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Proposal for a Product Classification Strategy for the AI-Assisted Generative Design Approach in Industrial Design Process

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 735 - 753, 29.12.2024


There are numerous product types where the design processes surpass the product lifespan. This circumstance increasingly emphasizes the significance of time management in design processes over time. The generative design approach stands out compared to traditional design processes by generating alternative forms in a shorter timeframe. In the field of industrial design, the utilization of generative design is relatively recent compared to areas like architecture and computer technologies. The integration of AI-supported generative design algorithms into CAD software has eliminated barriers requiring software and programming knowledge, rendering generative design more feasible for designers. While there are numerous studies in the literature on topics such as generative design systems, the advantages provided by generative systems and their application areas, shortcoming have been observed in research evaluating the feasibility of generative design according to products. This study aims to propose a product classification strategy for the generative design approach in industrial design processes. Within the scope of the study, form classes, structural types in product design and example products created with generative design were examined through the working system of Fusion 360 Generative Design and a product classification strategy for the generative design approach has been suggested. A pilot study was conducted to test the proposed classification strategy within the scope of the study. Trials for form creation were conducted with two expert designers in three categories. Feedback was collected through interview and observation notes. The experts have expressed the view that the proposed classification is consistent with the working system of generative design and the concept of usability.


  • [1] Ulrich, K., Eppinger, S. ve Yang, M.C. (2019). Product Design and Development. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill.
  • [2] Hong, M. K., Hakimi, S., Chen,Y.Y., Toyoda, H., Wu, C., Klenk, M.(2023). Generative AI for Product Design: Getting the Right Design and the Design Right. In CHI ’23: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
  • [3] Schlattmann, J., Seibel, A. (2021). Introduction to Product Development. In: Structure and Organization of Product Development Projects (1-10). Springer.
  • [4] Saadi, J. I., and Yang, M. C. (2023). Generative Design: Reframing the Role of the Designer in Early-Stage Design Process. ASME. J. Mech. Des. 145(4): 041411.
  • [5] Lobos, A., (2019). Applying generative systems to product design. In In Soddu, C., Colabella, E. (Eds.) XXII Generative Art Conference, 19-20 December, Rome, Italy.
  • [6] Shi, Y., Gao, T., Jiao, X., & Cao, N. (2023). Understanding design collaboration between designers and artificial intelligence: a systematic literature review. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), 1-35.
  • [7] Marion, T.J., Moghaddam, M., Ciuccarelli, P. And Wang, L. (2023). AI for User-Centered New Product Development—From Large-Scale Need Elicitation To Generative Design, The PDMA Handbook of Innovation and New Product Development. Fourth Edition. Edited by Ludwig Bstieler and Charles H. Noble.
  • [8] Cautela, C., Mortati, M., Dell’Era, C., and Gastaldi, L. (2019). The impact of artificial intelligence on design thinking practice: insights from the ecosystem of startups. Strategic Design Research Journal. 12 (1): 114–134.
  • [9] Fischer, T., Herr, C.M. (2001). Teaching generative design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Generative Art.
  • [10] Shea, K., Aish, R., and Gourtovaia, M. (2005). Towards Integrated Performance-Driven Generative Design Tools, Automation in Construction, 14(2), pp. 253–264.
