Göynük, one of the most important examples of Turkish settlement and culture of life in Anatolia, appears to be a much less distorted Ottoman town considering its current situation. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial structure, its relationship with the streets as the public space, and the facade layout of the traditional houses that managed to survive in Göynük and that are seen as values to be protected. The parameters that determine street and facade layout in traditional Göynük houses were analyzed in the study, and suggestions were put forward to protect Göynük houses seen as the concrete values that should be passed on to future generations.
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Çevik, S. and Özen, H., “The Analysis of the Case of Private Public Space in Terms of Traditional and International 7th Construction and Life Exhibition Congress, The Chamber of Architects Bursa Branch Publications, Bursa (1995) Environments,
Norberg-Schulz, C., Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, Rizzoli, New York, (1980).
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