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[14] Meyer , JR and Gomez - Ibanez L. K. , Autos , Transit, and Cities,. Harvard University Press , Cambridge, USA , (1981).
[15] Internet: Glen , W. , Ben- Akiva , M. and Lerman , S.,- Trade-offs in Residential Location Decisions : Transportation versus Other Factors 18 , 1980,http:www.edrgroup.com/ pages / pdf /Trade¬offs.pdf (Accessed on 05.09.2018).
[16] Sinclair, R., "Von Thünen and Urban Sprawl l , Annals of the Association of American Geographers , Skin XLVII, 72-87, 1967. Mills , E. S. , Studies in the Structure of The Urban Economy , Resources for the Future , Washington DC, USA, (1972).
[17] Boyce , D. , Allen , B., Mudge , R., Stater , P. and Isserman , A., The Impact of Rapid Transit on Suburban Residential Property Values Analysis of the Development and Land Philadelphia High Speed Line , Regional science Department , University of Pennsylvania, NTIS no . PB 220 693, (1972).
[18] Dornbusch, D., "Induced BART- Changes in Property Values and Rents . Land Use and Urban Development Project, Phase 1 BART Urban , Working Papers WP 21-5-76, US Department of Transportation and US Housing and Urban Development, (1976).
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[20] Mayo, S. , Local Public Goods and Residential Location : An Empirical Test of the Tiebout Hypothesis , Resources for the Future , Washington DC, (1973).
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Housing ownership and housing acquisition
trend varies within different purposes in different parts of the city. In terms
of income level and accessibility, housing mobility is oriented differently,
taking into account personal and household issues. Within the scope of the survey,
the statistics obtained from the questionnaires applied to 454 householders
with different social levels from different regions of the city of Kayseri
reveal whether or not these three variables have an effect on each other. In
addition, in Kayseri, it’s examined in which aspects of people living in
different neighborhoods lead housing choices in terms of transportation and accessibility.
[1] Gülhan, G. , Ceylan, H., and Oral, Y., Using Accessibility and Land Use Models in Determining Transportation Demand , 10. Transportation Congress, İMO, İzmir, 26-29. (2013).
[2] Spiekermann, K. , and Wegener, M. Accessibility and spatial development in Europe. Scienza Regionali, 5 (2), 15-46. (2006).
[3] Eceral, T. , and Uğurlar, A. Factors Affecting Household Housing Mobility: Ankara Case. Planning Journal, 27 (3), 347-361. (2017).
[4] De Groot , C. , Mulder , CH, Das , M., & Manting , D. Life events and the GAP between the intention to move and actual mobility. Environment and planning A, 43 (1), 48-66. (2011).
[5] Kocaturk, F. , and Bölen, F., Location of residential area in Kayseri and household mobility. Quaternization / a, 4 (2). (2010).
[6] Özcan, F.K., A Theoretical Investigation on Housing Choice and Household Mobility. Erciyes University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 1 (21), 73-95. (2006).
[7] Wetzel , J.N., Schools and Housing Values : Comment . Land Economics , 59 (1), 131-134. (1983).
[8] Salihoglu, T., Place Selection in Residential Areas, Urban Planning: Encyclopedic Dictionary, Compiled by: Melih Ersoy, Ninova Publications, Istanbul, (2012).
[9] Internet:Wegener , M ., : Land- Use Transport Interaction : State of the Art: What Can We Learn More from North America ? .09 , 2003, http: www.feweb.vu.nl/ re /STELLA / General / Genesis /MichaelWegener.doc (Accessed on 10.09.2018).
[10] Alonso , W. , Location and Land Use , Harvard University Press , Cambridge, USA, (1964).
[11] Sullivan , A. , Urban Economics , 3d ed., Irwin , Chicago, USA, (1996).
[12] Dicken , P. and Lloyd, PE Location in Sapce : Theoritical Perspectives in Economic Geography , 3rd edition , Harper Collins Publishers , New York, (1990).
[13] Waddell, Pa., "Exogenous Workplace Choice in Residential Location Models : Is the Assumption Valid ?-, Geographic Analysis, Vol. 25, 65-84, (1993).
[14] Meyer , JR and Gomez - Ibanez L. K. , Autos , Transit, and Cities,. Harvard University Press , Cambridge, USA , (1981).
[15] Internet: Glen , W. , Ben- Akiva , M. and Lerman , S.,- Trade-offs in Residential Location Decisions : Transportation versus Other Factors 18 , 1980,http:www.edrgroup.com/ pages / pdf /Trade¬offs.pdf (Accessed on 05.09.2018).
[16] Sinclair, R., "Von Thünen and Urban Sprawl l , Annals of the Association of American Geographers , Skin XLVII, 72-87, 1967. Mills , E. S. , Studies in the Structure of The Urban Economy , Resources for the Future , Washington DC, USA, (1972).
[17] Boyce , D. , Allen , B., Mudge , R., Stater , P. and Isserman , A., The Impact of Rapid Transit on Suburban Residential Property Values Analysis of the Development and Land Philadelphia High Speed Line , Regional science Department , University of Pennsylvania, NTIS no . PB 220 693, (1972).
[18] Dornbusch, D., "Induced BART- Changes in Property Values and Rents . Land Use and Urban Development Project, Phase 1 BART Urban , Working Papers WP 21-5-76, US Department of Transportation and US Housing and Urban Development, (1976).
[19] Lerman S, et al ., the Effect of the Washington Metro on Urban Property Values , CS Report no . 77-18, Center for Transportation Studies , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, (1977).
[20] Mayo, S. , Local Public Goods and Residential Location : An Empirical Test of the Tiebout Hypothesis , Resources for the Future , Washington DC, (1973).
[21] Friedman, J. , Housing Location and the Supply of Local Public Services, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, (1975).
[22] Lerman, S., "A Disaggregat to Behavioral Model of Urban Mobility Decisions ”, Center for Transportation Studies , Report No. 75-5, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, (1975).
[23] Pollakows that, M., "A Conditional Logit Model of Residential Choice ”, Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society , (1975).
Ulvi, H. (2019). ANALYSIS OF HOUSING OWNERSHIP AND HOUSING TENDENCIES IN THE CONTEXT OF REVENUE AND ACCESSIBILITY: THE CASE OF KAYSERI CITY. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 7(2), 329-338.