBIN. Mathematics, 9(1), 66.
Zolfani, S. H., Rezaeiniya, N., Aghdaie, M. H., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2012). Quality control manager selection based on AHP-COPRAS-G methods: a case in Iran. Economic research-Ekonomskaistraživanja, 25(1), 72-86.
Edinsel, S. (2023). SALES MANAGER SELECTION WITH MULTI CRITERIA DECISION MAKING METHODS. Giresun Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 9(1), 210-228.