  • [11] URL-1 Autodesk Generative Design. Last Accessed: 28.03.2024
  • [12] Emel Gökay, G., Taşkın, Ç. (2002). Genetik Algoritmalar ve Uygulama Alanları. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 129 - 152.
  • [13] Akbulut, D. (2008). Evrimsel Tasarım Yöntemi ve Yaratıcılığın Süreç İçerisindeki Yeri. Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 1(2).
  • [14] Singh, V., & Gu, N. (2012). Towards an integrated generative design framework. Design Studies, 33, 185-207.
  • [15] Güzelci, O.Z. (2018). Bütünleşik Üretken Tasarım Sistemi ile MVRDV Silodam Projesi için Cephe Üretken Sistem Önerisi, VII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu.
  • [16] URL-2 Philippe Starck, Kartell and Autodesk unveil "world's first production chair designed with artificial intelligence. Last Accessed:30.08.2024
  • [17] Briard T, Segonds F. and Zamariola N. (2020). G-DfAM: a methodological proposal of generative design for additive manufacturing in the automotive industry [J]. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 14(3):875–886.
  • [18] URL-3 How GM and Autodesk are using generative design for vehicles of the future.,where%20seat%20belts%20are%20fastened. Last Accessed:30.08.2024
  • [19] Horváth, I. (2004). A treatise on order in Engineering Design Research. Research in Engineering Design, 15, 155-181.
  • [20] Ullman, D. G. (2010). The Mechanical Design Process. 4 red. New York: McGraw-Hill companies.
  • [21] Saadi, J., Yang, M. (2023). Observations on the Implications of Generative Design Tools on Design Process and Designer Behaviour, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), 3, 2805–2814. Bordeaux, France.
  • [22] Alcaide-Marzal, J., Diego-Mas, J.A. and Acosta-Zazueta, G. (2020). A 3D Shape Generative Method for Aesthetic Product Design, Design Studies, Vol. 66, pp. 144–176.
  • [23] Kim, K.M., Lee, K.P. (2010). Two Types of Design Approaches Regarding Industrial Design and Engineering Design in Product Design.
  • [24] URL-4 Definition of Industrial Design. Last Accessed: 23.03.2024
  • [25] Uusitalo, S., Salovaara, A., Jokela, T. And Salmimaa, M. (2024). Clay to Play With”: Generative AI Tools in UX and Industrial Design Practice. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24). IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • [26] URL-5 Generative Design and AI.,building%20performance%2C%20and%20environmental%20impact. Last Accessed: 21.03.2024.
  • [27] Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., & Opresnik, M.O. (2018). Principles of Marketing. 17th Global Edition.Pearson.
  • [28] Schey, J. (2000). Introduction to Manufacturing Processes. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • [29] Ashby, M., Johnson, K. (2005). Material Selection in Mechanical Design. Cambridge University Press. 3, 30.
  • [30] Agudelo, L.M.; Nadeau, J.P.; Pailhes, J.; Mejía-Gutiérrez, R. A. (2017). Taxonomy for Product Shape Analysis to Integrate in Early Environmental Impact Estimations. Int. J. Interact. Des. Manuf. 2017,11, 397–413.
  • [31] Ertaş, D.G., & Bayazıt, N. (2009). Endüstri ürünleri tasarımında strüktür. İtüdergisi/a mimarlık, planlama, tasarım. Cilt:8, Sayı:1, 90-102
  • [32] Singh, V., & Gu, N. (2012). Towards an Integrated Generative Design Framework. Design Studies, 33, 185-207.
  • [33] Krish, S. (2011). A practical Generative Design Method. Computer Aided Design, 43, 88-100.
  • [34] Zimmermann, L., Chen, T., & Shea, K. (2017). Generative Shape Design Using 3D Spatial Grammars, Simulation and Optimization.
  • [35] Peckham, O., Elverum, C. W., Hicks, B., Goudswaard, M., Snider, C., Steinert, M., & Eikevåg, S. W. (2024). Investigating and Characterizing the Systemic Variability When Using Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing. Applied Sciences, 14(11), 4750.

Endüstriyel Tasarım Sürecinde Yapay Zeka Destekli Üretken Tasarım Yaklaşımı için Ürün Sınıflandırma Stratejisi Önerisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4, 735 - 753, 29.12.2024


Tasarım süreçlerinin ürün ömrünü aştığı çok sayıda ürün türü vardır. Bu durum, tasarım süreçlerinde zaman yönetiminin önemini zaman içinde daha fazla artırmıştır. Üretken tasarım yaklaşımı, geleneksel tasarım süreçlerine kıyasla daha kısa bir zaman diliminde alternatif formlar üretmesiyle ön plana çıkmaktadır. Üretken tasarımın kullanımı mimarlık ve bilgisayar teknolojileri gibi alanlara kıyasla endüstriyel tasarım alanında nispeten yenidir. Yapay zeka destekli üretken tasarım algoritmalarının CAD yazılımına entegre edilmesi, yazılım ve programlama bilgisi gerektiren engelleri ortadan kaldırarak, üretken tasarımı tasarımcılar için daha uygulanabilir hale getirmiştir. Üretken tasarım sistemleri, üretken sistemlerin sağladığı avantajlar ve uygulama alanları gibi konularda literatürde çok sayıda çalışma olmasına rağmen, ürünlere göre üretken tasarımın uygulanabilirliğini değerlendiren araştırmalarda eksiklikler gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, endüstriyel tasarım süreçlerinde üretken tasarım yaklaşımı için bir ürün sınıflandırma stratejisi önermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında, Fusion 360 Generative Design'ın çalışma sistemi üzerinden ürün tasarımında form sınıfları, strüktür türleri ve üretken tasarımla oluşturulan örnek ürünler incelenmiş ve üretken tasarım yaklaşımı için bir ürün sınıflandırma stratejisi önerilmiştir. Önerilen sınıflandırma stratejisini test etmek için bir pilot çalışma yürütülmüştür. Form oluşturma denemeleri üç kategoride iki uzman tasarımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Geri bildirimler görüşme ve gözlem notları aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Uzmanlar, önerilen sınıflandırmanın üretken tasarımın çalışma sistemi ve kullanılabilirlik kavramıyla tutarlı olduğu görüşünü dile getirmişlerdir.


  • [1] Ulrich, K., Eppinger, S. ve Yang, M.C. (2019). Product Design and Development. 7th Edition. McGraw Hill.
  • [2] Hong, M. K., Hakimi, S., Chen,Y.Y., Toyoda, H., Wu, C., Klenk, M.(2023). Generative AI for Product Design: Getting the Right Design and the Design Right. In CHI ’23: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
  • [3] Schlattmann, J., Seibel, A. (2021). Introduction to Product Development. In: Structure and Organization of Product Development Projects (1-10). Springer.
  • [4] Saadi, J. I., and Yang, M. C. (2023). Generative Design: Reframing the Role of the Designer in Early-Stage Design Process. ASME. J. Mech. Des. 145(4): 041411.
  • [5] Lobos, A., (2019). Applying generative systems to product design. In In Soddu, C., Colabella, E. (Eds.) XXII Generative Art Conference, 19-20 December, Rome, Italy.
  • [6] Shi, Y., Gao, T., Jiao, X., & Cao, N. (2023). Understanding design collaboration between designers and artificial intelligence: a systematic literature review. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW2), 1-35.
  • [7] Marion, T.J., Moghaddam, M., Ciuccarelli, P. And Wang, L. (2023). AI for User-Centered New Product Development—From Large-Scale Need Elicitation To Generative Design, The PDMA Handbook of Innovation and New Product Development. Fourth Edition. Edited by Ludwig Bstieler and Charles H. Noble.
  • [8] Cautela, C., Mortati, M., Dell’Era, C., and Gastaldi, L. (2019). The impact of artificial intelligence on design thinking practice: insights from the ecosystem of startups. Strategic Design Research Journal. 12 (1): 114–134.
  • [9] Fischer, T., Herr, C.M. (2001). Teaching generative design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Generative Art.
  • [10] Shea, K., Aish, R., and Gourtovaia, M. (2005). Towards Integrated Performance-Driven Generative Design Tools, Automation in Construction, 14(2), pp. 253–264.
  • [11] URL-1 Autodesk Generative Design. Last Accessed: 28.03.2024
  • [12] Emel Gökay, G., Taşkın, Ç. (2002). Genetik Algoritmalar ve Uygulama Alanları. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 129 - 152.
  • [13] Akbulut, D. (2008). Evrimsel Tasarım Yöntemi ve Yaratıcılığın Süreç İçerisindeki Yeri. Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 1(2).
  • [14] Singh, V., & Gu, N. (2012). Towards an integrated generative design framework. Design Studies, 33, 185-207.
  • [15] Güzelci, O.Z. (2018). Bütünleşik Üretken Tasarım Sistemi ile MVRDV Silodam Projesi için Cephe Üretken Sistem Önerisi, VII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Ulusal Sempozyumu.
  • [16] URL-2 Philippe Starck, Kartell and Autodesk unveil "world's first production chair designed with artificial intelligence. Last Accessed:30.08.2024
  • [17] Briard T, Segonds F. and Zamariola N. (2020). G-DfAM: a methodological proposal of generative design for additive manufacturing in the automotive industry [J]. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 14(3):875–886.
  • [18] URL-3 How GM and Autodesk are using generative design for vehicles of the future.,where%20seat%20belts%20are%20fastened. Last Accessed:30.08.2024
  • [19] Horváth, I. (2004). A treatise on order in Engineering Design Research. Research in Engineering Design, 15, 155-181.
  • [20] Ullman, D. G. (2010). The Mechanical Design Process. 4 red. New York: McGraw-Hill companies.
  • [21] Saadi, J., Yang, M. (2023). Observations on the Implications of Generative Design Tools on Design Process and Designer Behaviour, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED23), 3, 2805–2814. Bordeaux, France.
  • [22] Alcaide-Marzal, J., Diego-Mas, J.A. and Acosta-Zazueta, G. (2020). A 3D Shape Generative Method for Aesthetic Product Design, Design Studies, Vol. 66, pp. 144–176.
  • [23] Kim, K.M., Lee, K.P. (2010). Two Types of Design Approaches Regarding Industrial Design and Engineering Design in Product Design.
  • [24] URL-4 Definition of Industrial Design. Last Accessed: 23.03.2024
  • [25] Uusitalo, S., Salovaara, A., Jokela, T. And Salmimaa, M. (2024). Clay to Play With”: Generative AI Tools in UX and Industrial Design Practice. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’24). IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • [26] URL-5 Generative Design and AI.,building%20performance%2C%20and%20environmental%20impact. Last Accessed: 21.03.2024.
  • [27] Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., & Opresnik, M.O. (2018). Principles of Marketing. 17th Global Edition.Pearson.
  • [28] Schey, J. (2000). Introduction to Manufacturing Processes. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • [29] Ashby, M., Johnson, K. (2005). Material Selection in Mechanical Design. Cambridge University Press. 3, 30.
  • [30] Agudelo, L.M.; Nadeau, J.P.; Pailhes, J.; Mejía-Gutiérrez, R. A. (2017). Taxonomy for Product Shape Analysis to Integrate in Early Environmental Impact Estimations. Int. J. Interact. Des. Manuf. 2017,11, 397–413.
  • [31] Ertaş, D.G., & Bayazıt, N. (2009). Endüstri ürünleri tasarımında strüktür. İtüdergisi/a mimarlık, planlama, tasarım. Cilt:8, Sayı:1, 90-102
  • [32] Singh, V., & Gu, N. (2012). Towards an Integrated Generative Design Framework. Design Studies, 33, 185-207.
  • [33] Krish, S. (2011). A practical Generative Design Method. Computer Aided Design, 43, 88-100.
  • [34] Zimmermann, L., Chen, T., & Shea, K. (2017). Generative Shape Design Using 3D Spatial Grammars, Simulation and Optimization.
  • [35] Peckham, O., Elverum, C. W., Hicks, B., Goudswaard, M., Snider, C., Steinert, M., & Eikevåg, S. W. (2024). Investigating and Characterizing the Systemic Variability When Using Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing. Applied Sciences, 14(11), 4750.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Endüstriyel Ürün Tasarımı
Bölüm Endüstriyel Tasarım

Saygın Yücekule 0000-0003-3164-7424

H. Güçlü Yavuzcan 0000-0001-8560-7845

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yücekule, S., & Yavuzcan, H. G. (2024). Proposal for a Product Classification Strategy for the AI-Assisted Generative Design Approach in Industrial Design Process. Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, 12(4), 735-753.